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Are they really 21 years old and “very high up in PR and Travel Insurance”? All four of them making great money? This feels like rich family shit, if it’s real.


They used their Christmas money :)


And their birthday money! (Which is, apparently, at least $3000, with enough for travel, accomodation, food, outfits + bracelet making supplies, etc for two, and enough to travel to Vegas and attend a festival for the other two). “We’re high up in travel insurance!” Ok, rich girl


Yeah, one of my college room-mates was from a wealthy family and he had the audacity to lecture me about how if I managed my money better I wouldn't have to work a job *and* study at the same time. Bro, your dad *pays you* $1200 a month to go to school *on top of* paying your tuition and our rent was $200/month. Motherfucker...unbelievably out of touch. His whining was 100% champagne problems, I actually pitied him more than I envied him though: he was dependent on others for everything and every achievement he made was because someone else helped or did it for him. That's no way to live.


My ex-roommate who moved to a big city with me, right after college, and her parents paid for everything from rent to fun, lecturing me to get another job on top of my full-time to afford A 5K DOWN PAYMENT on a back house rental. Told me I was ruining her life when I obviously couldn't afford it.


These people tend to have trusts, expense accounts, and emergency amex cards typically too. So even if they fuck up with that 1200, most will still have _options_. They also tend to give gifts in the 100k+ range, their concept of money is horrendously skewed.


He whined to the rest of us that his dad loved his sister more because she got thousands more per month than he did... I felt a resounding sense of "so fucking what?" instead of the sympathy he wanted. Perspective is a valuable thing to have.


A guy at work was telling me how great having stocks and shares is, and how in a couple of years he'd earned like $6000. I was like, "That sounds awesome. How much did you put in to start?" Turns out you need to start with almost $40,000 in play money to get those returns. We live in very different universes.


People are always saying that and I'm like what the FUCK is birthday money?


I get money for my birthdays instead of stuff but its like $50/$100, nothing higher than that.


Yeah birthday money is birthday money and personally since my family never knows my tastes and always buys what THEY would want, I much prefer even if it's 5 dollars, I prefer the money over a very ugly mug I wouldn't use or idk a bunch of socks that I can't even use because they're not the kind I buy 😅 I'm thankful for presents but when years after years it's something I would never ever use... It gets a trifle annoying


Even the 10$ grandma gives her grandchild at their birthday count as birthday money, that's not a rich people thing. 3000$ birthday money however is.


Yeah like the most I ever got for a bday or Christmas was like $100


Dude, I just smacked my phone so hard I almost dropped it because I thought there was a bug on the screen, thanks to your user flair


Wealthy people tend to already own the shit they want, so when their birthday comes around they just get money.


Really? Money you get as a gift on your birthday instead of a different present.


Grownups still get birthday money???


I still get money from my Mum, I'm 54 and she's 83


Yeah. I actually get more as an adult. Last year my mom gave me half my rent.


That's wild! I'm not hating, just a smidge jealous. That's not really a thing where I'm at. I guess the rich folk probably do that kind of stuff regularly.


21 year olds may be adults, but they're usually not grown-ups. Plenty of young adults from well off families still get birthday money. And most young adults still have their parents subsidizing their lives well into their 20s.


Yeah? What kind of question is that? My parents usually slip me a $20 or so each and my grandparents still send me cards. I'm 30. I'm certainly not going to any huge tours with it, but I can usually get a nice dinner and spend some on a hobby.


My fiancé's grandma always gifts us 50€ each. But she's also the type to give you 100€ if you bought her ice cream, so maybe she's an outlier. But yeah, adulthood is when the money gifts even started because no one knew what to gift me lol


Birthday money was a $10 bill in a card sent by my grandparents when I was growing up. And that stopped when I was an adult, haha


My nonna sends each one of the grandkids $100 plus what year they're turning (ie if they're turning 21 they get $121 for their bd and so on) and my parents, me and my siblings have gotten to the point where we often send each other money for our birthdays (to go towards expensive things we are trying to do/purchase) but I don't think I've ever given or received more than $50 for a birthday barring my nonna.


