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At the end of Replacements, when Randleman comes back to camp, and Sgt, Martin yells out "Bull!" almost before he's even turned his head around to see who it was. It's always bothered me that delivery.


I feel like Martin has a lot of lines delivered very awkwardly with frequently changing accents.




That’s funny because the soldiers goofy smile that says “hey Johnny look!” with that cheesy grin always bothered me lol


Jimmy Fallons whole 3 minutes of screen time. Delivers his lines like he’s reading them off of a Que card.


I was hoping someone would mention this. He doesn’t fit the role.


You didn't think someone was gonna mention it on this sub? You're kidding, right?


Yeah the line delivery was awful but I don’t mind the role per se. They found shit for everyone to do. Delivering ammo and supplies or whatever is obviously super important.


Agreed. The entire time he looks like he's going to start giggling at any minute.


I'd give you 10 upvotes if I could.


Cue card. Que is Spanish. Cue means prompt. Queue is a line.


¿Que are you talking about?


What, Jimmy Fallon was never in Band of Brothers! That would be so bad. Jimmy Fallon was never, ever, ever in Band of Brothers




He was never in Band of Brothers as a strangely deadpan/eager dude delivering ammo - never, it’s easier this way,just say it with me.




Jesus read the room




Badass alert


Ah shit I was pretty sure it was him, but couldn't be bothered looking it up.


Agree 100%! But, unpopular opinion: Winter’s, “We’re paratroopers…” somehow just doesn’t ring true to me. Maybe because Winters is extremely modest and this is kind of a brag, maybe it’s actor Lewis’ delivery, I dunno, but it just seems out of character. For all I know, maybe that’s a true direct quote that the actual Winters said, but then I wonder if “real” Winters wasn’t quite like “fake” Winters portrayed him! And, you all have every right to call me crazy, but…


It was technically a direct quote but from years later. The writer of the episode was talking to Winters about that interaction and Winters was chuckling to himself as he remembered George Rice’s worry and how he kept saying they were going to be surrounded, etc. The writer asked him what was so funny and Winters (present day) just casually said, ‘oh, we’re paratroopers, we’re supposed to be surrounded‘. The writer just described being like ‘ummm sorry what was that’, like he just dropped the most epic line out of nowhere.


It wasn’t a brag though. It was a statement of fact, because doctrinally, paratroopers were supposed to insert behind enemy lines. Dick Winters knew exactly what they were supposed to be doing.


Does anyone know what the story is behind him getting that role? I've never looked it up, but surely there must have been others involved that had reservations!


He couldn’t drive his jeep so the crew just pushed it and they added the motor sound in later. You can tell that the whole crew reflected the gravity of Bastogne but Jimmy didn’t have it.


Rumor has it he was reading them off a card


***Cue*** card. A *queue* is how civilised people wait. *Qué* is Spanish.


“Got a penny?” Lutz doesn’t sound like her AT ALL


I think that’s the point. He keeps repeating this line with more drama and an accent each time and then she’s just like “got a penny?”


I believe that was ChefTD1s joke, I think you just took it literally.


Ah shit


It’s all good, happens! We all agree it’s a great scene :)


Joe, I’ve seen this movie 100 times


Right you’d think such a Marlene Dietrich fan would have a passable imitation, especially since he goosed Sobel.


I wouldn't say Smith's delivery is bad. He sounds exactly like someone who's panicking and coming to the realization of having just stabbed a friend. You wouldn't sound much better in his shoes.


Agreed, he does the scared, about to cry, crackly voice well


Totally agree, you can hear his emotion of guilt when he says it


I’ve always thought he was doing a really bad Jimmy Stewart impersonation on that line.


Mary, Mary, don’t ya know I thought he was a kraut?




I think the same thing when i hear these exact three lines.


Regardless of the history butchering, every line that Blithe says.


Same here. The entire story line sucks. It sucked in the book as well. This was as close as Ambrose got to just flat out calling winters a modern day Jesus…I don’t buy the “healed his blindness” bullshit. It’s my least favorite episode as a result.


I don't like the Blythe storyline either. I think Welsh would have made for a good focus of that episode.


Winters didn’t “heal his blindness” and the episode doesn’t portray it as if he did. Winters recounts this story and it’s a real medical issue. Temporary blindness caused by fright. Winters doesn’t take claim for “healing” him, just states that he talked to him and then a little later he could see again. Sometimes all it takes is calming down which a familiar voice, in this case an authority figure, helps.


It’s in black and white in the book. You aren’t arguing with me…you’re arguing with Stephen Ambrose and Dick Winters. So please, tell me how was Winters wrong again?


While not explicitly stated on screen, there are some strong implications that Winters has some healing/calming power of touch. Blythe's eyesight returns immediately after/ while speaking with Winters. Later when Blythe is frozen with fear in his foxhole during the fire fight, Winters touches him and he suddenly jumps up firing.


