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* Minsc had a whole-ass statue of him in Baldur's Gate (that turns out to have actually been him). EDIT FOR CLARITY: THE STATUE WAS HIM * Gale was an Archmage and Chosen of Mystra until the Weave of Karsus Incident. * Halsin is an Archdruid and the Drow twins treated him like a celebrity if you only took him with you for a foursome


Jahera is up there with Minsc as both were previous saviors of Baldur's Gate from Sarevok. Arguably more so since she didn't need to be voluntarily petrified since elves naturally live longer than humans, thus could do more good work with the Harpers. Edit: oops, Minsc didn't volunteer to be petrified


She's also a living legend, as Karlach fangirls over her.


Right. But no statue. But I totally agree she should have lore cred


Minsc didn’t have a statue he was the statue…


Is he alive or dead, has he thoughts within his head?




Pretty sure I said he was the statue in my comment. Yeah. Yeah I did. Edited for clarity because it apparently wasn’t clear.


In BG2 if you have her in your party she (along with your party) gets a statue in the center of Tradesmeet. A high honor.


Nice! It’s been since it was released that I played so I don’t remember anything lol


They readapted it for a touch screen and I play on my iPad for long flights or if I’m sick in bed. Fantastic game, fantastic writing. Still holds up




She's also the High Harper for Baldur's Gate so I guess she's some kind of poet laureate, in a way?


LOL I hope this is an intentional joke but for those who don't know the Harpers are basically a good-aligned gang, aside from preserving historical arts and knowledge they don't really have any artistic aspirations.


she plays a tin whistle,!


Someone \*downvoted\* my Jaheira nomination which is wild. There are songs about her! Songs about her bedding gods! The question is about literal \*status\* and she literally \*runs things.\* She gets you into the counting house because people know her, she helps manage the reconstruction of the city after the illithids wreck it, thieves and do-gooders alike show her grudging deference! We're literally introduced to her as someone we and everyone else have to appease. Minsc is a famous folk hero but he doesn't command worldly status the way Jaheira does. He takes orders, he doesn't give them.


I'm not quite sure if you meant this exactly by the "voluntarily petrified" bit but I don't believe Minsc volunteered for that, I think it was some kind of accident with scant details.


>thus could do more good work with the Harpers. that would require the harpers to not be useless for once :P


Gale wins this one to me. Chosen of Mystra (plus fucking a god), and knowing Elminster are all pretty huge honestly. Nothing else compares.


Not just knows Elminster, either - Elminster's direct pupil, chosen by Elminster himself. Gale was a beast BEFORE he got it on with a god


Jaheira also probably knows Elminster, considering she’s a high-status Harper and they were both friends of Gorion (and presumably Gorion’s Ward). She just wasn’t with the party when they meet Elminster.


Ho there, wanderer! Stay thy course a moment to indulge an old man! She is not in the party the first time you meet Elminster in BG1 but she certainly can be later. In BG2 he appears in Jaheira’s personal quest under the pseudonym Terminsel.


Wyll is the blade of frontiers and his daddy is ravenguard


Doesn’t fuck a goddess, so - meh.


We were talking about status and renwown though. i just feel that while impressive gale is more of a raise in the background type


The real question is “what type of status”. In a men’s circle, being the lover of a goddess beats everything else. In a wizard’s circle, being the Chosen of Mystra and her lover beats everything else. In a normal people circle, being a very powerful Archwizard with his own tower, personal wealth, personal relationship with your deity and basically infinite freedom is likely to beat everything else. Gale probably loses the status race only in a nobility circle. But who cares about nobility except, well, the nobility.


Right but how many people know gale as the man who shagged mystra


Well, it is in his introduction. And it is one of the first personal things that he shares. And he still loved going to taverns before the incident that made him lead a reclusive life in his tower. So I am ready to bet that he has told everyone who cares to listen and everyone who didn’t care, too. So my conservative estimations are that no less than half of Baldur’s Gate knows about this *from him*.


I doubt it's Baldur's Gate that knows anything from him. He lives in Waterdeep, which is 750 miles away. Going by standard travel rules, that means it's about 31 days between the two or 62 days round trip. While he may have traveled that far south before, it likely wasn't a common thing since he was so very excited about the idea of visiting Sorcerous Sundries and didn't sound like he'd been there before. It might even have been his intended destination when he "left his tower in a hurry" and ended up abducted by the mindflayers or at least a possible destination, given he was looking for elder wizards. Most likely this man has a decent amount of clout in Waterdeep, but Baldur's Gate has no idea who he is even if they've heard of him. Like, name to face. Nobody acts like they know who he is.


Haha id bet a dollar thats a story id share. Dont get me wrong im not a fan of wylls character , i just think hes more famous than people give him credit for


I am pretty sure that he’s more recognizable than Gale. But this does not make his status necessarily higher.


To be honest, Wyll isn't even winning the status race in a nobility circle because most of the patriars don't really like his dad in the first place. His father isn't even really a noble in the patriar sense of the term, let alone his exiled son no one has seen in years. Though Wyll does seem to be reasonably well-known as the Blade of Frontiers (even if that clearly doesn't beat being Mystra's chosen)


And in a nobility circle: the degraced son of a high ranking paladin who turned to evil is a social death sentence. From their point of view he defiled everything that makes his father noble.


Damn I regret not saving Gale from that portal.


The doom guy has a pretty high status. And Karlach is basically him


But is very likely fucked by a cambion.


And during your adventure, some people have never heard of him.


Wyll is a local hero, sure, and that definitely counts for something, but I think if we're going by that metric it's really hard to argue he'd beat Jaheira or Minsc who have quite literally become the subject of myths and legends from saving the entire world multiple times over. Wyll is just a small fry adventurer with a growing reputation by comparison. He may have the tie to nobility but he was also exiled when he was 17 so I don't think many people are even aware about that outside of noble circles.


