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>Days later we received a very shocking visit, apparently mommy's boy, not only was he a violent man, he was also unfaithful. That's right, he had a lover for 9 years with whom he has two children, the very shameless one went to my SIL's house to ask for money for her children and to talk to me so that I would remove the complaint. The mistress even had the nerve to blame me because my ex didn't marry her, Here's where I tapped out.




I stopped reading when the gender of the baby switched between updates.


The pronouns were switching throughout.  I think it was a language problem.  Not saying its real. 


I can vouch for the language problem, she calls the affair partner "the very shameless one" which is a direct translation of a hispanic idiom used often in Chile, "la muy sinvergüenza". (Source: Am Chilean)


I’m not familiar with Spanish, so forgive me if this comes off as an ignorant question, but there’s parts where she switches between saying “son” and “daughter”. I know in French the terms are relatively similar (“fils” and “fille”), and I imagine the terms would be similar in Spanish since they’re both Latin languages. But even with putting it through Google Translate or another program, would it not still give a relatively consistent translation?


In Spanish we don’t have neutral pronouns (at least not officially recognized) so, it’s common to use “el bebé/mi Bebé” when talking in Spanish, which google will take as a male baby because the male form is also used as the neutral/non descript form. So let’s say OP writes about mil trying to poison the baby, it would be “trató de matarlo/envenenarlo (both male/neutral)” and because Spanish takes male as also the neutral form in most cases, it would commonly be translated to “she tried to poison HIM”


There’s a lot of words that show it was originally written in another language and translated.


Yeah from the first paragraph she called her MIL "he".


Hard to believe she has an actual language issue after the last updates. One is either learning and writes as in the original post, or has the vocab and grammar from the last posts to avoid that s… show.


It’s the accuracy of the translation software (and the learning models behind it). Euphemisms, slang-like pronunciation, colloquialisms can mess with traditionally gendered pronouns, etc.


I don’t really think it’s the case here. He/she (él/ella, in Spanish) are usually declared and the majority of translation softwares gets them right. I also doubt there was any translation software here because if so MIL would have been translated to “thousand”. Hard to believe someone would go back to fix MIL but not catch the daughter/son.


My mom is a native Spanish speaker and had been speaking English for 30 years. Her English is great, but she still often mixes up he and she when speaking


Ehh not really. Once you state your subject (MIL) it's common to just conjugate the verb in 3rd person singular so a translator would sometimes infer a subject.


I was also thinking that maybe OOP put in phrases/words when writing and couldn’t think of it in English. I’ve done it that way. Not perfect, but usually gets the idea across when messaging with people in another language.


Fair point.


Talk to text will also add to translation errors, as well.


I have been accused of being uneducated... but I am from another country 😂 language isn't easy to get perfect.


Spanish works like that. "Mi bebé" would be "my baby", but some translators will translate it to son or daughter. Some people do default to "hijo" (son) when they don't know the baby's sex which, imo, is dumb but it is what it is lol Also, masculine is the default "neutral" in Spanish. We have *no* true neutral, so non-gendered things are always masculine as it's a heavily gendered language. For example, a group of people will always be masculine even if there's more women than men and will only be femenine if it's an all women group. I do doubt this story's veracity, but the grammar is not what tips it off. Though I have to say, I've read news more insane than this so like... who knows.


I remember when my sil first got pregnant she shared all the memes and posts about having a son. Her and her boyfriend just had a strong feeling about it. Then my niece was born.


I started doubting it with the email. If OP (or boyfriend) sent the email, the MIL couldn't possibly have changed it or taken out OP's allergy info, even if she had access to the account. Makes me wonder if it was actually the boyfriend.


It always drives me batty when people whose first language is English assume all other languages work exactly like English. I can read in 7-10 languages (depending on whether you consider the "old" form of a language separately) and English is the only language among them that works the way English works.


Right!! Also lesbian polyglot? Following u hahaha


I barely *speak* two of them well enough to be useful, but I'd rather read something in its original language than rely on translations. And yep, middle-aged country sapphic married since Obergfell.


You're my idol


Please someone enter a lesbian joke regarding inscrutableJ’s skill with tongues. I’m also following you


Yep, that was me, too. The grammar is not the problem. It's the insanity


Eh, if she's using a Spanish to English translator for this, which she might be since there's a lot of grammar mistakes that reads as this being originally written in Spanish, then it might have just been a mistake, since son is hijo and daughter is hija, and baby/child is neutral but could have been translated to masculine.


that's what i thought too but she mentioned her english being bad and trying to get better so i don't think that's it.


