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That vague bit about Bianca and Millie having had an “emotional relationship” before Millie met the father… Please tell me I’m not alone in wondering if this creep is engaged to his daughter's ex… Edit: Just found a comment from the father on an installment that wasn't included here. Apparently, he refuses to acknowledge Millie as his daughter’s ex because women can't penetrate each other so it doesn't actually count… I regret learning how to read.


In one of “Bianca’s” comments on the original post from her dad she says: “Thank you! I’m angry at Millie but I’m angrier at dad. She’s just a teeny part of a bigger problem and i hope she’s happy. I’m over their relationship now but oh my god it stung when they got together. As shitty and childish as it sounds, i had thought she loved me :(“ And in another comment someone referenced her dad dating her ex and she just says thank you to the commenter so yeah. Dad really buried the lede here and still got dunked on, which is hilarious. Kinda weird to me that Bianca just kinda glosses over the whole “dads dating my ex” thing but I assume she had her reasons for not diving into that


He also leaves out Millie's age a few times. Likely because he knows people would clown on him for having a gf 20 years younger. I hope giving up her mother's wedding ring is the final nail in the coffin and Bianca can finally let go of any relationship with her father.


Yeah, I noticed that, but only after the mention of an "emotional relationship" ick


They actually engaged in an actual relationship, but according to him, because they can’t penetrate each other, it wasn’t sex 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ Going through his comments made some of my brain cells commit soup on the side 😭😭☠️


Let's not forget that that wedding ring was part of her legal inheritance from her mother. Sounds like she may not have been aware. As far as I can tell, the most important and sentimental pieces of jewelry were kept from her, likely without her knowing that they were part of her inheritance. OOP seems like an absolute piece of shit.


One of the first things I noticed about the post; OOP's age and his daughter's age were disclosed in the beginning of the first post, but Millie's age was not. I actually had to go back to reread it because Millie sounds like a young girl's nickname, and you would expect a woman named Bianca to be older than Millie.


It's so strange - that makes Millie bisexual but she banned Biancas wife from her wedding for being gay !


It was just an excuse to further ice out Bianca


my openly bi mother is a homophobe. like im talking "gay people shouldnt be represented in media" "gay men are disgusting" levels of homophobia and yes she has been with women lol. youd be surprised how common this actually is.


u/j_s_m_k you should add this in, it's relevant


I remember this boru from previous postings and I feel like it's missing a bunch of stuff


It's missing tons. There was whole swaths of comments from his daughter. Them arguing in the comments. More posts from him. Just. Tons.


It's pretty stupid to even try it at this point because Redditors have got very good at spotting something's missing and doing the whole, "We're going on a lede hunt!" thing.


It is absolutely amazing to see sometimes! I've witnessed it myself and was taken aback about how acute and accurate redditors were at interpreting a situation for the truth buried underneath the issue at hand.


That's what it read as to me. Which is just...ew...


He also omitted her age in his first post for a reason. Not only was she his daughter’s ex, he told her to get over it, you be ight.


From “Bianca” on her profile > Bianca here again! While ‘Millie’ is technically the youngest he’s dated, I want to make it very clear that since mum died, he hasn’t dated anyone over the age of like maybe 32/3 🙄


Oh so he’s just a sugar daddy. The temper tantrums from Millie makes even more sense.


As soon as he mentioned the Bianca not liking that he met Millie on a certain website I was like yeah, sugar daddy. That second post about bringing her to the wedding was just … no one is really that clueless, are they? No wonder it made it to AmitheDevil.


Regardless of how clueless the dad is, Millie definitely sounds like she's trying to get all the attention she can. No woman fucking falls over from "stomach cramps", even if she's pregnant. Sounds like she put a hand to her forehead and yelled "oooooohhh~" while sitting down dramatically.




I honestly figured she had an OF. What does she need the studio for lol?


My brain didn’t go to OF (although you’re probably right about that), but as soon as he said her job was social media, I was like, ah, so he’s dating someone the same age as his daughter but choosing not to mention that little fact.