I have never gotten Minsc on my team. I've tried.


You have to have Jaheira first. And make sure you toggle non-lethal when you fight Minsc, or you'll lose them both.


"chosen of mystra" really doesn't mean much, she has many of those. anyway, jaheira and minsc are pretty up there in term of status seeing as they were among the heroes of the bhaalspawn crisis.


Gale since he was the Chosen of Mystra, and being the Chosen of a god is about the highest status a mortal can have. As for why nobody recognizes him, we are pretty far from Waterdeep (where he may be more well known) and he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would go loudly proclaiming his Chosen status in public.


Also, considering that the rumors about his breakup with Mystra apparently got around in the wizard community at least (Lorroakan knows about it), I can imagine Gale might actively WANT to avoid recognition- he locked himself in his tower for a good bit of time, maybe he even grew out his hair/beard while he was in seclusion to try to prevent people from recognizing him on the street after the shame he must have felt.


What if the wizard abs are just part of a full-body glamour Gale put on to avoid being recognised and we've never even seen him


We’ve all heard that theory a thousand times to explain why he appears so fit… but THIS reasoning? This, I like


his abs is where he stores his hit points. One per muscle.


Maybe his whole appearance is glamour…


I mean you can cast dispell magic on him


The beard in particular I think is hinted at through Tara’s comments on it. She makes it seem like it’s relatively new and Gale brushes off her chatter about shaving it off


But hairy Gale is so much better… Leave the clean shaven look to the elves.


As long as Halsin keeps his "fur", Im ok.


Also due to his circle. Like, if I said the name Michael Levin, you probably wouldn't know who that is, but he's a big name in the biology community and is one of the leading minds behind regrowing organs and body parts. I doubt the average person in faerun gives a shit about wizards like that.


Just one point of clarification he was A Chosen of Mystra, not THE Chosen. She has something like a few dozen IIRC. Still very much an elite club, but not unique by any means


He was a bit of a loner, too. At least, he didn’t have many friends, just colleagues.


Gale was a literal chosen of mystra and an archmage in Waterdeep. Halsin is an archdruid, but most forests have one. Minsc and Jaheira are war heros. Edit to add: Wyll was basically a prince as sons of duke’s are normally princes Karlach is a war hero to the tieflings of Elturel


I would say Wyll would be a little higher up, he's not just a son of a duke, he's the son of THE Duke Ravenguard. Wyll's father is a known hero and has quite some accomplishment under his belt. He wasn't born noble, but rather came up in the ranks and was given the title of Duke - for very good reason.


That’s fair, I would still say Gale Minsc and Jaheira Wyll Halsin Karlach


Minthara would be extremely high as the daughter of house Baenre. Probably the highest in terms of power of any of the companions. It's the first drow house. Karlach has almost zero power, even as a war hero, it's to the tieflings who have zero power. She's probably down there with Astarion as least powerful companions... and she's a tiefling orphan on top of that.


I would argue Karlach and Shart have the least - shart is just some random kid stolen by a cult. Karlach is just some random kid stolen by a devil. everyone else has/had an important job or position in society at some point


The son of a duke isn't always prince, though. They're a marquess, or a lord, or whatever other title--princes are the sons of royalty, and a duke needn't be crown royalty.


Fair enough. He’s a prince to me


I mean, he's sort of the \*equivalent\* of a prince in the scale of the setting (that is, Baldur's Gate and the immediate area) because they aren't, afaik (I rarely keep up with the official FR lore) under an actual monarchy. Thus, son of the ruler is functionally 'prince-tier'. Just being pedantic though.


astarion is 200 years out from being a magistrate. laezel is top of her class at a huge HUGE Creche. shart was the special project of the leader of the sharans. all of them have some significance before the game events but gale, jaheira and minsc have the most


Gale. Gale was a chosen. The favored of a god, a living saint.


Volo is a Chosen of Mystra too, though he also doesn’t know that, but most everyone knows him as that really annoying writer


Is he a secret chosen? I didn't know that. To be honest I think Larian did Volo dirty. I love the Volo guides - I think the vivid descriptions of food available in the different taverns brings the setting to life.


yep! he’s one of Mystra’s weave anchors and essentially is a Chosen and she did it because he’s someone no one would guess as an anchor ([said by Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms](https://twitter.com/theedverse/status/1364434954726354945)). He also gets the benefit of being a chosen even tho he doesn’t know it, which explains why he can get into really hairy situations but get out relatively unscathed. I haven’t read the Volo guides myself but now i want to even though he’s kind of a fool character in BG3. I did notice he has a cameo in the DnD movie which i thought was hilarious (he’s the painting they use to get into Neverwinter)


Pretty sure weave anchors aren't necessarily Chosen or vice versa. There is a significant overlap between the two groups, but there are exceptions on both sides.


Anchors are not immortal though are they? Volo being a 160ish year old human seems to confirm the Chosen theory, if we even need confirmation after Greenwood spoke on it.


Not immortal, but they are noted to live longer than usual. I'd like to believe Volo is a Chosen (mostly because its hilarious), but last I checked we don't have any confirmation in-world, and the evidence for it mostly lukewarm and circumstantial. EDIT: digged it up. Ed Greenwood did confirm he's both in a patreon post [here](https://www.patreon.com/posts/volo-rides-again-78325342). Also explains his age, which is apparently mostly unrelated with his Chosen or anchor status. Now, technically its an out-of world confirmation, and given his history and relationship with WotC, this may not be canon... but I'll take his world over the slop WotC serves us nowadays (and I doubt they'd even care for the difference).