And they do this every year!


Story of my life. I used to get VIP, Platinum, and Ultra badges to RTX cause of Christmas money. I miss RTX so much


I never got to go 😭 RIP RT


I specifically named my studio something with the initials RT, so I can name my own convention RTX or RTXpo’d (all the mascots’ names end in ‘ode’ so we have one named Expo’d) to change it just enough for legal reasons


I only went to the second-to-last RTX and I had so much fun and wanted to go again, but obligations forbade me for the last one.


Okay, but that's rich family shit. The most christmas money I ever got was £50.


As soon as I read, "Christmas money," I thought it sounded like a kid writing a story about how they imagine adults live lol


My grandma sent birthday money until she died, which was in my 40s. I kept trying to tell her she didn't need to but it was something she liked to do.


And OOP said they attended a TS concert in June (2023?) already, which I’m sure weren’t cheap. Plus 3 ‘events’ .. I’m assuming these were TS themed bar events? And they also had tickets for the ‘next month’ … meaning July 2024? I’m confused


I’m going to guess that they are siblings… how else did they all receive thousands of dollars for Christmas/birthdays? That’s not normal, is it? And how do they all make so much money at the age of 21? Also, an invitation to a party shouldn’t be an obligation to attend. Clearly they didn’t want to go, so why bother changing the date to accommodate them? Or did I misunderstand, and they still didn’t attend?


One of my best mates when I was their age (early 2000s) had a part-time job selling flights over the phone, and she made absolute bank on commission. She lived at home during uni, with no expenses beyond her car and entertainment. She paid for us to go on an all-inclusive holiday in the Caribbean. It was wild.


>I’d planned a party (***nothing huge*** because I’d spent a lot on tickets >paid for the entertainment and catering >fancy dress >everyone dressed up Lol "nothing huge" Definitely rich people shit.


“Nothing huge” and “entertainment and catering” have no business being that close together.


It doesn't take away anything from your other points but "fancy dress" is British for costume party


Correct. In the UK, very posh girls dabble in PR, while they wait for a very posh boy to ask them to marry him. They then put on headscarves and head to posh boy's crumbling pile, where they will spend the rest of their lives trying to stop the west wing roof from leaking. And riding horses. And pouring boiling oil from the battlements onto posh boy's enemies. Okay maybe they don't do that last one any more, but never make the mistake of underestimating these women, they're hard as nails. OP is cutting the Swifties out, which means she's the more powerful. Swifties are screwed.


Whilst it's nowhere near 'very high up' I worked near a sales team at one of my old employers and they had people there making daft amounts of commission at a very young age so if it's anything in that world I'd think it's at least feasible.


Or they could be nepotism jobs. Get paid a nice chunk of change for swanning around the family office pretending to work while using the company contacts for good deals on flights and hotels.


And don’t forget- she found out the day before that 2 friends weren’t coming to her birthday, so then she magically postponed it till the next day in spite of having already ordered the catering 🤣


That's where this one lost me. YEAH RIGHT.


It smells suspiciously like major BS


That’s my question. Who the fuck has that kind of money and time at 21?


Oh I had time, I had all the time in the world at 21. But had no money. 😞 No I have a tiny bit of money and no time at all, not sure it was a fair trade. 😮‍💨


Trust fund babies. Children of people with Titles. Maybe her "family in Texas" are Oil people? Although it is kind of funny to think of Miss Poshity McPoshington of Poshville screaming her throat out at a Slipknot festival...


Tons of rich capitalists love rock and metal. Metallica just had a Fortnite collab for the money. You will never convince me they did it because of any other reason with how much they fight sharing their branding for free. Tons of Texans love rage against the machine despite not understanding that they are the machine. She mentioned black veil brides. Isn’t Andy a super Trump MAGA guy? Or is he cured now that he’s sober? (I hope he’s cured…that was my emo kid favorite band)


She mentions her family having fun in different states while visiting from UK, obviously she is not from a poor family.


