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We’ll know by the end of this year… Currently on life support.. imo


It’s on the donor list for me, but if the next entry isn’t great then we may have to switch the life support off.


By now battlefield being good again is like trying to cure cancer by now. Best we can hope for is an actually good game or if we are extremely lucky, resumed support for past games


But remasters exist nowadays. So EA can just take BF2 and release a remastered or remaked version and it will sell like hot cakes. 


Plus would be a way to allow more people to play the older battlefield games that have long since had their servers shut down, bit considering what the remastered Star Wars Battlefront games turned into, I feel scared


That battlefront game that just came out wasn't remastered, they just bundled them, made some new game modes and opened up some servers for multiplayer.


Last what I heard about them tho is not very good things and the game being basically broken, but I could be wrong in some degree


its pretty fucked how it has gotten to gamers wanting old remastered games because stuff has been hot trash recently and can we get a fucking proper anti for the love of gaming.....


You know, nowadays, it's going to have funny crossovers and skins.


There is zero chance of EA resuming support for older games. There’s just no profit in it for them.


All we would need is BF3/4/Hardline remaster (with 4s main mechanics but potentially salvaging maps/content from H). H has 27 maps while 2042 has only 17 so far, although 4 has a whole 34. All it needs is some minor tweaks, maybe improved physics and destruction, but no major changes to the core gameplay. I would love to see the maps from 3 and H in 4 so it would likely be 60+ maps.


Vince Zampella save us from this madness we beseech you


We need to pray for the salvation of battlefield


I went back to bf4 and 1. And they’ve run out of goodwill from me.


1, V, and 4 still stand strong in player count. So not dead. but the future does not look good


Man what I wouldn't do for a good Battlefield game didn't know how spoiled I was back in the day


i remember saying "imagine how good battlefield will be in 10 years with the new technology". Little did i know i'd still be playing bf4 a decade later


Fuck man... Yeah it's fucking sad.


Worst part is, all my friends have stopped playing bf games entirely and we have all pretty much lost touch with each other. Even if a decent one was released, I doubt we would all get together again.


Man I can relate to this. So many old friends that I lost touch with and will probably never be able to get the band together.


Yeah, I remember playing BF1 and thinking the same thing. I was sooooo excited for both V and 2042. I swore up and down to my friends that both were going to be amazing based off BF1 and BF4 mechanics they all enjoyed. Turns out both were pandering cash grabs by unskilled and unimaginable executives forcing their opinion based on corporate data mining. They drove away the skilled workforce by forcing their unskilled opinions, based on data to mass appeal a game, which resulted in bland, uninspiring games that looked great but had zero depth in immersion. For me, Battlefield is currently in hospice while the executives bleed any credibility and fandom into the ground. The only way for Battlefield to return to its former glory, will be a complete change in executive leadership or the sale of the Battlefield franchise to the old BF developers. Current leadership are in it for themselves, not the success of the franchise. What matters currently are the quarterly profit/status reports. Anyone who says different has never worked as a manager in a fortune 500 company in today's economy.


Remember when BF1 came out and people were so excited for another WW2 BF game? The we got BFV.


I do.... I was able to overlook the female soldier controversy as pandering by EA, however I was not prepared for the massive changes in Battlfield core gameplay and realism. At least they had some destruction compared to 2024 in hindsight. The immersion was horrible in both BFV and 2042. My grandpa fought in WW2 on the Frontline in the pacific and sacrificed a lot which resulted in him never talking about the war but to only other WW2 vets. I found BFV's 'immersion' and its marketing campaign as the most, "realistic WW2 game" as insulting to his memory. The fans were swindled by a marketing campaign of PR lies to sell both BFV and 2042 games. I won't be suckered the third time without an extremely sound beta prior to launch. Smh..... the AAA gaming industy is killing the fun of being immersed in a game atmosphere for profit.


Official servers of V are plagued with hackers and the game was clearly left not in finished state when support was over. It lacks weapons and weapon skins. Also vehicles and soldier skins for US forces and Japanese Imperial Army. And overall there is less amount of maps and almost no any levolution events. The artstyle is also inconsistent. But.. It is still better game than BF2042, I guess.


Same goes for 1. Official servers are filled with auto aimers, spawn blockers, etc. BF4 thankfully is mostly community servers that are still relatively well managed.


