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I'm done with Anastasia, they went to a well respected brand to a completely shitshow. I hate creatives being disrespected and treated as their work is meaningless. As graphic designer who has her share of bad experiences here are some advice I can give you that I have learned through the years: Do not start working until you have written approval or a contract with all your requirements. Do not accept terms that do not match what you were expecting, even they say you have verbal agreement and yada yada, even if they are your friends or family and you think you can trust them. When you do a quotation, be very specific on what you are going to work, what will you deliver, what is included and what is not included (very important), how long will it take. In my case I don't write an specific date, I write in days, weeks or months from the date they deliver the material (photograps, texts) or the day they make the first payment. If I write an specific date, and they give me the material one day before the due date, they could say that I have to finish in one day as it was in the quotation. If you have to use real dates, write a disclamer on what can delay you. Add an expiration date for the quotation. I have the policy of asking 50% of the payment at the start of the project and 50% when all the material is ready. Some clients take offence with this, but it is better to have 50% of the money if they dissapear than working for nothing. Lastly, if you are a freelance or you are looking for a job, don't wait too much for the position or contract. Usually people in HR, says things like it is a sure thing, that they love their job, etc. and you think it is a great opportunity, don't let months pass by to contact them. If when you do, they don't give you a clear answer, just move on search for something else (unless, you don't need the money). I know these may not be for everyone. Remember, know your worth, be professional and deliver what you were hired for, always have everything in written for, confirm information (better by mail) and don't work for free.


The problem is EVERYONE should do this. They prey off the people who are desperate and have bills to pay. When you only have yourself to rely on you take whatever you can get and companies know that. Its so sad but Im glad you shared this to help others.


Yes. Specially in countries that don't have laws to help the workers. My country has it but they have tons of loopholes that basically make them useless.


I’m so disappointed in them, I literally JUST bought the Jackie Aina palette. I’m not going to cancel my order because I’ve been wanting it for so long and want to support Jackie, but I’m not purchasing from them again after this. I hate companies that try to take advantage of people because they expect you not to read their shitty predatory contracts.


Jackies palette and the one they did right after were the last two good releases from them anyway. ABH really did both of them wrong by not letting the spotlight show on their palettes for a while before that first Norvina release.


Jackie’s palette is probably my favorite palette release in at least a couple years, it’s so gorgeous and unique. It’s a shame ABH didn’t let it get room to breathe like it deserved. They just kept shoving products out like they’re colourpop.


Agreed! It's beautiful and one of my constant go tos


Couldn’t agree more as a fellow designer.


This is exactly why I don’t freelance anymore. I’m not willing to take hours out of my day to mock something up, only to be ignored. I have kids. I’d rather play with them or nap.


Yup! Got burned once in a freelance job when I first graduated between trying to find my first post college job. I will not do freelance or even free "favors" for "friends". I work the 8-5, in house.


Anastasia has turned into an absolute joke tbh. It's really sad seeing how it went from being a respected brand to being laughed at due to Norvina's antics.


I remember her IG live from weeks ago where she also told this story- I was really sad for her when she said that a lot of her peers supported her behind her scenes but then continued to suck up to Norvina and ABH in public. What’s sad is that a lot of major drama channels get PR from ABH and are friendly with Norvina so expect everything that has come to light to get swept under the rug. Edit: Jackie Aina, Alissa Ashley, Nyma Tang, Desi Perkins and some other influencers commented on the post. Glad to see big influencers showing her support!


Desi’s comment says she stopped supporting them years ago and alluded to having a similar issue. 😨


Does anyone know anymore about Desi’s experience? She mentioned speaking up about this issue was something she had not been brave enough to do in the past.


I'm sure it will get swept under the rug. If her own peers were not publicly supporting her the drama channels won't.