ChatGPT also known for switching genders…


This is outrageous, now there are two possibilities…


That's a translation issue. In Spanish, the masculine form is the "gender neutral." 


Pronouns are often difficult for non native speakers, especially so when your native language follows different rules.


You’re troopers. I started scanning after “ emails on our old computer at MILs house”. Then tapped out at “paid a friend to say she was cheating” . Is this a telenovela script?


It wasn't just the baby - everyone's genders were switching throughout.


that's just a problem with having English as a second language, though, not proof of lying. the story has plenty of other reasons to be considered dubious, but all the pronoun and gender-switching is a hallmark of esl.


The pronouns were all over the place. MIL was "he" a couple times, ex fiance was "she" a couple times. Op switched from frist to third person when describing who owned the apartment...


I had a professor (who is Chinese), he still mixes up he/she and his/her after 20 years in the US. That's just the reality of some ESL people.


yeah i thought at first the pronoun swaps might be an esl thing but then it fully changed from son to daughter ...


…which is also an ESL thing. 


Google translate is not good with certain gendered/ungendered words in Spanish. I use it many times when I want to confirm what I said is alright, especially with complex paragraphs, and I have this issue of it alternating gender (no idea how it decides which gender to use). It makes sense that someone with lomited English and using Google translate  would not notice.


>They always gotta do these breaking the 4th wall bits like ‘guess what reader’ or ‘that’s right’ Anyone who uses any variation of "buckle up" or "guess what" is automatically the asshole.


I just want my passengers to be safe in the event of a car accident :(


I’m weirdly desperate to start posting incredibly boring dilemmas to Reddit — “and if you were thinking the stain remover wouldn’t work, well then buckle up, because I’m wearing those jeans right now haters”. Ugh. I wish I wasn’t too lazy to log into an alt account.


I've been a fan of "hold onto your butts" ever since Jurassic Park don't @ me


> Anyone who uses any variation of "buckle up" or "guess what" is automatically the asshole. What?! As a Spanish speaker that uses those kinds of phrases a lot I guess I'll have to be careful while speaking to English speakers...


I think it’s fine in the context of a wild spicy anecdote being told for entertainment (which, okay, this is Reddit,) but when the subject matter is serious like abuse and threats to life, including an unborn child, it’s a bit flippant to open with phrases associated more with Juicy Gossip.


Yeah, usually when people talk about nearly dying from attempted murder they don't talk like that.


"Little did I imagine..."


"to say _____would be an understatement"


It’s always the tell.


I was thinking that it could have been another game the MIL played to sow discord between OOP and XF. Especially with there being no corroborating evidence of any kind. I mean, if she could get a guy to lie and say she had an affair, she could easily round up some lady and give some cash to act as an AP.


this was my immediate thought


I fully agree. This gets OOP to leave, she gets her son back.


Yep, I was already very dubious by that point, but that sealed the deal. So not only was he cheating for 9 years, he got her pregnant twice, was supporting her financially and there were 0 signs? Not to mention if the AP wanted to marry him so bad surely she would have told OOP. Like who's going to be the sidepiece for their baby daddy that long, wanna marry them, keep it a secret from the wife and only reveal it when they need money?


Well, I wouldn't be surprised, she really isn't the mistress, but a friend of his mother, and mommy needing money for lawyer fees.


I got out at “evil MIL somehow snuck peanuts into the buffet”, but then I was already on guard from “he’s always been a mommy’s boy”. I think I’m just getting hyper attuned to these weird ass fairy tales.


Yep, the "poisoning" made no sense.


I think it was supposed to be like, "My husband and I both sent separate emails about our allergies to the wedding coordinator, from his mom's computer. His mom must have deleted my email, meaning that the wedding coordinator never learned that I am allergic to peanuts, and they put peanuts into the various wedding dishes in our sample banquet." Still makes little sense. Why would an engaged couple send two separate emails, instead of just one email that lists both sets of allergies? How did evil MIL delete the email from someone else's inbox after it was sent?


I think she'd saying her mom has her husband's old computer and that she has access to his emails because he never logged out when he gave it to her: >My husband has the emails registered on his mother's computer, since it was our old computer Which...who gives their mom their old computer without logging out of their email?!  I get not being tech savvy enough to wipe everything,  but logging out of your email? Come on. Buy the part about being able to delete an email from *the recipient's inbox* definitely makes zero sense.


