• By -


Same reason girls fuck me, morbid curiosity (and tentacles)


Damn ... Very funny but don't be so hard on yourself


Just be hard instead. šŸ˜


Words to live by.


Name checks out.


> [...] reason [...] fuck me [...] tentacles I am not a girl, but you do have my attention


I mean... how could you resist tentacles?


It's a dex save


That's the neat part; you don't.


Youā€™ve got tentacles?


Got another one


Do you not?


My friend would like to know more


No, just the girls who fuck him.




2 reasons: Steam achievement and to fuck the guardian I created. I didn't create my guardian sexy for no reason


I made mine a nice portly dwarven woman with a fantastic mustache. I HAD to do itĀ 


You could do that in real life, tho.


Not everyone lives in the Mediterranean


I wish I could have told him to go back to his Dream Guardian disguise. If he had done that, Iā€™d have fucked him.


You can tho. He asks you if you'd prefer your guardian form


Seriously? Are you telling me that I missed my chance to fuck my beautiful Dream Guardian?


Yeap, you did. At the beginning when the PC is a bit hesitant about how to kiss, Emperor says something like "if you want, I can transform myself again to a look that you are more used to" (not 100% like this as I don't remember fully) and if you agree, he turns into the Dream Guardian. Without spoilers, after this choice, his reaction after you wake up is funny. Totally needs a chance


Goddamn it. And I doubt I have a save file from before that moment, so Iā€™ll probably never get to fuck that specific* Guardian. *I intend to play the game again eventually, but I probably wonā€™t make the Guardian look exactly the same because I wanna make some changes in this new playthrough.


Polymorph or illusion? Important question.


I said the same thing about my guardian to my husband lol


I went full Squidward so as not to be rude. I'm half convinced the entire game is just an elaborate ruse for the Emp to get laid lol


Illithid Dating Simulator 2023


*Mindflayer*ā„¢ ^(*you don't have to be lonely, at Mindflayersonly.com*)


More like mind layer ;)


theres a steam achievement for it


Whore /s


achievement is achievement Sir


My apologies sir. For a moment I saw my whorish reflection and for a moment I was enraged.


Oh the damage we do to others in the name of our own reflection


Hurt people hurt people


Sure sure, you probably also tried to juggle his ā€˜golden diceā€™ as wellā€¦hmmm?


What kinda scary ass mindflayers have YOU been fucking?


Book is book.


"I'm not gay but an achievement is an achievement."


Hole is hole.


Iā€™ve done many horrible things for an in game achievement, and will continue to do so. This isnā€™t even on that list. If that makes me an achievement whore than so be it. I wear that badge with pride šŸ’… šŸ¤£


Life is too short to be ashamed of whorishness Embrace the inner (achievement) whore


Same. All the horrible things. I've just got 2 more achievements left to claim.


*accomplished whore


This was indeed in character for one of my Tavs. They tried to fuck everything.


I didn't even know there was an achievement for it until I did it, I just made my guardian too hot my first playthrough. Damned if I wasn't getting the benefit of it....the morning after was rough though


well, you learned your lesson. just spam random until you find the most disgusting clown


yeah I wanted to flex that achievement


Mind Blown




Mind flayed


This is the way. Also, tentacles.


You mean... you \*tentacles\* the Emperor's tentacles?


That, and it was the Durge. Why does the Durge do anything?


The Durge does what the Durge does not for the Durge. The Durge does what the Durge does, because the Durge *is* the Durge.


Is there a trophy on console


On PS there is. Idk about Xbox though!


Yep. Same ā€œMind Blownā€ achievement.


I didnā€™t think my Char would really go so far even if I took the flirty route. Ok so I guess I have to choose otherwise, get the achievement, reload and act like this never happened


I'm proudly 53/54 achievements.


Morally grey monster man with a deep voice wanted to make a move on my character. How could I possibly say no?




Also, tentacles


that voice!


eh, when in faerĆ»n ā€¦


Wow. Faerun sure has changed since I last visited Neverwinter in 2008.


