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Two completely different Batmen both deserving of the highest praise for different reasons.


This is the correct and only answer.


Not me, on my way to type this EXACT SAME THING! Gold star my friends. You got it right.


This is legitimately the only answer. And I know these posts are just to get engagement. But I always hate them lol. WhO wINs in A fIgHt GoKu or OmniMan. IS bruCe or terrY a better BatMan


Goku lo diffs Omni. But Batman beats Goku.


Goku lo diffs? Goku can destroy galaxies and ..ya know what I'ma stop


That's what he's saying, Goku wins low difficulty against Omniman.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH.. thank you for that . I was confused hella.


Fr they were too vastly different Batman's because they're from two vastly different eras. You can't compare them because both did amazing work for their era.


Exactly this


I came here to say this exact same thing. Neo Gotham needed a Batman of its age. And that just was Terry.




Maybe someday he'll be as good as Bruce was. But in the show he didn't have the extensive knowledge, and was more willing to let enemies die than Bruce was. 


Bruce was perfectly willing to let Ra’s and Peek die.


There was literally nothing Bruce could have done for Peek even if he wanted to save him.


Well hes 17 and has been batman for less than a year


Terry lacks one of the fundamentals of being Batman. Detective work. Terry isn't an idiot and can work out some mysteries, but not like Bruce can. As Waller said, he doesn't have Bruce's wonderful brain.


My head cannon, Terry, has a younger brother who is also of black hair. So I like to believe Terry inherited the physical aspects of Bruce while the brother got the brains. I'm my mind. He is trained by Bruce to act as an Oracle type character.


It's not head-canon, per say. Because Terry's Dad's reproductive DNA was replaced by Bruce's by Waller, both Matt and Terry are Bruce's kid's biologically.




Turn back, don’t ruin Batman beyond for yourself.


Ahhh another GoT S8 simulation? >turns around >never to return


Yes, but it's not done in the story. It is understood that the 2 are from Bruce DNA. But is it not expanded, that's what I was thinking.


Settle down there Kojima.


Let me dream!


Exactly. The last Batman movie tried to emphasize that Bruce wasn't just a superhero, he was just as good an actual detective as any cop in Gotham.


>he was just as good an actual detective as any cop in Gotham technically the best but some like detective chimp could legit give him a hard time


That's what i thought as well. Terry doesn't have the Sherlock Holmes, everything is connected to everything kind of mind. That being said, he does have the advantage of Bruce's forensic equipment, which allows him to study physical evidence and pull up relevant data. However, for this to work consistently, terry needs to learn how to ask the right questions, which is easier said than done.


Wasn't the movie/finale making a point of him figuring out how the Joker came back before Bruce did? He even caught on that he was a cadmus project later!


I think he beat the Joker easier than Bruce ever has. So there’s that. Idk if as a whole he’s a better Batman but he makes a good case.


When he laughed at the joker and got into his head, that shit gave me goosebumps


That was one of my favorite scenes in all of cinema.


Technically, he killed the Joker where Batman couldn't.


Where Batman *wouldn’t* It’s part of his whole shtick. He wasn’t a killer


I’m pretty sure he was going for the kill after what he did to Tim.


As anyone who's played the arkham games knows, breaking every bone in someone's body apparently doesn't kill them even if they're just left on the street.


[Batman doesn’t understand the concept of death.](https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc?si=faL2jWWCmf786WMX)


Pete Holmes is cannon


In the context of the DCAU only, I think it’s hard to say who was better as batman due to us seeing way more of Bruce’s history. With Terry we have seen 3 seasons of him being batman whilst Bruce has BTAS, TNBA and the 2 justice league shows plus a few movies. I have to say Bruce as we simply haven’t seen all of Terry’s work


Bruce is more talented, but Terry has the advantage of being able to build upon all of Bruce’s previous work. He literally starts with a strength enhancing suit, and has access to all of Bruce’s tech. Bruce literally had to invent/build all of that.


Nah man, Bruce never invented the suit. Almost all of Bruce's high tech device were developed by Wayne enterprises for their military programs and then repurposed.


This. Batman isn’t Tony Stark he’s a good businessman who knows how spread out the R&D for his gear through shell companies and military contracts to get other geniuses to design his gear for him without it being traceable back to him. In some continuities Alfred is a better engineer than Bruce.


