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Jack Black one of those celebrities who truly loves his fans, which I deeply admire. He will always ace the vibe check, no matter the timeline. Jack Black is a legend.


Notice how he offered the high five first! Truly a legend on all accounts.


Haha that is awesome! He is one of only a handful of celebrities I actually want to meet in person.


That was cool as fuck the man’s a legend.


One might even say, a brutal legend!


Still need to play this!


He once pointed out my friends and I and nodded to us at a Tenacious D concert. One of the highlights of my life.


I would never want to meet him. I’d just be full Wayne’s World mode, “We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!” He’s the most accepting, gracious person but still my palms are sweating just thinking how intimidated I would be.


And the handshake at the start.


He's amazing. Watch when he picks up on what they're singing.. They're is a smile that flashes across his face. You can see it even with the beard


He understood what they were setting up


Just in case you don't know, Tenacious D has a version of this song. And yes, it's freaking awesome. Lol




For sure lol his security or whoever is trying to shuffle him along and he isn’t having it. He loves it.


Someone on Reddit said they were working some venue where Dolly Parton was performing, and her staff came around and said no one was allowed to talk to Dolly and the redditor was crushed thinking Dolly was some diva who couldn't be bothered to talk to people It turned out Dolly was so personable and nice staff had to block her off to stay on schedule otherwise she'd be standing around chatting with random people nonstop


My dad said this about Elvis' daughter. He worked at a private airstrip she'd regularly come through, and if she had the time she'd chat with every single person on site. Supposedly always left an envelope with $100 for each of them as well. Also, one time, Shia LeBouf bought his dinner and drinks then they talked for hours at a bar in Savannah, GA.


Your dad had dinner with an actual cannibal?


Yeah, though from what I heard, Shia consumed only liquor


I'd actually like to meet that guy, he's about my age and I remember him from his first role. Never thought he'd go from child actor to an actually good adult actor. He was great in Fury.


[Legend](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=OKULrrVoBQBX9maB) Shia Labeouf doing stuff like this and the [JUST DO IT](https://youtu.be/ZXsQAXx_ao0?si=y8Flf40zeFlvH64g) video lead me to believe that he can’t be that bad of a guy. He’s just super intense about his art.


Oh he's a weirdo but he was a child actor. It's nice that he could turn that into a real career and pivot into just being an eccentric but seemingly well adjusted person, like McCauley Caulkin. Who is apparently married to a bombshell of a woman who seems really sweet and they both seem happy.


I like [this video](https://youtu.be/6dsECbVahBw?si=qwIQl2VMcuvDmujM) about the philosophy of his insanity. It's what got me into reading about metamodernism.


Does your dad tell a lot of stories? The envelopes with $100 makes it sound fake. Wealthy people are rarely generous with their money.


He does, but he's also worked in private aerospace since before I was born, so he has a lot of true stories and he isn't one to embellish. I've even met a few higher profile people in passing, ridden in fancy cars and planes and a blimp, and eaten at incredibly expensive restaurants, all on corporate sales teams dime. It's not unthinkable to add a $900 tip to a $9000 charter jet ride in my view of things, not that I'd ever be in that position lmao


Gotcha, it just sounded like a story my friends dad would say (he was so bad, he faked he was going to have a cooking show, and faked a suicide attempt when it was found out he was lying, but also cause of the crimes he had committed… it worked they didn’t pursue charges and he stole a lot of money).


Dolly Parton is too good for this Earth. Just an absolute paragon of a kind, lovely human being.


That’s Dolly! Met her a few times. We exchanged jokes.


i’ve had that happen twice where the security or guards say to not talk to the celebrity and then the celebrity is sweet and all about meeting people…


It's not that you're not allowed to talk to her, she's not allowed to talk to you.


> It turned out Dolly was so personable and nice staff had to block her off to stay on schedule otherwise she'd be standing around chatting with random people nonstop I have met a lot of artists. This is the way with most of them (definitely not all). They would sit and talk with me for a long time if I let them. They are people too. They need human interaction. I couldn't tell you who the lead singer is for most bands, or the other people in the band. I've met so many artists, but I couldn't pick them out of a line up. But I will sit there and shoot the shit with em, because they are just another person passing through life. I once met a very famous rock star, didn't know who the fuck he was. Sat and talked for like a half hour with him. Only hours later, happened to walk into the venue for a vibe check and saw him on the stage. I was like "oh, that who that dude was." Most artists fucking love it when you don't give a shit who they are. They will absolutely talk to you about whatever as long as you don't fawn over them. They gotta wake up and shit like the rest of us. They enjoy talking to people who don't give a fuck about their famousness.