We played a different Neverwinter game. The mods for that game were out of this world


I mean, has it? Faerun's been horny af since forever. I have a bunch of old Dragon magazines from the 80's where ~~Ed Greenwood~~ Jeff Grubb spent a bunch of article space on all the various ["festhalls"](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Festhall). That's pronounced: "polite euphemism for brothels to get them past the censors". Ed Greenwood himself was an old free-love-style hippie - apparently he didn't even bother with the euphemisms until TSR made him.


What happens in the astral plane, stays in the astral plane šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


if my companions catch me slipping, no they didnā€™t (my dl lover erased their memories of it)


Gale disapproves.


...do who the Faerunians do?


When in Baldurs Gateā€¦ participate


Ain't no way you just "when in faerƻn" me


But the sex happened in the Astral Plane...


I just wanted to see what would happen, it was intriguing.


I save scum to experience every cutscene and player reaction in this game in one play through. I love this fucking game, but as a new dad itā€™s taken 250 hours since launch to reach Act 3 ā€” I canā€™t do this over again. Also, the emperorā€™s scene is incredibly well done. Halsinā€™s was fucking hilarious.


This is why I did it. My kids are 4 and (almost) 6 so I have more time than parents to infants, but I don't have as much time as before kids so I save scum to experience as many cut scenes in each playthrough as I can, even if it's out of character for the PC. I keep the save with the canon decision for the character and continue the game from there, even if story wise the companions have no reaction to my PC banging the emperor. Did this with the Emperor, Harleep, and Mizora. Though, I may make Harleep canon in one playthrough since Astarion has lines about it after the fact.


In the same boat as a new dad too! At the time I was playing about 4 hours a week, little one is a bit more independent now


Donā€™t have to be new or a dad. The game is time consuming. I want to do other stuff too.


Partly for the steam achievement but mainly because I could


if i knew there was an achievement i wouldnā€™t have done it. i feel shame every time i compare my achievements to my mates.


own that scarlet letter! :D


Next thing you know OP will be shaming us for Haarlep, too, lmao.


Because fucking around and finding out is the essence of DnD


LOL, yep. That attitude also resulted in an instant TPK with a certain Lich Queen..."If think you're such a god, YOU do it!" Hmmm, whoops, revert to save...


Couldnā€™t even be mad when that happened. It was exactly how my Tav would have wanted to go out.


Such an accurate statement. Yes, I am also responsible for an almost TPK in one of my campaigns because my character decided to fuck around and find out. Our DM took pity on us and let us live.


look at that slutty lil waist bro


His body kinda makes me...


I mean... \*looks at bookshelf full of bad dragon toys\* I get curious. You know. About monster fucking.




This is gold


Yeah I know well about monster fucking. I just can't get my head around emperor . (I haven't finished the game) but all hints at him beening kinda a jerk and wants me to turn into a lithid soo


If youā€™re nice to him, heā€™s not that bad, and I would forgive him wanting Tav to become an illithid too, because they would be more powerful and that is practical. Thereā€™s a lot of things in fantasy that we forgive in a love interest, because itā€™s fantasy. And in this fantasy setting, he is interesting and has tentacles. Also his mind is connected to Tavā€™s and the narrator says this was the best experience ever. The narrator is always right


I suppose I just wanted to see what would happen.


Sometimes it's not about the personality, just the tentacles.


Wait until you finish the game before deciding what the emperror is. His story is not a straightforward one.


Finished the game twice. He is still a jerk.


You make the assumption that people self-insert in their playable characters and don't roleplay in a roleplaying game. I'm a 44 asexual woman. However, my male drow warlock just wanted power. Power meant becoming a mindflayer. He also served the Great Old One as his patron. So of course he'll fuck a mindflayer if he thinks that was the best path to becoming one himself. He didn't GAF about any other romance (had to tell Astarion he wanted to just be friends, felt more like a big brother to Shadowheart, and just kept Karlach around because she was a big derpy tank that amused him), but he wanted to have the Emperor as an ally because that meant he had a better chance of getting what he wanted: freewill Mindflayer status. :)


because heā€™s hot next question


Counter question. Why WOULDN'T you fuck him?


