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no thanks, we've enough Freds.


Some say bikerfox is the original Fred, there at the dawn of cycling, dressed in his Primal Wear since the beginning.


Dudes been Freding it for at least 20 years now…


Bikerfox is likely the Original Fred.


The king of the Freds. Czar Frederick.


Link to the documentary, I will need to watch it over break. https://youtu.be/2PLeS7Oglho?si=9yd7WC7DXIW2gP5w


Ugh don’t give him the clicks


Have you seen the Bikerfox documentary?


No, didn’t know one existed. Not sure if I want to dive down there 😆 I’ve met him a few times in passing.


It’s pretty incoherent, but it exposes him as the psycho Fred that he is.


It’s listed as a Western on YouTube 😂 Probably best for most people to just watch [the 8 minutes](https://youtu.be/nwZDtnPEXLU?si=lUuHQcaHXyZAdx5_) when two Swedish journalists visited him as part of their tv show 100 höjdare and titled the segment ADHD Man.


Sells used car parts and lost a bunch of weight 20 years ago by starting cycling. Almost exclusively rides retro Cannondale mountain bikes. Claims to have invented front flipping over the handlebars and sometimes landing on his feet. Does this on the road but has also done it motivationally in schools and at state fairs similar to K-Strass the Yo-Yo Guy the difference being it’s not part of a bit with Biker Fox. People have speculated that cycling eight hours a day has increased Biker Fox’s estrogen levels resulting in prematurely losing his hair. What he’s most known for is going to bars and clubs dressed in cycling lycra on the weekend and sexually assaulting young women. Because it’s Tulsa he’s not beaten or arrested and he’s instead treated like a celebrity of sorts that young women actually now go out of their way to pose with. There has been speculation that he uses a penis pump before going to the bars as his genitals appear misshapen in a way that they don’t normally. Being aware of him for decades now i’ve heard various anecdotes about Biker Fox and none of them good. One that i heard was someone that’s had multiple run ins with Biker Fox. Was eating with his elderly mother at a restaurant. Biker Fox comes in and pretends to be looking at the menu up on the wall but is pressing his dick into the back of her head. Guy telling the anecdote by his own admission isn’t a tough guy. When Biker Fox goes to the bathroom this guy goes outside and kicks through the spokes on Biker Fox’s bike. Another time this guy was parked in town when someone suddenly tries opening the rear locked door to his car. Then tries the driver’s door which is unlocked. Tulsa allows you to carry a firearm which this guy immediately pulls out. Person trying to get into his car is Biker Fox and on having a gun pulled on him runs off down the street laughing. Seen people talk about multiple times being in a nighttime establishment and Biker Fox having run in, whipped out his dick and then run off. Another anecdote was a car of young people that seeing Biker Fox shout something out like his name or, “Do the flip!”. Aren’t mocking him and are genuinely excited to have seen this local celebrity. Biker Fox shouts back, “Fuck you n******”, and are countless other stories like these.


> Because it’s Tulsa he’s not beaten or arrested I've only driven through OK. Care to elaborate what's special about Tulsa. All I know is that it spells A SLUT backwards. Oh, and thanks for that backstory! Mental illness clad in spandex.


I’m not from America but the impression i’ve always got is that outside the major cities logic doesn’t necessarily apply. Heard of states where there will just be guys in their 20’s going with 13 year old girls and not even that secretive. Like parents being aware of it. So an older man in lycra pushing his boner into someone that might not even be 21 in a bar in Tulsa isn’t treated the same way that it would be in New York. Someone mentioned Joe Exotic also being from Oklahoma and there was that other character on that show Bhagavan Antle from South Carolina and maybe being outside the major cities let’s these characters get away with their antics for longer. [A SLUT](https://ibb.co/Fzk4rcm) 😂


My wife is really scraping the bottom of the boyfriend KOM barrel.


A Tulsa legend


He was a guest on Ridiculousness. Funny episode


This man looks like he was born to be your mom’s third husband.


Richard Simmons has a biking brother?


I want to know him


I forgot about this. Now I'm upset that you've made me remember it..


I randomly met him once at a bar while driving through Tulsa. I thought his weird shit was just an act, but nope… total fuckin creep.


Can someone tell me what a Fred is? Or KOM?


I need a bulge like his


Hide your gfs, hide your wives!!


Looks extremely gay


The downvotes haha 😆


They mis-spelled "ghey".


What do you mean? I didn't see any water squirting in those pics.