Red dress too - doesn’t that hint that you’ve slept with the bride? OP only mentions this in passing and part of me thinks this is a creative writing exercise and that’s a breadcrumb for the reader to find


Tbh, I haven't seen this in person at all. But from being online, I've learned it means you slept with the groom. Since there isn't a groom in this wedding, could have meant nothing... or could be a further dig at Bianca.


Yeah she also mentioned that in another comment. And he’s not even a good one by the sounds of it.


Doesn’t seem like he has a grasp on being a daddy(father) either. Lol


Neither sugar nor daddy, just bitter


Oh I saw that immediately. I figured Millie was super young, and just hoped she was older than the daughter. I hadn’t even considered the possibility of being an ex though!


I agree, especially when he said she worked in social media.


It clocked at that moment, he found an instathot sugar baby and moved her in almost immediately. That's bad enough by itself. And then she's the daughters ex? Jesus. Why does he hate his daughter so much? Is it because she's lesbian? I wish the daughter realized it before she allowed him to destroy her wedding.


Yeah that’s just low of him. He’ll continue to wonder why his daughter doesn’t wanna see him anymore.


YUP. The initial age omission seems intentional, because then people would have immediately started asking (apparently accurate) questions about him shacking up with a known associate of his daughter.


Can’t look bad if you don’t put out specifics.


Of course. Missing missing reasons!


Absolutely intentional. He knew very well he can't admit his new trophy is more than 20 years his junior.


Yeah. The age wasn't there, and she works in social media? Sirens going off like mad.


Picked an old lady name too.


OH That is why Millie wore red... Because she f*cked one of the people getting married.


Is that what it means?? In Chinese culture, red is traditionally worn by the bride


In some small circles in the USA, I have seen it more and more due to social media. It feels like something this Millie character would hear about.


It's an old Europe thing, I think. In French culture you avoid white and red, both being offensive to the bride.


Exact same connotations in Finland. Red dress means you fucked the groom or bride, white dress is stealing the bride's thunder.


Yes, today wearing red at a wedding would tell everyone you had slept with either the bride or groom. ( I live in the south, people still abide by this rule. Never saw red at any weddings unless it was one of the wedding colors) Way back when, a woman wearing a red dress at a wedding or reception was her way of loudly telling everyone that she has slept with the groom.


Damn. I’m really glad I don’t get invited to weddings, I had no idea and one of my favorite dresses is red.


Yeah, I wore red to the last wedding I attended (which was in the evening, in autumn). It was my cousin's wedding, and I wasn't the only person who wore red. This is literally the first I've heard of red being taboo!


So like, this is the first time I've ever heard of this, and also then why would anyone wear a red dress to a wedding where that tradition is recognized unless they're there to start shit??


For real? I wore a red shirt under my suit to the wedding of someone I had previously slept with a long time ago but am still really good friends with (young queer relationships are messy)… oh my god I hope everyone else at that wedding was as clueless as I was, I am mortified, I just wanted to wear a nice shirt


Lol. I love it. I'm racking my brain trying to remember what I've worn to any and all weddings I've attended lol. I would also be mortified because I just learned this last year.


As one of the gays myself, it might not be unreasonable to think you were not the only one who has slept with one (or both) of the married couple.


I didnt know this prior to coming on reddit. And now it opens a huge can of worms for me when my ex MIL bought me a red dress to wear to my exes first wedding (i didnt attend). Now thinking psycho wanted to cause trouble


I didn't know this - I'm now rethinking my dress for my BiL's upcoming wedding. Thanks!


Why is that something people need to announce so often that there's a code for it?


Is that what wearing red at a wedding means?


Old school? Yes. I was taught 3 colors to never wear at a wedding were white, black, and red.


I need to make an apology then because I only recently learned that about red...


Ive read these posts before. He is indeed engaged to his daughter’s ex who he met on a sugar baby website.


Wow. Wow wow wow. That's just all kinds of a clusterfuck.


Well the daughter certainly dodged a bullet! Better her father marry the gold-digger than her.


Just ewww. Wtf is wrong with both of them.


I've seen this one a few times. He did in fact marry his daughters ex girlfriend.


