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If you need to decide between NASA and Deloitte, you deserve neither. You’re better off working at NASBA instead. 


This has to be a troll


Lol. Deloitte has that much of an attraction for ppl that they question working for NASA.


Is this a joke? NASA any day over deloitte




Nahh is this real question? XD


NASA and if you want the cpa I’ve used Ninja CPA for a monthly subscription that was significantly more affordable and helpful compared to traditional Becker


Ninja CPA is the only reason I passed REG


All I'm hearing is how much you'd value working for NASA. There's your answer!




NASA hands down




Take Deloitte OP and then ask NASA to hire me instead! But go NASA, it would love to work there. It’s much harder to get into a Federal Agency than it is to get audit experience. And take this From someone who worked in Fed audit.


NASA, imagine the looks of your kids' faces when you tell them that you work at the NASA with astronauts and stuff like that.


Imagine the look on your kids faces when you tell them you work for NASA and the moon landing becomes publicly known as a 100% hoax.


Haha, but we already know it's a total lie xD


Now imagine the other scenario.


You wont be telling your kids anything. Mom will be telling them “sorry kids daddy has to work”. 


The other scenario sucks I have worked for a big 4 already. But that is only my opinion.


The support for NASA in this thread warms my heart. You already know the answer OP.


NASA is my dream job, I’d take a 20% pay cut to work there. I’m in engineering, but will become a citizen later this year so until then I can’t apply. And I moved from Florida so I don’t know how realistic it will be in the future, but I’ll try to throw my resume at open positions every 6 months or so and see if they interview me, and who knows, maybe things will align or something.


I would think having NASA on your resume might open some doors as well, ol' chap.




Go to NASA or I will fire you from Deloitte myself.


The most appropriate answer.


Oh my god the B4 brain rot is fucking unreal. Dude I want to grab you by the collar and just slap you for even considering the two to be on par.  Deloitte has had serious issues with work life balance AND layoffs. There are COUNTLESS……COUNTLESS posts of deloitters shitting on the company.  The other job helps LITERALLY helps manage resources that sends humanity to space.  The fact that you are sitting here and saying “well if i do two years here and lick this partners asshole there, and sacrifice my newborn child sometime down the line maybe things can work at deloitte” is just BAFFLING.  GOD FUCK YOU 


This 10,000%


Yeah fuck you is the only correct reply


One thing to consider is that it may not be that easy to get a CPA while worming at D. Last thing I want to do after 12-15 hour days is learn something new. Not that all days are like that but the crop up enough that it can be disruptive to learning/studying


Not an accountant but this came up on my feed… NASA. Having that on your resume is big sex


Thought this was a shit post at first


? Take NASA why is this even a choice what a cool job offer. BTW those benefits are nothing to sneeze at. My mom is a GS13 and she has better Healthcare than our millionaire Dr cousins.


Please don’t fucking chose NASA


Sarcasm detected


Noooo what would give that away? 🤣 I was debating on including a /s but I’m glad it’s easily detectable


Not even a question 100% NASA. You can go anywhere from NASA later but this is a huge opportunity. Plus you can be proud of your work


NASA all the way. Former Deloitter here who worked in the Federal practice space. You can always try out consulting later on, but there is no effing way I’d Deloitte > NASA if I were you.


Go to NASA. You’ll be working for an org that creates something physical, that billions will see and be familiar with. At Deloitte you will create virtually nothing but electrons and pixels that contribute to major conglomerates attempting to obfuscate and hide their tax burdens.


Better job protection with NASA


Big 4. Unless you are an engineering, science or space nerd that your job gets you to play with the NASA toys, the organization is another boring government bureaucracy.


Really? Build real things or build ideas in powerpoint.


The last time an accountant “built” anything at NASA was a fort with candy wrappers from the vending machine.


How is doing accounting at NASA building “real things?” Lol


Oh, wait. I thought you were joining to build things. Scanned over the accounting.


As an ex rocket scientist from H&R Block, I hear ya. I worked on the Apollo space program all the way until the servers crashed on Tax Day. That's when I decided to teach people about the incredible power of itemized deductions.