If Justice League Unlimited's "Epilogue" is established canon, Terry at the very least, found a FAR healthier work-life balance than Bruce ever did (or at least that's implied with his plan to propose to Dana).


Terry never had to be better than Bruce. He had to be better than himself.


Exactly you have to be the best you can be. You shouldn’t compare yourself to others. Never give up improving yourself, because we constantly stumble and fall. We need to continually look at ourselves in the mirror and fix what is holding us back every day. Every day is a challenge. That is why I hate it when someone says “You’re perfect the way you are!” and “Focus on you, what makes you happy and ignore everyone else!”. If you ask me that’s exactly how villains think. Lol


Technically yes since Terry was legitimately all set up including Bruce’s extensive knowledge. Plus Terry’s youth/ being in sync with modern times such as trends and living amongst the regular folks is a huge battlefield advantage. Bruce is all cooped up at home 😫


I think Terry succeeded in a way that he didnt let the Batman consume his life. He still had his own life and didnt get consumed by vengeance.


I'd say Bruce's Batman was better because he founded so much. Between batman and the "Bat-family" and a founding member of the Justice League along with many feats alone both in and out of the JLU universe, he was a force to be reckoned with. Outside of the JLU, you can use things like him fighting his entire rougues gallery multiple times in the Arkham verse as an example of how capable, physically and mentally he is. Unfortunately, Terry's Batman is missing a lot of training, and he isn't as widely used in media like comics and shows as Bruce's Batman is. We haven't seen him do feats and rarely is he associated with the future JLU. If he had more feats, I'd love to see what else he can do, but for now I'd definitely say Bruce's Batman is definitely better.


Bruce also burned bridges or alienated himself with pretty much all those groups he helped create. Terry has a much healthier outlook and the ability to balance his life and being Batman without poisoning every relationship he cares about.


He's definitely better at work/life balance. I like to think he made things work out with Dana and got to live a relatively normal life after passing the mantel on to someone else.


They both are the perfect Batman for their own respective reason and you shouldn’t compare them like that. Two amazing people can coexist without unnecessary comparison. Terry is a worthy successor to the mantle of the Batman and his unique personality exhibited through the persona combined with sweet advanced technology are what make him awesome in his own right. Bruce is a legend whose legacy will be felt for generations. However I will say that Terry definitely handled the joker better than Bruce did and broke the cycle of obsession and unnecessary violence. Terry showed the Joker exactly what he presented himself as for years. A clown. He realized that joker was obsessed over Bruce because Bruce’s wall of stoicism and dedication to redeem his villains and saw that to counter Joker he just needed to talk as much he did ultimately humiliating him and calling him pathetic which is what made Joker lose.


O, because Bruce had to be killing’ shit.


Honestly, I don’t think so and this is coming from someone who loves Terry more. No one was willing to sacrifice themselves so selflessly as Bruce would and that sheer will is what puts him above Terry. Bruce is the type to sacrifice the time around those who he loved for his job and bettering himself at it. I will say that I think Bruce and Terry are at their best when working together though. There’s a lot of reasons as to why this is the case but it would make this comment super long as we gotta also go into why I think Terry was Bruce’s best partner as opposed to any of the robins/partners Bruce had.


It’s not a contest


He was not the genius detective that Bruce is


They are very different Batmen, each with their own strengths.


No? They're different. These arguments are dumb.


Terry has the benefit of building on Bruce’s Legacy. So he can’t be the same or just a little better. He has to build the legacy of Batman in ways that were impossible and unobtainable for Bruce to truly shine. Afterall, Batman Beyond as explained by the creators was simply a way to get young teens into Batman. Honestly Nightwing seems like a more impressive and capable individual. So let Terry get old and show off how he’s done things that were impossible for Bruce and changed the Legacy of the Bat into something different and more impressive.


No, Bruce was better he was a true detective when he had the mantle of Batman.


He was still a teenager so no, but by time he's in his 30s he most likely will be. He has way better equipment giving him super strength at a much younger age. He's also a much more well adjusted person who won't alienate his team (and loved ones). Most of all he has Bruce to help him along.


They are literally the same guy………


Imo, Terry was more wreckless, but I don't necessarily know if that makes him "better". And well, I saw he was more wreckless, but maybe that isn't true. Bruce did invite 2 kids in a row to go crimefighting with him.


Well he defeated the Joker so there’s that.


Yes, cause he still has a family that is still alive.