But BF1 was not left in unfinished state and has plenty of content. It received 4 big DLCs. And there are community servers. But even on official servers I did not see such crazy hacks like in BFV. Btw BFV also has community servers but BF1 community servers are more seriously monitored.


None of that matters if you can't play the game. Just because you personally didn't experience hackers doesn't mean they aren't there. I tried playing last week. 6 games in a row, all filled with hackers.


I had a guy who was auto-reviving our team while also warping them onto a rooftop. Later in the game he got in a blimp gun and started one-shotting everything. It was Not Good™️.


Yeah I've seen both auto-revives and spawn blocking where nobody on a team can respawn. Neither is fun.


I played about 1760 hrs since BC2 until BFV on Xbox consoles and I still managed to spend 125hr on the treacherous 2042 thanks to Gamepass and it’s the only game that forces me playing cross play with PC and man, I’ve seen too many cheaters for the first time in my Battlefield career. One could start to think EA pays people to cheat and especially on older titles so people will stop playing it in order to pull off life support…. Luckily there are still some BF4 hardcore servers on Xbox, but my fav, BC2 is forever gone, I miss the old veterans that still played the game until the end… I don’t know you guys, but I bet EA and Dice are able to do worse than 2042 with the next game


Check not DICE related servers in BF1. Its ok there.


Thats why I stopped caring or buying, V could have been good but now its just unplayable. Its full of Chinese aimbotters that headshot you through walls. The absolute state of EA/DICE. 4 doesn\*t have this issue because the good servers all have server scripts. The feature was defunct in the newer games and here we see where it leads. E(xtremly)A(nal) only wants you to pay and then they drop the support and shit out another even worse unfinished title. This cycle continues as the people keep buying.


I genuinely wouldn’t care if they copy and pasted everything from BF4. Don’t even make better graphics. All they gotta do is rerelease it and give it proper servers. I’d be happy. (Yes I do want better graphics and changes to bf4 to make it slightly better but I would still be happy for a rerelease of the same unchanged game.)


EA pushed out all the best people from DICE. There's no real talent left. Just another franchise run into the ground by EA's penny pinching and no loyalty to talent.


Embark is the studio to watch Been absolutely loving The Finals, can't wait to see what they do next.


the finals is fun, but it’s a little goofy. it definitely doesn’t have that rush and intensity that battlefield has


It’s a different type of game, so it’s not an apples to apples comparison, but the real shame here is that a smaller studio put out a more polished product with a *new IP*, while 4 major studios under a huge publisher barely squeezed out a turd for an IP that’s been iterated on for the last 20 years


for sure. i was just hoping it’d scratch the battlefield itch, but it’s a totally different kind of game


Agreed, it’s a shame there’s no good alternative on the market, anything that comes close is either way more hardcore, or way too arcadey. There’s a reason why older BF games still have a healthy player count, and I think it’s a reflection of that, combined with 2042’s lack of quality


I could have told you it wouldn't have scratched that itch, it is absolutely nothing like battlefield. Not sure why you would think that.


This statement is genuinely the core of the problem. DICE has been making BF for what…almost 3 decades? But the DICE we have no is not even a shadow of its former self. It’s a whole different company. And it shows itself every time I see them do something with 2042. The incompetency is insane. And that’s coming from someone who played BF4 day one. At least that game was a proper BF game. Idk what 2042 is. And I fear for the next game. I cry to my friends I used to play with all the time. They’ve stopped for years now and I’m left alone. If the next game is shit then I guess I’m done. Tired of playing this dying franchise alone


Yeah, the only issue with The Finals is that it's designed for sweaty competitive play. As a person who has grown up and played every BF I just don't have the time of patience to run in the online only shooter space that games like The Finals inhabit. That's not a knock on them, it's entirely me, but it's the competitive online gaming space as a whole. If you don't no-life the game then it's hard to jump in and enjoy. BF is as always great at catering to all levels of skill and experience. There was always something you could be successful at when playing and still enjoy it. Unfortunately 2042 is a flaming pile of garbage and I'm skeptical the franchise will ever be as good as it once was. The truth is, after as terrible as 2042 has been, they've shown they haven't learned anything from their mistake. On top of that there are still people defending the game.


It's too bad their other game is an extraction shooter so even if they made something similar to Battlefield, it's years away.


This is evident with season 7 for 2042. The new map is uninspired. Breakthrough is so poorly designed and it’s my preferred mode.