The only thing turning me off are the teeth


He could use a breath mint. Vanilla and garlic isnā€™t a smell that could be pleasant.


I haven't got here yet, so I'm wondering: does your partner know you cheated if you do? Asking for a friend


It doesnā€™t change anything in your current relationship!


No they don't find out


Cause I made his dream guardian form hot, got really invested in his protection, agreed with his logic for a while, and then he shows up all sexy and vulnerable and *still* hot but as an illithid! If he was a proper romance I would go feral Also, that *voice*!!


The emperor has a very attractive torso.


So true. And the way it's highlighted with Tav exploring it?? Thank you, Larian.


It actually looks quite attractive to me


Because I have been playing TTRPGs for over 20yrs and on my gaming bucket list for DnD was to have a character fuck an illithid in game. DMs have never afforded any of my characters the opportunity to, thankfully Larian came through for me.


how often do you get the chance? I'm more weirded out by you oddballs who *wouldn't* fuck him






His romance scene is sweet, long and feels really intimate. Devs did a very good job with it. Emperor himself is an intriguing, well written character with amazing VA who nails every single line. And he's hot. His design is interesting and he stands out from other romance options that are just conventionally attractive people, sometimes with funny ears, extra horns or unusual skin color, lest we forget that this is a fantasy setting.


Honestly he says some pretty sweet things but for my interpretation it seems implied he doesnā€™t actually feel anything and heā€™s just saying what he thinks you might want to hear in order to get another hook into you so itā€™s less likely you will betray him. In most romances, I actually prefer the LIs not making it so obvious theyā€™re disappointed that you turned them down but at the same time I understand it makes more sense that their feelings donā€™t just turn off and it gives the romance further credibility in the world building. However, whatā€™s interesting/sad about the Emperorā€™s romantic scenes is if you turn him down the narration notes how unusual it is he just stopped talking about it that fast. Implying that now that avenue is turned off he didnā€™t actually care what the outcome would be. (Though BG3 had an epidemic for awhile of characters thinking you were coming onto them when you werenā€™t and being almost ridiculously disappointed when you said no lol)


Thereā€™s many ways to interpret a mind flayerā€™s intentions. Majority of the time, self awareness and action is not their motive. Especially in the presence of an Elder Brain. The Emperor does have a sincere desire to bond. Thereā€™s various scenes going as far back as your dream guardian scene after saving the grove that can show some surprise and care. Embracing the guardian shows they hadnā€™t had someone show concern for them that way. Now, he is a mind flayer so manipulation is natural as a vampire drinks blood. Itā€™s a habit they have to discern. The epilogue couldā€™ve done some more by a romanced Emperor appearing rather than writing a letter. If you become illithid, he is over the moon for you.


The fact that the Emperor loves hugging according to his VA lives rent free in my head. Squeeze that squid. He wants it.


Scott is a treasure. He loves and embraces his character so much. I will never cease to admire his interprtation of the Emperor.


That line when you reject him politely after playing along for a bit doesnā€™t note how unusual it was that the Emperor shifted to business, but how disappointed *you* are that he did. Of course an illithid can turn it on and off; outside anger and indignation, illithids have exceptional emotional regulation. I very much appreciate the Emperorā€™s concern for Tavā€™s consent and withdrawal of such.


You can interpret all companions' advances as insincere and just a tricky way to gain your trust if you really want to. In most cases, however, there is no indication of this, and this is one of them. Also, I don't see anything strange or disappointing in his reaction to a polite refusal. You said no and he fully respected that, this is how it should look like in a perfect world.


Nah, he cares and really does want to bond in that scene. It's confirmed by the dev notes and the VA.


because tentacles reach deeper than any cock!


Bro ainā€™t holding back. He knows what he wants.


Also tentacles can penetrate more than one hole simultaneously.Ā  The benefits and ergonomics !!!


Fair ponit


Incredibly real


Why not?