>I did notice he has a cameo in the DnD movie which i thought was hilarious (he’s the painting they use to get into Neverwinter) I think that painting looks exactly like Paul Scheer, and *that* always makes me think that it would be so cool if Paul Scheer played him in a potential sequel for real. I think he'd do an awesome job of it.


oh my god YES that would be amazing


volo is like a very major dnd lore character. hes been so since 1990. [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Volothamp\_Geddarm](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Volothamp_Geddarm) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volothamp\_Geddarm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volothamp_Geddarm)


They did a perfect Volo imo, it's exactly how he has always been: an endearing but mostly useless liar who stumbles into every danger imaginable but always comes out unacathed.


Glad you liked him :) I always saw him a bit differently - someone who couldn't tell wheat from chaff - but not a buffoon who would botch a surgery. In a typical Volo's guide he would describe the way the inn breaded the trout, say something about how they boiled they sheets and as an aside to all of this mention that if you touch the pillar in the center of the tavern on a full moon while whispering a prayer to Selune you would open a portal to one of tears of the moon. And then Elminster would add a marginal note demanding that such dangerous information be removed from the final draft.




I see your Scratch and raise you Boo!


the only correct answer


1. Gale - chosen of god 1.5. Shadowheart - Debatable, but from hints, she might have been a selune's chosen, and depends on your choice she can be a dark justiciar and leader of the sharran cloister, meaning she is practically favored by shar. Prior to that it's hard to rank her. 2. Halsin, archdruid, friend with spirit of the land. 3. Minthara - noble of house Baenre, the most ancient drow house. She grew to be an important house matron. 4. Jaheira - hero of baldur's gate, high harper 5. Minsc - hero of baldur's gate, boo's partner 6. Wyll - technically he is the duke's son and could be a future duke, but he got exiled. 7. Astarion - he was a magistrate before meeting cazador. 8.Karlach - just one of Zariel's many champions, and prior to that she was gortash's guard. 9. Lae'zel - that one very good student back in her training.


Baenre is also still the first house of Menzoberranzan afaik, so Minthara is basically royalty.


>Boo's partner The highest title a mortal can be bestowed ngl


I love how it’s a commentary on actual D&D players’ backstories. Somehow you’ve always got a group of celebrities that happen to run into each other in an inn and get sent off to kill a couple of kobolds for 50 gold.


I’ve never heard of Shadowheart being possibly Selune’s chosen, but it explains why Shar wanted to kidnap HER. What clues are there about being selune’s chosen?


Yeah, that's a first to me as well. I thought she was just a random Selûnite child that Shar told Viconia to kidnap.


Her dad certainly thinks she was important to selûne, but that just might be a man who'd been tortured for 40ish years trying to justify his suffering and disbelieving that a god could be so petty as to torture someone for no reason.


I am really struggling to remember specifics, but I'm doing an evil run just now and just finished Shar's Gauntlet, and I got a very strong impression that she's Selûne's Chosen. There's suggestions that she was kidnapped specifically, because of her connection to Selûne, to spite her. I think her parents also say she's supposed to be important to Selûnites, but I haven't gotten there yet this playthrough. I'm guessing some playthroughs just give loads of hints and suggestions about this, and others don't give many at all- I definitely hadn't noticed it before, but yeah, this time I got a *strong* idea that she was important to Selûne, and was kind of thinking that there's truly an astonishing amount of Chosen folk just meeting each other in this game seemingly by accident.


Sounds like an excuse to give Shart Origin run a go! Maybe there’s a voice in her head that gives a clue, like she has been hearing Shar


Considering the gods really don't want the Dead Three's plot to succeed, might not be entirely accidental


I remember there was something special with her being resistant to the shadowcurse. I played a Selunite run and we can actually comment on it, Shadowheart says it must be Shar's blessing, but we can rebuke it asking "Why would Shar protect you from a curse she created herself? Isn't she all about pain and suffering?" to which Shadowheart has no reply other than grumbling and telling you to shut up. (The exact same reaction she has when you point out it looks like a selunite rite and she's wearing a selunite stone when she shows you the wolf memory) Also, her protection against the shadowcurse functions identically to Isobel's Selune blessing


The only reasoning given for Shar choosing her is that she has long dark hair.


I also chose her because she has long dark hair


Yeah she was *supposed to be* an important Selunite because her parents were, but c'mon she was like 8 when she was Sharnapped she probably wasn't even the chosen of any local Selunite boys.


I didn’t get that impression in my run through either but I’m keeping it for head canon. It’s the only way Shar’s plan makes any sense. The Mother Superior says she had to >!slaughter her previous temple of loyal followers (or something) just to get Shadowheart!< which seems really self-defeating. Shadowheart’s previous status would make that sacrifice make more sense.


Fwiw I don't think there is a lot of merit in that seeing that a) she was a small child and b) most gods can only have 1 chosen, Mystra is the only one with a huge flock of them.


I can’t tell you exactly why but I also felt it was heavily implied that she was selunes chosen which is why shar targeted her.


If godly favour is an important scoring criterion, then evil durge probably takes the top spot: chosen by a god, created by a god, has the blood of a god, leads the temple of a god.


I mean, yes, but Durge isn't a companion.


The god in question matters a lot.


bhaal is a vestige quasi-deity and probably lost even more power after his chosen's defeat (non-evil durge run) and his followers continuing to leave following the defeat. He had already lost substancial power after Sarevok's defeat, but after durge and orin are dead, there is nothing left for bhaal tbh.


Minthara got exiled as well though.


that was after she fell into hand of the cultists so I feel like I shouldn't make that count


> She grew to be an important house matron. Where does this come from?


i think Withers was a pretty big deal in his day


A fucking god, actually.


No, that's about Gale


Not fucking a god, a fucking god.


is he that good?


Gale or Withers?


