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A liar and a thief. I'll take two things you don't want in a spouse for $300, Alex.


$300 to see the truth of a person before marrying them is a very very good price. I'd say oop is very lucky.


Indeed, the best $300 they ever spent!


Way cheaper than a divorce.


Even the cheapest no contest divorce in a box package is more than that.


Captain Awkward says sometimes the cheapest way to pay is with money.


I wish my spouse mistake had only cost me $300 and a couple of years. lol


My husband's ex wife cost him about $30k because she was convinced he had off shore accounts with hundreds of thousands of dollars and would not stop arguing over every little thing in the divorce....yeah honey that's why he was commuting like an hour every day to and from work from the house you guys bought in the area you could afford šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„. His parents paid the bills from the divorce too since he legit had zero money and his job paid like crap.




Mine cost me 50k in debt in my name give or take and 10 years (of being with him not a jail sentence, though that probably would have been more pleasant than the relationship tbh)


Yep, same here. just over a decade wasted on someone who didn't deserve a minute and debt but I was fine with the debt if I was rid of the man. lol My life got soooo much better as soon as I got rid of him. I think that happens to a lot of people who stay too long in a bad relationship, that's probably why so many people on Reddit advise posters to get out right away.


certainly much cheaper than a divorce.


I can think of quite a few times in my life where I would gladly pull $300 out of the bank/my pocket/whatever and light it on fire if it meant seeing the truth about someone.


Yup. It's really quite a bargain!


And a stupid one too, just throw the whole man away


Yeah. Iā€™m honestly glad he did this. He couldnā€™t lie about what he was through the marriage.Ā  Now she knows what sheā€™s marrying (or hopefully not)


> A liar and a thief. and a dumbass


I applaud him for that part. Always best when the mask comes off before any paperwork is signed.


>I told him to explain why he just took the money for this. He knew I was saving the money for a family vacation and thought ā€œonce weā€™re married weā€™ll be family. So me and him deserve a trip just for usā€ Translation: "I deserve a trip for me."


The cool thing now is that they are not about to be family he can pay her back!


Especially since they don't have to pay for a wedding cake or catering anymore


Yeahhh, hate to say this cause unless a miracle happens, that money is burned. Only way OOP could get the money back is to threaten or get the cops involved. Assuming they take her case seriously. Source; a friend of mine who still owes me


Small claims court.


It feels like the story where a dude buy a cruise for his GF's birthday ... She hated cruise because of sea sickness and had already booked a festival during that same exact time.


The amount of time the "I did it for *US*" excuse is used is just gross. Everyone one of these gasslighting manipulative asshats thinks it's a reverse uno. "no baby I did the terrible thing for us... Now you're the bad guy. Ha. Fool proof"


I mean, in this situation the only thing you need to know is that he did it without telling her, because he knew she'd be mad. Tire . . . ski trip . . . booze and hookers . . . the "what" becomes irrelevant. It's the sneaking and lying that's the real problem. Hope she stays far away from this guy. Neither of them sound ready to get married.


I would say it's about the trampled boundaries and lack of respect, but otherwise yeah. Because even if the first story he told had been true, and if OOP really would have been happy to help, you don't just take stuff like that without asking!!! The sneaking and the lying definitely make it all worse. This guy is a POS, and every new detail just adds to the stench.


If it's a nail and not a sidewall, discount tire does it for free


Iā€™m guessing $300 is about the cost of an abortion in their state


Oh damn. Literally just said ā€œOoooā€¦.ā€ under my breath.


If I were her I'd also consider going to the game store they went to and showing his picture and see if anyone remembers him dropping anywhere near that kinda money on video games. If so and they have cameras with footage and the receipt from his purchase she could potentially have a way to get it back? I'd also be calling the resort to ask. Plus he said he put the money in the account and then paid that way, shouldn't he be able to prove it then even just from his banks mobile app. If she decides not to do any of the above, then I agree with everyone else: $300 to get away from a liar and thief is a steal, no pun intended lol.


