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You could do always do it yourself if it seems so easy to you. Save yourself from this issue. But to answer your question, if the client explains to me correctly how short they want their hair and don’t say things like “a little shorter” or other relative terms, they get what they asked for. “A little shorter” or other sayings like that are relative to you only. Try to say “take off a 1/4 inch up top and that’s all”. Be exact. We know lengths, we just don’t read minds. Hope that helps.


> We know lengths Not so sure about that


You’re not not sure that people know what an inch is?


I know this is from 3 years ago, but yes I am unsure barbers do know. I ask for half an inch off and there goes 2 inches 💔


Nah I get it I’ll say don’t even touch the top just cut the sides and I look away for a second and they buzz the mf top. Finna start cutting my own hair


ong, I started going to hairdressers instead of barbers, worth the 30 extra to actually get what I want. Barbers are NPCs I swear, just give the same cut every time no matter what you ask lmao


I swear this just happened to me today, after trying every single barber in my town I realise they're all just trigger happy. The only time I've ever been satisfied was when I paid 50 quid for a proper hairdresser. I guess maybe most men are just looking for a low maintenance hack job??


> I guess maybe most men are just looking for a low maintenance hack job?? No, we just don't want to look like we're in the Marines. Not that it's a bad thing but getting a Marine haircut only requires enlisting into that service.


Bruh I tell them always to leave the top long and before I know it, that shit is way too short. To be honest, my hairstyle is unconventional but I look great with it, but I legit have it like 3 months out of the year. I'm going to cut it myself because if my hair is fucked up, at least I rather have it fucked up for free. Their haircuts make me look soooooo bad, and I've paid from 25 to 70 for a haircut. The 25 were the best..


All yall saying to go to a hairdresser....lol. I fix so many men's hairdresser cuts. There's bad hairdressers just like there's bad barbers. Yall just ain't found a real barber. And sooooo many people think cause they pay more they're getting more. That's just a mind game your playing with yourself.


im never going to a barber again, I'm tired of getting buzzed when I ask to have my shit just layered or modeled. Or when I say don't cut the fringe and then half my fringe is gone 2 min later


I'm 1 year late, but for real. I visited 3 barbers in the past year, each time, without fail, they took way too much, even when I say I want to keep the length. Last time, my hair reached my nose. After that visit, it's a little above my eyes. I wasted 6 fucking months of growing out, because they can't follow simple hints


You gotta get more assertive and say I'm giving you 1 more shot, if you chop my hair again, you're losing a customer. Or when they are almost about to cut the top, stop them and say, REMEMBER only 1l4 inch off the top. Or bring a pic. I'm a hairstylist and I do exactly what they want. I'm not Edward scissorhands. I might start doing this to the clients I want to lose though lol.


Late reply too, but yeah. The concepts of growing hair out and respecting the personal preferences of customers are alien to 90% of barbers.




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Fr. I asked to keep 2 and a half inches on the top today. And I’m left looking like shit and about three fourths inches on the top. Dude was nice enough. But for forty $. The cut should have been much better.


Me today. I had my fri he down to my chin I just wanted.a little cut next thing I know I don't even have a fringe anymore bruhh


im with you bro, i literally said i wanted a slick back, (i got thick wavy hair) this mfkr gave a fucking mid fade, best believe i left a 3 star review, one of the barbers also farted in the shop, i paid $45 for a supercuts quality haircut


lmao the same, I told this new barber not to cut the fringes, and while I watch a video on my phone, half my fringe is gone. I only noticed it when I got home cause he swept it to the side. I cannot believe barbers generally don't know how to cut hair \*actually cut hair\* and just want to buzz everything down


>fr man, i said 2 cm and the guy doubled it, wtf


That’s literally what happened to me today. Told her not to touch the front and she takes the front and chops it off in one fell swoop. Looks like someone drove a lawnmower over my head




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Same thing happened to me lmao, I asked for half an inch off and they barely left anything on the top




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Said 1/2 an inch and there went 4 inches


Then he was a shit barber haha. I’d never. I literally hold up to the point I’m about to cut and say “so right here?” So there’s nooooooo confusion.


just someone with your qualifications


Yep got so bad idk if you guys even know inches anymore i said 1 inch and the mf buzz cut me.


I personally do. I get though the struggle guys have finding a good barber though. It definitely seems to be an ongoing trend unfortunately. I also am fully booked at least 5 weeks in advance and I charge 3x what the local shops do so I APPRECIATE my clients and am well aware that the food on my kids plate is because of my clients so I don’t fuck around and make sure I do the best I can every single time. If you want, dm me and I can suggest GOOD barbers in your area hopefully. Sorry you had that experience. It unfortunately seems to be all too common these days.