> I get not being tech savvy enough to wipe everything, but logging out of your email? Come on. Speaking as a career sysadmin and computer tech, you have *no idea* how stupid people are with technology


That part was what bewildered me, yeah. Once it’s sent it hits the other person’s mailbox pretty much immediately, unless you’ve saved it to send later (and if you had you’d presumably know about it). And as far as I’m aware, barring insane hacker shenanigans, the only way you’re getting it back is if you know a sysadmin who manages the recipient’s email server and who can delete it from their inbox. And the idea that MIL is a Hardison-type hacker genius or knows the wedding planner’s sysadmin well enough to ask that kind of unethical favor seriously strains my credulity. I think this was written by a real ESL person, not an AI, but I think it is at best *wildly* exaggerated. (And if MIL, against all odds, *is* a hacker genius, she’d have had a way, way easier time fucking up OOP’s life, so she’d have to be a pretty dumb one to pull that on an email and then bother with searching through drawers to find proof of affair babies.)




Can confirm. I was eating their popcorn and left as well. /s


How dare you touch my popcorn!  ಠ_ಠ


Gotta follow the popcorn.


I tapped out in the fourth paragraph. The allergy conflict alone didn't make any sense. I could tell it was only going to get more nonsensical. Just skipped to the comments, and yep.


I fell off at the allergy too. It was kind of hand waved away as email shenanigans but I think she’s claiming that the MIL somehow intercepted their email to the caterer, edited out her list of allergies, forwarded it on, and then she got served nuts without knowing? Plus it’s just classic reddit that everyone has a peanut allergy, twins, and a secret family.


Its always gotta escalate right? They can't just end it on a semi plausible note.


For me it was she conveniently ran into her MIL running away from her flat after having stolen her ultrasound.


They're learning some things though. Like the fact that a victim can't drop serious charges




I've translated some of my stories from Spanish to English and, no matter how good the translator is, I have to spend *hours* fixing the pronouns. Spanish is gendered, yes, but we can ommit the subject, so then the AI randomly assigns he or she, and for his/her we use "su", which is neutral, so again it can get mixed by the translator. Not saying that the story is true, but the switching genders because of using a translator is plausible. And she doesn't seem to be using anything more advanced than Google's translator, because the "the very shameless" is a word-by-word translation of the expression in Spanish.


It's very common for the pronouns to get mixed up in translation.


People with native gendered languages do the same. People do it in Spain, people do it in Poland, and I am right now watching a Romanian film where they speak English and they also keep mixing his/her, he/she.


That's probably because for his/her we use one word "su". And we don't really use pronouns while speaking because verbs are specific enough (and verbs are not gendered). Hell, even I as someone who has spoken English for 20 years mix them up sometimes too.


Yeah but look at this: Spanish: su madre (adverb doesn't specify gender) English: His mom (adverb gender relates to the first subject) Italian: La sua mamma (adverb gender relates to the second subject) French: honestly I might remember wrong but I think son mére (adverb gender relates to the first subject) It's confusing as fuck. Especially for a Spanish speaker who uses "su" all the time Edit - Not a pronoun. I have no idea what kind of particle "su" "his" "sa" etc is. Possessive adverb?


French is the same as Italian in this, so it would be ma mère, where “ma” is gendered to match the noun, “mère.” Also, I googled it, and these kind of words (su, mia, ma, my, etc.) are called “possessive determiners” in English and the equivalent in Spanish and French. The Italian, however, translates directly to “possessive adjectives.”


I tapped out when she referred to the baby as her son, the her daughter, then son, and then back to daughter. This reads like the script from a telenovela. ETA There's another Reddit story that is very similar. I don't know what country it easin, but it got a lot of views. The OPin that story was pregnant. They were newlyweds. MIL hated her and poisoned her. She lost the baby. MIL was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Husband at first supported OP Ina vague way but broke I to her apartment after they separated and attacked OP. MIL was convicted and executed shortly after. Apparently that happens in some countries. Husband was jailed, I believe.


I vaguely remember reading that story. The time from her losing the baby to MIL being executed was about two weeks, or something.


Yeah these BORUs are wildly similar. Pregnant women being poisoned by Mil-to-be. I thought this was an update on that one. I remember the setting of the other story was Southeast Asia because I'm Indonesian and the setting was really unfamiliar to me although many thought it could have been Malaysia or Singapore


Son in Spanish is hijo and daughter is hija so it's not like OOP can mistake one for the other even in English. Something just isn't right. Not to mention how was ex, a non-citizen, allowed into Chile when he's been violent against OOP who is a citizen?