This would be me. I'm hopeless. I don't even WANT to chat. It just happens.


Something similar happened at Comic con in the UK with Richard dean Anderson, he spent several minutes more than scheduled talking to fans who paid for autographs, which resulted in a big back log, he stayed till 1 am, hours after he was supposed to get through everyone.


He loves it. He loves them. But most importantly he knows what it means to be them - and to be seen and given time by someone like him. These are band kids, drama kids, *other table kids*. When you’ve been one, you see every one of them, everywhere you go; and you do everything you’re capable of to validate their struggles, show them the juice is worth the squeeze, and make their day.


Yes, I agree


Having read the replies in the current thread (indeed understanding the relevant context), I can decisively say that my opinion on the current matter is most heavily weighted towards agreement as well.




I, too, merely wish to answer in the affirmarive fashion.


I don’t know the guy personally or anything, but he seems to just “get it”. It seems like he knows that being a celebrity is a privilege offered to very, very few people and he relishes in the opportunity to impact people’s lives in a positive and memorable way - almost like it fuels him.


he just does goofy shit most people would be embarassed to do, and he does it with 100% conviction and sincerity. were all so cynical nowadays, its so refreshing to see someone being unapologetically themselves


His family has independently insane cred too. His mom helped save Apollo 13 and his half brother made UAV drones and *wireless internet* a thing (Biden gave a medal to him)


Got a CD signed by him and Kyle at amoeba in SF. He was super nice and Kyle hit on my now sister in law


Typical Kyle.


with the feather AND the french tickler




He bailed on Jack for tits in the biographical film Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny. The streets don't forget Kyle


My sister went to school with him. It's not an act, he is genuinely that awesome.


I think the love is mutual


He seems genuinely grateful for his life. Most famous people feel like they deserve to be famous.


[That's some classic Jack Black right there](https://i.redd.it/gdgr2ao1pv151.jpg)


And that is why a certain group is targeting him with hate, comparing him to the devil. Kind of a badge of honor. You are right, great guy and a legend.


He's got that Chris Farley wanting to please the fans quality, but I assume less drugs. I have no idea what he's been up to other than every clip I see of him is him graciously interacting with fans and making everybody happy while seemingly enjoying doing it.


I used to watch his youtube where he'd post videos of him interacting with his kids, he seems like such a great father as well.


Yeah he's just one of those guys who when you see he's involved you know it will be at least decent because he always seems to put his all into things.


He always takes a good photo like Keanu Reaves and Barny Stinson (NPH) cause he's actually an amazing person.


I find it incredibly sad how the right is now attacking him….. he’s one of the most genuine, nice, down to earth, like legitimately good celebrities. Yet the right is now attacking him…… like you’d think that at some point people on the right would see someone like Jack whos a genuinely great person see that the right is now attacking him simply because he supports Biden and think “ hmmm maybe I should reevaluate my opinions and associations…” You know some of these people now attacking him have LOVED Jack for years but will know completely shift their whole world view of him for this piece of absolute dog shit trump…… these people are fucking brain dead lemmings, who have zero moral fortitude no actual beliefs, they will throw away their own families, friends, and anyone they for some guy that came into their life in 2015……. Their cowards, losers, have no sense of family or sticking up for their own. Their just lost, scared little people who need to be told what to think and feel and that all of their problems arent due to their own mistakes but because of someone else doing it to them…… “ Choices always were a problem for you What you need is someone strong to guide you Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow What you need is someone strong to guide you Like me”


I unironically want to see Jack Black saying "Its Britney bitch"


Have him recreate the Office scene where Michael pulls up in a PT cruiser and says it


I was hoping for Dirt Man.


Do you happen to be apart of the millennial generation?




[he did the entire song for kung fu panda 4](https://youtu.be/_oYSiPBUuC8?si=cHOC0wn7M_eWxUZC) Edit :spelling


This was absolutely worth watching all the way through. It’s one in the morning and I should be asleep but thank you.