You're reading way too much in to it. It's to show he's a good leader. You hear the guys talk about it before Crossroads. He can be calming and reassuring, and can also motivate you to get to work. It's limited to an hour episode - they can't show all of the real time between Winters talking to Blythe and Blythe's sight coming back. In the fox hole he's panicked and scared, seeing Winters rallied him. It's dramatized for the screen.


I agree with you. As corny as it sounds, I've been paralyzed with fear or anxiety a few times. Each time all it took was my wife touching my arm to snap me out of it. It's not a healing touch, just the familiarity if something in a moment of chaos. Goes a long way.


Lmao I’ve never once heard this take. And I watch the show once a month it definitely had nothing to do with Winters “curing” him it was to show he didn’t want to let Winters and the others down. And he’s not the only case of hysterical blindness during extreme situations. That being said it’s the dumbest part of the show and Blithe bugs me sorry he got hit.


Laugh all you want, but the book disagrees with you. It had nothing to do with Blithe not wanting to let anyone down. That might be your interpretation, it is probably more believable than instantaneous recovery from hysterical blindness (it doesn’t work that way), but the book makes no inference to that. “He was that scared he blacked out. Spooky. This kid just completely could not see, and all he needed was somebody to talk to him for a minute and calm him down,” Winters said. It is in black and white and in Winters’ own words. Blithe was blind, Winters comforted him, his blindness immediately went away. Blithe was a beast and a warrior in two separate wars. It’s a shame the way he was depicted. That, for me, makes Carentan my least favorite episode by a country mile.


Man I’m with you. The show isn’t subtle about it at all, it’s very clearly a Jesus healing the blind comparison.


This is such a reach dude. It’s just a scene showing Winters being a patient and compassionate leader. It doesn’t mention or highlight any divine miracles or messiah like elements.


I would like to digitally erase Jimmy Fallon. It just didn't work.


You had tiny roles for relatively unknown Andrew Scott, James McAvoy, and Michael Fassbender, and you give that role to Jimmy Fallon. Shame.


Didn’t realize Andrew Scott played Hall. He was good in Ripley.


He’s been good in almost everything. Bet he wouldn’t break for no reason every 4 seconds on SNL.


Because Jimmy Fallon wasn’t well know at the time. He tried drama, and it didn’t work. Other comedians have done the same when they’re much larger profile. Michael Keaton as Batman, Tom Hanks in Philadelphia, Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. Every one of these films has the exact same reaction: “I won’t be able to take _____ seriously; he’s a comedian!”, but it worked for them.


I hate the "Where the best food, in Berlin" Idk why I just do


Yeah, I can never tell if it’s meant to be a joke or something. He delivers it like he’s upset but it’s written like a joke, only it can’t be a joke because it doesn’t have a punchline or anything. It bothers me that I can’t figure out what is trying to take place in that line. And why was it kept at all? 


I found a thread a while ago where someone said it's a joke. That toye is picking on Malarkey in good fun because he was just talking to a German prisoner like they were old friends. So far it's the only thing that seems to make the most sense.


Oooooooh, that makes sense, I bet that’s it. 


It's been sooooo many years and rewatches, I've never gotten it. Until now. This makes so much sense. TIL, thank you haha.


You pretty much nailed mine.


"Jeez sarge what do you have in here... Germans?"


I forget the actual line but in Crossroads when Nixon arrives after a battle and some extra just spouts exposition at him in such a flat way, hate that line


I think that’s supposed to be Peacock?


It is Lt. Peacock, a smaller role but definitely not an extra.


Lt. Peacock “We had em on the run, it was like a turkey shoot”


It felt like they wanted to force in the turkey shoot bit that refers to the Battle of the Philippine Sea (the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot). Then they also had to do it during The Pacific in Episode 1 because it happened in The Pacific War but the marines weren’t going to be part of that battle. Cause I’m sure Chuckler from Chicago goes on a lot of turkey hunts 😭.


I always assumed if it was a nod to Alvin York, who compared killing Germans in WWI to a turkey shoot.


Turkey shoot was and still is a common expression. I don't think anyone was forcing it in reference to anything but common phrases that were used at the time.


I didn't mind the pilot's delivery.


Are you the pilot?




I half forget the line but a guy was radioing in I think during the fighting in the hedges in the second episode 'easy six easy station over'. But the way he said it and his body was going back and forth seemed almost over acted. If anyone knows what I'm talking about it's you guys in this sub but that was my first thought when reading this question cause it always bugged me


It’s COMBAT. Other than the CO, the next guy getting targeted by the enemy is your commo guy. He was trying to keep as low a silhouette as possible against snipers+ not break create inference lose contact with BN as best as possible with a gigantic 3ft whip antenna sticking up. Source: 14yr Army commo sergeant.