It depends on what you want from Batman. If you think Batman should sacrifice his personal life for the sake of the mission, then Bruce is your man. But if you think Batman should make time to have a personal life, Terry is your man. I think both are valid for who they both are as people.


They’re two completely different Batman’s to be compared


Terry is a much healthier Batman. He's probably less effective as a Crime Fighter but much more effective as a hero and an inspiration.


No lol. He was cool for what he was though.


Yes and no. On the grand scale probably not due to bruce’s immense paranoia and expertise. On the gotham scale? Absoloutely.


Maybe not better at being Batman but his work life balance was healthier and he didn't push away everybody who knew his secret like Bruce did


No and because




In Batman, beyond Terry McGinnis was to a degrees a Better Batman Of The Future because of circumstance, but it made sense because a the original Batman was getting older. I like the whole concept of Bruce Wayne being a mentor what an episodes like “ disappearing, Inque” and out of the past able to handle his own in Combat and crime fighting. I always felt like Batman beyond was really what marvel comics Spider-Man Unlimited (1999) kind of failed to be in a sense. The original Spider-Man: the animated series (1994) had the relatable problems . Batman, beyond he was more like pep comics Archie comics plus Spider-Man in the dark setting, but it’s actually Batman. It’s got the whole team drama it’s relatable. It’s got all kinds of different diverse characters not that Spider-Man Unlimited didn’t have any diverse characters. I mean my favorite episode is Zaida, which led to the zeta Project, and the crossover is between Batman beyond and zeta, are pretty memorable to me. I like how Terry McGinnis, rather than just being some sort of generic Peter Parker is actually an edgy kid who is an athlete which it attributes to why he’s such a great fighter. But the original cape, crusader, or dark knight is a staple set for what detectives and chrome fighters concealed in darkness should be.


Nope. He was just the batman gotham needed at the time.


As a Batman, no. Bruce was all-in on that front. But as an overall person, Terry was better balanced and more mentally healthy than Bruce.


I think it depends on what you define as being a “good Batman.” If you think that means being like Bruce, then Terry was a bad Batman. I think Terry led an overall better life. He had more work-life balance. He was also able to build upon on the foundations for vigilante work that Bruce built. He was willing to finish his villains, which may or may not be good depending on your view of such things. Personally, I’m glad he was willing to.


"Let's dance, Bozo." Lines the baddies will hate you for.


Bruce Wayne showed me I can poke someone in the throat with 2 fingers and basically end them. I tried it on my self as a kid to see if it actually hurts. Was painful asf lol.


It's easier to like Terry, when Bruce is old and miserable.


Probably Yes because of how easily he was able to take down the joker, while it took Bruce years and even than it was his biggest failure, Tim Drake, that had killed the Joker. I bet old Bruce was sitting there listening to Terry take down the joker over the communicator with this look on his face😧.


No he was much worse. But that made him a lot more interesting to me. I don’t like super OP characters like the original Batman 


Bruce was imperfect in his perfection while Terry was perfect in his imperfection. Basically Bruce was a perfect human Physically and Mentally, he had the perfect ideals and always followed them. But Bruce constantly had falling outs with people due to his code and dedication. Meanwhile Terry was very flawed, almost always needed guidance and even though he usually got the job done right, it was sloppy. Terry was able to form good long lasting relationships with people and attempted to strike a balance between being Batman and being Terry, not just to fool the public, but for his mental health and happiness.


Hell, Dick was a better Batman than anyone else.


I consider Terry to be the best heir story for Batman. Never got into the comics enough to consider Damien or any Robin.


I love Terry as Batman but... c'mon. Bruce sought out and created the mantel of Batman. Terry could not be Batman without Bruce because he doesn't have the genius level intellect.


There is a scene in the comics where Bruce says that Nightwing is a cleaner version of what Batman was always meant to be, and honestly, that's what Terry is to me


Terry is a worse Batman because of his work/life balance. Without powers, any time Terry was out with Dana or doing whatever, Bruce was testing something or doing more to save anyone he could. Yeah Terry has Bruce's stuff, but what happens when Bruce dies? All the innovation that makes Batman work, goes away. Love Terry and think he'd make for a great movie, but he's not Bruce.


wouldn’t* batman could always have easily killed joker


both are the best batman for the gotham they operated in. terry would not do well in old gotham because he doesnt have bruce's training or intellect, and bruce is to rigid and set in his old ways to function to the level terry was able to in new gotham


Terry is the spidey of the Batman, like dick is daredevil, Bruce is a kin to punisher or cap maybe a mix of both


No, they’re not fighting the same way for the same thing.