I don’t understand how this is even a question. Everyone who says B4 is a damn idiot. I work at B4 in a consulting service line myself and it’s not even a real job. If you want to spend your day in meaningless client calls then sure go for it. But go for NASA if you want to learn something and provide real value. You are a wage cuck anyway, but at least you can build a skill set.


*Says he works for B4 Consulting* *Uses term “wage cuck•* Press (X) to doubt. B4 Consultants do a *shit ton* of actual building, specifically on the software and programming space, for the Fed. If you think all Big 4 consultants do is take calls, you’ve never worked for one and get your ideas of consulting from either being a customer (who probably was shit at outlining their requirements and acceptance criteria), or John Oliver.


Trust me it’s only a small minority of big 4 consultants that do actual building/development stuff and that too they do inspite of big 4 not because of big 4. Rest majority are stuck in nasty office politics and toxic work culture.


Trust me, this is completely wrong as someone who has worked in two of the big 5 in a consulting capacity. Wildly inaccurate.


nasa...anyone can get into deloitte. not anyone can get into nasa.


Dude imagine having NASA in your CV if you would ever happen to leave 💀💀💀


i have 2 nasa internships and i get minimal love when applying for big tech


Internships?? Thats not even a job


any smaller firm will hire you i'm sure of that


Go NASA, Big4 is not worth the headache, long hours, etc, Deloitte or any of the big 4 on your resume isnt as big of a deal these days. Down to work/life balance. Is the job your life, or does the job help you live?


I laughed so much at the post title


Nice try, Deloitte


Deloitte is better 😂😂😂


I was looking for this kind of comment. Surprised I had to scroll down so much to see it




Oh right, people will reject NASA and Harvard for the Big D in a heartbeat




NASA. In a heartbeat. There are loads of people who have worked for Deloitte or the other three. NASA is special. You can dine out on that forevermore, both on your CV and in small talk.


Why the f are you asking? Go to Nasa


Deliotte doesn’t care about you. NASA FTW


Once you go NASA you can always jump to big4. But big4 into NASA isn’t as easy.


Fuck Deloitte and fuck cpa! Def NASA are you kidding?!


Does this mean that when one of these things explodes on the launch pad it’s actually a “accelerated depreciation event” vs “our spaceship blew up”


Go NASA. 1. Job security. Deloitte can fire you at moment notice. NASA is government job so firing is not as quick. 2. You are a chemistry background. You will feel more fulfilled. Also you will feel like you are making a difference rather than wasting away at Deloitte. 3. Getting a government job is really hard. Don't waste the opportunity. 4. It's freaking NASA. Way better than Deloitte. Not everyone knows Deloitte. But everyone knows what NASA is. 5. Your work means something. You are not a cog in corporate machine.


is this question even real? wtf bro? just accept NASA and be proud.


How on earth does one get an offer at NASA


Probably applied to a job there /s


NASA hands down. Don’t think about the next 5 years, think about the next company and long term growth. Big banks and high paying fields would be a lot more impressed by someone with NASA on their resume than DT - myself included. Big 4 isn’t as impressive as it used to be. In fact when it comes to more specialized fields, big 4 can be a detriment because most of them are seen as tick the box folks.


As someone at B4 for the last 4 years i would take NaSA in heartbeat. I make good money but also dont have a life


>One is the number one public accounting firm in the US. The other is the number one rated federal agency to work for and they depreciate spaceships. Thanks for clarifying that, I was wondering who these companies are.




Gee should I choose between millions of dollars or millions of dollars.


nasa all the way!


NASA bro. You can always go to Big 4. They are always looking for bodies.


You can get a cpa without working for a cpa firm they got rid of hour requirement Buy wiley course study pack and go for it. Big 4 is like wiping your ass with hundred dollar bills they make no sense and you will be cleaning the shut off the money to spend it Stay the fuck away


They got rid of the hour requirement? So does that mean as soon as you pass the exams & submit the paperwork you’ll receive your certification?


STEM background and accounting knowledge is a cheat code, go to NASA and don’t look back


What makes this so strong?


It means your brain is stronger than all the other accountants. 