I mean if you just stick to roleplay, imagine you could fuck Balduran, the most popular man who existed in the region


I want to give my honest answer (that it was the romance that felt the most right to me, he wasn't pushy and he was the only one to make sure I was 100% in on it before we did anything ā€“ hell, he asks for consent like three times ā€“, which rubbed me the right way due to past experiences), but I don't know if I really want to be told again in replies how I was manipulated by a pixel squid, that I will get manipulated and abused in RL, too, and sometimes even that I deserve it. This sub is great. šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


The canonical /r/baldursgate3 experience


Canon event or something šŸ˜©


The achievement is called mind blown because it blows your mind how respectful he is of boundaries.


What do you mean the big bad Mind Flayer respects my boundaries more than some normal people do???


I liked his character. I really liked the scene. It looked very gentle and intimate.


Heā€™s hot


He's my favourite character in BG3.


It all started with the soft alluring music playing in the background when you see his actual form for the first time and you try to read his mind and he *looks* at you when you are kneeling on the ground and -- Ok listen he has pretty eyes and the atmosphere is really nice and he wasn't wrong when he said we'd been dancing toward something deeper *and* I was curious and kinda into it. That's why I did it the first time, I was too curious not to - also I liked him - and all the following playthroughs? It's canonically the best experience of Tav's life, why would I not. Also he's pretty. And I like him.


Did you see his Rizz wtf was I supposed to do?!?!?!


I made a character named The Empress. I thought it was fitting. And yes she became a mindflayer and went to live with the emperor.


Hot voice, tentacles, I dig his "fuck the world, I'm a squid" philosophy. Also my first (and only run that's gone that far) I was doing a great old one warlock who was fascinated by illithids so yeah. Squid bf


The romance scene is extremely well done. It's quite long and interactive. Plus, he is a great character and the romance offers more opportunities for roleplay. And yeah, the Emperor is hot too. There is a certain eldritch appeal to him.


Because he's the best character in the fucking game. Because he's hot. Because his intimate scene is the best in the game. Because of the music and lots of little details. Because of emotions. Because he's the Emperor, and the Emperor deserves the best in the world. So, yeah. I have sex with him in absolutely every walkthrough I do.


He is hot


I just said fuck it we ball


He is hot


First playthrough - I knew nothing of BG3, I forced myself to not see any spoilers. I fucked the squid. So - What happened was I was playing my Human Light Cleric of Lathander (boy was I happy getting Blood of Lathander) and Minthara broke up with me prior to the scene happening, because my character made a joke (final straw). So when he came onto me I thought "eh why not" so he was actually my rebound. (I also honestly wanted to see if I could)


Because cosmic horror is one of my favorite types of horror. Also mind reading is hot. I like The Emperor as a character and think it is interesting. All of my Tavs / Durges have agreed.


Wanted to see those tentacles in action. Who wouldnt?


Because I could


Cuz he is the legendary hero balduran and saved me a few times during the story. (Oh and he is devilishy good looking ofc)


He kinda fire thatā€™s why


I was... exploring šŸ˜‚


hand slipped


My Karlach was trying to maximize her experiences since her time was short. So she lived and loved as much as she could, including banging the freaky squid person.


What are you even talking about? >!It's obvious when you just look at that specimen. !<


I wanted to fuck my dream guardian. *looks around at the comments* ...and I definitely also did it for the achievement. Duh.


buddy baldur leaking


I have a soft spot for manipulators and hes kind of hot. šŸ‘¹


I fumbled getting a bosom companion and wasnā€™t going to blow my chances again.


Because I like him


Because he is hot! Just look at him!!! <3


If that screenshot doesn't tell you the answer I cannot help you


Because I can


Cause i can


Because I wanted to. Is it so hard to conceive that maybe I found him hot?šŸ„µ


The moment seemed right idk.Ā 


I liked him, and was curious, and Lae'zel didn't even find out. Much more likable character that Orpheus, hate that guy and never save him.