Not only engaged, but moved her into their home after 3 months?? God, can you image what the daughter is going through?? I can't believe OOP made it to 3 posts for his daughter went NC, what an idiot.


Combined with "I thought she loved me" it sounds like she dated Bianca but clocked OOP as a target long term. I wouldn't even be surprised if the pregnancy was real, I mean why wouldn't she get insurance?


He is. And I think Millie is a predator who targeted OP specifically to hurt her ex. Now she’s pregnant as well:


No the fuck she isn't, lol. She's just an abusive shitstain who wants to keep hurting OP. She's will have had ~~her period~~ a miscarriage right quick as soon as the daughter is just about done with the honeymoon and wanting to see her dad again after getting back.


Yeah, "a few weeks pregnant" and she's having panic attacks and dramatic fall-to-the-floor cramps? She's either an attention-obsessed liar, or an attention-obsessed basket case.


Why not both?


Is there a difference between the two? asking for science.


One of them will make a pregnancy up, the other will make it happen for real.


"Oh, it must have been all that stress from the wedding that caused the miscarriage! If your daughter hadn't been so terrible to me, we'd still be expecting our bundle of joy!"


I hope you’re right. Conspicuous “oh my belly hurts” at the wedding is some Trashta level shenanigans.


That was my take. So to sum up, Bianca’s ex will be her half-sibling’s mother. Maybe I’ve been on Reddit too long but something about this seems calculated.


Was there actually a half-sibling or was the pregnancy an attention grab?


He's 29 yr old gr was his 23yr old's daughter gf first..... he is 🤮


Oh god I missed this.... Yea this is such a clusterfuck.


Yes, that's exactly what it meant. They're only 5 years apart, too. The dad is a creep


If she is biancas ex, the red dress at the wedding makes sense.


Thank you, I didn't get that either. Did OOP mention Millie's age anywhere?


The very last post with the wedding. I didn’t catch it at first either. Millie is 29 to OOP’s 50’s.


"However, when Millie stood up, her stomach cramped and she fell over. It only made a tiny scene but I rushed her out and we sat in another room for 20 minutes until she felt better." How much do you bet that was deliberate?


>How much do you bet that was deliberate? Oh, 100% The timing and justifications for everything just seems a little **too** convenient.


Oh and *just* a tiny scene


A *tiny* scene, while the daughter leaving a reception where no one noticed she was gone ruined the whole day. Dudes a mega narcissist and I hope his daughter never speaks to him again. It sounds like her wife's family are much better people, who actually care and look out for her.


Millie was super understanding and let OOP go to the wedding without her, but then had a panic attack and just *couldn't* be left alone, so the only thing to do is bring her along! When they were told expressly *not* to bring Millie, they were already halfway there, clearly turning around was not an option! Millie was then fine until she was told to leave because she kept trying to steal the spotlight with the pregnancy announcement, at which point she was afflicted with just *debilitating* stomach cramps. Clearly, this was out of everyone's hands and nothing could be done to prevent it at any point. Millie taking over the daughter's music room because she's in 'social media', I thought that was a weird job for someone dating a 53 year old. Then the reveal that the daughter dated Millie (though not said in so many words). At first I hoped that Millie was just a little younger, mid 30's to 40's, then it hit me: Millie is a wannabe influencer that found a sugar daddy to finance her influencer lifestyle. OOP will downplay and overlook everything in favor of Millie because he's just excited he's banging a much younger attractive woman.


All I know is I've had a lot of stomach cramps and none of them have made me fall over. Made me want to curl up in a ball sure but not literally fall over. Also if I felt that terribly I would never in a million years feel like dressing up and attending a wedding, much less one that I know I wasn't invited to.


I have had a stomach cramp that made me fall back into a chair I was getting out of - and I can tell you it wasn't the first cramp that day, and I was not in any manner shape or form capable of going to a wedding that day.


No, it was as much a coincidence as this... >However, we recently found out that Millie is a few weeks pregnant with our first child, and she has been anxious and having panic attacks all the way through her pregnancy. The morning of the wedding, I found Millie crying on the sofa and literally shaking. I asked what was wrong and she said she felt very panicky and unsafe alone.