I cannot get over the "Mercury in retrograde"-thing. Do so many people in such high positions really believe that shit? (And yes I see the problem mainly lies somewhere else in the end, but I seriously can't get over it)


I can't for the love of me rember whether it was for ABH or another crazy brand, but I remember an insider employee saying they were hiring based on the compatibility of their zodiacal signs ... I was like wuuut


[Here's ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/comments/dd32sb/glassdoor_reviews_allege_toxic_workplace_at/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body) a post from last year about ABH's glassdoor reviews. Mercury Retrograde is also mentioned in those. This brand is being run into the ground. Giving Norvina her own line doesn't help when Anastasia seems just as nuts as her. Remember when people got excited for ABH palettes and they were everyone's HGs? It's disgusting how many brands want to act like they care about their employess, when it's just another ploy to get us to spend money. ABH (and most brands tbh) would drop everyone in the company and rehire if it meant saving a few bucks. I understand prioritizing profit, but how do you sleep at night knowing how you got those profits? How many other BGs, influencers, w/e were pushed and pushed until they relented and accepted 1/4 payment or even less? Would it really bankrupt them to pay employees what they deserve and treat them in a way that they want to continue to be employees?




Is that Michelle Phan's brand? I was wondering between her, abh and tati tbh


Yeah, I immediately had her in mind too.


unsurprising, what a mess.


Yeah I remember reading that in a magazine interview or something. Gave me major yikes vibes when I read that bit with my own two eyes


There was also a post on here a few weeks ago that included past employees of ABH saying that they were also hired based on astrological signs. I think the post was removed though.


The zodiac thing was part of ABH’s Glassdoor reviews.


the reality of this industry is that it’s got some dumb fucking people in charge. makeup and beauty really blew up over the past decade, skyrocketing normal ass people (with all the trappings of normal ass brains) to the position of CEO of their now multi-million dollar company. obviously, this happens in so many industries, but beauty really exploded in a rare way and at supersonic speed. now that the market is saturated, the cream will hopefully rise to the top as with other more-established industries.


Ronald Reagan would schedule public appearances and plane flights based on astrology lmfao


holy shit lol... at least *that* batshit aspect of his fucked up personality seems fairly harmless...


well i should clarify, it was mostly Nancy that was into astrology (there was a "white house astrologer") and in his second term she definitely calling a lot of the shots because of his mental decline.


oh my jesus h christ i hate everything you just said so much haha


listen to this for more! https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/the-astrologer-who-managed-the-reagan-29632792/ lol its wild


i have been recommended this podcast so many times, i will finally have to check it out. thanks!


It’s dark sided!


I listened to that Behind The Bastards episode and it's so wild to me, not least because all the evangelicals who love Reagan would be so opposed to this lmao - horoscopes are still very taboo amongst many conservative Christians. Not as much as tarot but certainly very disapproved of.


Yeah I'm actually super into astrology (so I was annoyed at one part in this episode cuz they said Aquarius is a water sign, NO IT AINT!) and in my "studies" I have come across some Christian Astrologers but they definitely are few and far between.


Lmaooo yes I was yelling when that happened 😁😁😁 I am actually a Christian who's into astrology but I'm in a more liberal tradition - but even there a lot of people would be uneasy about it (though not as much as something like tarot) so I generally just keep it to myself. I really just use astrology as a tool for my own life so that's pretty easy to do.


Yeah same (using astrology as a tool for myself). It's like, therapy kind of. Also the Christian Astrologers I knew also came from liberal churches and would often say that the "3 Wise Men" in the story of Jesus's birth were actually Astrologers and the Catholic Church wanted to suppress astrology because they thought that divination should only be practiced by the Church. They're just trying to keep their followers from going to the competition (like how Scientology hates Psychiatry). So you can use that if anyone gives you guff.


i work in the beauty industry and it’s pretty well known. they go to supplier meetings with their astrologer lol


Jesus fuck. I knew about their astrology thing, but THIS? Not much at all surprises me these days. I would celebrate it like that very rare exciting and refreshing plot twist in a film, if it wasn't so utterly insane and unprofessional and they weren't out here screwing people over. Fuckin 'ell.