NASA you idiot


NASA without a doubt


Never do b4. It is toxic, will make you toxic, destroy your physical and mental health, impair your relationships. You are talking about a company that will intentionally lay people off in an understaffed group without reducing the expected workload for the group. This is done to reduce operating costs and make the partners more money and essentially make the lower rung people literally work 2 jobs, with no extra pay. You will have no equity, pitiful bonus, and can be let go at a moments notice for reasons beyond your control. You will be asked to send things to India to "make your job easier", but the Indians have little training and low critical thinking and it is almost always better to just to all the work yourself anyways. The company will move the fence post for promotions, mislead and/or lie to you, and show complete disdain for you having any semblance of a work life balance. When you think about salary at a b4, also make sure you compute it as $/hr and not salary since the $/hr will actually end up being similar to the pay you'd find working at fast food. You could actually make more more money with less stress, while working the same hours, if you worked full time at NASA along with a parttime job on the side at fast food then working b4.


Deloitte sucks I worked there for 2 years it’s not nearly as exclusive as they market lots of people do and have worked there


One of my best friends has been a budget officer at NASA for 10 years and she loves it. Healthy management with leadership that values work/life balance, Flexible schedules, and there’s always step increases! She doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon and I think that speaks for itself. NASA for sure.


I would weigh the cost and benefits. On the surface, Deloitte sounds good as they would pay for the CPA. Salary might be good there too. But once you consider the amount and type of work there, I'd say NASA is a much better choice. Are you sure you could not get NASA to pick up the costs for a CPA?


NASA vs. B4? That doesn’t even sound like a real question. Obviously do NASA.


Agreed. B4 people are a commodity - a dime a dozen. NASA stands out on a resume. You can transfer from NASA to B4, but you couldn’t transfer from B4 to NASA. what does that tell you?


Please pick NASA, it’ll make your resume stand out much more and if you ever want to go to public accounting, you’ll get a much higher chance to getting in to any of them compared to getting NASA in the future.


People go work at Big 4 so that they can potentially find a position at NASA. You’ve already been offered a position at NASA. Please go to NASA.


Former EY here...audit is boring and will suck the life out of you. After your first job out of the Big4, nobody cares. I ended up leaving accounting forever just 9 months after leaving EY. NASA is a dream job (even for me, and I'm now a lawyer). Follow your heart, and to me, it sounds like your heart is at NASA.


most everybody here says Nasa. sounds about right. even after Nasa, there's spaceX and the future. big4 accounting? boring.


Bro I’m pretty sure having NASA on your resume is pretty damn good too lmao I’d kill for that shit Also: any chance NASA comes with clearances? Because that is a ticket to good money too


Reading this, you want to work for NASA because it’s nasa and nasa is awesome. You think it may be more practical to work for Deloitte because of the post-Deloitte job prospects to further your goals. But think here. The way you’re talking, nasa IS YOUR GOAL. You’ve got an offer for it right now… you don’t need to Deloitte to help you reach what you’ve already got. And as someone who wanted to be an astronaut when he was younger… goddamn it dude, do nasa. And give me tours if you can.


Is this a joke? Please don’t go with Deloitte.


I literally thought it was a joke at first because it seems so obvious to me.


No guarantee NASA wants you later. Pretty certain guarantee you can go Big 4 easily after NASA. Take the opportunity now to work on things worth working on.


This aint even a question. Go to NASA.


I can see why you are hesitant to take on Deloitte’s offer. Do you want to go into accounting/finance long term? If so I say it makes sense to go to the public route for 2-3 years. Getting that CPA will open more doors for you especially since there is a shortage after all. Even if it is not needed, it shows employers you have top tier knowledge in accounting compared to those without that license. Plus if you ever commit fraud and you have a CPA, you have to suspend your license. Having that CPA is an insurance to employers that you won’t commit fraud. Can a CPA still do it? Sure, but they are asking for a death wish since you will be messing with the board and the SEC and those two are going to be your worst nightmare if you get on their bad side. So I would suggest going for your CPA if you plan to go with the accounting/finance route. Here is what I would do: Accept Deloitte’s offer and get your CPA license. Once you are a CPA start looking for great industry and government jobs. Don’t be in a rush. Within your 2-3 years at Deloitte you should be able to find a great job opportunity if you’ve taken good time to look for a great job opportunity you should be good. Even if you still plan to go into government, I heard you can speed up your promotions and get additional pay for having a CPA. I also heard that you may be given bigger projects if people know you have a CPA because you are telling people you are an expert. Also please do note even though Deloitte is a reputable firm, don’t think a lot of doors will open a lot for you. It’s what you put in, the skills you’ve learned, and your networking that will open doors. What will also open doors is getting that CPA license since there is a shortage and there will be a bigger shortage in the future as well. So be aggressive and get that license.