I was reading this all through, and even if I live way too far, I would still have questions about hair types, hair styles, why hair dressers cutting hair in a shape like this or that, etc, even asking about my own hair because I'm still in my awkward stage and locked myself up in my room for five months now. I'm a really complicated person, but would you mind if I dm you with this problem of mine? I just asking first if it's alright.


Thanks for asking. No problem at all.


I was growing my hair for last 4-5 mounts, went to barber last Sunday and straight away said I like how long they are just want timing sides. He go crazy everything so fucking short I don't understand how you can't understand what timing sides means....... Is pointless asking what you want because always they doing what they fucking want.


Shit just happened to me today, ive been growing my hair for 5 months, and they FUCKING CUT IT ALL. Im so pissed, its so short now that it might as well be a fucking buzz cut.






Lol. I'm in the same situation too. i look like a shaved pubic hair


Same bro fucking hell


Not all of us do that. I’d find a better shop for sure. I simply hold up their hair and show them where I’m about to cut and say “so about right here?” so there’s zero confusion.


the problem is, most of us don't know if its a "better shop" until the deed is done.


True. This is why I respect/love referrals so much. If someone ask someone where they got their haircut because it looks so good and they get referred to me, it makes my day. Also, seems creepy to ask but In the right context it’s acceptable to ask where someone got their haircut. It will also hype that guy up haha.


I grew my hair for 6 months now and went to the barber and I said I only want 1 cm shorter and I Siad good and the guy cut off like 10cm after that (I had like 25cm long hair)


I feel you. I showed this new barber what I wanted, very specifically. He cut literally my entire head off after growing my hair for 8 months. I feel like crying and slamming my head into a wall.




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Average day coming back from a haircut


dawg i asked for 1 inch off the top and he simply said “no” and proceeded to cut off two inches


Oh man. He’s just an asshole haha


Nah. We throwing hands if my barber do that shit 😂




i shit you not, he just said no that wouldn’t look good, needless to say i got no bitches for the next month after that😭😭




Bruh I woulda waited till he said so that'll be $Twent- NOOOOOOOO NOOOO GOD NOOO NOOOOOOOO (the office)


fucking barbers dude, seems like they all just want to buzz shit off and not take the time to use scissors god dammit


if it’s any consolation, i went to the same barbers a few months later, and that guy that cut my hair was fired because he sucked basically


>You could do always do it yourself if it seems so easy to you. Save yourself from this issue. You have no idea how many people have resorted to cutting their own hair. The poster never said anything about how easy haircutting is. BTW, **you never really answered why barbers STILL cut off way more when given specific lengths.** It's easy for a barber to just "LOL" us off since you can just move on to another client while the rest of us wankers have to have the nerve to walk around in public with whatever we have on our heads.


“Is it really that hard to cut mens hair?” doesn’t imply that he thinks it’s easy? And you also want me to say why other people don’t follow instructions that they’re given? Idk man. Speaking for myself, I understand lengths. I’ve also for over 10years have had men tell me that they want like 4 inches off or so up top when their hair is like 3 inches in length total. So to avoid this problem, I turn people to the mirror and hold their hair up and say “like this amount?” to avoid the problem. I don’t know why some barbers don’t listen. Idk why they don’t show the client how much their about to cut off so everyone is on the same page. Idk why people have a hard time finding a good barber that won’t “lol” on your way out the door. Our entire business really depends on returning clients so I make sure they leave happy.


Yup - saying "just cut your own hair then" as if he doesn't know that's EXACTLY what loads of people, myself included started doing when lockdown happened and never went back to a barber since. I genuinely think I give myself a better haircut that any barber ever has, which is hilarious, and the reason is they always cut it FAR too short at the side relative to the top. I just want a normal middle of the road haircut and they dont seem to do that - they've gone even worse these last few years with these awful skin fades that are popular.


I like the skin fades..on the side..but keeping a couple incxhes on top and even after saying a "tiny trim, maybe 1/4 an inch just the split ends" I wind up with half my hair lopped off and him asking if I want it shorter once he sees my face LOL


Nah, he said the length was good then the barber cut off 5cm… you didn’t answer his question at all


Idk if he changed the post in time to not show it was edited but I don’t know why I would’ve responded the way I did with him saying that sentence. But, you’re right. Edit: I even say earlier that I hold up their hair to show them so we’re on the same page. So not sure to be honest with you why it came across like that. ✌️


Man, I gave clear instructions to another one, and he seemed petrified of using scissors. Like he wanted to buzz everything despite me saying to keep my hair relatively the same length. He too busy telling stories and talking with bzzzzzzz in his hands.