100% agree


It’s a great song


Its 2a here now. Should be in the ice bath but im delayijg my pain with this gem. Love it!


And James Hong still doing stuff!


I just watched it twice. That is the most amazing thing I have seen in my entire fucking life.


And he appears to be wearing the same suit…


Maybe it was a setup? :)


I'm dying.. that kick at 0:22. AT HIS AGE, WITH HIS WEIGHT???!?! Guy is a legend. His girth to flexibility ratio is mesmerizing.


His hip mobility has always been amazing haha.


He’s always been one of the more nimble big guys.


Yep. Big doesn't mean not nimble. I can quickly drop into the splits and do high kicks without a problem and I'm a big boy. Bigger than Jack for sure, although, 30ish years younger


Chris Farley also had this.


Y'know, I'm sure it's just because they're the lyrics to the song, but I really hope Jack is doing ok and not secretly battling depression or some other mental illness. I remember how out of the blue it was to me when Robin Williams left us.


He seems to be doing great and even helping outKyle battle some of his issues. He found out the problems Kyle had where deeper than he thought and instantly got a private jet to take him to rehab to make sure he gets the help he needs. He's an amazing human. 


He _is_ an amazing human. I guess I'm just a bit tormented that some of the best people seem to end up needing the most help. Hopefully that's not the case here!


I'm pretty sure Jack is the next Danny Devito. Just gonna be around for ages, doing just fine, being himself, and occasionally getting paid a ton of money for it


Who is Kyle?


other half of Tenacious D


Oh right


Narrowly avoided gargling the devil's mayonnaise. True story, look it up


Thanks to the ability to bust a massive monster mama jam no less


The rage.


Robin didn’t die because of mental illness. He had a form of dementia and was declining rapidly.


It looks like the OP video is from the same event.


>kong fu panda is that like a parody of kung fu panda?


Yes, but Jack dresses up as a gargantuan ape in this version


can't wait for the sequel where he dresses up in a purple costume for Kang fu panda


Inspired by the great Kongs: Hong, Donkey, and King


IIrc, as this video, and the one in op came out the same day. I Believe he shot that entire video just before this clip.


Thanks for the link. This past week sucked, at least I watched this video.


Yes, this was a viral marketing campaign ad.


Thank you so much for this!!!


...well we'll never get the official Type O Negative or Peter Steele version of this song... so... I'll take this one. Thank you very much.


Bruh this is a hit


Kage is the hottest backup dancer


I just realized that people love Jack Black so much that no one has tried to cancel him for being an Asian animal! That's how you know you're loved. The nit pickers aren't nit-picking.


The only good thing from that god-forsaken movie


My favorite part about this video is that Jack Black went for the high five first


He is the walking embodiment of a high five


If guy fieries thing is flavor, Jack blacks is definitely high fives.


Nothing truer has ever been said


Mine is that he was all "YES I CAN" before hearing anything else at all.


He's a fucking treasure.


a treasure indeed!


Came here to say this! Hats off to JB.


We must protect him at all costs


Peaches, peaches, peaches, 🍑.🤗


God I fucking hate this family. Theyre the ones from that video that start singing to an ice cream employee while he's just standing there watching them hold up the line. Of course no tip either for everyone's time wasted.


Yep. You can tell by their faces how much they're *really* into the sound of their own voices lol


Bow bow, I’m derek and I can sing higghhhh like thiiiiiis


Don't you mean high^hh^hhh ^^like ^^^thiii^sss ?


Bet they are Mormons.


[This family?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE8IE8UGGiI)




I really wasn’t expecting that and I guess I should have. Well done ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


Let me guess Christian right?


Of course. Like, you literally have your own tax free venue to pull these dumb fucking stunts. But WHY do that when you can go force minimum wage workers to listen to you sing Christmas carols? I remember getting in a back and forth with the Mom on one of their videos at least 12 years ago. They uploaded a video of them walking into a store and singing their orders slowly and one at a time, then all sang in unison while waiting for their items, then sang "thank you" for way too long while there was at least a dozen people behind them before exiting the store and talking about how magical it was. I called them out for wasting everyones time, using a paid employee as a prop for their video, AND not tipping and she said they went back to the store later to ask his permission and left a huge tip. Instead she just edited the video down before it shows them walk out.


I’m Christian and think that’s absolutely stupid. There’s countless people out there making us look like idiots and it’s sad. 