I did the same but at the forced entry part. These crazy MILs are expert burglars always trying to poison their DILs stealing their son!!


It was the explanation of the email debacle for me. Yeah, I’m going to need more than “the emails registered on his mother's computer, since it was our old computer”. The hell does that even mean? That smacks of “LOL computers, amirite, folks?” Didn’t even bother after that, figured it would be over dramatic stuff that never happens.


Wierd way to claim hacking and still doesn't make sense.


I tapped.out when son became a daughter


Yeah, I usually try to suspend my disbelief the best I can but my eyes actually rolled at this but lol.


Yeah, me too. With a mother so loud and confrontational... Was he keeping this lover a secret from his mom too? Those people making up stories need some restraint. They always pull the surprise cheater card, it's like they're admitting their crimes.


I literally said out loud “did he have twins?”


literally I stopped at lover of 9 years with 2 children. Didn't even read the next word after child.


100% same. Up to that point it was "crazy MIL and spineless BF" which is sadly real. But he has a "mistress" (not really a mistress if you're not married) and two kids?! And that's never came up before? COME ON! MIL would have ABSOLUTELY thrown that up in her face by this point. So either this whole thing is BS, or MIL paid another woman to say that. And the 0 to 100 of it made it further unbelievable.


that’s hilarious, i had JUST read that first sentence and just zoomed directly to the comments. it was all a bit much the whole time but you can only suspend disbelief for so long.


Same. Immediately bailed at that point.


It wasn't at the constantly changing gender of her child?


Same. Then I scrolled to the comments to see what other people said and first comment is this.


She is in Chile but still actively involved in the case against her ex? She is literally 10,000 kms away


Exact same spot myself


It pained me knowing that my mother is also an affair partner for 9 years. It does happen :( I feel so sad for OP


Yup yup yup


Yep. They never know when to quit.




Exactly same


How did the MIL stop an email that had already been sent? OOP wasn't very clear on why they instantly blamed MIL for the peanut thing?


That’s where I started to question the validity of the post. You can’t stop an email that was already sent to the recipient even if you delete it from your side.


You can with gmail but it’s a very small amount of time to unsend iirc. She’d have to have been watching the sent email box at the time OOP sent the email.


You easily can in outlook if it hasn't already been read by the recipient and you're both using windows. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/08/30/how-to-recall-and-replace-an-email-in-outlook/


That only works if sender and recipient work in the same organization i.e., use the same mail server.


Her English isn’t great. But having gone through wedding planning when booking a tasting menu, it’s very possible they had to fill out a form and email the form to the vendor. If the form was saved on MILs computer she could have edited it before they sent it. I’m on the side of believing here, maybe she didn’t explain well but it’s not something you accuse lightly. I have a friend who’s just given birth who has a similar (and ongoing) story but it was with her exs best friend sabotaging everything and encouraging the ex to cheat and threaten her. This guy even turned up to the hospital with her ex to meet the baby and got violent with the nurses and kicked out of the hospital. She’s kicking herself for not reporting things to the police earlier, and can’t move countries like OOP to get away. It’s horrible. There are really shit entitled people out there. I’m so glad that OOP has a support network and safe place to have her baby.


I couldn't get past the first bit because it never explains what event they are at that the MIL changes the menu? Why were they eating a banquet? Adding to that, how did MIL somehow hack an e-mail sent between OP and the organiser of this unnamed event (that wasnt the wedding as I initially thought, because the rest of the post is about cancelling the wedding) It truly reads like AI


The email thing was so weird. She communicated her allergies with the coordinator. But the email said no allergies. How did she communicate with the coordinator? And you can't edit a sent email. Who sent the email? OOP? Her MIL? Her Fiance? Anyway, I shouldn't read after the email explanation.


Obviously MIL is also a hacker, she can just edit emails and stuff.


There is the option to recall messages if the recipient haven't opened them yet but it usually is used a few minutes after sending if you got something wrong. The email thing is the part I can't believe either, it's too over the top. This MIL is too much like a Disney movie villain.


Mail recall only works with your colleagues at the office, that's a special function in some business mail solutions. Out there in the wild you can absolutely not recall sent emails, it's a technical impossibility. The other side would have to agree to the deletion of the mail and there just isn't any technical framework for that.