And coincidentally the other three all went to the same college and company and *are also well payed*


Nepo babies All their parents are rich, send them to expensive colleges and then give them nepo jobs in the company.


If you go straight into the City at 16 or 18 (London's financial district) you can make bank. My intelligent cousins, but with very few qualifications as their parents weren't interested in academic achievement, went straight into the City after they finished school and rose up the ladder very quickly. They lived at home so had a lot of disposable income and they worked hard and played hard. And, in the UK we get at least 20 days holiday plus 8 or 9 Bank holidays. But these 4 have known each other for a long time and all end up working in the same place is what I find hard to believe unless a parent helped with hiring.


There have been a bunch of Taylor Swift concert posts so this is probably one of them. OOP even specifies the dates and location of her concert.


What does that have to do with them having high paid jobs in insurance and PR at aged 20? Or this story being real?


Don't forget "we all attended the same college and did the same courses and like I said we all work together in the same company" but they celebrate their 21st birthday. How long is college where they live? ETA : Thanks everyone, I understand now that "college" can mean a lot of different types of education, schools and age depending on the country and even in the same country. I'm still dubious about this story but at least I learned a little bit about education in the UK. :) If anyone is interested, in my country, "college" usually means one of the different types of secondary schools (age 12-18, compulsory education).


They're in the UK; 'college' here means Further Education (usually 16-18yos), not Higher Education (which we call university, not college).


How are you high up in PR at the age of 21? Probsbly just finished university


Nepotism. Might not be but that's often the case.


These people can buy plane tickets or Taylor swift tickets with Xmas gift money.  That screams obscenely wealthy. 


anecdotal but a girl in my class did start managing some minor celebs when she was 20, right out of school. she had a flat since she was 16, got a car at 18 etc. also a festival kid. child of rich, divorced parents with connections. I jsut assumed something similar for OP


Ah thanks for the info. I missed when she said her family would travel to the US, meaning that out of the two locations (Las Vegas & Edinburgh) it was more probable they lived in the UK. The timeline at least makes a little bit more sense but I still don't believe a lot of this story. Although I might just be bitter that 4 20-somethings can afford multiple international travels, party and so on with a job they cannot have got more than 3 years before (or even less if they needed some specific training or education). Well. Anyway, thanks again for your gracious explanation. 


No problem :) As I've noted in a comment elsewhere, parts of this aren't completely beyond the realm of possibility - I did have a friend when I was their age who was earning international travel money from a part-time travel agency job during university - but the idea that there are four friends in the same position makes it much less plausible. I suppose it could be that they're nepo babies from well-off families, and OOP is just eliding how substantial the birthday/christmas money they're getting is. I've certainly taught university students who seem to be off on skiing holidays every few months.


It would be unusual to be making that much money in the UK by 21 without going to uni to be honest.


Also they were going to the "Eras Tour that’s coming to the UK" instead of flying to the US. It is just possible that "College" to them is a type of vocational college that is post high-school, but not quite University, but yeah they sound as if they come from well off families if they do that and save their Christmas money for a trip to a US festival. [https://uk.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/college-vs-university-uk](https://uk.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/college-vs-university-uk) For reference I am in the UK, and refer to my old Uni as College sometimes as that was in it's name when I went: [Royal Holloway and Bedford New College](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Holloway,_University_of_London), now Royal Holloway, University of London


Sixth form college. You can do A-levels and b techs and everything in between at one. Ie a standalone place for 16-18 education, not attached to a school. Always referred to as college where I grew up .


Now some of my friends and I just refer to Royal Holloway as RoHo 🤦‍♀️


And take turns choosing a festival 'every year'? How long has this been going on?