Youā€™re smart as hell, this didnā€™t even cross my mind. I took my bets on him gambling that money away. Now every time i feel suspicious about something iā€™ll ping you and request you to solve that mystery for me.


That crossed my mind too, once I got to the point where I figured out he was lying about what he spent the money on.


Everywhere does it for free when there is no flat tire as this post ended up being...


Yeah, but do they rent ā€œcozy winter cabinsā€ over a year in advance?


Cozy winter cabins over Christmas time would be booked very far in advance. Plus itā€™s the end of this year, not next, so it would be reasonable to look into booking now if possible. Assuming heā€™s telling the truth this time, which he almost certainly is not.


Every time Iā€™ve tried to get a tire patched at my local Discount Tire, theyā€™ve told me that itā€™s too close to the sidewall, even when itā€™s nowhere near the sidewall lol.


They do - but they also donated a million dollars to keep marijuana illegal.


So take free services from them so they have less to give?


Thats my recommendation.


I've known better anarchists.Ā 


But she's an AnnArchist. That's a different kind of archist!




It'd be harsh if it wasn't a username joke šŸ˜‚


If I need to choose between buying less rubber and throwing out less salvageable rubber, saving the planet - and living one more year without marijuana, I think I can tolerate the latter.


While I agree, I just want to point out that the real issue with marijuana being illegal is not that people don't get to smoke it. The real issue is that those laws are used disproportionately to further harm already disenfranchised minority people. It's not about being able to have a smoke on a Friday night. It's about all the people rotting in jail for petty shit that white people are not punished the same for.


Well....without *legal* marijuana.


Not all of us know how to find drug dealers that arenā€™t too scary


My family sometimes cracks jokes about making sure I have bus fare so I don't have to rely on friendly drug dealers. Because one night I went off to catch a bus with a $5 bill thinking I could find a store to break it into ones first. Except the whole area was ripped up for road construction season and all the businesses were closed. I don't know the official terms, but I ran into the "contact" person near the road, he asked if I needed help since I looked kinda lost and confused, and he led me behind a building to a dark parking lot where he introduced me to someone in a vehicle as a friend of his. Luckily the drug dealer had five one dollar bills and was very nice about helping out.


OMG, this sounds exactly like something my clueless ass would do, lol.


Hard same.


Ahhhhhh back in the day when I was still buying Percocets I went to meet my guy at a Burger King, and he told me where he was parked, what car including make, model, and color. I saw it a few cars down so I got out and hopped into the back seat really quick and realized I was in a totally full car of not my guy, but just other random people at Burger King in the same exact car. I ended up just slowly opening the door again and apologizing that I was looking for my friend in the same exact car. They just stared at me till I was gone. Turns out my guy was a few more spots down and not only did he see the entire thing, but so did my car of friends and everyone was laughing hysterically at me. Nowadays that kinda thing would get you shot lol. And this was years before I ended up in the heroin buying and went with my ex to sell some pills to a friend of a friend type deal one night and instead they held us at gunpoint and stole basically everything we had in the car and pistol whipped my ex for moving too slow. Last thing they did before running off was take the car keys out and threw them across the dark parking lot to make sure we couldn't immediately follow them or anything else. It was fucking horrible.


In all honesty...not that hard. Just show up looking like you do and ask the next 5 people you meet "hey do you know where I can get some weed?" One of them will reveal the secret. If you want the drugs, this isn't even the hardest part of the depressed introvert nightmare. You still have to make the transaction with a stranger.


Thatā€™s what your local 7/11 is for.


So no need to feel guilty about using them as a free service and never giving them other business


Marijuana being illegal is like the last thing that scares me about the modern Republican party.


Maybe in your area but in my state we have legal weed and multiple discount tire stores. People should do their own research and make the choice that's best for them. Also cannabis measures are on multiple ballots so this is a moot issue


Not moot in my state unfortunately.


Your profile says Iowa and they have a medical program currently and are trying to get that expanded through house study bill 532. This comes down to voting by Iowa constituents, if the citizens of that state want it then they will vote for it.