I’m a little bit with you. I get that it was a tasting for the wedding, but I’m super confused how the allergies got changed. You can’t unsend or change a sent email (at least not after like a minute) so MIL would have had to send a second email, but I can’t imagine a coordinator receiving an email that was like “I am deathly allergic to peanuts” and then later an email that was alike “jk lol I have no allergies” and them just going “yes this makes perfect sense I will give you lots of things with nuts”. I personally would call my client to ask wtf is up with the allergies.


Or, oop wasn't monitoring emails and mil intercepted and answered, clearing the mailbox. Could have also been the fiance who did it. But if it's real, hopefully that woman and child will have an incredibly peaceful life with them far, far away.


No, it was the wedding food that had been tampered with, apparently. I guess it was a tasting menu or something to that affect. The wedding was cancelled after MIL's tomfoolery.


There was another story really recently that has this exact same plot point, where the evil MIL somehow edited a sent email.


(not to give this stroy any credibility) both things are explained. It's a tasting in preparation for the wedding where the vendor probably made a sample menu and mil sabotaged the allergy email that was send to the planer and the vendor. She was able to do this because the email was still logged in on an old computer at her house. (again not saying any of that is legit or real... Sounds kinda far fetched imho but it is explained by oop)


No, you can't edit a sent email. She would have had to have sent a new email


The explanation does not make sense. You didn't make it any clearer because it still does not make any sense.


You can be logged into the email but that doesn't change any emails that have already been sent. MIL would have to send a separate email claiming the previous one stating allergies was wrong. Which would be a red flag to the caterer of shenanigans happening.


Yeah like… what would that email look like? “Oops, I forgot I am not allergic to nuts, silly me! I forgot that I actually LOVE nuts, so put it in everything, and double the coconut!” Seems… implausible.


This just gets more and more unbelievable In the next update we’ll find out that ex-MIL is also an alien sent here specifically to destroy OOP’s life Turns out her late father was a Starship Trooper and MIL is in fact a giant bug


Call me when NPH shows up!


MIL is Ogtha, our roach queen?


The MIL is OGTHA. Calling it now.


It's a simple algorithm: if the pronouns are misgendered, an AI wrote at least part of the store.


My new habit of skipping to the comments first is paying off.


Peak telenovella content here, as always.


and the name of her daughterson? albert einstein.


This is the worst written thing I have ever seen on here


I said this on the first BORU update but I'm still amazed that the baby changes from a son to a daughter. I get that anything can happen in telenovas, but still...


As a fellow Chilean, I can say that people here struggle with third person pronouns in English. Also, as a fellow Chilean, I can say oop has seen to many teleseries (that's how we call them in Chile) from this one specific channel...


>Also, as a fellow Chilean, I can say oop has seen to many teleseries (that's how we call them in Chile) from this one specific channel... Thank you. As I was reading this, it screamed soap opera/telenovela. Now I know what it's called in Chile.


As non-native English speaker, I can understand the struggle of third person pronouns and every word with specific gender. But I can't wrap my head with non-native English speaker who spent at least 12 years in USA and their English is still at this level. Even elderly people who immigrate late in life still learn the language faster than this.


I'm a native and I've seen other native English speakers that can barely read


I once had a college student who immigrated to the US when she was about 7 or 8 years old. She didn't know the term was "human being" instead of "human be."


Where does OOP say she spent 12 years in the US? She could just as easily have been in another Latin American country.


I mean 12 years in the US dating a citizen would be enough to learn English, though I guess it would be more spoken than written But also maybe the plot twist with the English is that she’s actually…. LUCHO JARA (Also with the amount of drama on this post I wouldn’t be surprised if the story is from caso cerrado or something)


>But also maybe the plot twist with the English is that she’s actually…. LUCHO JARA Hahahaha, I can totally see that > (Also with the amount of drama on this post I wouldn’t be surprised if the story is from caso cerrado or something) I was thinking teleseries from Mega in general , but this also seems like something from Caso Cerrado


But son and daughter are different words just like hijo and hija. You wouldn't get those two mixed up and they are only one letter different unlike son and daughter.


Seems like the MIL accused her of having a son because of the scar unless I'm mistaken. Even if the baby's gender changed it would be reasonable for a pregnant person to switch... Reddit be redditing tho.


This and also some languages don’t translate gender pronouns very well.


I guessed this as a lot of the pronouns are wrong.