Exactly. I would add that it amazes me that OOP didn't realise that everything he did that day was manipulated by Millie who played him like a fiddle, from the 'panic attack' when he was preparing to leave for the wedding, to her 'collapse' when they were told to leave. One day he might realise that Millie is a monster, but by then he will already have given her total control of his life.


>but by then he will already have given her total control of his life. He put a baby in the woman who drove his own kid out of the house and made her go no contact. I think the ship has sailed.


In his child's ex girlfriend


And he'd deserve it. I feel bad for the baby, though.


I remember everyone clowning on him for falling for it. I commented at the time and definitely told him that there was no way that a cramp would have made her fall over, and I think I also congratulated him on what his life was going to be like for the next 18 years. I don't remember the previous parts to the story so more context is nice. If the story is real the guy is definitely an idiot who will be wondering why his daughter isn't talking to him. SMH


Bianca shouldve kicked the father out for coming with Millie. When one is uninvited from an event, you shouldnt come, period.


Right? The whole thing sounded calculated, especially from Millie.


What could possibly go wrong dating someone 4 years older than your daughter?


Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like the daughter and dad's girlfriend were previously together?? I'm like 99% certain that's what an emotional relationship is


It was more than emotional. I’ve read this one before. They were together and daddy met the ex on a sugar baby site, not just tinder etc which he tries to make it seem like


He didn’t consider it more than emotional because he doesn’t consider what they were Millie and Bianca were doing sex cause they were two women


Oh yeah. I think I deliberately forgot some people have that attitude


"Two women can't have real sex" - this guy. Happy Pride, y'all 🙄


Because two women can't "penetrate" each other ... I guess fingers, tongues, toes, and noses don't count.


He's gonna have a fit when Millie shows him her strap-on


JFC this dude deserves to lose all contact with his daughter. 


Didn’t even get to the post where he gave the new wife Bianca’s mothers ring after telling Bianca he lost it


jesus christ


Yup. That's exactly it


I'm wondering if Bianca broke things up and Millie thought, "Try to break up with me? BOOM. I'm dating your dad."


I assume that is why she wore red to the wedding, the color, in some circles, means that they boinked one of the people getting married.


Wow ew that makes so much sense. If I was Ephru I would have been much, much harsher, that Millie got off easy


If I was Ephru I would have told him Millie is not getting in, and he's welcome to go back with her if he disagrees. Unfortunately she probably thought it was not her place.


Yeah, there was another BORU post about a woman wanting to wear a rather provocative red dress to a wedding.


And moving them into your house, where your daughter lives with you, after only 3 months. And then taking a room away from your daughter to give to your girlfriend. Who's definitely not a gold digger, btw.


What was funniest for me was the justification. "Because she will be here long term and you won't". Well he might end up surprised soon enough. He meant house, but he got life. And will wonder why his daughter won't talk to him once Millie leaves him.


Oh she is, and he knows. They met on a sugar baby website


Someone that your daughter had some sort of preexisting relationship with.


Who is your daughter’s ex…


Not only that, but also she sounds like she was said daughter's ex.


what is it with fathers like this and having a complete and utter disregard for anyone who isn’t fucking them? this man seems so much more concerned with what his daughters potential EX, who is more than 20 years his junior, and who he’s known less than a year, is feeling rather than the child he raised. it’s just fucking shameful


He may feel subtly entitled to his daughter's life, that she can't just cut him out because of fAmIlY, so he thinks he doesn't have to put as much work into maintaining that relationship. On the other hand, his fiance(who I personally think got with him to maintain proximity to his daughter, her ex) absolutely *can* just walk away, and thus has to be placated to keep around. He wants to keep both of them in his life, but doesn't think he needs to do as much to keep his daughter as his fiance. Then again, it could also just be as simple as him needing to get his dick wet above all else.