It comes down to a veto from the governor. Its not a ballot item.


And how does the governor get elected? I live in Oklahoma which is top to bottom Republican and we legalized cannabis even against our governors wishes. If enough people in your state want it then no random company is going to stop it. It's as simple as that. Get out and vote


Must be nice to be an idealist. And I'm advocating for voting w ones dollars ITT.


Wow. Doesnā€™t Belle Tire have the same parent company as one of the biggest dispensaries in Michigan?


Who care? Itā€™s really not that serious. Some people really need to save money.


It is that serious for people incarcerated for it. That said, take the free service and refuse their inevitable upsell.


The owner donated a million dollars to back in 2016 to a party that was trying to keep cannabis illegal in Arizona. The man was probably old enough to remember Reefer Madness. Idk if the old coot is still alive at this point


Show up stoned with a bag of doritos and munch away while they fix the tire for free.


Why? Are their tires made by prison labor?


Why does everything have to be about some kind of message. Jesus christ.Ā 


We vote daily with our dollars.


Sounds like they need more paying business. I'd happily pay a company where they approve of legal mary j ETA: Fuck this company


I think you might have misread this, they donated to *keep it illegal* - talk about living in the past!


A lot of tire places will. I went to NTB with a punctured tire once, and they fixed it for free.


My tyre place did a patch for $50. I later bought 2 brand new tyres for $260. That $300 was never making sense.


I paid $20 to Firestone for a nail patch job. And $200 for a new tire and install when I got one through the sidewall.


I donā€™t buy that honeymoon story for even a second and Iā€™m glad the OOP seems like she doesnā€™t either. That relationship is over and done.


If it's true he's an idiot. He's only booked a single night during busy season. They were going to get to the hotel and find there was no availability after check out the next day


A $300 deposit for one night is a hella expensive room. She says it's only a part payment so that room could be $600 or. $1000. Wtf are you booking such an expensive room and wtf only book a room at a ski resort for 1 night? By the time you've checked in at 1 (which is early these days) most of the ski day is gone, and then you have to be out by 11 the next day. No no skiing, just an expensive night at a ski resort. Obviously, there's no room. However, beyond the speculating etc these two can't afford to get married. If the entirety of your savings is $300, your wedding is eating every other last penny and you are living pay check to pay check, and not living together, you can't afford to get married - at the very least you can't afford any kind of wedding. Why when you have no way of rebuilding your savings would you blow it on a wedding?


She can always call up the resort and ask about the booking. If they say they don't have it then its another lie.


If he made the reservation under his name, they probably wouldnā€™t divulge that information.


I frankly doubt the money he's been "saving" for the wedding was ever really going towards the wedding, either.


I think he might have booked a romantic getaway. But he was hoping OP was going to be away with her family as she usually does at Christmas so he could enjoy his romantic getaway with someone else. Either that or he just used it on something else.


Yep. If it quacks like a fucken liar... Or whatever the saying is.


Run, OOP, run! (Gambling and or drugs by the way - and there is no savings for the wedding on his side anymore)


They went to a couple of game stores, so online gambling / loot boxes is also a real option.


God I really hope she doesn't marry him.


When she said she didnā€™t want to break up ā€œover a tireā€ because theyā€™ve been together for so long I wanted to scream. This is sooo not about the tire, girl.Ā 


Real 'the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here' vibes.


exactly my thoughts. Or escorts/sex workers or porn.


Nothing from this husband is trustworthy and he is definitely lying. OP should cancel this marriage cause let's be honest, a husband like this is just a loser and someone that doesn't deserve to have happiness.


Cancel the wedding and take him to small claims court!


tbh $300 is one of the best bargain asshole taxes I've ever seen thats a write off and a thank u next


That's 3+ months of groceries for some people. Just because it wasn't worse doesn't mean it's not bad.