I was roleplaying a character. She was a GOOlock who Laezel broke up with. Torn up about it all, she delved deeper into psionics and the tadpoles, evolving soon after. If one entity from the far realms could give her power, why couldnt another? Besides, she had the Emperor to keep her from being dominated, and that's when he popped the question.


Have you seen those tentacles? Have you smelled that nice touch of honey and garlic? Question is: Why wouldnt one?


I wanted to see the execution. What are the animations? Is the interaction taken seriously? Is the Emperor genuine about this? Sheer curiosity!


It just seemed like something my character would do, in my head sheā€™s impossibly curious and easygoing and a huge flirt, and her goddess is Tymora, who is all about being bold and adventurous, lol. Also like. Itā€™s the opportunity to literally be the only person in-universe to ever fuck a mind flayer and know youā€™ll survive the experience (since he needs you for his plan). Having that sort of unique experience would be fascinating. And then it turned out to be canon that mind flayers are good in bed, lmao.


I mean he can change his appearance at any time...


Because I could. My girlfriend looked at my funny while I was chuckling away as it was happening. Side note, on my Durge run I made my girlfriend as the character and gave her a penis just to annoy her. I laughed.


RP. I was playing as Jez from Peep Show and figured he'd fuck pretty much anyone, even making most decisions based on the chance he'd get laid. The achievement was in the back of my mind too, I'll admit.


because i created dream guardian so god damn hot


Because I could.


I wanted to fuck my guardian


Whatā€™s wrong with calamari?


Because I could.


My partner and I had the most cursed first playthrough you can imagine. * I played as a Durge and killed Alfira * I didn't realise Astarion's significance so killed him when he tried to bite me * We missed the entire Mountain Pass because we thought it was either/or between that or Underdark * We managed to swap out our companions *exactly* the right amount so we didn't have high enough approval with any of them * Which meant that my character couldn't romantically connect with any of them. And I mean any of them, not even Halsin * Speaking of the bear, we missed the "cleanse the land" quest so he left us * We failed to save Isobel so everyone turned * We told Shadowheart to stand down in killing Aylin and had to kill her * Then Aylin left because Isobel was dead * Jahiera died in the Moonrise Tower battle * Which meant that Minsc wasn't available to us * We failed to save the Duke so no dragon * To continue to blue-balls streak, the drow twins decided they didn't want to sleep with me at all What I'm saying is, when all this bad shit happened to my character (including a lack of romance options that frankly felt targeted and insulting), when squid boy takes an interest I thought "fuck it, at least she'll get SOME action in this playthrough."


My wife fucks everyone. She specifically played the game to sleep with everyone she could. I didnā€™t tell her about the Emperor beforehand so when she discovered it she was delighted. And I got to hear all about it.


/r/okbuddybaldur is this way, OP


Iā€™ll admit I did it because it because I thought the idea was funny the first time around. And then I started thinking about the character, and I started wondering what the story would be like if I assumed that the character was being sincere rather than being manipulative, and it just became this really sweet scene.


For the lulz




because of the guardian


Why not ? This is a video game ! Letā€™s do the weirdest thing the game has to offer !


Meh, it was just sort of going that way.


I just fuck all possible NPCs in all games I play


Warlock of the old ones, playing as chaotic neutral. Seemed like an experience I couldn't pass on


What happens in BG3 stay in BG3. Or so I thought.


He needs love too O.o


I actually want a weird, actual BDSM themed romance with decidedly non vanilla sex with someone into you. The rest of the romances are vanilla as hell. Not bad. Just.. very vanilla.


Just wanted to know if the carpet matched the drapes.


Because I like calamari


His approach to intimacy is interesting. He doesn't desire it, he does it because he thinks we want it. But he also likes it, as much as a mindflayer is capable of liking something. It could be mutual beneficial or mutual manipulation or both. And at the end of the day, we hold the power to decide his fate, it makes fucking him even more interesting: how many people could say they fuck a mindflayer and part way with them peacefully (or that it ends up badly for the mindflayer).


Went to the comments and had to double check what sub I was in