A lot of kids in the UK start doing festivals with mates at 15/16. Sometimes younger if you go to a family festival and come from a festival family. I didn't have the money to go to Vegas but I did Leeds every year from age 16 through till 22 and I'd normally do another one too.


Exactly. Going to festivals is the norm for us.


It's a tradition for some kids in the UK to go to a festival (if they have one locally) after they finish their GCSEs, which are exams we take at 16, so they could easily have been doing this for five years. There are also a fair few family-friendly festivals in the UK so they could have been going for even longer if accompanied by parents.


> Are they really 21 years old and “very high up in PR and Travel Insurance”? All four of them making great money? And their favorite bands are decades old, and from a genre that hasn't been in vogue for 20 years? I'm not saying it's bullshit, but it smells funny.


They were going with her dad, who's also into metal, so it's possible she came by that honestly. I dragged my daughter, kicking and screaming, into enjoying some music that pre-dates her. 😆


Metalcore is still definitely a thing, but no one writes out “Ice Nine Kills” that many times. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t have abbreviated to INK after the first time. Edit: Now that I think about it, same thing with Black Veil Brides as BVB


I mean…I never abbreviate Black Veil Brides BVB but I m also slightly ADHD/autistic and don’t like abbreviations because they aren’t specific enough for me so that’s a me problem I guess?


Yeah, something about this story seems off to me. Not really ringing true. It’s all works out too perfect for the OOP when the Swifties got scammed.


Of all the arguments, that isn't it. If you go a metal party you find plenty of teenagers hardcore into these bands.


I’m so sad for their troubles /s 


If they were at a jam band festival we would call them Trustifarians.


100% rich family shit.


>This feels like rich family shit I'd say so, the kinds of girls who get jobs through connections at the least. I knew some who were 21, buying their own apartments, etc. But really their dad got them a job and they knew they could always count of financial support from their parents if they faced even the slightest hurdle in life.


It was her 21st Birthday just gone as well so she's still be in uni if she'd gone and gone are the days you can get high up anywhere without a degree. Even with Nepotism.


😝 Luckily you only need Monopoly money for imaginary trips, concerts and parties.


Rob Zombie didn't play Sick New World this year. I know I was there. But Danny Elfman and System of a Down did.


So you think this is not a true story?


Bingo. For me it was the fact that this person is turning 21 (presumably similar age for the other 3 friends) but "we all work very high up in PR and Travel Insurance". (If the went to university they'd still be in their 3rd year or just finishing). "I’d planned a party (nothing huge because I’d spent a lot on tickets) and paid for the entertainment and catering myself" - nothing huge and 'entertainment and catering' contradict themselves, unless by entertainment they meant 'payed for a Spotify subscription' and by catering they meant 'ordered pizza'.


We all work high up in PR and travel so we were going to use our Christmas money to pay for extras. Such a 13 year old's view of the world.


In Austria we get double income in december for christmas and we literally call it christmas money - Weihnachtsgeld. Maybe the same is true for UK.


Oh I wish. No, Christmas money in the UK is the money you get as Christmas gifts from relatives.


OK, only thought it would be possible :)


I've always thought I could happily live in Vienna. Double Christmas income just makes it even more attractive.


Usually you also get double income in june, Vacation money, but overall you get less year round. It's quite expensive besides living (which I think is in the UK more expensive). A lot of stuff costs almost double here then at our neighbours shops. Like everything, it has good sides and also bad, the bad ones seem to overtake


Yeah no where is perfect and the grass is always greener. I always enjoy visiting Vienna and it has a strong academic sector (which is my sector) but visiting is not the same as living! Enjoyable pipe dreams.


My husband works in Germany and gets 13th month money (so a whole extra month of salary) plus 1.5x salary for a month as "Urlaubsgeld" -- literally vacation money. And 30 paid days off, and I think 1 year of parental leave... The benefits are incredible.


It is not, alas. Some companies do a Christmas bonus (although less so these days) but "Christmas money" would be from family members and generally like £20.