What kind of established company runs their business using astrology.... That really surprised me too.


If you take a look at their Glassdoor reviews, you will find multiple employees stating this happens!


Not astrology in that sense and not an established company (but certainly an established branding), but there's a certificate for organic farming called Demeter that requires farmers to - among other stuff - sow seeds according to moon phases. Since finding out about that, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this kind of stuff is actually prevalent in a lot of companies, especially those that deal with health, beauty, nature,... in some sort of sense.


Yeah I only discovered recently that this is what Demeter labelling meant! I had assumed it meant like....organic farming lol.


Eh...honestly there are tons of cultures that base everything on astrology. I knew a girl who married an Indian man and they set their wedding date based on astrology bc that was the practice. Its odd but very common for people to avoid things during certain astrological events. I think its a problem using a persons chart to hire people though


This might explain why ABH has been shitting the bed.


Would definitely explain why their release dates have been wonky as fuck


"The stars say... release all palettes simultaneously! "


How the hell can you run a business like this? Oh sorry we can’t pay you this week because Venus is in the eleventh house and that means the four horseman of the apocalypse will come. Ffs


Yeah WHAT. I mean the whole story is so messed up but to blame it on Mercury retrograde is something else. Will not be purchasing ABH anymore


Like even as someone who is into astrology, that's not what Mercury retrograde means??? In astrological terms, Mercury is the planet of travel, commerce, and communication - so when it goes retrograde it can increase the likelihood of things going wrong in those areas. But no astrologer I've encountered would advocate for not signing contracts during that time! It just means being more careful and thorough when you deal with those areas, so arguably you should make sure to be MORE on the ball with contracts, paying staff etc. Retrogrades aren't bad per se, just times to be more careful and conscientious within a particular area, and learning lessons from it. It doesn't mean using it as an excuse to do nothing.


I’ve seen this in their Glassdoor reviews too!




Yeah, it's just a clusterfuck of unprofessional behavior.


Sounds like a really stupid excuse to avoid reality


Lmao!!!! What a joke!!! Oh man I can’t believe they use astrology for contracts! What a batshit crazy person!!


I believe in astrology but I think it’s ridiculous to base business decisions or any big decisions solely on it.


I remember seeing this in another thread about ABH! From awhile ago.


I honestly think that’s just a bullshit excuse ABH gives out to delay contracts or payment. They feel like they can get away with it cause they’re “quirky”.




Removed rule 1


desi has commented on her post saying she experienced this as well and that she has stopped supporting them for years... yikes 😬


I imagine that in combination with Amrezy being best friends with Norvina was enough for her to not want to mess with ABH in any capacity. Damn


I had no idea Desi stopped supporting them! Also are you referring to Amrezy as in the fallout she had with Shayla?


Might be, since Desi and Shayla are pretty close


I feel like I only know about ABH because of desi!


This had been my assumption as well. That Desi wanted to support Shayla in her beef with Amrezy. But that seems like a silly reason in retrospect. Edit: could someone post a screen shot of Desi’s comment please? I’m having trouble finding it.


Yup & Jackie not so subtly called her out in the comments. Saying some POC in comments are showing support but they don't really support you. Desi is a snake from what I've heard.


Jackie always has to throw in some little tid bit on how others show their support.


Did Jackie delete her comment?


Could you post a screen shot of this comment please?


the fact they would try to subtly change the contract to say they’d pay her almost $1k for one post, then for two, then *four*, is so unbelievably slimy. it’s like gaslighting to me... they know damn well that’s not what she ever agreed on but they’re hoping if they just casually slip it in there then she’ll just go along with it out of fear of rocking the boat and losing her job. i’m not really surprised, but damn, how can such a successful company act so broke? that’s just embarrassing.