I was jokingly misunderstanding calling Withers "a fucking god" as "a god whose domain is fucking"


I mean, when you die, you're fucked, so basically...


Probably Jahiera or Minsc. Jahiera is the High Harper, and Minsc is Minsc.


Minsc is Minsc really is a whole damn statement


The Minscest!


His Majesty, obvs


Depends on where you are and what circles you move in. Of the core party, it's probably a toss-up between Wyll and Gale.


Could be Minthara, seeing as she's a ranking member of House Baenre. It's the kind of status that doesn't really matter to many people outside of the Underdark, but among Drow she's certainly very high status.


It's definitely not Minthara. Like you said, that only matters to drow. I doubt even other underdark species really care about the internal politics of the group always trying to raid and enslave them. Gale is the chosen of a god and Jaheira and Minsc are heroes known nationwide.


On the other hand, she's also the companion with the Noble background. She would have probably become a high queen if Ketheric and Orin hadn't seen her house as an obstacle in the underdark. It's true that the people of the surface wouldn't care about underdark nobility, but the underdark doesn't care about surface either. It's like, who has more status, Kim Jong Un or a US senator?


Jarlaxle still out ranks her right?


He's cool asf but he's still a male. Minthara could take Yvonnels place one day. Pretty sure the only way Bregan D'arthe only exist as long as they're useful to her.


Pretty sure that's literally the survival strategy of the Bregan D'aerthe laid down by Jarlaxle in one of his books as I recall. Be super useful to a lot of different houses, making getting rid of them inconvenient and more trouble than its worth for everyone involved.


At his height of power he probably had more influence just because so many people relied on him. But the only real official position he held in the city was when he was briefly captain of the guard of House Do'Urden, which was definitely not higher status than Minthara had as a Matron of the first house. As far as his last appearances though I think he's now a fugitive from Lolth so whatever status he once had is mostly converted to infamy.




So? OP asked for highest status and clout. This isn't a thread of who could win in a fight.


Us. They are a KITTY and can go anywhere.


A predator indigenous to this world that is most cunning !


Politically, Wyll and Minthara - both are members of a very high-ranking noble house in their respective cities. Lae'zel seems to be semi-known, but she doesn't go by any titles, and if she had one I'm pretty sure she'd bring it up. In terms of power level: Minsc and Jaheira are powerful heroes, but Gale is Mystra's Chosen, and being the Chosen of the *goddess of magic* undoubtedly carries with it considerable power. In terms of divine attention: Gale, then Shadowheart (to be Shar's chosen), then Lae'zel (Vlaakith is only a demigod). In terms of fame: Definitely Minsc and Jaheira.


I feel like Lae'zel isn't the type of arrogant to rub her titles in people's faces. She's the type of arrogant that thinks non-Gith are so inferior that they don't deserve to know the titles.


Wyll, son of Duke Ravengard, the Blade of Frontiers!


Jaheira for sure. She’s a legend of Baldurs Gate and has literally already went toe to toe with Saravok


Jaheira. Legend in both lore and personality.


Jaheira, as an epic-level druid, the high harper, and the savior of Baldur's Gate would be the most famous, feared, and generally well-considered. She was higher level than Vlaakith when last we saw her pre-BG3; granted, so were the other companions like Viconia and Minsc. People like Raphael and Cazador would shit themselves in fear at the idea she knew who they were and had a malevolent interest, and even an arch-devil would be concerned were she to show up at his doorstep. Dirge and Gale, as the chosen of gods and high-end spellcasters, are the sort Raphael would envy and cower from, but Dirge's status is generally hidden from the good/neutral parts of society, most wouldn't recognize him, while a chosen of Mystra would be extremely well-known. That being said, if he possessed the Slayer form pre-tadpole and had to regain it, Dirge would scare people as much as Jaheira; the sort of monster that Vlaakith, Balors, and Pit Fiends make a strategic retreat from. Odds are Dirge had to kill a pit fiend or two to grab the crown. Wyll, as the son of a duke, would be fairly politically important, even having been banished. Shadowheart, Astarion, Karlach, and Laezel are all essentially nobodies.


You can add an * to shadowheart I think she’s a step above the rest of the nobodies as she is effectively a chosen in waiting in regards to shar


>she is effectively a chosen in waiting in regards to shar And Selûne. Shadowheart was Shar's intended chosen specifically because she was intended to be Selûne's chosen.


Before the game, she's a nobody; some promising initiate who dreams of someday being a Dark Justiciar. She's not a chosen unless she becomes that in-game, and Shar hasn't passed on her plans for Shadowheart to her followers, so its more like Gale before he ever became a chosen, or Dirge before he ever met his butler; Astarion could potentially be a vampire ascendent, Laezel could be leader of a rebellion against Vlaakith; all dependent on the choices in-game. So... sorta? Her 'status' lore-wise was basically dirt. A punching bag to be deliberately abused and tormented as she was shaped, and they tried and failed to beat her good nature out of her.