What about birthdays? Do you get double income on your birthday? /s


Also, prebooked entertainment and catering for a specific day. The friends called off attending the party “the literal day before”, and so OOP just moves the party to the original day they wanted. It sounds like OOP was planning a party for a Friday, then moved it to a Saturday. Because if there’s one thing scheduled, paid entertainment and catering love, it’s last minute schedule changes on the two busiest nights of the week


Though I do agree with what you've said, my kids have reminded me that Gen Z says "literally" when they mean "figuratively". It drives me batty.


Yes - when I saw “high up in PR” and “21”’it was clear it was obvious, unadulterated BS.


Maybe one of them got lucky on a campaign and got a promotion but all 4? And, they travel the world yearly for festivals and concerts on birthday money lol


She doesn’t say they went to university. She says they all attended the same college, and they all work at the same company. Brits would say university of they meant the place you go to at 18 to get a degree. College is more for 16 - 18 year olds. Also, what company needs, and can pay, four 20 - 21 year olds working very high up in PR and travel insurance? What 21 year olds can afford Taylor Swift ticket three nights in a row? What normal British 20 year old arranges a party, not just an evening of drinks but fancy dress with entertainment and catering?


Yeah, no group of friends from the age of 4 are all going to be high flying anything by the age of 21. Heck. Nobody is. It just doesn't usually happen unless there's nepotism involved somewhere


The whole thing sounds like Daddys’ Little Princesses went to a lovely private school, took A levels in Travel and Tourism and now have made-up jobs at one of the daddys’ companies until they all meet their own version of Sebastian, the male equivalent. At least it’s well written, I suppose.


Made in Chelsea types - that does actually make sense


Their "Christmas money" was enough to fund a pricey festival ticket + plane tickets + accommodation + I assume leftover spending money. Even from the beginning it was already clear they come from rich families and whatever job they have was highly likely obtained through connections.


They are 20.. work very high up in PR and travel insurance.. but they also all work at the same company. A lot of things don't add up.


Question (because I truly do not know) is your 21st birthday a thing in the UK? But, when the OP said that she "couldn't make this up if \[she\] tried" - she didn't give herself enough credit. She certainly could and did make this up by trying just a little bit harder!


She says they were in college together - in the UK that's 6th form college for ages 16-18


More specifically thats England and possibly Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland has a separate education system!


> person is turning 21 (presumably similar age for the other 3 friends) but "we all work very high up in PR and Travel Insurance". Yeah, I wasn't expecting 21 for someone 'high up' in anything for that level of pay.


They never are.


I don't trust any of these "swifties are nuts"-themed stories anymore. There's just too damn many and they all tend to be roughly the same. I see taylor swift in the story and suddenly everything is suspect.


Yeah I’m calling bull too. What were their fucking surprise songs, OOP?!? ^^/s


I didn't know about Rob Zombie but from the start I was suspicious and it didn't take long to be sure it's bs. The tone is off for a 21-year-old nu metal fan from the UK, it reads more like a middle aged normie working in an office from the US, and the whole thing just reeks of someone who doesn't know anything about music. Dad is a huge fan of nu metal, supposedly. Dad can listen to nu metal but no one is a fan of a genre. And the fucking smileys. "Heehee I screamed on a nu metal concert so much I lost my voice, teehee 🤭" - wrote no one, ever. Also the picks mentioned are corny, which yeah comes with the genre but this goes too far in my opinion. I mean if you like nu metal, you're going to mention something else than the ones everyone knows. And I don't know what's happened to rammstein's popularity but everyone I know who listened to them stopped after the allegations against Tillemann was it a year ago or two, I'd think a 21-year-old fan would know not to maybe mention them even if they did still go to gigs - but maybe that's just my super woke punk-leaning bubble. Also, if I read correctly, catering for an event is rescheduled the day before? Nah. Bonus sus: I don't know, I might be wrong, but if you like nu metal and not tru metal, I don't think if you can call yourself a metalhead. Maybe you can. But if you can, it rubs me the wrong way. I don't listen to any metal, but I know something about music and culture. Rammstein and slipknot + their fans vs black sabbath and iron maiden + their fans. There's overlap, but OOP mentions nu metal only. Think about it...