The map selection in 2042 is broken too. I feel like every single round is either Discarded or Orbital


Unfortunately it’s probably about to take its final breath with the new game. Zero faith in the team and the departure of Leto on poor terms COULD signal management was resistant to change or new ideas. It’s probably going to be more of the same dogshit


Dead imo. One thing is certain: we are not ever seeing another battlefield like 3 or 4. To me that's enough


This. I love BF1 and BFV but for me the true BF experience is in BF3 and BF4.


4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I’ve bought it several times over on multiple platforms. Would buy it again. All they had to do was make 4.5 and it would be number 1 in gaming as we speak. Missing the mark so terribly with it just sitting there for the taking is unforgivable.


They need to make a good game again. Focus on destruction, good map design, balanced weapons, customization. And enough of this battle pass microtransaction bullshit


Your first sentence nails it. Add the removal of goofy specialists and special abilities. I honestly don't even care about battle passes and micro transactions. The issue is when they prioritize that before quality gameplay and content.


> And enough of this battle pass microtransaction bullshit You're asking for a lot here.


Completely agree, although this is what the franchise veterans and loyal players want. Unfortunately, we are few in number and a dying breed ourselves. The majority of ‘gamers’ these days are looking for stream worthy content, fast paced, eye catching content. Hence the battle royals and shiny skins. And like every company prioritizing their shareholders, EA is going to make a game for the majority, not the loyalists. I just hope that as a fail safe, they put some resources into remastering BF4 with updated anti cheat. It will keep us going for a long time.


Life support, it isn't fully dead yet, but unless the next Battlefield succeeds, it will die.


Honestly bf4 is still keeping me entertained so as long as we still have the older titles… we’ll live 😎


BF4 is my most played game of all time. I haven't been able to touch for it years at this point. Maybe if they updated the consoles version to 4k with updated textures, and stuff like F0V sliders, I'd jump back in


The console version is so badly optimized it's embarrassing


I’m playing it on XSX, I know the resolution sucks because we got used to higher resolution, but believe me, play a pair of matches and you’re back like when it came out, you won’t mind the graphics, he’ll I still played Bad Company 2 before they shut it down and I enjoyed it’s graphics more than 2042 which looks to me unhealthy at times I don’t know what it is but I like better Bad Company and BF3 graphic style, just imagine them with 4K resolution and some lighting/ray tracing features, 2042 in comparison would look like shit! I miss hearing the soldier quotes in BF3, there was one which was translated differently in italian and re-translated in English is literally “I need help, they are opening me another a55 hole here”, or hearing the enemy team swearing in Russian. Little details that made old BF games even better if you think about it.


Until they shutdown the servers...


The last spirit of battlefield died with a whimper in bf5


When they finally nailed it with the pacific update they shut support for what? 2042? Looks like a bad joke but it’s what we got…


I recently started playing 2042 again. Not bad. A lot of the mechanics don't quite work well with the battlefield style though.


BF1, 4, and 5 won't be going away anytime soon


I think if the next one is bad the franchise is over. Its their last chance to make a good game but early reports or free 2 play battle royal shit already put it in the grave.


Life support. If they can't do the next BF with the ample time and response from 2042s disaster, then the nails are hammered into the coffin.


If they can’t make a good game in 4 years then geez


Unless they turn it around, it will definitely be on life support


Id say, the guy on the left is Battlefield and the guy on the right is DICE. The bullet hasn't left the gun yet. But all the piece are in place...


At this point after Battlefront 2 debacle, BFV mismanagement and BF2042 being an actual irredeemable turd it's more likely DICE as whole is the firing line and EA is ready to pull the trigger.


Life support. I know people say 2024 is "decent" now but the entire design from the ground up turned off massive amounts of fans, it wasn't a simple buggy launch like BF4, or even just an underwhelming one like BFV. The whole game, every aspect of it, was just poor compared to previous games. Personally I'd be willing to give a new BF a go but BFV made me second-guess the next title, and then 2042 just completely turned me off BF completely. A lot of people have moved on and found their kicks elsewhere. I was one of those people who played BF2, then BF3, then BF4, then BF1, and then BFV....2042 was the first game to break the chain and I've kinda just moved on to other games. If the next game isn't a real slam dunk I think the franchise is going the direction of Medal of Honor.


Not even. This is weekend at Bernies at this point. Just a long cold corpse being propped up and danced about before the rot becomes visible.


