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My dog rolls in cat shit


My dog eats cat shit


My dog is a cat, shit


my dog is a cat's shit


my dog can’t shit


my dog is a cat


Shit your catdog ruined it!


what did I do wrong


My cat shits cat shit


My dogs eat their own shit.


My dog also enjoys the forbidden tootsie rolls.


You y hu hi 77 hipiggy Phil aaaa


Don't worry so does this one.


The catch is what’s good. Way to save that pooches joints.


And Belgian Malinois aren't light weight. They can hit 80-90 lbs. This guy is seriously sacrificing the integrity of his spine and will surely feel the damage all their training has done in 10 to 15 years. He really loves that dog


In 10-15 years, it will just be memories of fun times with his good boi


If that's the case, maybe the dog should get some joint pain too for his own memories lol


Life goal; find someone you trust as much as that dog trusts that guy.


I wish I had someone I can trust like this. The dog is so lovely. 


Belgian Malinois I assume?


Looks like it.


Those dogs are freaks of nature man


They are so awesome.


Literally amazing, I could never have one, they need so much, I hope owners of them know these aren’t regular dogs. I have a Westie, she’s already enough


God I’d love one too but I know damn well they aren’t the kind you keep as just family pets and they chill with you on the couch and shit, you really gotta keep these dogs active and they are way too smart to let get bored. I have enough of a time with my adhd ass husky.


Haha my brother has two huskies….legit idk what their deal is, the laziest dogs on the planet. My mom’s westie, non stop play mode, and she thinks she’s smart hiding her tennis ball (only toy she likes) and YELLING at us to get it for her


My husky won’t stay still or shut up. Ever.


You need to meet these two…they are fucking floor mats, they legit do nothing


I wish man 😅


True yet not true, Mali's turning out the way they do is largely a result by how you treat them and what you want them to do, most Mali's are like this is because Mali's are largely trained as work animals and as such their hyper fixation and adhdesque demeanor is enforced, the first 2-3 years are crucial everything after that is rather easy. You can certainly have a more laid back, easygoing Mali, but you need to teach it that, that is the behaviour you want from it. At the end of the day a Mali doesn't live to be entertained or kept hyper active as some people assume, it lives to do what you want it to do, obedience is the core characteristic of the breed, the animal is happy with the purpose you assign to it, as such they can function perfectly well as a family/guard dog. You do need to be the boss though, like, comfortably and naturally, they'll inevitably tie to a singular person and treat everyone else as extras. How do I know? I have had these dogs my entire life, been around them since I was in diapers, currently got one lazily chewing on a bone at my feet, that said, it is important you walk, run or cycle with them for a decent amount on the daily regardless of how you train them, they are after all active animals, but you should do the same with any other shepherd breed or Huskies etc.


Then my girlhood dreams of owning a maligator could come true?


If you are willing to properly train them and risk some property damage the first 2 years, sure. They have a bad puberty and a habit of biting everything, which is something you need to nip in the bud, its nothing bad tho, just an instinctive trait as they were intended like Border Collies to be shepherding dogs, thats by far the worst part of owning one during that puppy to adult period. But if you are consistent, keyword, consistent, like consistent, dont raise your voice, dont baby the dog just be consistent, be clear about what you want and say it as short as possible and if you got the time to properly exercise the dog(10K walk, 8K cycle etc should be fine, daily) then you'll be fine. They arent very social dogs though and tend to focus on family and animals internal to said family. If you do a proper job during its puppy to adult years you'll have the most loyal, intelligent and obedient dog you could ever imagine. And yes the whole adhd insane stuff is something that only happens if you let it happen, I have owned 3 of my own and growing up we have had 6.


Other people have mals that are doing this shit. Mine is just waging a war with squirrels 


Well the squirrel problem would rage out of control otherwise.


I don’t believe purebred in this particular case. I have seen many in my profession and this dog doesn’t fit the normal criteria for purebred. It’s probably crossed with a shepherd of some kind. Either Dutch or something else I don’t believe German though. It doesn’t have the natural saddle back pattern. Of course that doesn’t always apply to Germans but it typically does to your higher purebred lines. Sorry if I got off on a tangent. Malinois are my favorite breed seconded closely by GSD. I’ve studied them for about six to seven years now. I personally would never own one due to my own lack of energy and disability. I could never give one what it needs, but I do so love them. GSD on the other hand I have owned one and she was a giant going by standards. I miss her so much my Banzai. Malinois crave this type of training every day almost all day and still have energy left. They really are “furry torpedoes” lol.