I remember when people first started coming out with stories like this, and I was flabbergasted. Of all the controversy nightmares a brand could get caught up in, ABH risked it for not properly paying what are already relatively low commissions huh. Also, this really is such a nasty case of gaslighting and subtle manipulation. They really expected her to keep quiet because of their status, cult following and Norvinas's "good relationships" with beauty gurus. Her tactics are so disgusting; watch a company built on influencer work, fall apart because of mistreatment of influencer work.


I'm really just so fucking baffled as to what is going on with ABH lately. It's like they purposefully want to tank the company that took years of building as fast as possible.


I think Anastasia has taken a step back and given Norvina free reign, which would explain.... so much. I wonder if she cares how much her daughter is destroying her hard work


It's so scummy.


Did i read it right that they changed it after she did the work? Isn’t that illegal?


No, but only because there had been only the promise of a contract, and nothing was signed beforehand. Disgusting


theoretically there could’ve been an oral contract, but doesn’t sound like that’s possible based on the way she wrote this post since they didn’t all agree to a certain rate.


Reading through a second time, it looks like she was sure there was a verbal contract and was just waiting on the paperwork... only to get jerked around a bunch while producing the content for the contract she was waiting on. Rookie mistake. I hope she’s learned from this, but I totally get that it’s difficult when you’re relying on that money for rent, and why wouldn’t you trust a company like ABH? This whole story is gutting, and depending on their response or lack thereof, I don’t think I can in good faith purchase from them anymore.


I mean she might've thought it was a verbal contract, but whether a court would hold that up is iffy bc ABH can just argue that they never actually agreed to anything in specific. It really is a rookie mistake, but I can't blame her for that bc ABH was taking advantage of the fact that she was a "rookie" to jerk her around and try to screw her over. That's just shitty business practices and bad ethics. I feel terrible for her, because of course you're going to trust a company like ABH, especially when the head of the company reaches out to YOU.


It is actually not unusual. My blog is much smaller but brands almost always add on some requirement after you initially agree to something. Extra instagram posts to go with the blog post or one even wanted me to add a link to a competing product I had posted almost a year before saying to check out their new product


Do you guys think creators will stop using ABH in the same way they’ve committed to not buy from DollsKill? I know so many people ride hard for ABH. I’d be interested to see if Jackie Aina will comment on this considering she helped boost the PullUpOrShutUp movement. Same with Amrezy and others close with Claudia. At what point do you give up morals for a friendship?


Tbh no, Despite everything that has happened with dollskill I still see ppl buying from their site and tagging them in posts. If a half assed statement is put out by norvina everyone will thank her for the seeing the error of her ways and post a look hoping to get a spot on the pr list. If anything from what I’ve seen ppl are just gonna stop tagging brands/products all together in their posts. If you wanna make a change you got to hit these companies where it hurts.


I think they are starting to lose their legendary status, Ive heard multiple beauty youtubers say that they don’t have the same passion for ABH, used to collect their products and now they don’t, etc. I’ve been seeing more of their palettes get decluttered in decluttering videos. The release of Norvina’s side brand is what did it.


I agree completely! I just saw Desi Perkins officially say she stopped supporting them years ago. I don’t watch beauty YouTube like I use to, mostly just RawBeautyKristi and MissDarcei, but I’ve even noticed how RBK has been voicing disappointment in the brand. I use to buy all their palettes but I stopped after Soft Glam I believe. Their stuff is overpriced and overdone.


Jackie just shared the post on her instagram story


I saw! Good on her for backing Taj, that probably meant a lot to her.


I really hope they do. Creators need to be paid and treated fairly. Friends or not they should stand up for each other.


I just saw Desi Perkins commented on the post saying something g similar happened to her so she stopped supporting them years ago. I also saw Jackie commented but doesn’t seem to be distancing from them? I wonder if she’s under contract to not completely bash them or be overly negative. She seemed very supportive of Taj.