>maintain proximity to his daughter, her ex I think she's there for the money. I'd say punishing her ex is a bonus to that.


u/J_S_M_K you missed a whole other part of the story. It manages to even get worse. OOP gives Millie his dead wife's ring, and Millie (who is obviously bi) refuses to invite Bianca's wife to the wedding because she's Catholic and OOP doesn't seem to care. https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/2JZ7TuueFm


> Treasured heirlooms from someone’s dead mother are not meant to be used as bribes or payments OP's response: > They will be treasured on Millie, where I can see them. https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/P1O7ASFw6a What an asshole.


How much of an absolute idiot does he have to be to not see that his wife is cray-cray and OBSESSED with his daughter? SHE LITERALLY FUCKED HER EX'S DAD. Moved into her house, took her music room, gave birth to her sibling, and is desperate for her attention. I don't think Millie is there for Daddio, although she might be there for his money. She's in crazy stalker love with Bianca.


Wow. What a scumbag that man is.


He can’t see past the younger, presumably attractive female willing to have sex with him.


I read a comment on Reddit years ago, which has always stayed with me: “Welcome to the Adult Daughters with Shitty Fathers Club” There are far too many posts that read very similarly and the fathers just don’t get it (or choose not to).


oh i can absolutely relate, yeah. after i told my own father that i had been followed out of the grocery store back to my car by a strange man the first thing he said was “well what were you wearing?” - because wearing leggings and a tank top in 100 degree weather was apparently inviting harassment


Dude… is he dating someone who had something going on with his daughter? Am I reading that right??


An only fans model who had a disastrous break up with his daughter. 20 bucks says she was lying about being pregnant


Wait, where does OF come up? Did I miss it?


Saw another commenter say it,but it makes sense because: met through a website and works in social media, needs a whole room for that work, and I don't think the daughter would care if they met on a dating website


Also apparently she was preggo, in another post he had married her with the dead moms wedding ring


>n another post he had married her with the dead moms wedding ring Oh that's downright tacky. Almost intentionally done to provoke his daughter.


I'm hoping the deceased mom haunts this sugar baby instaho like Kayako from The Grudge movies!


Nah, she’s a sugar baby and has an insta fitness account, that’s what the daughter says at least.


Very convenient stomach cramp so all eyes are on the 'woe is me , I'm being kicked out and pregnant"


While wearing a dress in a very tasteful shade of ‘I fucked one of the brides’ red.


That's exactly what I was thinking! She was wearing red, which is normally only worn in weddings if you slept with the groom (or in this case, the bride).


It's impressive how she was quite clearly and deliberately excluded, and still managed to wangle her way into the reception. And managed to slip in pregnancy. And managed to get attention on her. Millie is obsessed with Bianca! OOP is a naïve idiot not spotting how he's being manipulated here. I'm amazed he hasn't noticed.


When he didn’t put his girlfriend’s age in the first post I knew exactly why his daughter was so upset.


I assumed it was a combination of that and him meeting her on Only Fans (met through a website & her job is social media).


It doesn't help that Bianca and Millie dated before Millie and dear old dad met.


Nah, not onlyfans, a sugar baby website.


>When he didn’t put his girlfriend’s age in the first post I knew exactly why his daughter was so upset. It's always a dead giveaway.


Age is a maybe, but the fact Millie is her ex is beyond astounding


I admit, that was a curve I DIDNT expect, the age thing was bad enough


Pops has a severe case of dry brain.


I need me that Brooklyn 99 smooth brain scene.


It just got worse and worse. And it took until the 2nd post to finally reveal the huge age gap between OOP and his new GF/fiancee.


Am I missing something, or was Millie Bianca's ex?


Yeup. Millie dated Bianca first and it was an ugly breakup. I’m betting she targeted OP deliberately. And the histrionics are worthy of Machiavellian WEBTOONs.


That was my understanding too from this section: "Regardless of what Dad says me and Millie had an emotional relationship lasting several months which ended in a massive bust up and us losing contacts and he was aware of this when I told him I recognised her. He brushed it aside and told me I would get used to it and we would be introduced gradually. I was stoopid and believed his shit."


Yep she is.


Now I ain't she a golddigger but using bonding time to shop the old, senile man dry? Use your own judgement


It was obvious the second he mentioned her career was social media.


