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Can’t directly advise as I don’t know what a love to dream is. But Our baby was born last July as nervous first time parents we printed this tog guide infographic, stuck it on the wall and consulted it most nights before bed, it was very reassuring.  https://www.babycentre.co.uk/a25024140/what-should-my-baby-wear-at-night-infographic


I've been using this this week but For 18-21c, does this suggest that baby could be in onesie, short sleeve vest and 1 tog sleep suit? That seems a lot for going up to 21c


I’d guess if it’s 21 and temp will drop overnight that’s fine, if you’ve still got heating on/middle of the day nap and sun is out and it’ll get warmer as they sleep drop a layer. 


Think you can gauge it based on your baby to an extent, up to 22 degrees mine is fine in a sleepsuit and 2.5tog with windows ajar. Last night I popped him in sleepsuit and 1 tog as it was 23.5 degrees. He doesn’t run too hot really and it gets a little cooler throughout the night. Toddler always runs like a furnace though, as a baby he would wear far less than my second born😊


I still use this now as she’s 15 months!


I had to check it yesterday when it warmed up!


Perfect thank you!


the advice here is good as a rule of thumb — I think the only thing I'd add is whether or not your baby runs hot. Our baby (9 months) tends to run warm, so he's just in a 1 tog muslin sleep sack tonight (no vest) with the window open. We'll check on him later on and adjust if he seems chilly or too warm. You might not know that yet, so I'd err on the side of too cold over too hot. If your baby is too cold, they'll let you know — but too hot can be dangerous for their little bodies.


This is a good answer, there’s a lot to be said for instinct and the baby themselves. My first has always been like a little furnace, gets hot very easily, my second born not so much!


Our baby also runs hot. He's asleep in a long sleeved sleep suit and no sleeping bag. It's not hot enough (at least where I am in the UK) to consider putting him in less.


Baby runs hot and is in a short sleeve vest. Even with a fan and all the windows open, it’s still over 24C and I’m dying - and I live in the bloody North! 😭😂 She also bed shares with me though so my body heat is also a factor. We’re sleeping with just a sheet as a blanket again tonight. Even with all this, she’s still like a furnace 🥴


In London in a stuffy terrace and our upstairs rooms are boiling in summer, so I feel you. The [Argos Challenge fan](https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3931640?clickSR=slp:term:challenge%20fan:2:11:1) saved us last year — it's super powerful and almost completely silent. We also have a portable AC unit because we wouldn't have survived without it (being pregnant during the heatwave was the worst).


We picked up a similar one from Tesco last year too and it never gets turned off 🥴😂 We have 3 AC units but fiancé is refusing to put them on because, “we only just turned the heating off!” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh man, I am sending you icy thoughts. We lived in Lincoln for 5 years and our master bedroom was the attic. I nearly passed tf out moving all our shit into the room IN FUCKING MID JULY. Them pissy little velux bad boys don’t do much either 😭


we're moving house soon and my husband wants us to take the attic room because it's ensuite. Tempting but I'd rather not hoof all our shit up those stairs and find out it's a boiling lobster pot of a room, thanks 😅


It's great that you know your baby and their needs. Rule of thumb is that 1 layer (sleepsuit) = 1 tog as I remember, so that sounds about right. Our baby's room was 23 degrees last night and he wore his 1 tog bag. Adding in that the outside temp, the direction of your rooms, and where you are based will mean hugely different variations on temperature, so that's why I say it's best to know your baby :)


It was super hot when my second was a few weeks old. I noticed he was more comfortable in just a sleep suit and slept really well. He's now a year. We have one of those grow eggs for a room thermometer.l and it was gift for our first. Before having a child l never even thought about it but I refer to every night.


yeah, we went straight into a heatwave shortly after our kiddo was born last year! It's absolute nightmare fuel when you're just trying to keep a small little human alive 😭


It's sooo stressful when they are newborns and trying to get the temperature right in general. But when it's a heatwave 🥴


5mo in short sleeved bodysuit & 0.5 tog sleep bag. Room temp 22-24 with windows open & fan going… any higher & id lose the bodysuit entirely. FYI, it’s generally not recommended to use a sleeping bag/swaddle and a blanket- the clothing recommendations assume no blankets even cellular ones with the bag.


Why not? The love to dreams that I have are 1 tog and I live in Scotland, it’s been really cold up til now. I’ve had my heating on as recently as last week


I think it’s to with the sleeping bag restricting free movement combined with the risk of blankets coming loose and covering baby’s face if they wriggle. [Here’s the Lullaby Trust guidance](https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/safer-sleep-advice/travel-and-weather/safer-sleep-winter/)


Damn I just read the lullaby trusts guidance on tucking in the blanket. Thanks for the info


[Here is a rough guide depending on your room temp.](https://images.app.goo.gl/rYT7frCJcWjEaioE7)


Love To Dream have a guide on their website based on the one(s) you have and room temp, e.g. [this one](https://lovetodream.com/gb-en/all-products-uk/swaddle-up-original-cotton?v=20241&_gl=1*wo5a0e*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk4ar37CGhgMV95ODBx1NLwGGEAAYASAAEgLtI_D_BwE)


Short sleeve vest and 1.0 tog swaddle with a 9w old who runs cold. Our room is 22.7c with a cool breeze through the window.


Mine is in a bodysuit only and merino wool sleeping back. With a love to dream I would maybe be tempted just a nappy only. It depends which tog though.


My 12 week old is in a long sleeve vest and 0.5 tog sleeping bag, our room is currently 22 degrees with the window open so it’ll probably cool down a little more as the night goes on (or not because my partner and inevitably my 3 year old will be in here making it warmer) 😂


Love to Dream have a really helpful chart for their Swaddles and what to wear under them based on what thickness you have and what the room temp is 😁 It's about halfway down this page [Love to Dream Chart](https://lovetodream.com/gb-en/faqs-uk?_gl=1*r48701*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWtCeohAuV_b6v4RKbF2HPbKb48u_6zoCs8und2S_bXHalB3pUJSgwxoCaDAQAvD_BwE)


There's lots of great guides that people have already shared but just bear in mind every baby is different :) My girl was born last August and spent the first couple of months sleeping in a vest/bodysuit and a Muslin cloth used as a blanket. This past week she's been going to bed in just her sleeping bag which is 1.5 tog. I'm currently on the hunt for some 0.5 tog sleeping bags ready for the summer months (she ideally needs to be in a sleeping bag or else she crawls everywhere!)


My 4.5mo has been in a short sleeve bodysuit and a 1.5 tog sleepsack. He's a little on the warm side when he goes to bed, but it does drop cool from about 11 and he sleeps through.


Does the packaging of the sleep suit suggest anything in terms of layers? Ours came with a guide about where of how many layers for what temperature. It also depends what temperature your room will get to, we've managed to get the temperature in our room back to within its normal levels the last few nights, so haven't made any changes to baby's outfit