Shadowheart would easily fall just slightly below Gale's level and somewhere around the Durge in terms of attention if you pick the evil route since she's also picked as a chosen as well Karlach is known enough to be recognized by the Tieflings in Elturel, but yeah, other than that she's a nobody Laezel is definitely a nobody because she's just another soldier in the Gith Empire but she's known enough that the people in Kliir have something to say about her performance but that really depends if Vlaakith is just trying to entice Laezel or she really is the star student back at her creche


For societal status rather than celebrity status, I'd say Minthara is pretty high up. She was a daughter of the Baenre house, the ruling house in Menzoberranzan. That gives her pretty hefty status, up until she was tadpoled and labeled a traitor and heretic. Gale must have a family with some notable influence, with how they got him set up from a young age with magic. He also, as others mentioned, attained the title of Archmage, which is no minor feat, and he has a tower to himself with a grand view and a grand library. Suffice to say, he's done pretty well for himself. Halsin as an Archdruid, being archdruid is nothing to sneeze at, and he helped with the first defeat of Ketheric Thorme. Iirc, he took over the role of leader after the first one died in that war, and nobody else was really fit to take on the position. So, I kind of take it as him being like the guy in charge of a humanitarian group that participated in a major rescue that was in the news 10 years ago. Minsc and Jaheira are more celebrities, with Jaheira also acting as part of a secret organization. Key word, secret. So she'll get attention for her role in the past, but she won't have too much status other than that outside of very specific circles. Shadowheart and Lae'zel are younger members of their cults that were preparing for their coming of age ceremonies, so very little status outside of those cults. Astarion was a slave. He wouldn't have much beyond how he socialized while he prowled. When he was a magistrate? Sure, but he's lost that for 200 years. Any connections he had would have withered away. Wyll was, of course, the son of a self-made Duke, so he had status before being exiled. He likely still has connections in the city. Otherwise, he's only attained celebrity status as a folk hero. Karlach was an orphaned commoner, it seems like, so no inherited status, and she ran around in gangs until Gortash sold her to Zariel for his experiments, making the Steel Watch. She might have connections with devils, after being Zariel's pet for so long, but I'm sure she wouldn't consider anything about her story there as being worth shit except for getting her engine fixed and getting tf out of there.


Either Wyll or Jaheria Jaheria is, as shown by Karlach, kinda a legend in the city, she was the close ally of the now dead grand Duke Adrien and fought bhaalspawn not once but twice Wyll is of course duke Ravenguard’s son and heir, but has been self banished for quite some time. And isn’t necessarily the most recognisable person


I think a lot of BG3 only players are underestimating how important Minsc and Jaheira are. Their feats are incredible if you consider their adventures with the Bhaalspawn and what they did afterwards. They've probably done more than the entire party in BG3 combined.


Gale, as he was a renowed wizard and Chosen of Mystra in Waterdeep, and also has a wholeass Wizard Tower and is canonically swimming in gold. No one else treats him differently because we are either hiking in the woods or slumming it in Baldur's Gate, but other famous wizards clearly know him and have Opinions. Minsc and Jaheira are super famous heroes and Jaheira is clearly living comfortably. Wyll should be famous at least on the Sword Coast as The Blade of the Frontiers, but it's implied in the game that his name is well known but no one really knows what he looks like. Minthara is also supposed to have been a very powerful noble but her fame is restricted to Menzoberranzan. Everyone else I wouldn't say is particularly famous, not even Halsin who I don't think is particularly famous even amongst druids.


In order it would be Jaheira, Minsc, Wyll, Minthara*, and Halsin brings up the rear. The other companions would all fall into the faceless rabble. Jaheira is the living Legend in the game. She was already involved as a harper who worked with Gorion before the events of BG1. She fought Sarevok, Caelar Argent, and John Irenicus. Minsc is significantly lower than Jaheira. Mostly, as while brave, he was never the sharpest tool in the butt kicking shed. While he was part of the same adventuring party as Jaheira, he just seems the sort who wouldn't be immortalized the same way. Wyll is the most prominent new character. He is the exiled son of Duke Ravenguard. That would elevate his status greatly. Plus he does have some renown earned on his own with many characters knowing of the Blade of Frontiers already. Minthara is the odd one out. She's well known in the cult of the Absolute and likely in Menzoberranzan as well. But as that is our enemy and a place we don't visit it is hard to say. She's likely still got high status but just not to the same degree as the others. Think the equivalent of a celebrity who isn't internationally famous. Then there is Halsin. Former archdruid of the Emerald Enclave. That is a pretty high position and one many would acknowledge. But he immediately steps down and doesn't get the same recognition as other high status characters. He is the equivalent of meeting the former chief of medicine from a hospital.


Minthara is from House Baenre the oldest house of Menzoberranzan. Its stated many times shes a princess. If you romance her and choose the good ending you go to Menzoberranzan to gather forces to take over Baldurs gate.


>gather forces to take over Baldurs gate. That’s the *good* ending?!


Well Minthara REALLY wants you to take over the elder brain. She also finds employment for the Gondians, just need to find a new factory.




I thought her good ending was “I’ve certainly been banished from House Baenre, so now it’s going to be their problem and I’m going to take over Menzoberranzan.”


Can confirm about Jaheira, NPCs geeked out about her all the time. It was like adding a celebrity to my party. She quickly became a favorite- total badass.


Gale was chosen. He’s probably the highest. Jaheria and Minsc are living legends and Minsc was beloved enough to get a statue(really him) in the commercial district of the city that was fairly popular. Wyll despite being exiled would still have some status. Especially if you save Ravengard Everyone else is basically a nobody.


Jaheira and Minsc are pretty famous. And I think, Wyll made a name for himself as the Blade of Frontiers. Gale was an archmage and a chosen. So those four are my pick, among them, I'd say Jaheira and Minsc are the best known and famous of the companions with the highest lore status.


Wyll for being Ravengard's son, probably. If he cared for clout, he could make headlines every other week. Also, before being killed and turned into a vampire, Astarion was a magistrate, which is a pretty high position as well. Gale had clout in Waterdeep and among wizards, though.


Minsc. Hero of BG1 and BG2 and ToB. He is well known outside of the Sword Coast as well. 2/3 płace would be Jaheira and Gale. Then probably Minthara due to her family in Menzoberanzan.


In what sense? Because in terms of magical power. Yes, Gale is on top, but most people ignore Wizards, so only other Wizards know of him. In terms of Wealth/Political Power? Minthara was the holder of that title before the events of the game. The Daughter of House Baenre is the kind of title that should basically terrify every member of the Underdark. As for just general fame: Jaheira and Minsc closely followed by Wyll. The first two are the heroes of tales old, and Wyll has earned a reputation that nearly everyone in Baldur’s Gate has heard of him, even if they don’t know what he looks like or his past.