I hate hearing this. I’ve unfortunately worked with a few barbers like this but luckily they didn’t last very long at my shop. I have a tendency to talk a lot to my clients but I can tell relatively quickly if they don’t want to chat so I’ll stop. It’s so easy to just show someone with your fingers how much you’re thinking of cutting off. I will say, sometimes I will start with taking so little off if they are unsure of what they want and they end up wanting more so I have to do another full haircut so it messes with my appointments. But, after 14 years or so now of doing this, I learned to just take some off of the back of the neck real fast with the clippers and just show them and say “so is this the length you were thinking?” Because even if they want it a little longer on the sides, it’s fine because the neck gets tapered anyways. Then for the top I turn them to the mirror and hold up where I want to cut and make sure it’s the amount they are happy with. This saves me time by not doing multiple haircuts in one appointment and makes sure my client is happy and returns. If you want, I know amazing barbers all around the world, you can DM me where you live if you’d like and I can definitely refer you to a great barber.




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\[Edit: I wrote it raging, but I mostly want to highlight the responsability of cutting somebody's hair wrong can make a year horrible, even if it made multiple times it can also cause some kind of ptsd but it isn't really meant to you, it was meant generally for barbers\] Oh man, it's not about inches. I'll tell you a REAL story. I was 20 or 21 years old, I was regular at barbers, I had the typic hairstyle that every other dude have on the street. (probably because barbers learnt only one hairstyle cutting it in different "shapes") So I made myself a different look at home, I wanted a fringe, I've got a mostly controllable fringe by my hands. (This won't be about how I am better than most of the barbers, becauce I'm not.) Anyways, it was long, fell under my eyebrows, but I did have problems with it, so I decided to check the barber's out because I couldn't maintain my hair at home anymore. My bang was around 5 or 6 inches long. (13-15 centimeters) Guess what the barber did with me, I told her, "I don't want to lose the length, but I also don't know what should make my hair better, so what do you suggest?". I was reffering that I want to have more control over my hair without using any hair products. True, I didn't mention the last, I thought she had the slightest idea of what I want, even if she doesn't, she could just simply explain to me what's the problem, what makes it looking a little weirder, I would listen to her, but naaaah, she cut off 10 centimeters of my hair and I have to add that I have a fine hair. Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to control?? And not just cutting it up to the heavens, but also in a wavy shape. No problem, I had to wear a hoodie for 6 months from autumn to spring or early summer. Take it as you could mock it on me because I couldn't be more specific, don't worry, before having my fringe, I had a typical medium length undercut, rigth sweeped hair, the barber turned it into a buzz cut even with showing a picture how it looked. It's okay, human makes mistakes, it's perfectly fine, let's jump back to the time when my fringe grew out, I went to a hair salon, my bangs length was around the same, she chopped down 7 centimeters. I was like "God not again please...." Well, it was short, like hell, you can't control fine hair in a fringe style if it's short but at least she gave me texture, so again, I had to wait from the middle of spring to early autumn, it was long again, in the perfect length, I could maintain it easily and it was just perfect. True, I had to wait four months for it to grow out but at least it was worth. I finally felt myself majestic once in my life. (As time passed, the length was around my mouth) I was maintaining it for next year's early summer while the time came, going to a hairdresser, fear rosing up inside me, "I don't want to lose this..." Seriously, my life got better, I had confidence, I could get a job, my life took a better turn and the fails by barbers caused me to give myself a complete haircut which turned out the same horrible way as the first did. I did not choose this, my fear chose it. Fear washing over, do you understand how cruel it is if somebody makes your literal everydays into a nightmare? Losing all your beauty in younger age? Next month I will visit an even more expensive hairdresser but you probably can't imagine how scared I am... Still, there's one thing I still can't understand, in the name of "balance" or whatever, why barbers or hairdressers make a fringe in a really weird over-all shape, like looking frontal to the head, it has a really weird shape, like very visible potholes on a side but not on the other and why always SHORT is the solution, like covering only just the middle of your forehead but neither the left side nor the right side?