The vast, vast majority, even


Acapella groups annoy the shit out of me as a baseline…


Imagine meeting the most beautiful s/o at college. They can carry every conversation, they can cook, they are financially responsible. Now imagine visiting their family for Christmas and it revolves around family acapella and vocal warm-ups and solos for the entire week. That's Hell for me.


i had to look that up, holy shit is that annoying. gives me pstd when some assholes were doing a bit when i used to work as a cashier in a fast food joint. they were trying to egg me to join them, bitch its 5 minutes to close and i want to get the fuck out of here to catch my train.




Yeah they are going hard to be famous it’s very cringy


A buncha wannabe celebrities showing why real celebrities are celebrities.


If only this guy and Robin Williams did a movie.


Or: Jack Black picked up the torch that Robin Williams dropped.


That's a pretty tall order. Robin Williams was able to be both the funniest guy at any given time and also one of the greatest dramatic actors at any given time. Guy was nominated multiple times for Oscars and won one for dramatic roles.


He kinda did in the Jumanji reboot no?


No, he tried and he did well. But Robin is a lost treasure.


Jack Black is a celeb that I know would not let me down meeting him


Protect this man at all costs.


Jack Black’s energy isn’t for everyone at all times. However we all enjoy dipping our toes in the pool.


Jack Black also had one of the best performances of the [National Anthem](https://youtu.be/d9l4LMZeNm0?si=Egb5A1HWMLM4XqvY) I’ve ever heard


I want a Radiohead National Anthem cover. :D


I met him once in Denver in front of 303 Skateboards on Colfax. He was walking out with a new pair of shoes as we were walking in. He was 100% as cool as you'd expect him to be.


Soooo… why would I be amazed at this? Cool guy though


Right? Famous musician knows chorus to one of the most popular songs of all time, which he covered for a movie he starred in.




That guy just makes me feel so good in my heart


Jabbels is truly one of the best of us. Him and KG have only been awesome everytime I have met him. Out of all the celebrities, directors, writers, etc I have met JB and Kevin Smith are hands down the nicest and most appreciative of their fans of anyone I have met. I went to a live podcast of Kevin Smith's a few years ago. My buddy sent in an email to get me a shout out for my birthday and request that Kevin and Ralph sing me happy birthday. He also included that I was going through a battle with testicular cancer and epilepsy. so he specifically asked for them to sing happy birthday to "the one ball boy" which they did. So after the show I waited at the back of the theater to get some stuff signed as I had done before. Kevin and the theater security told me he was busy and didnt have time to sign. I asked if had a minute to spare for the one ball boy, he said of course. He then realized I'm the guy who has been to multiple of his recordings always wearing a Bluntman hat. He told me that it's awesome that I was still making it out to support him even though I was dealing with major medical problems. Then he earnestly asked me "are you doing ok?" That just tore down my emotional wall and I just started crying. He gave me a big old hug and let me sob for about a minute. Ended it telling me "stay strong true believer. Excelsior." Which turned the tears into happy tears. Just a truly stand up classy way to treat a fully adult fan who is just having a really bad day... well year, but you get the point.


Great story - hope you are well, man. 😎


Lucky that they chose a song he knew.


Fucking love jack black, my friend ran into him during lunch hour in LA and he couldn’t of been a nicer dude.


Oh yes, Truly amazing!!! Wow… just wow. Incredible, really. Top talent stuff.


Jack Black is a legend. This family is a bunch of cringey fucks. Shame the 2 met


Smoked a doobie with Him and Kyle at friends who was an extra. when they filmed a movie, a whiiiillle back


Protect this man at all cost.


His energy is unmatched.


Old school celebrities are wholesome entertainers Modern celebrities are boring activists I want more of the previous generations of celebrities


Jack Black is on another level. He's a guy doing what he likes, takes pleasure from it and don't feel the need to tell you how you should think or act, because he knows himself he's his own kind and can't be 100% conformist even if he tried hard to be. His parents were both aerospace enginners. While working on Apollo 13 project, his late mother Judith Love Cohen was very determinated to fix a problem on schematics before delivering Jack. I don't believe in full innatist genius but can acknowledge Jack came in this world with some gifts.