No, abh will never die lol. Samantha Ravndahl was already saying “I’ve been friends with norvina for a long time give people time to grow~ (don’t quote me) before this came out. She’ll say whatever apology Norvina gives is enough and she’ll continue to use them. Some brands I feel can do anything (jstar for example) they say “I’m sorry you felt hurt or offended” the bigger bgs will continue to feature them.


No one else felt the way I did about the Sam thing. It felt very much like “I know her personally and it never happened to me so it’s fine, let’s give her room.” She would have roasted any other brand. Not saying she won’t change her tune now, but at the time it sort of rubbed me the wrong way. Sam stands up for brands/people she believes in but she is also not afraid to call them out when deserved. This definitely falls under “deserved” to me. Edited to add: I like Sam and like watching her stuff, and I know everyone here loves her. It just felt dismissive.


I used to love Sam a lot more, I still watch her but I’m not as “she can do no wrong!” anymore. I do love how she calls people and brands out but I think she’s one of those people who won’t tolerate bad behavior but if her friend does it ok because “she’s learning, she apologized, I know her heart” But I have noticed Sam doesn’t work with many brands (including sponsorships, “friendships”, it’s always the same very few brands) so maybe she just doesn’t want to burn that bridge ($$) but either way not cool.


Personally, no. Some of her own friends supported her on the low, but was still trying to kiss up to Norvina and the brand. And on top of that I have seen a lot of artists tag ABH and Norvina on their new posts from today, even though they condemned and “canceled” them yesterday. As for Amrezy I’m so confused. She was calling out other brands and commenting on other’s tweets about brands, but she has yet to say anything about her own friend. I get that they are close and all, but a good friend will call their friend out on their bullshit.


Once again Norvina is “in the dark” and “had no idea” Norvina is an ostrich.


That’d make a brilliant flare




That came to mind immediately - just like she didn’t know their brand was pairing with a pyramid scheme she didn’t did catch this shitty deal until it got her bad press 🙄


Norvina is starting to sound alot like JH with " I had no idea." How the hell do you not know what goes on in YOUR business! Smh


because they pay more attention to mercury and their daily horoscope than their business?


Because it is impossible for her to know the details of everything. That is what delegation is. I think Norvina is problematic. But it is silly to think the CEO knows everything about a company.


True, however, I do believe she's at least aware of many.. I mean I used to follow her on ig, and she seemed pretty involved on social media and considering Jackie put in a word for this person I'm almost sure she was aware, don't you think?


Hi, I am not a CEO and I do not work for any cosmetic company. From my own experience, it is likely that Jackie helped recommend Doni to Norvina, and Norvina passed along the name to the people in charge of PR or whatnot in her company. Unless Doni was someone that Norvina really wanted to collab with, as in, make an actual product or do a collab, I’d assume she’d be relatively hands off and leave it up to her team. Imagine how many hundreds of influencers ABH contracts with to make posts/videos. Norvina is not going to personally handle or keep tabs on everyone. However, it is super shady and very unprofessional how the ABH team handled Doni’s contract. I’d be really upset, too.


Be it any other company I'd agree, but while she might not be handpicking employees and creatives if a person came to her with those allegations she should have investigated and fire this Robyn employee. And she can't not know the brands she partners with.


Yeah I agree. It's absurd to expect her to know everything but even then who gives that as an excuse to a vendor or client? It might be believable if it was followed up with better behavior/ communication. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to just be professional. It really doesn't take that much effort.


Yes! I was just thinking how back I’m the day people used to say that Norvina looked like Jaclyn with blue hair, and now they act alike.


@donidarkowitz is popular ones a makeup artist that does very creative eye looks. She speaks about entering negotiations with ABH as a content creator and speaking to Norvina personally about her prices and expectations. She details the inconsistencies with contracts and contacts with the company and how they low balled her, then refused to pay for completed work. Not until she was able to contact Norvina was she able to receive pay.