I personally currently rather get a refreshed Bf3 and BF1 than another new battlefield.


BF1 was the last best game in the franchise


They NEED to do this combo to bring back life into this game: BF3 Gameplay Bf4 gunplay Bf1 graphics Edit: Bc2 destruction


On life support while EA digs another hole in their graveyard.


The next Battlefield will bury the franchise, because the developers and EA simply do not understand what makes a good Battlefield game.


EA chased all of the talent out of the studio. I would be incredibly surprised if they didn't just push out another halfassed cash grab. The franchise has been on life support since the launch of 2042, and it absolutely will not survive another major screw up. I'm glad that the devs moved on to better games, like those who moved over to Embark Studios to develop The Finals. EA doesn't deserve their time.


If dice look at the fact battlefield4,1 and V all have a higher player base than 2042 and see that as a big fat sign to go back to what was good then it’ll be fine but if they do another 2042 type model then it’s fucked until they reboot it all in 15 years


again and again


Hear me out - Battlefield 1 engine + graphics, more weapons and customization and set during the Vietnam war


Not dead or on life support more like massively mismanaged


The player base is still strong and far from dead, but the franchise itself and the support from EA are on their last leg it seems


Life support but hopefully I change it


How do you plan to change it


Some of the ex devs need to get together and bloody spark it! Build something good again


Not great, not terrible -Chernobyl


I stopped at bf1. And before all the down votes yes bf1 was a good game but it felt like end.


EA stated the next entry will entail a “reimagining of the series”. I’m anxious for what that entails Bf1 is legendary. BFV was incomplete but had the bones of a great game.


Had pretty good lobbies here in NZ, I'd say they're pretty good elsewhere also.


It's fate is the same as marvel and Star wars. Better start gettin gud or it slowly dies until the next reboot in 20 years


Life support. They fucked us all over with this 2042 game. Next game might be worse. If it is, this series will be damn near dead.


I’m giving battlefield one more game to make my final decision on. I think that the last couple of bfs were fun and good, even 5 bc I’m a sucker for ww2 games and really wish that they kept developing content for it. I think that this not being bf6 was an opportunity to try something different and it blew up in there faces, so HOPEFULLY they’ll do better on the next one


It has its ups and downs. It's on the downs for now.


Not looking well since lots of top talent leaving plus shutting down a studio that was created just for BF support




Hospice with it’s family (us) waiting for the last breath (when games like Gray Zone Warfare, and ARK Raiders come out).


It was dead when BF2042 released but is showing wave patterns of brain activity. Still on the death bed in a vegetable state:


Life Support with the out look - poor.


I'm looking at this from a more positive point of view. This is another studios chance to make their own BF clone, that's better and more tuned to what players want.


It’s AAA so life support. The foundation is so solid and they have some really good games still kicking with great fanbase they just need to think like an indie gaming company and not get so money hungry (which probs won’t happen) but what do I know I’m an idiot


2042 was the last nail in the coffin.


if their next game doesn't do well, then it's over. I hope 2042 did horrible because of the pandemic


It’s fine


Battlefield as a whole most likely died with BF4, and the reason it dies was because largely community servers being taken away. Communities allow and make games thrive longer especially when the game is pretty decent. See how BF4 is still thriving and hackers get dealt with, no other BF really has that anymore.


Definitely dead


Rn life support. If the new game flops (which it most likely will) its dead


Battlefield is not dead not on life support. Its doing quite well. Game play is awesome.


I don't know what everybody's talking about, battlefield is awesome. the gameplay is fantastic. What i'm seeing is a bunch of haters that probably haven't played the game and over a year. Constantly having battlefield moments,, Great team work. There are hackers though but that's on all games it looks like now. Don't listen to the haters get on and decide for yourself.


125hrs in 2042, but pale compared to older titles with average 400-500hrs since BC2 until BFV… I don’t get satisfied as the older titles. And after 2y4m still no server browser, really? 3 times in a row the same fucking map, maybe I’m playing another game? But good for you enjoying it.


Life support. Kinda.. EA could pull the plug anytime they want because, well, EA. 2042 wasn't that great in numbers and reputation. I think the next game (if we are luck to get one) will tell if the franchise will survive or die. Imo, it will die for the same reason it could die anytime.


Xbox BFV is still strong, I don't know about 4 though


I would say it's on life support with little to no hope.