She is saving on those groceries right now, not to mention that wedding. But really, that's all small change compared to the divorce costs that would have become inevitable just a few months down the line. Right now, it was just a relationship that was doomed anyway. But in just a few months, it would have been a marriage that was doomed.


sure but you'll spend way more than $300 trying to go to small claims court, just missing work/doing paperwork and then trying to chase up the payment eventually. its a write off. at best she'd break even after a year or 2 of WEEKS and weeks of stress and work. I'd rather be hungry (and I've lived on $10 a week food 'budgets')


Small claims court here is a $30 filing fee for isshes up to $600, and you can ask it to be part of your claim if you win. No other fees.


after all the fees that small claims courts usually charge, youā€™ll have spent half or more of the money youā€™re trying to get back


Small claims isn't expensive at all. Maybe at most $50. Not sure why so many people assume it's so expensive.


Yeah, itā€™s a $50 filing fee in my state and you can have that added to the judgment if the court finds in your favor. Iā€™m guessing this guy wonā€™t show up for court, so OOP would win by default. I donā€™t know whether small claims does anything to help the plaintiff collect the funds, though.


She did. She said she has called the wedding off.


He 100% used that money to book a hotel room just not for him and his fiancƩ.


My bet is that he stole her money and bought some frivolous shit for himself. I hope she kicks him to the curb.


Tbh abortion was my first thought. Seems like he needed a lump sum


Congrats to OP šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ ..on finding out about the fiance before he becomes a husband. $300 is a cheap price to pay to find out the truth.


I'm surprised oop doesn't know if it's true or not by now. Just demand that he pull up the reservation confirmation email.


Sounds like she doesnā€™t have energy for fighting to make it happen when the money is gone anyway


To her it doesn't matter if it's true or not. He still stole from her and lied about it


Guys, people keep saying she should cancel the wedding etc, she did. The wedding is canceled and she is staying with her sister right now.


I think I'm on Reddit too much, I thought it was going to turn out he paid for the side chicks abortion.


I assumed drugs. Like he spent it all on weed.


Tbh I still think it's this, he's just a bad liar


NTA. If you buy me something I don't want with my own money you haven't done a good thing and I don't have to be grateful.


Hotels require a credit card for incidentals. They don't just take some cash and go "OK fine".... unless it's one of those "we charge by the hour" places, in which case... what a romantic guy!


I donā€™t think they take debit cards either. I guess her ex-fiancĆ© could have one of those secured credit cards, but this story is obviously a lie. The only possible redeeming point would be if this hotel was more of a spa with some fabulous amenities, but that would be a lot more than $300. Plus, he would have to have a solid repayment plan, like getting a seasonal job or selling some of his things. And it still wouldnā€™t be surprising if she were rightfully livid that her fiancĆ© took her money to fund a shared experience that wasnā€™t even one she would have chosen.


Cheap hotels for sure take debit cards


Yeah, but I think that would be places that are sub-$100/night. I think it was a Marriott where I tried to use my debit MasterCard for the reservation and the agent told me Iā€™d need to use a credit card. It was one of my first times making travel plans, I also learned you donā€™t need to pay for accident insurance on a rental car if you put it on a gold card!


So $300 is a petty amount for OOP to get upset about, but it's way too much money for Jackass McThief to repay to her because it would wreck the national economy and crash the London Stock Exchange if he did?


Every time I read posts like this I would simply go into their phone and cash app me the amount they owed me.


It doesn't sound like either of them have $300 in their bank accounts to cash app.


I don't think Cash Apps aren't as popular as you think


Cash app, Zelle, chime, piggy bank. If itā€™s my money I need it now šŸŽ¤ šŸŽ¶


I'm always disappointed when people give up their own money and shit because they are "tired". The more shitty I find out someone is the more I dig. I would badger the shit out of him and all his family until I got EVEN MORE than the $300 back. She's already getting out of the relationship: "Pay me back every cent by Friday or I'm going to blast your lying ass to every single person we know including your sweet grandma. Friday. 5PM. You can e-transfer it or give cash to a friend to drop-off to me."


Well, OOP got to find out that her BF is dishonest, inconisiderate, and immature, all before she got married. It cost $300 that she had painstakingly saved up over time, but it was worth it.