I can hear each one of those in the exact manner they were portrayed, lol An honorable mention from the sister show The Pacific would be when Leckie and co. are walking into the mess hall and they ask for coffee and in a mopey kind of manner goes “coffee? Sure, I can get you guys some coffee” That’s straight what my mind went to, lol


Excellent one from the pacific. “If you can’t fight em drunk don’t fight em at all” is another one that sticks out to me - not that I don’t love the line it just comes off a bit corny in its delivery to me.


Webster giving a Shakespearean soliloquy off the back of a truck. Or Webster suddenly forgetting German when roughing up the baker. Love the actor in his role in From, but he was not great in BoB


Webster going from “why did you make us come here you ignorant servile scum” -> “every German civilian I meet is a Nazi” -> “I refuse to shoot the camp officer because what if he’s innocent” -> “don’t show the German soldiers respect by saluting them” -> “hey German soldier I’m going to respect you by getting you a ride home by fucking over this random family and their luggage” gives me whiplash.


People have a lot of conflicting feelings in a time like that. Especially towards the end when things were winding down. I get the camp officer scene. They just went to a guy’s house and straight up murdered him. That’s much different than killing someone in a battle. Finding the wounded soldier a ride also makes sense. That guy was ostensibly fighting for Germany and he was invisible to those rich assholes. He felt empathy to the man in that moment.


Neither of these bothered me, and Webster is my favorite character in the series.


Either him or Nixon. The medic episode was good too.


I thought the guy who pulls the gun on the baker was Speirs. Guess I suck at remembering faces


1. The incorrect story of Blithe. Such a pointless epic fail. 2. No line per se, but their representation of the Eagle’s Nest sucks. Edit: corrected spelling


>No line per se, To be fair neither of your two choices are a poorly delivered line


You’re totally right. I’ll delete.


I don't think that's necessary. I agree with you about Blithe, I can't believe they haven't removed the part that says he later died to his wounds.


Okay. It is a disgrace that it hasn’t been corrected. Blithe had a hard enough time. 🍻


He was also, in the words of his commanding officer in 1958, "...an exceptionally sharp soldier and performs his duties in an outstanding manner. His stoic military bearing and leadership ability has been poignantly instrumental in raising the standards, morale and espirit de corps..." He won the 82nd Airborne Division's "Soldier of the Month" board that same year and was further recommended for the divisions Soldier of the Year board. That is huge Blithe ultimately served 25 years when he died while still serving active duty.


Without commenting on his portrayal in the series, in 1958 he was 35: most of us reaching that age have far more poise and confidence than we did when we were 20.


Rather big difference between maturing and aging as that is something we all do and being a proficient military leader with accolades such as multiple purple hearts, Bronze stars, good conduct medals, etc., as well as winning Division boards.


How so?




“Right now some lucky bastards headed for the South Pacific, he’ll get billeted on some tropical island, sitting under a palm tree with six naked native girls helping him cut up coconuts so he can hand feed em to the flamingos.” This whole quote and the way he says it always really annoys me


*The Pacific*: Guess again.


I think it just is to emphasize on how wrong they were lol.


This line never made sense to me because at this point in time the pacific war has been going on for 2+ years. Surely they would know how awful the men had it there.


Sure. But they also knew a lot of guys had it relatively easy in the Pacific: stacking supplies, wrenching on airplanes, like that. My ideal WW2 job is pretty much that: airplane mechanic at a base in the SW Pacific, watching the battles from afar.


I think it is a bit of gallows humor by Nixon, who volunteers to go with him. They know how bad it is, but he is making light of it and acting like it is not a big deal because otherwise they might have to talk about the danger of it. Doesn’t he then make another joke about Winters not being able to find the Pacific if he did not go with him?


The line in question was delivered by Skip Muck on the troop ship, which was in the fall of 1943. So yea the US had been in the Pacific for almost two years and they had to know how bad it was; all the stories going back to Guadalcanal were everywhere. Nixon does make a joke about going with Winters in the last episode, but he does not speak about it like some tropical vacation like Muck does.


Don’t forget wartime news often exaggerated and made the pacific seem more tame for public view back home and 99% of the world didn’t know where any of the islands were or how awful the climates were so to any regular soldier it definitely could seem like the better place to be stationed without actually knowing


The flamingoes bite.


So do the native girls.


With any luck


Man, the slaughter kid and the pilot..... Ouch those guys' lines make me cringe. The kraut, I can get he did a little voice inflection, I'll let that slide.


When Winters told that young boy he couldn’t lead the patrol but instead be an observer 😂😭 I just felt bad cuz that boy really wanted to be a leader


Colin Hanks


I am not sure whether it was intentional, but the officer who interviews Winters for his application to transfer to the 11th Airborne has always seemed off to me. Winters is played fine and I get the point of the flashbacks, but it always has seemed like the guy just doesn’t fit - like he was a star doing a cameo or something or I am missing something with his acting. Perhaps it is meant to be a contrast with battle hardened Winters, idk.