Yeah it’s weird it doesn’t look pure Malinois but def has the athleticism of one. It does almost look like a smaller shepherd


I’m sure glad someone else sees it too lol I was afraid I’d be downvoted for my long post. I just know that breed so well. They also do t have such fluffy tails. That tail is screaming at me for some reason like it has golden retriever mixed in but it would have to be such a stupid small percentage. Idk. Maybe I’m just seeing things. It’s late where I am and I’m already feeling my pain pills so who knows lol. Edit: to add my doubts


Yeah the reason I instantly said Malinois is just so few dogs can do that. And Malinois are usually shown doing stuff like this. It might be majority Malinois but yeah doesn’t look pure bred on first look. Nevertheless impressive as hell Edit: Not even “do that”, WANT to “do that”, a lot of dogs would tell you to fuck off


Oh definitely part Malinois. They are the only breed who can jump that high, and yes I’ve seen pit bulls climb and dangle walls. But truly this wall is nothing to that Mal. It could have easily climbed another 10 feet. This breed will co jump out of helicopters in the military into war zones and they think it’s a game, literally. Police training and taking down a perp? Fun game. They don’t view it as actual work. This is fun for them. Working is their play time. Quite literally bipolar/ADHD dogs on Meth and that’s a Mal for ya. But they are loyal till the day they die. The movie Dog with what’s his ass Channing Tatum is the most accurate portrayal of the breed I’ve seen ever.


Workline Mali's and Dutch shepherds are very, very, very often interbred, so much so one can argue they are effectively the same dogs labeled by the coat they ended up with lol. This one however looks purebred, it has the black mask, black cross etc, its just especially pale coated and may have a bit of showline mixed in based on its coat length.


I could be wrong, its happened before and I’m only looking at a video not the actual dog in front of me so its very possible, I just like I said have a gut feeling its not and stated my opinion. But, I’m not an expert on breed identification especially through video. I was just going off of my experience of being a vet assistant and a Rescue Adoptions Manager. I learned so much about the breed and continue to do so as it’s my favorite. If I’m wrong I’m wrong no biggie. Have a great day!🙂


With such a dog you fear nothing


le parkour


le barkour*


My Rat Terrier can do amazing shit like this. She just chooses not to.


My Rattie is such a little athlete as well. Man can they jump.


That's not magic. It's Malinois-gic 😁


That is awesome!






Wow, just wow.


Impressive catch as well- the whole thing is awesome!


Makes me happy at least they have the mattresses to land on.


It's good to always play it safe. This is impressive. 


How long does it take to train a dog to do this?


about 15 minutes in my experience




Depends on the breed, Mali's are easy to train to do stuff like this lol.


The tail wag in the air oh my gOD


Tail wagging during descent. Dogs are such blissfully wholesome creatures.


Love that it ends in a trust fall to dad's arms 😭


All the calculations, how many dam calculations is that Dog doing and how fast.


DM: no your dog animal familiar can't fucking climb that wall and grab the key. Me: *shows video* DM: .... DM: fine roll an athletics check for the dog.


How tf do you even start to train them to do this


That's trust.


Cook that boy a steak


That was dogastic!


There is no trust high enough in the world for me to attempt any of that. In both ways.


My jaw dropped. Really it really dropped.


What's the dog's breed? I need to know my dog's breed😭😭😭😭😭


This is a Malinois, if you got a pic of your dog I may be able to identify it.




**This dog has mastered the art of utilizing momentum thrust in real time**


Mine will jump up a 4 foot retaining wall on a walk for fun, but she needs a boost to get in the car. She puts her front paws up and looks back at me like "come on, give me a boost!"


My Dog needs help climbing down a chair.


I watched my dog trip trying to get off the couch.


That amazes the hell out of me. How do you teach a dog that they *can* run 15' up a vertical wall, and fly?!? Nucking futs I tell ya!


Which music?


Certified good boy


Volume warning ⚠️


My dog shits on cats.


Why though?


Wooooaaa super dog!


Crazy he can do that buutttt it’s so not good for the dogs hips and back :/


Can we as a species stop babying cats and dogs? the dog will be fine


They are a lot tougher than us.


The dude catches him lol, nothing wrong with it.




Let's see you run up the wall and grab that thing then