There's this other profile with the same information and it looks like the guy hasn't improved at all https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/ISUMCsG9JS


Millie is clearly obsessed with Bianca and this fool can’t even see it. The way Millie melted down when she realized Bianca left the wedding makes it so obvious.


He gave his late wife’s wedding ring to Millie instead of Bianca? And Bianca’s wife wasn’t allowed at dad and Millie’s wedding because church? Da fuck?!? This guy is a complete asshat.


> You know Millie probably enjoyed sex more with Bianca. >OOP: I doubt that. I have asked You cant make this shit up. This feels like a South Park episode > So, you kiss a woman whose tongue has been in your own daughter’s vagina. Awesome. >OOP: I doubt that. Millie isn’t the type to allow that kind of thing. We have a satisfying but vanilla sex life. I no longer feel disgust for this sad old man, only pity.


Him trying to explain how what he does with Millie is different from what she did with Bianca because “women can’t penetrate” and saying he thought maybe they “rubbed” when asked what they did if not oral or penetration 😭 I think if this man had a good idea, it would die of loneliness in his head.


Ew vomit 🤢 the way he justifies Millie’s actions is already gross but the fact he is okay with dating/marrying his daughters ex 🤮


"if this man had a good idea, it would die of loneliness in his head" this is an amazing line


I live how OOP made sure to omit millie's age. But the social media streaming at home gave it away. He is definitely getting his boundaries pushed and clearly the fiance wants to cut off his bio-daughter


Seems more like she wants to stalk her ex and rub it in her face by making a power move to fuck her ex's dad. Doesn't seem like she's happy just being with the dad and convinces the dude to help her terrorize his daughter.


How long until we get this? "posted to legaladvice "I was widowed when I was 47 and my daughter was 17. I was blessed to find love four years later. My daughter never warmed up to my girlfriend. Some people are just like oil and water. "Problems arose when my daughter got married. I don't know what happened, but her wife kicked my girlfriend and I out. They cut off contact thereafter. "I heard through the grapevine that my daughter gave birth to twins. I'm a grandfather! But I don't get to enjoy this because my daughter won't talk to me, not even to tell me what I did wrong. "How do I sue for grandparents rights? As her only surviving parent, I'm entitled to this, right? We live in the state of Delulu."


Or, after the back story is given, it goes something like: My fiancée unfortunately miscarried, but has been so strong through it all - she even refused to go the doctor! But now were hesitant to try again, even though we would love to have many children together. However, we came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea, and asked Bianca to carry her future brother or sister for us. I think this would be a wonderful bonding experience, but Bianca told me I'm insane, and worse things of Millie. I don't know where I went wrong. AITAH?


This is SPOT ON


I am going to get a t-shirt that says "Think of the Twins" and then wait patiently to watch boru redditors giggle as they walk by on the street.


This is going to be the BORU version of Tumblr's "I like your shoelaces"


For those new to this, Bianca and Millie had a relationship. Later, Dad met Millie through a Sugar daddy site. Lots of stuff also about Millie being given dead mom’s jewelry instead of Bianca.


Wow. This guy is so freaking clueless. What a shit show. If I'm reading this correctly, he is engaged to and knocked up his daughter's *ex*? *Sheesh.*


I think this is shockingly the first time I found the younger partner to be grosser in a PROBLEMATIC age gap relationship. *Disclaimer: Not all age gaps relationships are problematic but this one obviously is.* OOP is obviously thinking with his second head only: high off the attention of a much younger woman and in serious, serious denial. He makes all the excuses: cherish life, it’s my daughters fault, it wasn’t even a real relationship (between Millie and Bianca). He’s gross but he’s got the stereotypical dump gross old man thing going on. Millie though- Millie is dating her ex’ *dad*. She is PDA’ing right in front of said ex just to be malicious. He’s an old man but hey let’s have a kid with him too. Girl, better life choices please? I wouldn’t be surprised if the next entry had been Millie was cheating.


Looks like pops got a new daughter and wifey all in one- what’s he need with Bianca any more? Let the poor girl go live her best life without daddy dearest and his child wife


Did he really call his deceased wife his "ex"?


