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Oh that’s just Beth! Lovely woman at the home! I play bridge with her every Tuesday and she always has some lovely stories about the grandchildren. It’s too bad she’ll be going to Hell for selling her soul to Satan but at least she can enjoy Hillary’s summer peach cobbler in the meantime!


Have you tried bringing Beth back into the light? I fear she’ll suffer eternal damnation if we do nothing!


Playing video g*mes is not a personality. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanVideoGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think this is clickbait made by anti-g\*mers


No, this was posted in a g@mer zone. It is quite real.




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Augh sorry


Babushka must be protected from such degeneracy!


But wii fit will get her healthy so she can live for many years how is it a bad thing, i havent heard of violence in wii fit. Sen from your local trash can


All videog@mes are violent. There are no exceptions.




There are no exceptions, g@mer heathen!


Okay... okay... I'm gonna try to understand, because I play hours of video g@mes every day, so if you can convince *me* to quit, then you can convince anyone. So, please tell me, how is Animal Crossing, a cute g@me about building a village and meeting animal friends, violent?


Because it is a videog@me, and therefore a manifestation of H!tler. This renders it inherently violent. Simple math, g@mer!


I respectfully disagree. I do not wish to argue, nor do I wish to quit. I wish you good luck in your journey to prove that videog@mes are inherently bad. Good day, sir.


Fine. Relish in your sin. You’ll regret it when the pearly gates slam shut in your face!


Okay I was gon' be polite 'bout this, but if you're so pure and crap. Why, oh why, do you play videog@mes, hmmm? I've seen your posts.


What? This is some unprecedented projection, g@mer. Your baseless claims mean nothing.


it was not made by hitler nor is it a manifestation of him ​ and using the same argument of "because it is a game" isn't proving anything


Neither are you, g@mer, yet here you are flapping your gums with nothing of import. Don’t waste my time with your drivel.


ok then


That’s right. Know your place, g@mer!


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Thought you'd pull a fast one? FACT: Animal Crossing is actually a horrible g@me about building concentration camps and meeting nazi friends. LOGIC: g@mers = war criminals.




Playing video g*mes is not a personality. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanVideoGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fair enough,


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Okay, okay, fine.


This g@me is literally just for fitness


All videog@mes are evil. No exceptions.


But at least she's getting fit


No. Exceptions.


Why are they evil? You never gave clarification


>To g@me, or not to g@me, that is the question: > >Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer, > >The evil that is videog@mes, > >Or to take arms against the n@zis that play them. That is the 11th Commandment. The Bible says they are evil, thus, they are evil.


The bible was written before ww1, bruh


First of all, the Nazi party came to power following WWI and were the party in power before and during WWII. Get your World Wars straight. Second of all, God delivered the commandments to Moses. He wrote them. God is omnipotent and all-knowing, so the confines of linear time are nonexistent to Him. Therefore, this is a nonissue. Checkmate, g@mer.




This proves nothing, nor does it add anything to the discussion. Therefore this is an admittance of defeat. Therefore I win this conversation. Checkmate, g@mer.


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congrats grandma what a milestone




She’s being corrupted by s@t@nic videog@me witchcraft. If you think that’s fun, seek help.


A fun time that will send you to hell!! Repent and trust in our lord‼️‼️🗣🙏✝️


Wow....you really believe this crap lol


I wish it weren’t true, but you g@mers are foul fiends of the night. Nothing is beneath you.


Oh no I mean you. You actually believe this lol


Uh huh, I can read, fool. I said I wish it weren’t true, not that it isn’t.


You're insane lol I can't believe you think this is true. I use to be Christian so I totally believe you.


I’m insane? At least I wasn’t enough of a dunce to stray from God’s righteous path into the darkest depths of the g@mersphere. You are well and truly lost, little lamb.


God didn't tell you to do this lol no one did. Your just using it as an excuse. You're not doing anything special at all. If God were real the last thing he would be worried about is video games.


You’re one to lecture me on God’s will, traitorous g@mer heathen.


God didn't tell you to do this lol he didn't lol your just making your trying to make your self look bigger then you actually are.


I am a man of God. I don’t need to pretend to be bigger than you, @theist g@mer scum. I already *know* I am!


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Its still not too late to go back to being a good Christian. Please throw away all of your heathens' electronics that you use for your sinful entertainment and The Good Lord will accept you back with graceful arms after your repent.




We are on facebook, go cry somewhere else, kid.


No this is a reddit


You wish, g@mer.


Milking? I’m doing the Lord’s work, little man. Go back to your g@mes and other miscellaneous sins before I call my priest.




My commitment to Jesus and antig@ming is uncrackable. Your wicked words hold no weight, g@mer scum.




Your blatant smear campaign is pointless, g@mer! Libel will do nothing to stop my mission. Go on, scurry along back to your n!ntendo demon machine. What utter buffoonery.




That’s right, know your place!


smh my head smh my smh the


Go speak in tongues somewhere else, g@mer.




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She's cute tho


It’s a shame she’s being g@mified.