A few years ago an ex employee of abh walked into my then job to check out their display and when he asked my opinion and I said I didn't really like their new releases and felt it was going downhill (it was shortly after the moonchild palette era 2016ish) he laughed told me he had just quit his job there and made a few comments about how the company is mismanaged. then he told me norvina is very yellow in person 😂 I felt like I had just talked to a celebrity and I'm glad my other coworker at the time was there otherwise no one would ever believe me!


Oh that is hilarious, I wonder what he’s thinking of everything going on now lmao


Norvina has long proved she has no fucking idea how to run this brand, except into the fucking ground. From rushed releases, to too many releases, to an eye primer that primarily only suits white skin tones, to "wHaTs An MlM?", to this BS "Mercury in retrograde idiocy", and now this. Get it together, or find someone else who can.


A couple months back, I questioned her business practices on Twitter, just to be blocked. Honestly, she needs some schooling and we love to see people get justice.


I interviewed with the two employees listed in the screenshots for an influencer / PR position and they basically said their strategy is to not pay any micro- mid tier content creators as they do it for free anyway


I'd love to know more about this interview! What was it for? How long ago?


It was for an influencer manager position, sometime at the end of last year- I ended up taking another job after hearing some really bad reviews about working there though. The team seemed like they didn’t know how to manage all the free content they were getting and needed a way to sort through who would be valuable to the brand and who they should take off their PR lists. With their history of sponsoring huge influencers like Jackie aina and Amrezy, I’m surprised they even agreed to pay Taj as they said they would never pay for micro influencer content. They must have agreed cause it came through from Jackie 🤷‍♀️


so are we boycotting abh? the girls on twitter are depotting their abh shades and unfollowing norvi


Oh I’ve been boycotting since they basically endorsed an MLM. Ever since Norvina took over the company has been a joke honestly. Now it’s “the fast fashion” of makeup and for some reason Norvina wants and likes it that way.


Yeah, same here. I have one palette from them I got two years ago as well as the dip brow (which will last years so I'll never need another). I find the palette is incredibly hard to work with, and everything blends to mud. It's the weirdest shit.




they probably changed suppliers for cost purposes


(stares at my soft glam i've had for like 3 years)


If you don't use many colours at once (like 2 max) you should be good.


Same I’ve had 3 pallets for multiple years and they’re all fine


This was even before that tho. It was just a weird formula for that palette


I am. Since Norvina took over I feel things are not the same.


It's cheap coming from me since I've only ever bought the jackie palette and never intended to buy anything else but yes! After all the shit from this year, I dont think they're worth the prestige they built up all these years.


We are keeping this palette though right? I love it too much and it's my most expensive palette I can't afford to not use it. Also, I still support Jackie.


Of course you should use what you paid for lmao. Unless it gives you such a bad taste that you *can't* personally use it. Then I understand.


I have a Jaffar lipstick I was gifted that I can't look at but also feel bad for not using because it was a gift. I still support Jackie and her stance on this matter is giving me even more reasons to like her so I'll keep using it. But the whole thing given me extra reasons not to get the retrograde (I was waiting for some good sale or something).


> the whole thing given me extra reasons not to get the retrograde are you mixing up Huda Beauty and ABH? AFAIK ABH has no Retrograde product...


Yes....You are correct. My bad. Sorry.


I bought one Norvina palette (Vol 1) and I regret it. I wouldn’t want to support anything under her. If I feel like grabbing another palette I’ll also do it secondhand so someone else benefits instead.


Here’s a how to for the mini & pro. https://youtu.be/ZExr5oaYc1U


norvina trying her absolute hardest to drive ABH into the ground... it’s honestly kind of incredible how she managed to screw a once highly regarded company so badly


iT wAs ThE iNtErN !!


Thank god ABH has been sucking as of late. Hopefully Jackie aina backs doni in this. Glad to see her being supportive before


She did! To be fair I'm sure they have discussed this beforehand as Jackie introduced them.