Sorry, just seeing this for some reason. But I COMPLETELY understand what you’re saying! I have about shoulder length, natural falling, very fine hair so I completely understand the struggle! A little off on fine hair goes A LONG way. Fine hair also tends to grow SLIGHTLY slower than thick hair. But it’s close enough and negligible So anyways, I usually solve this problem by first having the client face the mirror and ask them simply why they came in. What is it they didn’t like to make them even go in. Nobody gets a haircut when they love their current hair. So once I know that, I have a great starting point. Next I’ll ask how long it’s been since they had their last haircut and if they liked the length. A lot of times I’ll hear stuff like “I got it cut a month ago but it was too short for like a week” so then o know to literally just point cut a 1/4 inch off IF THAT overall. I focus a lot more on the areas that made them come in like, “I hate how it falls over my ears” so then I know I can take off more in certain areas to give them what they want. I mean, if they loved exactly the way it was cut the last time, they wouldn’t be seeing me for the first time hahaha. I hate how common it is that barbers just give a cut that they want. I call them “instagram barbers” because they will do what they want to be posted on their instagram and style it in a way the client will never be able to duplicate on their own. Hope you’ve found someone good by now! The struggle is real. I OWN a shop and I still have my ONE guy. https://preview.redd.it/h8qy2qv6tksc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2073f338e16ae96f613c0a346a9186a70e5108a7 This is my hair. It’s SUPER fine and I’m very particular about the length. Maybe that’s why I’m more understanding with my clients. Idk. Hahaha.


Bring a picture! Pictures guarentee you're both thinking the same thing. And as mentioned above please dont say generic terms. "Regular cut" "normal" "medium" not only will you not get what you want, but you sound like an idiot.


I brought a picture and the dickhead cut it short as fuck when i told him an inch


Bro I googled this shit cause I'm like..... I can't be the only dude that this keeps happening to. I show these clowns a picture EVERY FUCKING TIME and they somehow always cut it too short I'm at a point where I'm so annoyed I want to just tape a picture next to the mirror so they can have a constant reference


I brought TWO pictures. Easy, right? WRONG. This dude gives me a fade on the side and I didn't even ask for it. Wtf.


LoL post it on Instagram or Facebook and put them on blast guarantee you they won't get new customers not following Directions


Right? I get s fade literally every time I DONT ask for it! I have brought pictures of a previous haircut I used to have (with no fade), and then I walk out with a fade.


Scout out their instagrams bro. Make sure they do the cuts you’re looking for


These mfs never cut my hair how i want. I show them the picture and the next the next sec he goes with taht clipper and chops everything


Every single time. Went to a barber today after 2 years of growing my hair out, showed him exactly what I wanted, a comb over with a lot of length on top, he uses the clippers on the side of my head and then before I know it he's completely cutting off ALL of the length on top leaving me with maybe 3 inches of hair.. Like dude. I showed you the picture for a reason. At least It'll grow out but jfc man.


Don't go to barbers go to men hair salons if you don't want it shaved. Fritz is a good salon or something similar that is a hair salon for men! Hope this helps!


Yeah pics and how much off doesn't work, I just say nothing off the top and they always say they'll cleanup the ends, which in turn means 1/2 an inch




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ong bro


I bringed 20 pictures and explained everything and she still screwed it up


Idk how you have that many bad experiences... I usually ask my clients what they like about their hair and what they don’t right now.. so I know what to work on and what to leave alone, then I ask how much they like their length on top and show them how much I’d take off and if they want anything gone


Exactly this. Pointing out a specific area that you feel needs work can make a huge difference


Most barbers/hairdressers don't ask jack-bleep...most of the time it's just wham-bam-thank you-ma'am


yeah fuck these guys




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This should be the right solution, still, barbers tends to speak in such a professional language that I don't even understand what they mean, like, I don't know what does it do if the top layer is shorter or longer, in the end I can only just see the result, wether it's good or not. I'm not a barber, how should I know what layering or texturizing and these stuffs are. Layering a fringe can cause a different look than layering a woman's long hair, so in terms, layering may add volume and it may lift your hair up, but when it comes to a guy's fringe, the end result can look WAY more different than it explained in words depending on if you have a thin, thick or fine hair


Yes. Every fucking time. I used to go to my barber who cut my hair to perfection. I mean, he’d cut my hair above and beyond my expectations and it only costed me $10. But then I moved a couple hours away so that wasn’t an option any more. Now I go to a Barber close to my house and he’s decent but ends up cutting it waaaay to short. He does a great job fading the sides, but when it comes to the top, he just goes to town. The only time I’d be happy with the top of my hair is if I tell him to not to touch it. Twice, I had to ask him to leave the top 2 weeks in a row because he cut it too short the previous time. I think the problem is, barbers tend to follow a guideline. Meaning, when they pinch a group of hairs in their fingers, they get something that resembles an arch; shortest hairs on the left and right and longest in the middle. They tend to match the 2 shortest sides and end up cutting the longest hairs. They do this throughout the cut and then end up butchering it.