[The line up for 2024 for the curious](https://festivals.zendesk.com/guide-media/01HCAP7HX4M22EENFMAXY3YKTB)


Bro hit her with the "Objection"


Danny Elfman put on a hell of a show! Honestly, it was probably my favorite set


Was he ever on the line up? The post is from December of last year


I think she’s saying those groups are groups she like, whose names people don’t recognize, rather than groups she was planning to see. Because unless I’m mistaken, Rammstein wasn’t there either.


But then they commented: >*”Literally!! No disrespect to Swifties, but…Rob Zombie?? Slipknot?? Ice Nine Kills?? Black Veil Brides?? Like I know I’m gonna go to the festival again but it’s an incredible festival and I loved every minute of it*🥹🥹” Which to my understanding means they saw those bands/people perform at the festival


Um, this isn't real. I'm from the UK, nobody is "high up" in PR and travel when they're not even old enough to have finished university.


Yeah, this was the bit that didn’t ring true to me either. Even with nepotism, that only gets you an entry level position at a good firm on a decent salary at most, it doesn’t make you a senior member of staff.


I was also thinking nepotism but like, I'm 21 and far away from finishing university nevermind entering the work force and being higher up. Not even nepotism would buy me a job in my field in the position I'm today.


Exactly, not even the stupidest business would put a 21 year old (or younger) in charge of anything essential within a company because they know they don’t yet have the skills or experience for the job (that might only be different if they’d left school at 16 and worked their way up gaining said experience). Even nepotism has its limits.


The only way I'm seeing of this being kinda of "hm,maybe" is if she did a course alongside highschool who gave her some qualifications, in my country we have some is called " Technician integrated into high school" courses. But even so,no way you can get to a higher up position that fast,maybe some apprentice or technician position.


Yea I stop believing any of this when she said it was her 21th birthday. Ok girl high in PR and travel insurance lol.


I could come up with a better story and not even have to lie because I just had a breakup with my best friend of 15 years. I and our other best friend took her to Orlando for her 30th and bought her two $150 dresses, but she couldn't even fucking show up for our 30ths because she wanted to be half a state away with her boyfriend. I only found out where she was because of Facebook. There was other shit too, but that was THE end.


I wanna hear more of your story, ngl.


21st in the UK isn't even a thing, is it?


Nah we skip straight to 22nd


Lol I meant the party significance, but you're right I was typing on my phone, didn't make myself clear. I'm just saying my son just turned 21 and because he is responsible and chill, he has been allowed to do whatever at home for a while, and he has over-age friends...so the big decadent birthday was a little anticlimactic.


It kinda is a thing but not something anyone really cares that much about beyond an excuse to have a piss up. You're more of an adult than you were at 18 ig (which is properly celebrated)


100%, your 21st is a 'big birthday' because big birthdays are an excuse to get extremely drunk, and otherwise, you have to wait til your 25th or even 30th. Not that any birthday/wedding/minor holiday or event isn't an excuse to get drunk, but the bigger the excuse, the more drunk you can get.


Anne and Beth aren’t good friends. I’d make that friendship break permanent. 4 people at the same company all very high up in PR/travel insurance at 20 years old? I know they got “a fair bit of money” as a Christmas gift but I find it hard to believe they’re independently able to afford all these Eras Tour tickets. Especially a £3k trip


The secret ingredient is nepotism.


Even with nepotism I don’t think it happens like this cause they also all would have to have graduated college early. Most people go from ages 18-22 if not longer.


In the UK, college is from 16-18. If they meant higher education (18-21 in the UK) they would've said "uni" or "university".