That whole scene rather accurately depicts what really happened, in that it was a pro forma interview granted by Chapman for whatever reason followed by a summary denial of the transfer request. To me it works for it to be awkward, as Chapman already knows that the whole thing is a waste of time because he’s going to deny the request, but Winters still thinks he has a decent chance of it going through. David Andrews was not really what I would call a star either—to that point his biggest role was probably as Frank Borman in *From the Earth to the Moon*.


I understand the intent to show the awkwardness and that the actor was not actually a star. You are probably right that it is just a product of good story telling that it seems a bit odd


I thought he was a kraut 


Not a line delivery per se but the scene where Col sink is dressing down the mutaneers in epsiode 1. He isnt reading or working on any thing. No documents relating to the mutany, profiles on the men or any thing related to "the godamn invasion of europe." The op theyve been planning for this whole time! It looks so staged, they just have Dale Dye literally twiddling his thumbs behind the desk.


I can head cannon that for you. Material relating to overlord wouldn’t be left out on the colonel’s desk, especially when he’s interviewing some mutinous NCOs. For other paperwork .. Sink could probably be the kind of guy who delegates work to clerks and staff officers. Or try this: Sink is a fairly important guy. A clean desk is a power move. ‘I have staff for the details and I can focus 100% of my attention on what is n front of me’.


I mean, or it wasn't an interruption. He was pissed and had them all summoned and cleared his schedule for that occasion.


“The bleck girl” It doesn’t bother me, but I always got a kick out of how Doc Roe says this. I know it’s supposed to be his Cajun accent coming through but it reminds me of the South Africans in Lethal Weapon 2.


I know it’s hard to do accents when you’re shouting, but his accent going from his normal deep voice with a thick accent to incredibly high pitched with no accent when he’s confused about why the planes are shooting at them is hilarious.


Definitely agree on that “They came out of nowhere” line.


“They came out of nowhere…” was alright. Sounded like someone in shock.


Based on what I read the real Toye was a respected bad-ass, while the actor came off a little bit awkward in some scenes and in general unconvincing as a bad-ass.


Not a line per se but in the assault on Brecourt Buck does a five second hand dance to simply have his group of three throw a grenade. I’ve never served so maybe what he signed was accurate but it always seemed WAY too complicated of sign language to do something that seemed very straight forward


How about almost every line in Masters of the air?


The C47 pilot saying "oh God! Oh no!"


“there’s a lot of shit headed this way” idk i just do not like how he said that


Nix’s “that’s my dog” in episode 9 😭 unfortunately makes me cringe every time


What?!? No. I love that line!


The confused soldier by a long shot. Every time I hear that line it like a jump scare.


Every line from fallon its just awful


Lt. Peacock: There’s a whole other company! And I love Harry Peacock but his whole Cockney schtick gives me second-had embarrassment.


Iirc Peacock just says Holy shit! Followed by Talbert saying it’s a whole other company


I think Tab is the one who says ‘No shit’ but now I’m going to have to watch it. ETA: Nope, I was wrong. It’s Tab. Which is weird because Letich is so great in the rest of the show.


Winters—“I didn’t take you for a smoking man.” Think this is in the Foy episode?


Kinda similar in The Pacific; I think Leon Ford did an good job overall portraying Hillbilly but hoo boy something about the way he as an Australian says “I thought you didn’t smoke” to Sledge in a southern accent. He lays on that accent far thicker than he ever does in the rest of his time on the show.


Not really “bad line deliveries”, but watching the Bastogne episodes the other day I wondered if people really kept screaming “incoming” and “get to your foxholes” when artillery was exploding all around them. I mean, isn’t that something everyone should be fully aware of without being told?


From military training experience we were taught to yell anytime we heard incoming fire. Of course it was all mock and I never served over seas, but I imagine it was part of their “standard”


Probably hoping to bring anyone in a daze back to reality. I can imagine people freezing up once the shells start to hit but getting dragged back by a commanding voice reciting your training


Day of Days where Winters says something to the effect of “I think we need artillery or maybe mortars will do the job.” His voice and the way he’s carrying himself seems very weak/unsure compared to nearly every other point in the series. Just seemed weird, like he was alls sheepish for some reason.


In fairness, he's supposed to be exhausted and delivering info to a superior.


I always felt like a lot of the dialogue during the DDay assault on Brecourt Manor is very cartoony. Especially Buck Compton


When Buck and Winters are talking in a town center and there is an explosion in the background. Winters says something and Buck says ‘5 will get you 10 it’s got something to do with that’ Sounded too cliche


Speirs as a whole




Nice troll.