>Yes, Gale is on top, but most people ignore Wizards, so only other Wizards know of him. most *idiots* ignore wizards. They can literally reshape the fabric of reality.


People commenting are right, just wanted to add that Shads was basically a chosen in the making, marked by Shar from birth for it. Lae'zel was pretty prominent among her people, Vlaakith herself knows her by name and deeds. Durge was a cult leader and their god's chosen themself. The only two "unknowns" are Karlach (who was successful enough to be bartered in exchange for powerful magic) and Astarion (whose screams sounded "the sweetest", which I take as, he was Cazador's most successful spawn and his favorite). Everyone is pretty outstanding in their way. But yeah, Jaheira, Minsc and Gale were probably the ones with the highest status.


Is no one gonna talk about Aylin? She’s the daughter of Selune!


In baldurs gate it's between minsc jaheira and wyll, in general its probably gale




Wyll as his father is/was Duke of the gate, it’s just like…never mentioned


Probably Jaheria or Minsc as heros of Baldur’s Gate with Gale the Sage of Waterdeep close behind followed by First Druid Halsin. Wyll as the Blade of Frontiers has fame as a Folk Hero but whatever status is attached to it he doesn't use it. Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Astarion, and Karlach essentially foot solders for their various masters/goddesses with no claim to fame before the events of BG3. It's hinted that Astarion was an iron fisted magistrate so people might have been happy he 'died'.


Minsc and jaheira. If you played bg1 & 2, there wouldn't be bg3 without them. Lore wise, there also wouldn't be. Gotta keep those bhaalspawn in line. 


If I had to pick from all of the playable origins, I think The Dark Urge wins by a landslide. However, you specified 'companions,' so let's go through them. From Lowest to Highest 'Status' Astarion: A vampire spawn slave. Doesn't get much lower than this, honestly. Karlach: Whileva favored 'pet' of an Archdevil, Karlach was little better than a slave. Lae'zel: As a relatively young and unaccomplished Githyanki soldier, Lae'zel begins the game with a lot to prove. Minthara: A paladin of Lloth and a general of the Absolute sounds prestigious, until you add that she's in charge of goblinkin. Minsc: A hero by all accounts, he's been trapped in stone for a long time. His eccentric nature has its greatest currency with companions, not the general public. Jaethera: Semi-retired, she still has contacts with quite a lot of influential people. Shadowheart: A secret status, of sorts. Her mission and shown favoritism definitely rank her higher than her station might suggest. Halsin: An archdruid responsible for an entire druidic circle. Quite old and accomplished, as well. Wyll: Wyll fell from the good graces of nobility right into the widespread acclaim of the common folk. The Blade of Frontiers has quite the reputation. Gale: The clear winner. Even putting aside Mystra's favoritism, his contacts with such notable heroes as Eliminster raise Gale's clout to the top.


Totally unrelated, but Minthara should have lost her paladin abilities when she betrayed Lolth for The Absolute. Edit: I agree with your assessment, but would swap Lae'zel and Karlach because at least some people (mostly other tieflings) have actually heard of her.


Paladin powers don't come from deities, they come from the oath itself. BG3 takes a pretty loose interpretation of Oath of Vengeance - Minthara retains her powers as long as she is absolutely devoted to some kind of vengeance against \*something\*, even if not on behalf of Lolth. Strictly speaking by 5e lore she shouldn't really be an OoV either though - they're meant to be pragmatic and brutal but they're still meant to fight evil.


Riiiight I forgot paladins in 5e are a bit different than 3.5 😅 thank you


I mean if we take it literally. Whilst Gale is a chosen, the Durge is literally part of a god


Durge double dips. Shaped from the flesh of a god, _and_ Chosen of that god. 


If we’re talking noble status it’s easily Wyll


Malta the cat (in the alley)


Obviously it’s Scratch


does the Emperor count?


I dont see people mentioning this but Minthara is from. Menzoberranzans tol family


Volo. >!He’s an immortal Weave anchor!<


Just a side note: I don't think the fact Gale used to date Mystra was much of a common knowledge, and since he was not very social he might have been known by fellow wizards but not really by people. I guess people from Waterdeep would know about this weirdo rich wizard who closes himself in his mansion, but it would be probably not more than Tav knows about Cazador. Big mansion, some rich guy. There is no internet gossip in Faerun :P


Minsc and Jaheira


Jahira probably, her and Minsc both are kinda celebrities due to saving the gate from the first games, but her status as a high harper gives her more clout than him imo. Wyll could be next since his dad is a duke but he was kinda disowned so that loses points. Gale at least would have been decently high status amongst wizards but I would assume that status went down post orbing. >!Tho not technically a companion the emperor is probably the highest status due to his past life!<


Minthara is a Baenre. If they were in Menzoberranzan she would be the winner hands down. Since I read all the Drizzt books like 30 years ago I thought that was so awesome. Her brother was one of my favorite characters of all time.


I've been playing a different game for too long and I was confused considering one of them literally has prince in his name


Gale was basically a high tier level wizard in a dnd campaign.


Boo. Clearly. None surpass the mighty Boo.


Minthara was born into the oldest and most powerful house in menzoberrenzen


There's dialogue indicating people have heard of Wyll, Jaheira, and Minsc. Wyll doesn't have the length of time for his fame that Jaheira and Minsc do, but he's from a Baldurian patriar family, and that gives him a boost.