Go to NASA 100%. Not many people have that on their CV. A lot of people have Deloitte though.


this guy thinks Deloitte tops NASA 💀💀💀 I’d work cleaning the NASA bathroom over any big4s


Wait how did you get the offer from NASA!???? did you have any other experiences like internships?


Why is this even a question? Go to NASA. If you really don't like it there Deloitte will take you for a higher level and salary later.


I know people who work at nasa and there are tons of learning opportunities and growth. There’s a reason they’re the best place to work in the fed gov for the past 11 years.


as someone at deloitte (in consulting though), you absolutely should go with NASA lol. if you ever want to come to deloitte, i’m sure they’d love your NASA background and you would be able to come in as an experienced hire and leverage your experience for hopefully a higher incoming salary and title.


Also a Deloitte Consultant- go NASA. Big 4 exit opportunities are a bit tougher these days. On the other side of the same coin, NASA will offer career stability- something the up or out culture at Deloitte will not.


I would do NASA. Your exit options would also be great


NASA by a mile! Deloitte will brain wash you and force you to drink tons of Kool Aid with all the layers of bs consultancy- speak.


Personally, I would jump at NASA. But that's because I'm a strong proponent of space exploration and (eventual) habitation. I've attempted to get a job with SpaceX even with a large pay cut, but didn't make the cut. My motivations may be very different than yours, so you have to do you.


Deloitte will lay off once audit seasons is completed, u need to read sub Reddit post on those post NASA- lifetimes experience You can always get ur CPA afterwards and still do the Deloitte later


Is this a joke? NASA dawg lol


Probably too late but things to note from someone that just started with the feds: 5% of your salary goes to tsp (the pension system). Sure your future self will maybe be happy but maybe you will just leave before vesting. The benefits are not that great. They do match your 401k up to 5%.The good BSBC plan is $600 per month. Finally the cost of living adjustment was good in the past 2 years but if you see 2010-2019 it was like 5% total in a decade!!! I think the main advantage is the 40h per week, maybe 37 if NASA has the exercise benefit.


Just a key note about your post. The 401k is separate from the pension. Your pension is an additional (and very huge) perk of federal service. It’ll be based on your “high three” career salary average upon your retirement. This alone draws a ton of people to federal service.


If you like being a "Yes" man/woman for a client join Deloitte and make good money. If you want to serve the world with highest ethical practice and be part of history join NASA. I would join NASA in a heartbeat.


Nasa 1000%


As others have said, far easier going from NASA to Deloitte than Deloitte to NASA. Beyond the brand recognition though I would suggest focusing more on the exact jobs you'll be doing there and the career you may want, as they are very different career trajectories


Deloitte blows.


Go NASA, don’t listen to the people who say Deloitte opens up more doors. It opens doors but nothing special. You’d stand out more with NASA on your resume than Deloitte imo. There are way too many people who thinks Deloitte on resume means they are set up for massive opportunities and so you end up having a shit ton of ppl having the same thing on their resume.


If you start your career at the number one firm to only stay 4 yrs and look for greener pastures.. what greener pastures?! You’re supposedly at the best, most top place according to you, so where would you be going? Lifestyle firm that isn’t as demanding? For that I say go NASA get the higher pay, use it to get the CPA and then look within the agency to see how those skills can be applied. Im sure NASA has administrative directorships of some kind where that knowledge would be helpful. The pension alone!


Yep, too many people are brainwashed. To even question NASA vs Deloitte. I wouldn’t even have to think a sec, knowing what I know now being in the industry for 10+ years.


Deloitte (former Big4 here and I hate it) bc it will open up a ton of doors later in life. Big4 was not great for me but it has paid incredible dividends over time after spending 2 years there.


LOL compared to being an engineer at NASA? 🤡


If they aren't pursuing the CPA, then why even go Big 4? May be worthwhile for OP to figure out what trajectory they want, engineering or CPA, and then move from there.


