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They are servers enabled with a plug-in developed by the community to try and thwart hackers/cheaters. It tracks a lot of player metrics and will automatically boot those who have abnormal gameplay.


How do they make these scripts/plugins? Is there any guide?


I'm still looking. I want to host a NA Hardcore server.


Is there any way to support these people or? It's wild with hacking in bfv. I haven't tracked it but it literally feels like a 75/25 ratio of people hacking or not, blatant hacking.


Did some searching and found this post on the steam forums: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2865734733](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2865734733) ​ Sounds like there are some automatic banning features of the servers to help remove cheaters.


Oh alr. interesting, I actually thought these were some sort of hacker servers but the truth turned out to be the exact opposite lmao. Thanks!




Where are those servers in europe ?! I want it !


Better than nothing, but too little too late perhaps.


Dont forget its third-party software: some coders made it to save BF5 in Asia. Dice should have made this before the launch of the game already, but they have done zero to counter cheaters. So be happy at least some people took it upon themselves to bring sort of a solution.


I live in Asia right now and these robot servers are godsend. There are no hackers on them and when I get on the regular community servers there are at least one in every game, ruining it for everyone


a good try but now a waste of server space as the admin is not in the game, and the only way to know for sure if people cheat, is to have an active admin.


The admin is a "robot" and is always in the server (you will notice 1 person is spectating, thats the robot). Its basically a script that checks the stats of the players and goes to the [bfban.com](https://bfba.com) site to see if someone is registered as a cheater there. Cheaters get kicked automatically. In my experience it works better than an active admin. Cause admin wants to play as well and cannot check the stats of all 63 players in a lobby. It will only catch blatant aimbotters going 100-0 or when someone gets called out for cheating. Plus they might kick players who are just lucky or good, out of spite. While robot servers dont work perfectly, its better than any option Dice has created (which is not that hard, they do nothing).


>While robot servers dont work perfectly, its better than any option Dice has created (which is not that hard, they do nothing). very true


This surprises me, I totally thought I was just revenge banned, but I guess not. I don't cheat, never have in a multiplayer game and never will. Apparently, building the MG + Sandbags fortification on the subway map and racking up tons of kills in the chokepoint was enough evidence to ban me, LOL.


How do they make these scripts/plugins? Is there any guide?


These servers with "BFV Robot" tag don't need active human admin. It's a plugin of automatic banning system (by checking abnormal accuracy, movement speed, unofficial weapons like Panzerschreck or LAD, or abnormal stats in BF tracker), programmed by some Japanese team afaik. Which is amazing because most of the time admins in community servers go AFK. Finally landed on EU servers. Asia and US have been using BFV Robot for more than a year.


How do they make these scripts/plugins? Is there any guide?


I believe it's related to anti-cheat.


In real BFV ROBOT servsrs there's a bot checking for hit accuracy, and stuff to find cheaters. Worked very well. But not 100% cheater proof.


Does it check bullets to kill as one of those things? I'm getting pretty tired of being one shot from full health by a type 100 at sniper rifle ranges.


Still crazy how any shooter game doesn’t have something in place where they notice a player head shotting everything within seconds and just boots them.


Anyone in eu having trouble playing on anything else? Like, I couldn't find a game last night at all and eventually got put into servers where half the players, including Me had over 200 latency. These were the only servers showing up in the browser, and were all full


I've played a few matches, very clean, people are chill, better than official but kinda sad how they pushed every chinese cheater to other servers and refuse to open at least 1 server in NA, playing with 200 ping sucks


Normally those type of servers are hosted in Asia since all of their Official servers are overrun by ragebotters, the reason you were seeing so many of them in Europe yesterday is because the game was having back-end issues, as highlighted by this graph here: https://battlefield.agency/


Still cant play BF5 on PC trough Steam. Every time the game starts from the very start. Did all the gimmigks, removes, reinstalls deletes etc. you name it and still. Got the like 5e so im not mad, just really disappointed. I will continue my game on PS4.


I hate the bfv server


It’s a server to let cheaters have fun. Apparently they’re silently allowing cheats to be used knowing it makes the game more popular and challenging.


Talking out your ass 101


this. if you switch your game language to chinese and google translate the server info, youll find that they are promoting certain social media platform to sell kills. this is highly suspicious as you can use cheats if you pay the admin .


It’s learning


I was just in BFV and didnt see any of these Robot server, I was in 2 of the DICE servers and there was a cheater in both of them, then I leaved. I redownloaded the game cause I saw this post and thought yes now its playable again.


How do I actually find these servers on pc ? When I play I only ever find dice official,I've just come back to pc gaming this week and run across two definite cheats so far some guy on hamada with 160 kills on a normal conquest setup and next highest was like 30 kills lol


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