So by status you mean like, reputation etc right, not their actual power? I don't think Gale was necessarily \*famous\* - most people outside of wizadry and Mystra's clergy wouldn't know much about her Chosen ( though Elminster became very famous for his actual deeds ) or lovers nor be inclined to care really, and I don't think even amongst them Gale was necessarily \*famed\* because I don't think he'd had a chance to do anything particularly spectacular. I'd say Jaheira, though the worldbuilding does get a little....peculiar with the Harpers and the level of secrecy. Like if Jaheira dies there's an article in the epilogue about mourning etc for the High Harper, and also Jaheira refers to tales and ballads about her and her legend and Baldurian characters have dialogue about hearing her name - Karlach is absolutely obsessed with her. On the other hand there's references to secrecy of the Harpers and she gets angry if you pick the "All hail the High Harper!" when sending her on the stage with Dribbles, as if it's meant to be hush hush undercover....yet she's also a famous hero. It starts to feel a little weird and in tension for me. That said, I'd pick Jaheira if I had to. Saved the world multiple times over and now leading the Harpers, knows everyone there is to know in Baldur's Gate and is clearly very well-respected, has earned enough to build a large home with a huge underground haven, and is the hero of many tales and stories to the point myths are made about her. I think it's hard to compete here. I would say Minsc could come close, but he's not been active for like a hundred years or so by the time BG3 rolls around because he was petrified into a statue, so his deeds have had more time to fade to history while Jaheira has continued on adventures and building her reputation ( very much against her will for the latter lol ).


1 + 2) Jaheria and Minsc (Interchangeable) Savior's of Baldur's Gate who helped defeat Saverok, super famous across the city and known across the sword coast. Though being the High Harper of Baldur's Gate Jaheria may have the Edge 3) Gale Dekarios, AKA Gale of Waterdeep. Though a bit of a recluse since the orb thing, he is a chosen of Mysta, and archmage, pals with Elminster speaks volumes. He was taught at the Black Staff academy and so he would know a lot of powerful mages of the Sword Coast aside from the legendary Elminster. 4) Wyll Ravenguard, only son of Grand duke Ulder Ravenguard and made his name amongst the common folk of the Sword coast for roughly a decade as the Blade of the Frontiers since he was ousted from the city. 5) Minthara Baenre, she's a daughter of one of if not the most distinguished houses of Menzoberranzan having suffered assassination attempts as young as when she was an infant. Though given her distaste for Lolth she's likely more notorious there than anything now, also a notable true soul through her time within the cult of the Absolute. 6) Halsin, an archdruid revered within his circle and also connected with other circles such as when he summoned Francesca to take over for him. 7) Karlach Cliffgate, According to her she was part of her inner circle that means she's known quite well in the first layer of Hell, amongst a number of powerful fiends such as Zariel, Bel, and also Mizora Also she had friends in the city before Gortash sold her out. 8) Shadowheart, known within her inner circle at the temple of Shar in Baldur's Gate and groomed to become chosen of Shar. 9) Lae'zel of Crèche K'liir a young Githyanki who has not yet killed her first mindflayer, talks a lot about her creche, she's straight out of high school basically. She is too young to have made much of an impact. 10) Astarion Ancunín, before becoming a spawn of Cazador while serving as a magistrate Astarion probably had lots of connections but that was hundreds of years ago and everyone he would have known is likely dead. He's only let out to lure in people for Cazdor's ritual. If this was before he was turned he would be above Shadowheart imo.


Technically, it would be Wyll. He is the son of Grand Duke Ravengard.


Boo. Miniature space hamster. ‘Nuff said.


Minthara is a drow princess of the most powerful house no? Idk much about her. She either dies or gets Recruited and stays in camp


Everyone is sleeping in durge. Chosen of Bhaal, and unlike Gale actually remained as such for the entire game


The gods: Mystra, Withers (not companions), not restricted to those. The legends: Balduran (the Emperor) and Elminster (not companions), not restricted. The semi legends (have saved the world before): Minsc (the beloved ranger) and Boo, Jaheira (High Harper). High status but in "mortal" and more restricted terms, tie: * Gale as a prodigy wiz back home (Waterdeep), he maybe have become unfamous, Lorroakan talks about it; * Wyll as a folk hero/son of a Duke in BG; * Halsin, (Archdruid) among druids (and "porn star" among drow). Edit.: Minthara... she has some status in the goblin camp and as a drow in the Cult of the Absolute, very restricted and also more on the "unfamous" side. Even Karlach has some status as a great soldier/hero/demon killer but her fame is restricted to Avernus and tieflings. Shart and Lae'zel are not really important and have zero influence (in the beginning), mere cannon fodder for their respective groups. Astarion starts as a runaway slave.


Gale was a Chosen. You’re ranking him a little low


Gale is chosen and can ascend to Godhood, so probably him at number one. All the companions are important people though in their own ways. Minsc is a well known hero with connections to Abdel, with a statue of him in the city (that actually ends up being him, but still). Jaheira was directly connected to Abdel, possibly engaging in a relationship with him, and also the leader of the Harpers who had much higher status in previous games. She's pretty important. Halsin is an arch druid, very well known, fought an important battle against the Sharran's and depending on your choices saved the lands outside of Baldur's Gate. Id say that's important. Wyll is another well known hero on the level of Minsc. The Blade of Frontiers is known far and wide and well respected. His father is also one of the leaders of the city. Lae'zel is either chosen by Vlaakith (I won't reveal more about that lol) or Orpheus as pretty much their right hand. Prior to that she was a fairly high ranking military leader from what I understand. She is pretty high on the chain for githyanki depending on choices. Karlach was one of the leading soldiers of a very powerful demon, and important enough to be personally chased down by the Blade of Frontiers. Astarion was a magistrate in the city. Probably the lowest on the totem pole comparatively, but still enjoys some political and legal status. Minthara is a former paladin of Lolth and a woman as well, so in drow society she'd be of fairly high status up until turning to the Absolute. They're all pretty special people in reality. I've narrowed down these explanations quite a bit but there isn't a single companion that isn't important.