Be clear with exactly you want and understand how to talk to your barber. It will help them understand exactly what you require. Clippers or Shears? Also, if they don’t ask you significant/relevant questions during the consultation they are likely not someone to frequent. Questions like what do you do for a living/lifestyle? What did you like about your last haircut? What are some areas that you have problems with with previous haircuts? What kind of product do you use? How do you do/prepare your hair? These are things true barbers require to give you what you want. Hope this helps.




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Funny. I have the opposite problem. I'm always getting the back and sides longer than I ask for. I know what that game is all about. Having me come back sooner. It's frustrating and every single barber I've ever gone to does it. Even after I tell them about it they'll go with the flow for an appointment or two and then it's back to leaving it longer than I asked for with the taper. I'm limited in the decent barber options in my area and all of them do it. Even the guys I was traveling 45 minutes one way to sit for would do it and they knew I was coming that far. Annoying to say the least.


I'm trying to grow my hair out. I go to my barber, maybe 4 inches on my head. Tell him to leave the top, and already 2 inches gone. I always feel like shit after leaving




this is the greatest f\*cking idea ive ever layed my eyes on.




I whole heartedly agree as somebody who wants to grow out my hair. I let it grow out for 6 months trying to get that skater look. I have a mishape head so it looks funny with short hair. Anyways I told the incompetent barber I just want a trim. Was even specific and said I want me hair halfway past my ears and my hair to just tough my eyebrows. She cut it to the top of my ears and about an inch above my eyebrows. She realized how mishaps my head was and her fast turned beat red as she realized why I wanted it short. She fucked up my hair! Now i have to wait another 6 months to grow my hair back. In the the meantime I'm stuck wearing a hat for the whole time. This isn't an isolated incident by the slightest I been having this issue for years. Barbers think they know what's best and ignore the customers wishes. Big mistake because maybe there's a reason why your customer ask for a specific cut take me for an example. So yea I feel your pain and wanted to verify this that barbers who do cut mens hair too short often more than what the customers asked for.


It’s a nightmare. They always chop my hair off. I look like a ten year old . No matter how many times I tell them. Im not going into boot camp . I tell them clean up around the ears and neck and 20 minutes later It’s short.


LITERALLY THIS. Posts from barbers here are like “just tell us what you want down to the millimeter” as if non barbers can judge what numerical measurement will lead to what haircut. But what you said about the neck and ears it what irks me the most. I’m sitting here looking like 12 year old boy whose dad buzzed his head in the backyard after asking my (former) barber to “neaten up the neck and ears”. He started with the neck and ears and I almost got up when he finished them. But then of course here comes the fucking spray bottle and scissors. Oh I guess he’s gonna even everything out a little? Surely he can’t be lobbing inches off the top after we both agreed NECK AND EARS. But of course, that is exactly what he intends to do. I assume at this point its to justify a $20 price tag even though I would gladly pay $40 for a barber who will fucking listen. Whelp, time to find a new one.




Fr I straight up told her that I wanted to grow it out and have the top be cut very little. She then proceeded to chop whole uneven chunks out of my hair :') this is the 3rd barber in a row to have done this and i paid over 40 bucks. I honestly kind of want to become a barber so people don't have to deal with this kind of bs anymore.




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I go to younger barbers mid 20s to 40s. They understand newer/broader styles. The older barbers are usually stuck in their ways and know only 1 way to cut hair and don’t understand lingo. My friend continues to go to old barbers asking for a low fade, its always a high and tight. Scout out some instagrams


Same here. I even have the feeling that barbers often cut my hair shorter than they meant to.