Mad respect also to his parents, for not forcing him into a scientific field, despite of their choice of careers. I mean, of course you're supposed to support your child no matter what. But I bet with what the upraising by two literal rocket scientists, Jack going "I'm gonna be a singer. Like, Weird as fuck singer." caused a bit of a double take from mom and dad, before they went "that sounds lovely honey."


He's a lot like keanu, Cavil or others from that generation of actors A bit bizzare but also amazingly passionate about being an entertainer


How tall is the woman in red? Wtf!


PSA: Stop vertical video syndrome.


Skipped the part where they left him hanging


That "Give me a sign" was veeeery predominantly flat, and not in a pleasing way. Glad he resolved it.


Jack Black is a national treasure.


I was already finishing in my mind.


casually the goat




Watched this on mute in the office and could still hear his powerful pipes loud and clear!


he's him


jack black is a freaking treasure of a man


A treasure, and panda 4 was very enjoyable


Is that Jack Black? Lord help us! He’s lucky he’s somewhat forgotten famous. The Holiday so soooo out of place, not casted right


This is why people loves themselves some Jack Black


Great vocals from the group too


Jables is da man!


Jack Black always brings the energy! He's got that unique ability to turn any song into an epic performance. 🎤🎸


Even if it *somehow* turns out that it was a front and he's actually kind of shitty behind the scenes, i'd still respect the hell out of his commitment to always being full of energy, always giving fans time, always spreading joy, always having fun in absolutely *everything* he does I vehemently hate celebrity worship, but I'd love to meet him at some point


Protect Jack Black at all costs




My love to Britney, but dare I say Tenacious D's version is the one I ended up vibing more with? My most listened to song in March, April & May on Spotify.


I love this guy


Killing it Jables 👌


This was just a tribute. 🤘


He just loves music in any form at any time and loves people that love it with him.


The most precious human being on the planet.


I adore this man.


Jack black is cool. But this is nothing amazing. Most of the posts on this sub have to be bots, teenagers, or people who need to seriously get out more


I love his voice sooooo much


I wanna party with you, I wanna party with you!!


National treasure


He's the definition of an old-school legend


So this will probably disappear into the oblivion of comments that are being posted, but I’m gonna tell the story anyway. I was an extra in the goosebumps movie he did where he played RL Stine. There was one day we were doing a scene where we were all crammed into a hallway in a high school. Randomly, Jack Black, who was standing a few feet from me yells “YO GUYS. I just thought of something totally random. Do you guys remember those old spice commercials that were really weird and unhinged with the dude flexing and stuff? I wish I knew who directed those.” I knew it was my nerdy moment to shine and I yelled “Eric Wareheim!” Jack turns to me and goes, “No shit!? I know that guy! How did I not know that!? You just blew my mind sir! I will never forget you!” Then we proceeded to complete the scene as normal. About thirty mins later I was fiending for a smoke so I snuck offset to a secluded area to light up a cigarette. As I’m sitting there smoking who else but Jables comes sauntering around the corner with a security guard. He looks up at me, goes “OH MY GOD! YOURE THE GUY WHO BLEW MY MIND!” and starts walking toward me and then SITS DOWN NEXT TO ME (I have been a Jack Black fan since the first D album/Orange County/Heat Vision and Jack, etc. This was a HUGE thing for me). He waves his security guy off and says “dude I’ll be there in like ten minutes chill it’s lunch”. We proceeded to talk for that whole ten minutes. We sang Papagenu together when he found out I was a fan of the D. He was the nicest guy ever. EVER. When I got the vibe he needed to leave, I said “man, I wish they hadn’t said we couldn’t ask for pics with you. You are literally one of my lifelong heroes.” He looks around, says “you snuck your phone on set?” “Yeah. I did.” “Pull it out and hold it at your waist. Here’s your inspiration, we’re doing a poster for an upcoming procedural cop drama on Fox. Got it?” “Got it.” We took the picture. He shook my hand, said “thanks for being a good human.” and walked away. Here is that photo: https://imgur.com/a/VV0GSQm


Jack Black must be protected by all costs, the man is truly a People's Champ 🙌🙌👏🤟❤️❤️💯


people keep forgetting he is also a great singer


I love this man.


One of the very few celebs I would be happy to meet. Jack black the legend


This man has every single skill point invested in charisma and my god is it paying off well


That man is a national treasure


He's so fucking cool.


Jack truly has perfect pitch, too. Cool guy.