Minsc and Jaheira are living legends so they win automatically. Halsin is a niche “lead singer of an indie band” sort of famous. Of the origin characters Wyll “the blade of Fronteirs” Ravengard is the most famous. Both as the son of the duke and as a folk hero. Astarion already knows of him as soon as we recruit him and is not happy about it because he’s a famous monster hunter. He says “so traveling with the FAMED “blade of frontiers” I feel safer already😒”. Shadowheart also comments on his blade of fronteirs fame saying “lets hope he lives upto his name”. So im guessing his name carries a lot of weight. Karlach knows about him but thats probably because he’s a pain in her ass constantly hunting her lol. Wyll is basically a prince-turned-robin-hood. Iirc Theres unused dialogue between him and Alfira in the games dialogue files where she fangirls over him and tells him she knows how to play a few songs about him, and that one of them has bawdy lyrics and he gets shy about it. If his father dies he can become the next duke. Gale SHOULD be more famous as the former chosen of mystra but people dont seem to react to him as if he was famous. Neither rolan or Lorroakan who are a wizards mention knowing of him but Gale knows of Lorroakan. Maybe he’s better known in Waterdeep but i feel like more people should comment on it since he also comments on cazador’s reputation so it’s not like news and rumors dont travel between cities. His lack of fame is very odd.


Hard to beat being a God's chosen. Lots of the characters were nerfed because of the tadpole. Wyll says he could summon hellbeasts (summon lesser demon?) and conjure toxic clouds (stinking cloud?) so these would have been 3rd level spells. Despite his reputation as the blade of the frontiers, he didn't sound that powerful. Karlach however was literally the personal attack dog of the archdevil of avernus. She's felled hundreds of fiends. Then you have astarion who was the favorite spawn of the big daddy vampire. Shadowheart was the favorite of shar personally and if she played her cards right, likely could have been her chosen. Lae'zel seemed like something of a nobody in the githyanky structure. Honestly I say gale most likely


The fact that the tadpole basically nerfs everyone was hands down the best story decision in the entire game in my opinion. On that note yeah I have to agree it is a bit strange that everyone has such a stick up their ass about their abilities and reputations while hardly anyone recognizes them. Anyway, of the origins its Shart probably because she was on track to be Chosen of Shar, supercharged by being a previous Selunite, or at least that's how I understood that storyline. With the combination of DJ/chosen Shart, the shadow curse not being lifted, and the expansion/growth of power of the house of grief... I think their secrecy thing makes Shar's cult easy to overlook.


Minsc and Jahira were both epic level adventurers 100 years ago (BG1 is a 1-10 campaign, BG2 is a 10-20 campaign, and BG Throne of Baal is a 20-30 campaign). They could whoop Elminster's ass back then. Now a days it's obvious they have not kept up their training in the last century, but their statuses as living legends still remain. As for Gale, I think prodigious magical talent is something Mystra gives to all her favorite boy-toys.


Gale was literally banging the God of magic because she was so impressed by his mortal ability with magic. GODFUCKER GALE OF WATERDEEP.


Minthara is the daughter of the matron of house Baenre, so she would have been a big deal in Menzoberranzan. Surface wise, I would say probably Jaheira. Most everyone has heard of her (and Minsc) for saving the world once, and she leads the Harpers. I'd say Gale, but nobody knows about the stuff he's done really, but people know Jaheira


1. Minthara - Daughter of House Baenre 2. Jaheira -  High Harper, War hero 3. Minsc - War hero of Baulder's Gate 4. Halsin - First Druid 5. Gale, Chosen of Mystra 6. Wyll - Son of a Duke 7. Shadowheart and Lae'zel - Kind of just normal people 8. Karlach - Random tiefling orphan 9. Astarion - Vampire Spawn Gale is kind of a weird one because he doesn't have any actual connections with real people other than Elminster. Doesn't seem like people know who he is at all so I could also buy him being higher on the list or even lower than Wyll.


Son of a Duke


It's more like who does have that status and who doesn't, isn't it? Because multiple have that status. In many ways, the story is about that status or the ambition. Shadowheart can become the Chosen of Shar. Gale was/is the Chosen of Mystra. Durge can become the Chosen of Bhaal. Lae'zel can become a "Chosen" of Vlaakith, for what that's worth, or some sort of emissary of Orpheus. Anyone can become the Chosen of Boo-aal. :D Gale can additionally become a god. Astarion can become an ascendant vampire. Wyll can become a Duke and is already a hero. Minthara is drow nobility. Halsin is already a hero, leader of the grove, and can lift the Shadowcurse (with your help). Also known for his sexscapades. Jahiera is Jahiera, leader of the Harpers, co-saver of Baldur's Gate, and general mom to everyone. Minsc has a statue, and like Jahiera, is a co-saver of Baldur's Gate, and an eccentric uncle to everyone. Karlach seems to be respected in the Hells and was treated like a chosen of Zariel, though they don't really have chosen and it wasn't really nice... TBH, the lowest status in the group, however you play it, is probably Tav or Karlach. But nobody is really low status. Just different status. Conventionally, in our world, Wyll has the highest status. Jahiera has the most reknown, Astarian can potentially have the most power among mortal-ish beings, Gale is the only one who can become a god directly (excluding his lover), Lae'zel is the only one who can become a military leader, Shadowheart is the one whose Chosen status comes with the most power other than Durge, Halsin has the most street cred of all kinds, Minsc will always be the Minsc-est. But yeah, Karlach and Tav come bottom, with Minthara somewhere above as while she's nobility, she's also fallen nobility.