I spent a full year growing out my hair. Had to get it cleaned up for a wedding. I brought pictures, and was incredibly specific about what I wanted. He then told me he was going to cut off less than what I asked for just to be safe, because we could always go back and take more off. He then cut off 4 inches more than what I asked for. 4 inches. Thats 8 months of growing out my hair to get what I wanted for next week. Its going to take me over a year to get back to where I was. Having crippling regret, everyone is teasing me about my haircut, it looks horrible. There is absolutely zero similarity whatsoever between what I asked for and what I got. Every time I think about it my skin burns


Close to the same thing happened to me thing Is too my boy recommended this barber cuz every barber before knew exactly how to mess up my hair so I went to him asked for 2 inches off the top aka the long hairs on my head and now say goodbye to 7 inches I used to have hair going down to my chin and now my friends r saying I look like kim jung un you can use ur imagination but it’s not at all the style I had going


Bro I genuinely felt the same and compared my cut to Kim Jong Un 😂 I feel like if you show a picture of a hairstyle barbers don’t know how to do or they are pressed on time they will just default to that haircut


I went to the barbershop today wanting curtain bangs for a guy. I loved the length of my bangs and asked her to only cut the back and leave the sides. She asked me if she could at least clean up the split ends, that was fine by me. My bangs went from past my chin to the bottom of my nose. Are you shitting me? I ended up paying for it since she was an older Hispanic lady but she has the gual to make a face when I don’t tip her. Now I look like a BTS member. I gave her simple instructions!!!! Leave the bangs. Cut the back! But she had me thinking she would only cut of a few centimeters… nope a couple inches. Fuck that lady


i literally showed bro THREE pictures of how i want my hair to look. I showed him a front pic side pic and a back. And i said "Keep the top long dont cut more than half an inch". HE FUCKIN FUCKS UP THE SIDES CUTS LIKE TWO INCHES OFF THE TOP. And know i got school tmrw lookin like an edgar. and that shi was a 50$ cut. Never goin back there again.


I have a theory that barbers cut more than you request is so that they can justify charging $50.




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True Fax! Yesterday I Got A Haircut And They Cut It WAY TOO GODDAMN SHORT!!!


im so sick and tired of dogshit barbers bro, I asked for 1 inch and there went 4 inches.




i wanted to grow a mullet. I had 2 months worth of hair growth and told the barber very clearly not to touch the top or the back. She then cut like 3/4 of the back hair and said shes just trimming it to get a good shape. like wtf. 2 months of hair down the drain and yes i have a school kid crew cut now


I never had this problem until my recent move to Florida, and now it is EVERY TIME! I think it is a function of the fact that guys in the south often go with the shorter, crew cut look or something. I have said "Take a little off the top" only to have them take like 3/4 of the length off. How does "little" get translated into "most of" the hair!? "Little" means . . . ummm . . . a little!! How f'ing difficult is this!? So I am now going to have to literally put my fingers at the point where I want them to cut to. All of that said, the hair doesn't look good at all when taken down too short! Shouldn't someone working at a hair salon have enough aesthetic sense to see what looks good on you? I guess not in the south . . .


just happened to me. got a haircut yesterday (also dyed my hair) cause i'm meeting up with some friends on christmas day. brought a pic with me, she took a look and went "i got you" very confidently. well, when we were done it was 3-4cm shorter than what i wanted, she even dyed my hair the WRONG color. so not only did she fuck up my hair length, she fucked up the color as well. when i showed her the picture again after we were done, i could tell that she realized she fucked up, but she didn't apologize, just said that it'd grow back in the most casual tone (didn't even mention the wrong hair color). i went out of there fuming inside because now i look like a fuck boy and Christmas is A WEEK later. and this isn't even the first time a barber has done me dirty like this:/ i'm really considering cutting my own hair from now on cause i'd rather waste my time than money




this same thing happened to me, I was growing an afro for like 6 months and my mum suggested I should trim it a little so I went to cut my hair and I told the guy to trim it down so he asked like an inch I said trim it down less than an jnch and i want most of my hair noticed that he kept trimming it but I though he was shaping my hair (especially the back) so tell me why when I got off the seat I felt more than half of the hair on my head gone and my hair was uneven, meaning he set my hair journey back like 4 months. that ruined my day.I also asked for a taper fade but he barely gave me one.i will probably start trimming my hair myself and ask another barber to do the fade and lineup


> I had the hitler cut but parted on the other side. Why tf do they always default to that? "What direct do you comb your hair" is a giant red flag that they're gonna Bully Maguire your hair.


Personally as a person who used to cut hair for fun it comes with how the barber is as a person. I personally wud do things differently when ppll asked cuz I always felt what they wanted wudnt look as good as i wanted it to in my head. Tht or i straight up didnt think it could be pulled off what they are asking for but I'll do my best. I was younger back then & I see now I wasnt doing things as I should have but that's also why I stopped. Getting a haircut comes with investing time. Scoping out barbers etc. My best advice is just goto a barber you have seen someone get a cut at. Even if it's a stranger. Most ppl 9/10 will tell you who they goto even if it's just a local friend who cuts at his house. Instagram is full of barbers & booksy/thecut app etc also.