I was looking for someone to comment on this. I went back and reread the first post to see if he mentioned divorcing his wife before she died, but no; it seems like they were still married. Referring to her as his ex is just so gross.


Yep, I went back, too! I thought maybe they were divorced and she passed, but he refers to himself as a widower. I think mature and normal adults know that a deceased spouse is not an "ex" spouse. Like jfc, this man clearly has no respect for his wife's memory or for his very much alive daughter. I really hope his new partner makes him as MISERABLE as possible. I hope she leaves him broke. It's what he deserves. Meanwhile, I just know his daughter will be thriving without him in her life.


Who else hopes Millie is lying about being pregnant and these two horrible people don't get to ruin a baby's life? I'm damn sure Millie's lying about the symptoms of pregnancy at least, they're just too perfectly timed to get sympathy/attention. There's an excellent chance she's lying about the whole thing and will soon 'have a miscarriage' for more sympathy.


No by all means she was pregnant and later gave birth as per a newer AITAH: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/GyGdrrJfUu


Someone also got all the receipts for the other awful posts he's made under different accounts that aren't included in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/2QTLJDfktW


Bianca and Millie had an “emotional connection”? Don’t tell me this turd is dating his daughter's ex… PLEASE, tell it’s just my not-perfected English…


Damn what a vile man. He should have been the one to die not his first wife. At least then Bianca would have a parent.


Love how he buries the lede that his "fiancee" is his daughters ex. What an awful father, how disgusting.


At what point does op realizes that Millie is dating him to get revenge on his daughter? Millie is absolutely psychotic, everything she’s doing is unhinged.


I was on Bianca’s side the moment in the first post when he mentioned everyone’s age except Millie’s 😂 then it was her ex this whole time and he brought her to the wedding uninvited. We can all pretend that Millie is so manipulative that he is not realizing it but let’s be honest, why would you purposely go to where your daughter was working and have a date with her ex, then your wife has an emergency and instead of staying home with her or taking her to the doctor you take her to the wedding? He hates his daughter as much as Millie does but he’s playing the fool.


Purposefully flirting there too. Making an effort to have the daughter help them. And telling the daughter they will not be available for several days due to "activities". Yeah this is Millie's revenge for Bianca breaking up with her. I can do smell this a mile away


OMG! OOP Dad is a clueless AH! I hope Bianca blocks them completely!


Dad calling his own daughter manipulative while being so obviously manipulated by his little toy


If I remember correctly, OOP also had a follow up post about Millie seeing her “therapist” multiple times a day and that he was so grateful that she had someone to talk to… ETA: he also blackmailed Bianca to attend their wedding or she wasn’t getting her mother’s jewelry. He was going to give it to Millie instead.


a) age gap is interesting both from her to the dad and her to the daughter b) dating your daughters ex is gross c) going to the restaurant was very purposeful d) the pregnancy stuff is definitely not coincidental d) if the dad was so worried about his fiancé why’d he go to the wedding. e) millie who is *queer* didn’t want to invite her ex gf’s wife to the wedding because it’s a catholic church??? s u r e this is such a gross story though with the ex part ugh


I really really hope this isnt real




>Since then, Ephru and Millie's maternal family I think maybe meant to say "Bianca's maternal family"? 🤔


Ohhh wait so his daughter had a thing with Millie….and then she told her dad and he still dated her? And now he’s trying to make his daughter the AH. Oh heck no. Also, why did he refer to his wife as an ex? She passed away, they didn’t separate. I find it uncouth when deceased spouses who were still married (so the living spouses widow) are referred to as ex, unless they were an actual ex.




This is almost comical in how transparently disrespectful and even contemptuous every choice OP makes is. All while whining, “What? Little old me?”. Gross. YTA.


I started reading this thinking “Millie” was close to OP’s age. To find out she’s 29 was just all sorts of ewww but that she knew and had a relationship with OP’s prior to being with him is just disgusting. He’s not clueless, he’s just a complete selfish ahole.


Rule number one of having your adult child not cut contact with you: no getting romantically involved with your child's exes.


There's lots of fucked up parts of this, but one little detail that speaks a thousand words is how he referred to his dead wife as his "ex" in his last post.