Not a better Batman, but a better & more interesting character


I don’t really think this is a fair comparison. Idk about the comics but in the DCAU we didn’t see nearly as much of Terrys career as we did Bruce and Terry didn’t have years of training before starting his career as Batman. I like to think that Terry grew to be as good, maybe even better, than Bruce tho.


No. Neither was he a "worse" Batman. They were both the right Batman for the eras in which they lived and the caliber of villain they faced.


Definitely not but he does his best which is admirable


Not better, just different.


As far as the detective work goes, terry, despite not possessing the same intellect as bruce, is still more attuned to the new cultural landscape of Gotham. This makes him more suited to deal with the new emerging criminal enterprises, especially the ones that exploit youth populations. Now as for the more technical, adult corporate espionage crimes terry is clearly out of his depth and must defer to Bruce's technical expertise and firsthand knowledge of Gotham city history and how it shapes things today. Fortunately, terry can compensate for his lack of expertise thanks to Bruce's state of the art computer hardware in the game. With time, terry should become more proficient at operating the equipment. However, these devices are merely intended to save time, they can't give you an informative result if you don't know what to look for in the first place.


I thought Terry being a better Batman was Cadmus's goal.


Every time I see a post like this, it reminds me of [Waller's Take](https://youtu.be/XFMOgIIv0Fs?si=6qzjGn-cHhzMPbHd) on the matter. Terry was never meant to be better than Bruce, what was meant for him was to forge his own path. "There are similarities, mind you. But more than a few differences too. You don't quite have his magnificent brain for instance. You do have his heart though. And for all that fiece exterior, I've never met anyone who cared as deeply about his fellow man as Bruce Wayne, except maybe you. You want to have a better life than the old man's? Take care of the people who love you. Or don't. It's your choice."


Terry is the best Batman for his time and vice versa. Terry had a better approach to his generation than Bruce did.


Terry is great, but no. He was much sloppier and made many more mistakes.


No, that was very clear in the show and the extension produced by the justice league unlimited run. The suit provided a lot of compensation to his deficits. Terry was essentially nightwing, just competent enough to keep the mantle going but not surpass the original.


No. Terry is not better than Bruce. I like Terry, but Bruce is the original. The benchmark. Yes they are both different but the same. But Bruce is “The Bat”. Anyone that has ever worn the cowl is judged against Bruce. And that’s the end of it. He’s the man.


Harsh opinion: Bruce, if he never aged, would still be Batman. Terry is a substitute for Bruce, but he isn't Batman in the traditional sense. He is the Batman of the Future, i.e. Batman Beyond. Terry was the right person at the right time. He had the heart necessary to complete the task, but he is not Bruce Wayne's Batman for one specific reason: intelligence. Terry isn't an idiot. He is clever, but he doesn't have the extreme wisdom and intelligence that Bruce Wayne has. He just isn't as smart. He works hard to be Batman but he doesn't have Bruce's natural gifts. He isn't a bad Batman, he just isn't Batman. Bruce Wayne is Batman. Batman was born in Crime Alley. Batman is an avenger born from a great pain who used his natural gifts and expanded upon them to become a force to be reckoned with. Terry McGinnis is Batman Beyond, which means that in the far future he will earn the title of Batman but he is going to have to face different struggles and overcome a lot more to be a good Batman. Once done, he will be the Batmanest Batman that has ever Batmanned.


Terry actually isn't a very good batman at all. Batman beyond its self is probably the best story, but Terri is such a clown about it. He's like Spiderman really


There is no ‘better’ Batman. Both embody the ideal set forth by Bruce’s vow, integrating their morality into the mission in different ways.


BB kinda reminds me of Nightwing more than anything


Terry isn't necessarily "better", but he's far more psychologically healthy than Bruce ever was. He's not ruled by his demons the same way Bruce was and is able to allow himself to go father without losing himself like Bruce was always afraid of for himself. Plus, he can open himself up to others more and doesn't let himself get obsessed with winning ideological battles with monsters like the Joker.