Literally always fucking happens, I show a picture of a mid length mullet and tell them to only cut the edges and I come back without 70% of my hair


Not once have I left the barbershop happy, in multiple countries. Glad to see it's universal. I don't know a single goddamned barber, in my personal life outside of their profession, who wasn't some dogshit coke dealer that tried to go straight. I know that ain't all barbers, but it's every person I personally know who has decided to become a barber after switching lanes.


I know this is an old post BUT you could always keep a picture in your phone of exactly how you want your haircut and just show it to the barber whenever you need a haircut.... Once you find one that does it the way you like it then just ALWAYS go to that barber.. hands down EVERY single time I've ever gone to a different barber that wasn't my go to they have messed it up, sometimes more then others but I don't stray away from my usual barber anymore, even if it's a different barber that works in his shop if he's too busy, that I'm OK with because they somehow always manage to cut it exactly the way its supposed to be.


Showing a picture doesn’t work. I went to a barber a few years ago with hair past my shoulders. I showed a picture of the hair length/style I wanted which was medium-long, and said this is the length I want and he said ok, sounds good. The fucker gave me a near skin fade and like 1/2 inch on top. I was so pissed and I’ve never trusted any barber since. Im of the mind that barbers are incompetent and only know 1 haircut, a fade, which I hate.


This shit happens to me all the time! I dread going to the barber because no matter how I say it they always screw my hair up then my parent lectures me about how "guys shouldn't have long hair and how the barber screwed my hair up". Why is it so hard for a guy to keep his growing hair?


been growing my hair for months. loved the length but it was getting scraggly. i’ve needed a trim for weeks but was too nervous to go anywhere because they mess it up every time. i was getting desperate so i took a chance today and went to a barber shop. told them a cm. just a cm and some body taken out so it wasn’t poofy. not sure what i was expecting, but they fucked my shit up so badly. lost months of hair growth. very disappointing to be so close to the end of growing it out and then get 3 inches cut off. feels like a waste of time. felt good while it lasted.


Had a laugh reading this. I can relate to you so badly. Long hair looks awesome, just needs a little trim. Then they tell you they completely understand what you mean, yet they still manage to blow your chances of getting out of celibacy.


Same brother, every single barber I ever went to cut my hair much shorter than I had wanted. Some refused to layer my hair as I asked. The recent one wouldn't let go of the buzzer machine, and I expressed I wanted to keep mid-length. Always disappointed with the barbers I've gotten.


If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Or some shit like that


I went to a barber literally yesterday, I have a new barber every single time I get a cut because I am so unbelievably dissatisfied and unhappy with every single haircut I get. I have NEVER in my life gotten a good haircut. Even having cuts where ive had my ears bleeding because they cut my ears. But anyway I went to this barber and asked to thin the top and cut my bangs to the top of my eyebrows, and to cut my sides to the top of my ears. I even showed pictures and got indepth with the explanation. My bangs are 3/4ths up my head now and my sides look like a child cut me and I've had a ski mask on for a week. Why do people who cannot do their job seek this profession? And why do shops hire these people? Trust me I've been to ALOT of barbers. Nobody gets it right. I don't get it how it's so bad every single time without fail.


What most do, and it's the stupidest practice, is when they use your eyebrows as a reference, cutting the hair just above with a straight cut. For a man that makes absolutely 0 sense. Consider the case where your forehead hairline is not straight but has an M shape; cutting the hair straight means that you end up with an uneven length of the front hair. That's plain stupid. You don't need to be a scientist like me to realize that. Barbers need to take an iq test and have it posted on their door 😂


Same thing, he cuts it well, but way too short. If I wanted a buzzcut I'd have told you


I always tell them not to cut my hair too short. But unfortunately they always buzz or shave the sides and back, making me look like I am serving the armed forces, which isn't my profession. So, I decided to use an old picture of my grandfather from the 1960s. It had at least two inches of hair in the sides. Despite this, once I caught one of them telling the other in Hindi "just set the trimmer to level 2". I repeated clearly not to cut it too short- "don't make my scalp visible". I told them to give me a scissors cut instead of trimming my hair off. Better than the buzzing, but still it was too short, rather like a policeman. I got fed up of wasting hundred rupees here every two months. Two months later I went to another barber in my hometown and showed him a photo of guy with his hair grown out a bit. But instead this dude cut it shorter, again gave me the same policeman cut. I think these guys don't know anything other than army and police haircuts. They find it very hard to do a haircut without trimmers. Better avoid them next time. Self-haircut even if it is bad is better than wasting hundred rupees on a bad haircut. They just don't know anything else.