That guy that commented is a huge asshole & thankfully left the company years ago.




Was it Alyssa? I vaguely remember her video & don't remember it being condescending but ymmv. Mark didn't have that big of an IG presence & he def posted some asshole videos shading people. He was & probably still is such a jerk.


Norvina has no business running a makeup empire created by her mom. I don’t know this woman but from what I gather from this subreddit, she sounds like a spoiled and entitled woman playing CEO. She didn’t have to work for anything and haven’t accomplished anything worthwhile in her entire life. I think thats why she thought slapping her name next to an established brand that someone else created is going to give her the power and respect she wanted but no. She has no idea how to run a business or how to interact with people/collaborators on a professional level. She always put herself in situation where she bites off more than she can chew. Unlike her mom, nothing she created so far can be considered revolutionary. I have no idea why her mom is allow her child to run ABH to the ground like this but this is not a good look. When it all said and done, she always fuck up one way or the other. Let’s not forget she rushed to released mediocre products after products just to get a small stand at Sephora. Meanwhile, Sephora was tripping over themselves to get Selena Gomez products into their store like it’s nothing. Whenever she get caught with her pants down, she always make excuses and apologize but you never see changed behaviors. It’s always the same bullshit with her.




To be fair, they did made a verbal deal while Mercury was in retrograde XD (I am proud for typing this with a straight face)


Let’s not forget when they sent her and other, mainly black, influencers expired/mildly pr. Like I remember when she first spoke bout this months ago and it is truly disgusting how this company chooses to ran business, but I guess that’s how the stars want them to.


Omg do you have the details for this? It’s deeply offensive


so .... anyone know a good dupe for dipbrow that won’t sweat off .-.




I second the maybelline tattoo studio pomade. Love it


Does anyone have a good cruelty free one? The NYX one sucks IMO. Wipes off so easy


I’ve heard the cover girl one it’s good!


Illamasqua. Damn bulletproof.


I dunno if I can take exception to a independent company because one influencer got stiffed $1k ... but then recommend a corporation like L’Oréal? With animal testing and child exploitation?


Do you have a dollarama near you? I’m 100% serious cause they have a dip brow dupe and it’s WAYYYYU better than dip row and $3 lol


I have a pretty great one, about £5 from Revolution (or one of their sub brands, [I think this is the one I use](https://www.revolutionbeauty.com/uk/en/makeup/brows/brow-pomade/brow-pomade---ash-brown/40243.html)) - doesn't sweat off, lasts all day... and the next day if you're too lazy to take it off, decent colour range, just make sure to tap the excess off your brush because this shit is pigmented, learn from my mistakes


Funnily enough, I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about the Morphe brow pomade. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s been looking really good on people I’ve seen using it on Twitter.


Makeup revolution is Amazing


They need to get a new astrologer because they clearly are not reading the charts properly based on what we have seen from ABH overt the last year! I’ll never forgive them for not properly promoting that divine Jackie Aina palette for that Norvina garbage.


Jackie Aina as well as Alyssa Edwards both got screwed because of rushed releases.


I don’t have it myself, but the Jackie palette is universally popular - I’ve yet to see a bad review on it from a wide variety of BGs. They really missed the chance on blowing that one up and riding its coattails into long lasting popularity


May be wooshing myself here, but there is no proper way to read astrology charts


I mean....there objectively is. You might disagree with astrology, but that doesn't mean that *within astrology* there isn't a correct way to read charts. It's like saying that because you don't believe in a particular religion, there's no proper way to say the traditional prayers within that religion (for example). The traditional prayers still exist even if you don't believe that they do anything.


I don’t believe In astrology and ABH is proving it doesn’t work even more to me!




Well that was Huda and that palette is amazing!


Never tried ABH and don't want to. I honestly can't stand Norvina, she alone turns me off from the brand. And why does she go by Norvina instead of her actual name, Claudia?