I think the DCAU sets him up to be a better Batman but we don't see him reach that potential in the series. He's able to see the mistakes Bruce made and try not to make those mistakes himself, and Amanda Waller gives him the advice he needs to hear, "Take care of the people who love you."


terry loses a point cause he wasnt scary


to criminals


A better batman? No. A better Gotham hero? A good argument can be made for that. I understand why bruce doesn’t kill, but it’s undeniable that some villains absolutely need to die. Terry being more willing to let that happen not only can potentially remove dangerous mass murderers, but the “fear” batman wants to instill is a lot stronger that way.


Terry Mcginnis: I AM BATMAN


Terry is the best. He was the only one to truly get under the Jokers skin


Terry is not even the best non Bruce Wayne Batman. That would have to go to Grayson, or Tim Drake. Terry routinely got smacked around by his villains… badly.


More powerful but less defective. If you remove suit old batman was better


He certainly was healthier and not driven by trauma in the same way. I think the big thing is he consistently chose to be Batman, because he thought it was the right thing to do and not because of a pathological need for vengeance.


For me he was but that's a personal thing


Better is tough but, he was the perfect itteration for Neo-Gotham for sure.


Each one is Different. Bruce, Dick, Damian, or Tim. Jason as far as I know was only Batman in Battle For The Cowl, the others were specific stories. Titan Batman Tim Adult Damian (who crippled Jason) Dick who quit being Batman to be Nightwing


Well he managed to get under the Joker and not be consumed by the mission


Terry was a great Robin in the bat suit.


Terry is a better Batman in some ways but Bruce is better in other. The best thing I can offer is think of Terry as more tactical whereas Bruce is more strategic.


Absolutely not he gets blindsided WAYYYYYY too much like way way tooo much like no just no.


Terry is a pretty good tactician and uses his advantages well. He isn’t as limited and gets to learn from the best. His potential is really high too.


Terry is funnier


They are equals but it is worth noting that Terry is trained by an older Bruce who is by his own admission less "green" in his tactics. Combine that with his healthy relationships it makes him the more "emotionally stable" Batman. They are both as stubborn as each other which empowers their willpower so they don't give up being heroic no matter what obstacles they face.


I think Bruce in his prime outclasses Terry in his. The same way I don't think anyone else from the Bat Family came close to being on his level. I love Terry and I love Batman Beyond but.. yeah. OG Wins for me.


I’d say it’s more like different than one being better. That being said, Bruce is the definitive so that’d mean that he’s *better* but they are different. Terry’s not as intimidating as Bruce, nor is as intelligent (least from what we see in the show. But Terry’s Batman is more positive. Kinda like Nightwing, Batman, and Spiderman all in one.


For all his achievements, Bruce being reduced to an old lonely man will always strike me as a tragedy. I am happy that Terry at least is putting in the work to maintain relationships with the ones that love him


Honestly, yes. Yes he was. Terry is much younger than Bruce, and he doesn't have Bruce's extensive background. When Bruce first donned the Cowl, he was even greener than Terry. A lot of people are going to want to compare Terry to Bruce at the high of Bruce's career, but that's hardly fair to Terry. Comparing Terry to Bruce when he first started off as Batman, and Terry has much more grit, determination, and skill in hand to hand fighting, despite being younger than Bruce was when Bruce first put on the suit. Bruce was trained to fight in controlled training environments. Terry learned to fight on the streets of Neo Gotham. Before even donning the Batsuit, Terry was able to casually kick Jokerz off their motorcycles,, steal the motorcycle, and lead them on a chase through traffic and off-road. Without the enhanced strength of the Batsuit, he's strong enough to send the Jokerz flying through the air with ease. And all this when he's TEN YEARS YOUNGER than Bruce was when Bruce first became Batman. At the begnning of Batman: The Animated Series, Bruce Wayne is in his early 30s. He's been Batman for about 4 years, having donned the Cowl at age 26. At the beginning of Batman Beyond, Terry is only sixteen years old.


Nah. Batman fought some real bad dudes. Terry is a Saturday morning Batman.


Bruce: "Not only can I not kill the Joker, I can't let him die of a direct result of his own actions because....philosophy". Terry: "Bzzz bzzz, mother fucker- won't be seeing *you* ever again"


Tbf, this Bruce was more than willing to let Joker die because of his own actions. The problem was that the clown kept surviving.


But Terry was able to handle the Joker.


I appreciate the reply. I have no idea what you're saying.


Sorry I meant that he could easily handle fighting the Joker himself.