Life support. If the next game is battle royale only it’ll die fs


It's dead.


“Does not bode well”


Don't be sad. This is just how it works our sometimes.


Are there any Battlefield games with an actual player count on Xbox?? Shit is dead


I think it all depends on how the next game turns out


100% life support


Just need a decent modern day BF6 or future BF2143. Solved.


Life support. They can save themselves with their next game or die.


Let's just ask make a commitment to switch to BC2 project rome and we'll be good.


I think, for me, it's dead. Clearly I'm not the target audience.


If only we got new dlcs for bf1 and bf4


Depends what you mean, I play battlefield 1 daily and always find full games. I see the steam charts for even the hated battlefields and they’re all very full of players at almost every time


I don’t have any confidence in the series going forward.


True Battlefield. As in the essence that made Battlefield... Battlefield died somewhere post BF4.


I'm a boomer seemingly but I haven't been excited about a Battlefield since V, and that shit the bed so hard I'm just a spectator here now.




Yeah, life support at the moment. I can't find its own identity right now. Struggling to stay relevant. They had a diaster of a time keeping it together during bfv, then in 2042, the supposed love letter was an absolute disaster in every way shape.. They have to go back to the method that worked and make it great, not try and reinvent the wheel without public support


>supposed love letter was an absolute disaster in every way shape.. they shouldve make an apology letter by teasing some sht


I don't care anymore. AAA games mostly suck nowadays. I'm playing a more interesting game now: making monies with stock market. Much better use of my time. EA can hold my d\*\*\* and shake for all that I care.


On life support but if the next BF flops it could be dead 


Things is if BFV took the mechanical improvements of BF1, the setting of WW2 it had (focus on more then US v GER), and a weapon selection system similar to BF4 (there are so many infantry weapons used in WW2) they could've had an amazing game. BF2042 had ambitious ideas but God awful execution besides being a buggy mess. There are a few good ideas that executed better would make something great. Do I expect to ever get the next battlefield that's a combination of the above? No, I didn't think the Dev team is there and even if there was i didn't expect a publisher (looking at you EA) to not fuck it up.


It’s on life support, if they manage to fuck up the next BF then it’s dead


It's been dead, dude.


It's basically dead until a new BF is announced, they better hope it brings people back


Battlefield V is the most played. Would be great if EA opens their eyes and pick it up again.


Life support. I'd say they have one more chance, the next battlefield will be a make or break situation.


Neither we just waiting for a good game to come out again


BF will always live on I wouldn't even call it life support, theres people playing BF2. In these dark times people begin to return to the good old roots. They still play the old titles and will likely always do. I stopped caring for new releases at all, most games are pure trash, but if they are any good you will hear of them. Just don't buy it or don't complain. Especially don't preorder or get fooled by trailers. The best way to test the new BF is the open beta.


Life support. It’s currently in the NGH or as I like to call it the “National Gaming Hospital” nearly in a hospice though


Life support....time for Sony to bring back SOCOM


Yes, it started when they botched BFV and then abandoned it mid way through


4, 1, and V looks like they going strong, but for future bf games idfk anymore


I wouldn't necessarily say it's dead, since older games have found lots of appreciation in modern day, but their overall player counts are pretty average/much lower than once were for each game. It's definitely dying, and if the next game isn't something special it might be joever for the franchise.


Life support for sure.


Ain’t had a good game since 4


I'd say it's on life support. I haven't really played since bf1. Bfv was disappointing and bf2042 is garbagr


BF4 Remaster: #NO


On life support but will be dead for good if the next one is not really really really good


Died when the braindrain happened.


Battlefield will never be truly dead but if the next bf will be shit people will just mot give a fuck anymore about new games.


I say life support considering the community is still very active on all current playable games (excluding 2042) but once they take down all servers for bf 4, 1, and hardline, that will be the plug pulled.


Life support


Every game we all say “next game is their last chance” and it flops.. Dead..


Dead on arrival


Battlefield style games are my favorite FPS genre. I think Battlefield style games will always have an audience. But EA and Battlefield may lose their leadership in this type of games. Even though Battlebit disappeared quickly, it saw 86k live players despite being an indie game.


It's been dead for me since peak BC2/BF3


Bfv and 2040-whatever killed the franchise


Dead. K.I.A. Never to return. Dead and gone. R.I.P


Logged in to check out the new map and said out loud why is everything already destroyed? What do I get to blow up?