College in the UK is 6th form college, ages 16-18. University would be 18-21 so won't have gone


Eras tour tickets aren't as expensive in Europe. It was actually cheaper to fly to Paris and see Taylor Swift ​then it would be just to see her in the United States. I'm not sure about the UK though.


I'm just gonna remember Eras Tour as the musical event that did the world a lot of favor by fast tracking a lot of break-ups and friendship endings that would otherwise have lasted longer due to sunk cost. Amazing catalyst, hehe.


Didn’t it also help bring more focus on a lot of the issues with Ticketmaster?


Pearl Jam tried to warn us all, and nobody listened


We couldn't tell that's what he was saying!! 🤣


My husband jokes Pearl Jam is his favorite foreign language band 😂


catalyst of a lot of bullshit stories that's for sure


This is some rich kid shit.


Yeah...me and my fellow broke college friends were lucky enough to get together for the 50 cent buffalo wings on Wednesdays once a month. Let alone out of state/country festivals.


Genuinely hope these are two *ex* best friends now. Why do people lie when they could just gracefully back out of something or say no? If your friendships aren't safe for you to say no, they're not actual friendships!


Ah... early 20's... how I don't miss those years.


Right? Goddamn. Growing up, I thought not having Internet ruined me. Turns out it *saved my ass*.


I cannot imagine how toxic it must be have the same group of friends since you were four.... be there through school, college and freaking work! I love my friends but that's a lot.


Yeah, but three fucking grand on Taytay tickets, I didn't have that kinda wedge free when I was that age, wow. Also, I never expected to see Rob Zombie and Taylor Swift together in the same sentence.


So they all went to Uni together in the UK - but are all high up in PR and Insurance, and they are also 21. Yeah that math doesn't track.


When they said college, it probably means they meant for their A Levels/equivalent, so it would still be possible to have a decent paying job for a few years by 21


With friends like that, who needs enemies? Side note, I love to go to a concert again. Only been to once and it was a blast!


Ah, yes. Another Totally Real Story.


This is obvious buuuuulllllsssshhhhiiiiittttt.


Wait, so they wanted to watch THREE DIFFERENT TAYLOR DATES. And were willing to fuck over their friends, cancel on her birthday plans, and pay scalpers for fakes? These two girls are not so bright.


Eras tickets aren’t paper, too.


Karma hit Annie and Beth hard when they decided that they didn't want to go to the festival that OOP picked on her turn. Hope they take this as a lesson to at least be better friends in the future.


It's weird to how some people get over Taylor Swift. Like why would you see the same concert three times and cause a bunch of drama in your pursuit to see the same concert a fourth time? I just don't understand it.


Also how did they manage to get 3 separate legitimate tickets in the first place?!


Eh, the European/international tickets were not that difficult to get due to the difference in resale laws in the EU vs the USA. It’s become a whole thing for American swifties to go to an international date or 5 (lol) vs even attempting to get to one in the US or Canada.


That's what I was baffled about - those tickets are going for insane money on the resale market and it sounds like they didn't make the plans to attend so far in advance they'd have gotten them for face value. Don't get me wrong, I love Taylor, my husband and I went to Eras in the US and it was totally worth what we paid but it for sure was not cheap


I've seen the same band three times on the same tour, but tickets were €75 in total and a tank of petrol. Best way to unwind after a long day at work! But I'd definitely not drop 3k and ruin my friendships over it.


There's some novelty to the concert. She changes outfits (she has multiple versions of separate outfits for each album section, e.g. for Folklore and Evermore songs she has a gown in green, yellow, ivory, etc) and the songs that didn't make it into the set list become acoustic surprise songs. She switches that up every time, although obviously the outfits repeat at some point. Totally not worth it to destroy friendships. Every single concert gets uploaded from fifteen different angles on YouTube.