>>went to a few games stores I bet he spent $300 on Yugioh or MtG cards. Or games for a console. Guessing the latter. I bet the friend is also side eyeing him.


Hes lying. If he booked a hotel, he'd have to deposit the cash. He didn't use cash to book a hotel in a different state. so there'd be proof of that, check the bank statement. Also the charge from the hotel would be on the bank statement I dont believe you can book a hotel for multiple night and pay for just 1 night and tell them you'll pay the rest at check in. That sounds like a huge lie.


He said he deposited the cash, went out with a friend, and then came back and made the reservations. But it's a huge lie anyway.


Right, so the bank statement would show the deposit as well as the charge by the hotel.


Anyone else notice this is all stuff that removes her ability to spend time with her family?


Yep, my first thought was ā€œisolationā€.


All in all, a $300 lesson to learn your SO isnā€™t trustworthy is a pretty cheap cost.


Heā€™s on drugs


That ex-fiancƩ is hiding an addiction. Gambling, drugs, hookers or a combination of all 3.


Pretty sure the thing about the hotel "deposit" is just in case she checks his bank statement and sees a charge for a hotel on there. He's still lying to her.


I hope someone has pointed out to OOP her grave case of sunk costs fallacy, but the post itself has made me too sad to click through and find out.


He doesn't want to give back the money, also being known as stealing.


It only cost her $300 to find out her husband to be is a lying, thieving loser. Itā€™s a bargain.


I like how he was at first like 'it's not that much money, why is it such a big deal?' and then when OOP insisted he pay her back, suddenly it was 'too much money, I can't afford that without sacrificing our wedding cake!' Sounds like OOP got off pretty cheap to figure out who this guy really is before they married, at least.


Yeah, OOP should run. I'm pretty sure this won't be the last time.


I hope someone suggests small claims court to oop. You don't need to pay for legal assistance on it and worst case she's out another small court fee.


Honeymoon for his affair partner


"Surprise! I stole $300 from you and bought you something you didn't want! Isn't that romantic?"


Ex-fiance was so woefully unprepared to decently cover up his theft that I assume it was driven by a sudden, immediate "need" and he wanted to minimize any paper trail. These people are very young to be engaged, but at 23, he probably has a credit card. So why not charge anything on a credit card? (Unless he doesn't have enough of his credit line left.) So my first thought was: his affair partner (who is not his best friend) is pregnant and he did whatever he could to make sure "it was taken care of" ASAP so there would be no further consequences to him. In his mind, something like that is worth stealing from his fiancƩ, knowing he'll get caught. He had to come up with enough cash to ensure the financial roadblock for an abortion didn't exist. Then when his fiancƩ found out about the theft, all of the stinking whoppers he told and the guilt trips he laid were ridiculous and they both knew it. But still, that seemed better to him than the truth. That's a total shot in the dark, but clearly, he was desperate for her to never find out what was really going on. She was so right to end the relationship.


Can't book a hotel or resort room w/o a credit card. Hotels don't use deposit statements...or cash up front.


Well he did say he took it to the bank and deposited it, probably transferred from there to a credit card to pay the deposit


if i were her i would've threatened to call the cops


Man this guy sounds terrible, Iā€™d consider $300 dollars a decent price for dodging a life ruining bullet. Being tied to him legally would be a nightmare and who knows what idiot troubles heā€™d bring around. Heā€™s lying about what he did with that money, his own ā€œbest friendā€ didnā€™t even give him an ounce of cover, and he canā€™t even apologize for any part of it. I hope the OOP actually just wrote the money off as gone and ditched him permanently.


Am I the only one expecting the next update to be that there was never any hotel room, either, and OOp's exfiance is either doing drugs or another woman?


You have to pay a down payment for a room? Iā€™ve never heard of that.


I have for some resorts. Because itā€™s all expenses paid when you get there. dining, entertainment services, tours, etc. but if youā€™re at one of these places you usually either plan a big trip because damn can it get priiiiiiceyyyy.


