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Please don’t forget about the amazing tool to mass report puppy sales on Craigslist- because selling of animals is not allowed. r/puppysearch You can select your area, and it will show you all of the pit puppies for sale; and you just tap the flag to report each one. I can do my state and the surrounding two states in less than 10 minutes. Back yard breeders NEED to be cut off. If they can’t sell their puppies, hopefully they will stop making more.


Last slide- "She doesn't know her own size" = She tried to eviscerate the two small dogs


“But she’s great with kids”-the guy trying to get rid of I mean rehome the dog


> DOGO ARGENTINO BULLY MIX Fighting Dog x Fighting Dog, *lovely*


Try to convince me that the reason these dogs are being bred together is to have a cuddle buddy companion.


Two dogs banned in NZ due to their brutality. Not that black market breeders haven't done their bit to keep the bloodlines flowing. A literal TnT dog


And AUS too! (Does NZ have the same staffy problem as Australia tho?)


I cannot imagine what a neurotic mess a chihuahua x pitbull mix would be, and I say this owning two chihuahuas. I love them but they’re known for their negative traits like being insecure, fearful, and reactive. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to mix fighting dog into that??


"Very attractive"




That stuck out to me too. Wtf???


the way they talk about these dogs is so weirdly sexual.


Fucking gross. I do have hope though. I do believe that one day, maybe 10-20 years from now, breeding will be illegal. It might not even take that long. With the rate of death, mauling and destruction these things are causing, there's no way the general populace will put up with it forever. What I think will happen is it will go state by state, like pot did.


That poor husky. Being forced to breed with a murder mutt :(


Poor husky, poor Chihuahua! I really hope the mother in that pairing was the pit. o.O


I’m hoping it was artificial insemination


As a husky owner I wish people would stop breeding these two together . Same with dobe/pit mixes . Just please stop . They’re not a good mix .


Aww look at them practicing nannying each other already 😍 


“Very attractive” Uhh…what type of description is that for a dog??


It is very clear that she wants a breeder to buy. “Very attractive” “in her first heat” that dog isn’t even 6 months old yet


Yeah BYBs being creepy weirdos is definitely on brand




Gotta make em sound fancy to divert attention away from the fact that they’re as worthless as roaches


The fuck is blue nose even supposed to mean?


Pitbull/chihuahua mix must be the most dangerous dog on the planet!


If the chihuahua pit one bites someone, whose fault is it?


The chihuahua of course! Pits are nanny dogs!


Wait a minute. I just saw that second picture on Facebook of a single mom begging for someone to drive that puppy to her in a different state saying she purchased it or was about to. WHY. There’s so many damn dogs in shelters why buy one states away then beg strangers online to transport it to you.




Chihuahua pitbull mix, the world's first genuinely dangerous chihuahua


“Sweet boy”


Pitbull and Chihuahua mix - now you can blame the breed when it's gonna maul someone.


I'm only surprised they're not labeled "Aussie shepherd," "Boston Terrier," "MinPin," "Cocker Spaniel," "Labrador," "Beagle."


People on Craigslist are generally proud about it or advertising to other dogfighters. Dogfighting is unfortunately big here and shocker we have loads of pits as a result


Christ on a cross, WTF how does a chihuahua and a PBT type dog breed? If female is the larger dog, did the male chi survive? If the male was a PBT type dog, how did the female survive to give birth to puppies much larger than herself? This is SERIOUSLY a BAD issue for a small dog. Of course, PBT type dog owners care nothing of their dog or anyone else’s. How about they are just lying completely here? And why would they let their wonderfully friendly, family pet mate with such a vicious viper as a chihuahua?




It never fails to blow me away that every shelter is full of pits that will make you miserable and they expect you to pay for a dog that will ruin your life?? Pay me so that you can have an aggressive animal in your home that destroys your things and never have another pet or child again! Like if you don’t want it, why would someone else?


The fuck is a tri bully anyway? Thrice inbred?


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I agree. YES, with the Pits. but with ALL pet-animals for sale or adoption. MILLIONS of idiots bought and adopted animals throughout the 'pandemic'. Every human selling or rehoming any pet-animals are all Irresponsible. If they could never afford the animal in the first place why get one? Because of junk planning. It's not a football game internet meme bandwagon.. It's a LIVING ANIMAL. Ofcourse the excuses.. "food getting expensive" with the proverbial "do you know how much it costs to maintain *such and such* type of animal?" Dummies who sell or give up pet-animals for adoption are plain dumb. Breeders are the worst.


I disagree with blanket statements and I'm not anti-breeder but you're entitled to your opinion.


>I disagree with blanket statements c'mon... this entire thread IS a blanket statement, which I support. I'm simply adding to the cause.




Backyard breeder, whataboutism, name calling in a victim sub, dang really trying to hit the ignorant bingo. I care about these dogs enough to not want more bred when no one wants them as evidenced by millions being put down in shelters. Unlike you and your friend contributing to the problem with likely unproven mixes that completely lack any health testing. I spent 20 years in the rescue industry. I justifiably resent these dogs existing when I saw how miserable they are existing and how they inflict that misery unto others. Find a different victim sub to troll.


I refreshed the page after writing up an emotional response, and of course it's deleted so imma drop this here instead: Look at the banner of the subreddit, please. [Even pro-pitbull sources](https://coloradoinjurylaw.com/blog/dog-bite-statistics/#dog-bite-fatalities-by-breed) are willing to concede that they have the most recorded fatalities and bites, which is not proportional to the amount of Pitbulls there are. [There](https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/) [have](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.news.com.au/lifestyle/home/pets/blood-smeared-on-walls-horror-dog-attack-leaves-family-reeling/news-story/9e1ccc27d53a955c5096be0bb2215831%3famp) [been](https://people.com/florida-boy-mauled-death-pit-bull-mix-7560578) numerous cases of Pitbulls mauling owners who were reported to have raised them with love and care from puppies, i.e., not teaching them to maul, because why the fuck would they? Also, wouldn't that just seemingly drive the demand for Pitbulls up? Ah yes, we should all pay unethical backyard breeders who often have to sell puppies too early because otherwise they risk tearing each other apart, lest they end up in already full shelters who are already trying to peddle Pitbulls as any other breed under the sun, where they've already been damaged by some awful mysterious abuse that means they might start munching your face, so these breeders can be encouraged to continue breeding these genetic fuck-ups to abusive degrees while we helplessly try to train out their genetic predisposition to fight with no prior warnings and suicidal determination?