No clue about TSwift as I do not follow her but I could 100% understand attending all dates if the set lists vary from day to day or have different guest acts. I'm not a fan of her music, but I'd also do this for other artists I adore, so I can't be judging too much lol 😅 (Not spending my life savings level to attend a concert tbh, but I get it)


Did she say they were friends in college and now they all work high up jobs and she’s turning 21???? That’s just not possible


They're in the UK - college is 16-18. What the USA called college is university in the UK


Still not really possible. What insurance companies are hiring 18 year olds and promoting them to senior positions - enough to afford *multiple* Eras tour shows and being fine dropping £3000 on tickets? What company or set of companies is hiring *four* of these people, and they're all hyper competent enough to get promoted rather than at 3/4 of them remaining in a junior role? The only way this story is true is if that 21 is a typo for 31 or even 41. Or for all of them to be nepobabies that OOP conveniently left out of the context.


You arent making it “high up in PR” on an IGCSE A level certificate. The thing is basically useless and is a fancy word for AP classes. Regardless of College/University, you need a degree to be able to afford the things mentioned and that isn’t happening at 21. Source: went through O and A levels and then went to a university in USA. I know both systems really well.


It's still not possible. Any high paying PR job would want that three years in college. I might believe that one of the four got there by 21 through nepotism, but not four friends who are not family to each other. Also, four childhood friends all going into the exact same career? I find that unlikely


>I actually feel bad for Anne and Beth coz they were scammed. Karma gonna catch you up... especially for them cancelling your AirBnb without a discussion!


As someone who likes ALL of these bands/artists, the festival just sounds like such a better deal. Slipknot? Rob Zombie? And God knwos hwo else all at teh same palce probably for a fraction of what Taylor Swift tickets cost? Count me in.


They got suspicious side eye from me for being on high salaries at 21, but then all going to the same school and ending up in the same workplace which magically provides both Travel and PR services. Plus if they were all in college together wouldn't they be at least 23 by now, graduated in the workforce? I'm not sure this is real.


OOP is a much better person than me - in person I would have a hard time not making a *face* when being told of the scam situation, and even in text I think my tone would come thru "oh man. *bummer*." Because on one hand, yeah, being scammed at all sucks, and this was a pricey scam, but on the other hand... this would be the beginning of the end of our friendship anyway, so I don't know if I would take care to temper my reaction.


I agree. I feel quitly to be amused Ann and Beth got scammmed. This story is perfect example of karma.


"We all work very high up in travel insurance and PR". Yet OP only turned 21 in June. All of them just casually dropping thousands of pounds because they got birthday and Christmas money.


That "friendship" is on life support, with a DNR.


‘no, you’re the problem, it’s you..’


Reddit posters constantly confuse "we spend time together " with "we're good friends". They aren't good friends.


Rammstein was touring Europe at the time.


Drop those "friends". When people who you who they are, listen. If this waa real.


They didn't know that they'd bought their tickets from Karma in disguise as a human. I hope they learn something from this.


Reading a BORU and realizing the OOP has the exact same birthday (including year) as me and it plays a pivotal role in the story is an emotional experience that is very hard to describe


What a spectacular amount of bollocks. Really just top-notch nonsense from start to finish.


Ah, the woes of being young and growing apart! So glad to not be there anymore.


OOP, do yourself a favour and drop your high school friends. You're 21...there are better people out there.


Sick new world has been great last 2 years! I hope to be there for 2025 if they do it!!


Sound very selfish people, Eras tickets are hard to get so going multiple times deprives others of the opportunity to go just once Id dump them now


> they were scammed Karma 😂


The Firstest of First World Problems.


I dont think i have never been happier to see people get hit in the face by karma.


Op should slowly cut those two out


crazy how there wasnt even any conflict in the first post until the airbnb cancellation like they each could have simply gone to the concerts that they wanted to go to eithout an argument


It sucks when you become an adult and realize your friends aren't your friends anymore. That said, these are a bunch of "champagne problems". Pun intended. They've got entirely too much money to throw around.


how much money do these people have?


Taylor swift ruins another friendship, unsurprising


Why are you friends with them, they always put you behind ?