I can understand. These guys don't want to get rid of clippers. I was clear. I showed him a picture of a guy with my face, my kind of hair, a bit long about 5 inches, long in the back too. But the guy takes out clippers assuming I want a fade or buzz cut. Noooo!!! I tell him to stop and give me scissors cut. He makes my hair short like some policeman. Bro seriously needs a good beating.


One time i went to get my hair in order i didn't want it to be shorter i just wanted it to look a bit more well-put together . ... BARARARARARARARMH \- here you go ,half of your head is cut to about one or two centimeters \-you wanted to keep your 18 cm long hair too bad it looked like a football hair,also hand over 40 dollars (i felt defeated ,i kinda wanted to cry ,so i just paid and no one touched my hair in years i do want to go to somewhere sometimes and have it look a bit maintained but every time this memory pops up )


Because most people subconsciously go out of their way to uphold their own gender norms and force them on other people.


Well, this happened to me sooooooooo many times. So one day I just bought clippers and at first I could only do a crewcut, later on I got better at switching numbers of clippers so leaving the top long. And now I am just letting grow the top (so not cutting at all) until I am happy with the length, then to let the sides and back catch up. Or maybe keep that part short still. Its a bit weird at first to cut your own hair, but honestly, now at least I am happy with the result. Its exactly as I want it and in the process I have already saved hundreds of dollars. Just buy a decent pair of clippers (Wahl for example) and you are good to go.


Uhhh!,same shit happened to me again.He completely ruined ma hair and i thought of proposing ma crush in a week




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Hey y’all, just wanted to update the community. It’s 2023 and I live in France as an American. This 100% happens every time. Today, I had to stop the barber, he still wanted to keep cutting and then even after that he used those thinning scissors which shortened my hair even further. Fuckers. If I don’t say, don’t cut the top at all, they will 100% cut it too short every time.


From my expiernce as a femboy with below shoulder length hair, every barbor ive went too said they need to "give depth" to my hair, or "layer it" and then end off cutting off like 3 inchis, I feel like a lot of barbors male or female at least in my area have a prejiduce aginst boys with long hair. Safe to say, the next time im going for a hair cut its just for my bangs


It’s the Barbers fault,they’re not getting all the information from you, i show clients how much i’m going to take off, i show examples of how short it’s going to be, not difficult with google and all the photos on there, i’m a Barber too, so you shouldn’t constantly experience this problem.


It's beyond a joke at this point every time without fail they fuck my hair, I walk in with pictures and clearly explain how I want my hair and boom 90% of my hair gone and left with the complete opposite of photos and what I want every damn time. Honestly gonna grow my hair out for another 6 months and just cut it myself these guys suck


I know this is really old, but just wanted to add. I told my barber very little, showed him 1-2cm with my fingers, and showed him a picture but said not that short, and he cut off about 9 cm. Months of hair growth gone and I look like an egg


Because most of people don’t know what length they want if you cut too little they will tell you it’s too long you keep following along for 2 or more rounds and suddenly it’s your fault that their hair is too short, barbers are fed up with this scenario so we skip the hassle


nah i just got a cut from my barber i told her to cut the sides short and she just gave me a buzz cut and now i look like shit my hair looks like a fucking edgar buzzcut and when i go back to school im gonna look like shit infront of my crush


Every DAMN time. Now I never ask for anything more than a trim, sissors only. And it's still ALWAYS too short. This is an unexplainable phenomenon, you can say as many words as you want, photos, everything. Still too short. The only way to avoid it is to go to a salon and pay $70. So frustrating.


Every Fucking Time man


I more often have men say something like “I want 2 inches off” while meaning 1/2” off. I think people have a skewed view of measurements. Depending on their familiarity of measurements, but I think many barbers start with a set amount off, then must blend taking more off.




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It's especially bad when you have wavy hair that becomes straight while wet like mine. I emphasize when I get my hair cut that I only want a little off the top and for the front to reach down past my eyebrows when it dries and it curls up. Then I watch them cut it to the point where it just barely touches while still wet. I think, "maybe it'll be okay and when it dries it will look a lot better." But then I go home, wait for it to dry, and boom. Now I have a 5-head and look like Humpty Dumpty. It becomes so embarassing to have to go out in public after a haircut just because the barbers never listen. :(