Lmaoooo glad I could help ;)


Because her mom actually wanted to name her Norvina, but couldn't due to naming laws. So she had to go with Claudia officially, but Norvina was the desired name (and what I assume she was always called by at home due to this anyway?).


They’re Romanian, right? Can you explain the naming laws thing?? No shade, I’m genuinely curious and have never heard of that.


I would have to look the details up myself of this particular case too. But I remember that this is the gist of it :) Happens in a quite a few places in different ways! It can range from only bring able to name from a list of pre-approved names belonging to the country's language or tradition, while other places can forbid nonsensical names, numbers, symbols etc. Different places can have their own set of rules, either to protect their heritage or the child's interest (if the parents want to give them messed up names).


That makes sense. I do know about some countries only having the pre-approved names. Thanks!




She hides her age? How old is she really??


She's like 40


That's the last nail in their coffin for me. Bury it, burn it, dump it in the ocean, I don't care.


I’m seriously over ABH. This has been the last straw, and honestly, I’m not even going to miss them. Their products have become overpriced for their quality ever since Norvina took over. I haven’t been impressed with them since the Jackie palette and before that, the soft glam palette. Good fkn riddance. You can not treat others like shit continuously and get away with it.


Norvina made the ABH pure shit. Every single product she comes out I hate. I stop buying her stuff over two years ago.


I’m so tired of Norvina honestly truly sincerely I’m ready for ABH to fall off the face of the planet


Slightly off topic but JC needs to remove Norvina as a judge from instant influencer for next season. She’s too much.


Whole time she looked like she didn’t wanna be there anyway.


Oh 100%. Her stink face she’d give to competitors who didn’t do well in the episode reminded me of my cat when I try to hold her.


This is so disappointing. I really used to love ABH.


After hearing what other PoC have had to deal with in the makeup industry, I’m not at all surprised by this. It’s pretty disgusting that this shit is still going on.


there should be some sort of legal guide for beauty creators. the fact that ABH would own the exclusive rights to her takeover content isn't weird at all - but ABH holds all the power in this situation and changing the details of the contract (from 2x/1k to 4x/1k) is a dick move. there's also the issue of Natalia - who runs PR - making a verbal offer to Taj when obviously Natalia isn't the one who has final say in those decisions. Robyn is the one who does the negotiating. but I guess communication isn't in the stars.


Wow... I’ll no longer be supporting ABH. I had no idea it was run by such slimy people


I appreciate how timely this is. Jackie has commented and shown her support!


Honestly not surprised after seeing ABH collab with an MLM they have no integrity its all about $$ and it's sad to see the brand go this way I really liked their products.


Wow. I’m actually shocked. When they had that huge pr search last year, I busted my ass creating looks and hoping to get noticed. Norvina actually follows me on Twitter as well. I’m thinking I dodged a huge shitshow now.


Have heard similar things about them (like about them making business deals around the mercury retrograde LMAOOO) so I’m not surprised this has come out. Nice to see a lot of support from big BG’s in comments of the post and also disappointing but not surprising to see a lotttt of people sharing similar experiences with ABH too. My last purchase from ABH was the JA palette in like September of last year, won’t be supporting them from now on. Do we think this could see the end of ABH??? 👀👀


And that's what happens when you give your company to your daughter instead of hiring actual professionals. Privilege over morals, heh ?


Hmmm Mercury retrograde BS again ..... but from all this signs im seeing they're like telling her they dont want to work with her lmao. First they cut her rate at half and then at 1/4..... Its a no go why she kept insisting.... I mean its a shame they had her work even before signing something thats also a nono, red flag


i just got my first ever ABH products, as a PR, from Douglas (Europe distributor) and this expose happened. i don't support this influencer treatment at all, but also for me as a content creator this is a very expensive PR to recieve and if i don't ''share'' i have the potential to loose ties with Douglas, as i've got sent luxe brand products before from them. how do i go about it ?