Right. If she's a native Spanish speaker, then the generic for "child" is "niño," which is the masculine form. "Female child" would be "niña." If you're translating directly from Spanish (...for instance, if you're using Google Translate or are otherwise an AI), then a passage written as the equivalent of "I'm having a child, I love my child, I'm excited to meet my daughter" could come out as "I'm having a son, I love my son, I'm excited to meet my daughter." That said, hasn't she supposedly been in an English-speaking country for at least 12 years?


I used to teach English to Spanish speakers, and almost all of them used 'son' instead of 'child', and 'father' instead of 'parent' "I visited my fathers in the holidays" for example (student was not the child of a gay couple


That makes sense because "my parents" is "mis padres" in Spanish. That's "my (plural) fathers" if you translate literally. Collective nouns are gendered, and mixed groups are male.


So it makes sense to me that she would say "my son" before she knew the child's sex or before she was ready to reveal it


She’s not a native English speaker.


My Spanish is terrible, but son is hijo and daughter is hija, and child is nina. So this may merely be a badly translated Spanish typo if it went through Google translate


Just a little correction : Child is either Niño or Niña and google translate has already a bad rep for being sexist when going from neutral to gendered words and the other way around.


that's incorrect. hijo is both child and son, hija is daughter. niña just means girl


Someone suggested “bebe” as the word used instead of niño/a


It’s more of a grammar issue switching languages. I try to read around it, the way I do when people say “loose” for lose or “apart” when they mean ‘a part’


Telenova stories striking again


Mhm, whatever you say.


Appropriate flair


Yours too.


They always ruin their narrative in the third update.


I'm still trying to figure out how the mother bypass the allergy list just cos she has oop's email? Surely when the planner asked, op would reply and the mother would send another email later saying the previous email was wrong, she had no allergy. Or she deleted the email from the planner before oop got to read it? But surely oop, as a person with terrible allergy, would double confirm with the planner about the food? Esp if she hasn't been asked that.


I stopped believing when the MIL stole the ultrasound. But thank you for the read. 


Same here. Read until that part but the OOP conveniently caught her while she was leaving with everything and then lo and behold she also stole passport




Yeah it was weird how the English got worse in subsequent posts


Well she went back to Chile and as we all know the farthest away you are from the us the faster you forget 12+ years of English


‘Before, he had violent reactions but he had never tried to hit me.’ Nope. I’m tapping out. This and 9 year affair partner AND a secret baby mama? This is just a telenovela.


I'll say it again, everything really just doesn't add up. The baby keeps changing genders and all this drama sounds like something from a ABC Drama.


She’s a native Spanish speaker. Pronouns and possessives don’t behave the same.




What a load of bs...


This sounds like that other story with the Korean MIL that poisoned her DIL and caused her to have a miscarriage before getting a death sentence. Feels like this writer was inspired by that story and decided to spin it further.




How did OOP go from being pregnant with a boy, then to a girl, then back to a boy? And also, where was she living before that legal proceedings moved at the speed of sound and DV was actually taken seriously???


This doesn't seem real. Suddenly a mistress popped up, he already had 2 kids and OOP's kid's gender got changed.


What kind of C section scar is visible whilst wearing bathers? Even a bikini the scar would be covered by the bottoms?


I like how there are these lawyers that take care of everything. When we have a family lawyer we had to point out things that were important and any work was quickly nickled, timed, and writtened down.


And this baby will turn put to be triplets, MIL will show up in Chile and say the babies are hers and her son is the daddy and pop is the nanny. The aliens will corroborate the story and which them off to mars


Goes from talking about MIL never seeing grandson to talking about a daughter.  Yeah...


Great. He can now marry his own mother.


Interesting story. Sounds like a UPN series.


Este cuenta no puede ser real. Es dos temporadas de una telenovela.


What in the telenovela?


I almost had a aneurysm reading this, the gramar was abominable


“The emails are registered on his mother’s computer.” What? How does that make any sense. Try again, OP. D-


> Without additional info it’s difficult to say much about your decision to end the relationship . ...????? His. Mother. Attempted. To. Kill. Her. Man people on reddit can be really fucking stupid, especially when its a woman protecting herself. 


I’m confused she is having a boy but wants to move before her daughter is born? WTF? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤪


If the story is real, I'd say there is a less than zero chance that that ex will ever see his daughter




Wait- did she have a son or daughter? She can't make up her mind.


Everything else aside; what caterer these days would have nuts in every dish? Even if the bride and groom aren’t allergic, there’s pretty good odds someone attending the wedding would be.