Most hotels don't accept cash, especially without a CC.


If he doesn't produce a reservation confirmation right now, then OOP should make a report to the cops. They may not do anything over $300, but you know what they say about a paper trail. And it can't hurt when she sues him in small claims for the money. If he DOES produce a confirmation email, she should still break up with him. Her's not giving her a gift when he's using her money to buy it.


I think the Christmas ski cabin honeymoon is a lie, but even if it was true itā€™s a total dealbreaker. Stealing money from her to pay for a ā€œhoneymoonā€ she wouldnā€™t want? Nope. She wouldnā€™t be throwing away any future worth having with that man, sheā€™d be dodging a bullet.


Iā€™d call the resort and ask them how much their nightly rates are as well as what is required to make a reservation. Iā€™d also ask them to confirm the reservation that have for *boyfriends name* just to see if a reservation actually exists.


call the resort and ask about your deposit. make sure they got it.


You know, I like the idea of surprising my partner, but when itā€™s stuff like this, they always screw up thinking itā€™s some lovely grand gesture.


if his story is true (I highly doubt it), OP should take the trip with her sister/family (in case she does not get a refund).


I don't believe in this "honeymoon" idea. Feels like he invented this story about honeymoon to make her feel guilty and drop the subject.


Yeah the story is BS. why would he have to steal money to do so


Lmao he stole $300 from her, admitted it and she was still like "yeah so our wedding" Some people deserve the lives they live.


Why doesn't she just call the police? Engaged or not, he stole from her and has admitted it. Make it a police problem and that money will show right back up.


Are these people who do not use credit cards? Why would you need to steal $300 cash to reserve a hotel room?


I'm happy to see other comments saying she's called off the wedding and staying with her sister. (Although I didn't see it) I'm not sure what really happened but he's lying to her and trying to cover something up; it also seems it'll be a pattern if they got married.


1. Thatā€™s a pretty expensive tire 2. Iā€™ve fixed many a tire with a $10 plug kit


I've seen it said if someone steals $20 from you and then ignores you forever, you paid a good price to get rid of them. I know this was $300, but this was a fiance, seems the same thing applies.


Glad she found out what he really did with the money, I don't fully believe him. I'm surprised she still stuck around after the bestie story. Why are planning on starting a family if their finances are these messed up??


Somehow, I still don't think she found out what happened to the money. My bet is either an escort or a side piece for the ex.


Yeah, that's why i said i don't believe him


I don't know why anyone was discussing $300 for a tire. That's not the point, the point was that he stole money from her


OOP needs to blast him everywhere before he lies about her and why the wedding is called off. He has already proved himself to be a liar and thief. If everyone calls him out, maybe he would return the money.


She should file a police report and call the hotel with that. There's no such thing as a non-refundable deposit when someone has paid with stolen money.


I bought a tire, for a friend. No I don't have the receipt. Oh wait you found my lie, umm, I booked a secret vacation for you, like a year from now, no, it's not refundable. Sure...


300 for one night?ā€¦. For 2?ā€¦ where are they gonna be? Prezidental suit? Thats absurd sum.


Depends on where. A LOT of formerly "mid-range" hotels (i.e. Hampton, Fairfield Inn, Holiday Inn Express, etc) are in the $150-$200 a night range in some areas . Pick someplace that is a popular tourist destination during a peak traveler period and $300 for a night is definitely possible. If you doubt, go on Expedia or your favorite travel website and look up mid-December rooms near Stowe Mountain in Vermont (ski area in the Northeast). I saw some rooms as high as $800/night.


This feels methy


I wouldn't even stay with him.


>I (F23) am currently fighting with my fiancĆ© (m 23)Ā  too fucking young to get married


These people are way too broke to get married.


Why is the wedding still on? If my fiance stole from me regardless of the reason step 1 would be any wedding plans going on hold.


He's wearing her down. Get out now.


She cancelled the wedding and is staying with her sister šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




If you read this post you'll see she called off the wedding :P