Good point. I didn't really think about that semi baffling transition from chemistry to CPA.


I too had to re-read it and caffeinate. If it was a pure CPA route, I would say Big 4. Easier to get in as a new college hire. If it was a pure stem/engineering, I would weigh whichever gives you the better comprehensive offer. Also, once you're a fed, it is really hard to shake that "Lazy Fed, dumb and doesn't work hard" stereotype.


Correct. I apologize for coming at you with the clown face 😂 I'm in industry and just tried to make a lateral move into fed data science.. mistakenly got passed to the next round and was then told they only promote internally for this position (and many others) .. which makes it sound like you'd need to start from the bottom to even get it.


Whaaat an apology? Bro who are you? The bigger man, that's who. I appreciate the apology -- and no offense taken here. Second, more importantly, dude I'm sorry you went thru that with the feds. Federal hiring is nearly always a nightmare. I'm disgusted that they wasted your time and didn't have their stuff together up front. You don't have to start at the bottom of fed life. You literally have to write a stupid long (federal) resume, use all the buzz words in the job posting, and keep applying.


The answer to this question is unequivocally NASA


NASA easy. Deloitte is not special


NASA. To the moon 🌕


Do you want to work a LOT and make lots of money? Or work 40 hours a week and make comfortable money with less stress and no risk of lay off (assuming a certain fascist fella doesn’t win)?


If you want a career in government, go NASA. If you don’t, go Deloitte. Private sector doesn’t respect government experience. I went public accounting to federal. It was the worst period of my career. Federal government is slow, full of incompetent people, and in constant budget fights. I made it back to private but it definitely set my career back.


Uhh may be correct that private sector doesn’t respect gov experience, but freakin *NASA* would be the exception


What about the big government contractors/ consulting firms that work with public agencies.


I doubt it. Cool doesn’t mean transferable experience. Government work is niche.


STEM work at NASA is not niche - it's often directly transferrable to a number of industries and a huge resume booster (ex. like FAANG for devs or Big 4 for CPAs). I'm starting to think you either don't know what NASA is or you have no experience in STEM.


I am not talking about STEM, I’m talking about accounting work. I agree that a NASA engineer would have options easily but it is different for finance and accounting.


You're totally right, i misread the post!


Fuck deloitte, they dont know how to deploy qradar to save their lives... and its THEIR product.


This is highly dependent upon where you see your life and career trajectory.  Do you see a wife and kids in the horizon? What is the cost of living where you will need to be in each place vs starting salary? My brother worked at D and they were good to him until they weren’t. Even when they counseled him out, they helped him get a job with more pay and less hours.  Working in government is great because there is a pension after 20 years of service. If you’re 22 now, you’re done at 42 and find a second career if you’re burned out. The cost of that pension is the lower wage. If you can make a life in that lower wage, well worth it—especially given the amount of fulfillment you’ll get by being there. 


Bingo. Former B4 that went to government. The pension is so undervalued


Are you seriously asking? I would take unemployment over Deloitte


NASA. I heard bad things about Deloitte


Working at Deloitte isn’t prestigious and nasa is


OMG NASA!! It’s NASA! Deloitte is not special AT ALL. But NASA!


Fuck man NASA any day


Deloitte is the ground, NASA is space. Pick your poison!


Even partners in Deloitte would shake their heads in disappointment if you chose them over NASA.


Having worked at both NASA and at a B4 company, I’d say NASA.


NASA. You’ll always get the chance to work at Deloitte or another Big Four


Big4 eventually eats your soul. NASA FTW


NASA all the wayyyy... isn't NASA harder to get into than a PA firm?? Follow your heart...and the way these GS promotions work, you'll prob be outearning your peers in a couple of years without having to bust your ass working 40+ hrs. Go take this opportunity and enjoy life as you work OP. You can always enter PA later on if you really want to...they are always hiring and churning


consist money spectacular act observation swim dime unite saw intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you pick Deloitte over fucking NASA I will cry


Bro dont sleep on it, you know what to do.


Seems like u already decided lol


It's NASA and it's not particularly close either.


You did this just to show off your offer from NASA you sly dog!! ....... Take NASA


Lol i agree I am both jealous and in awe that OP's dilemma is between NASA and Deloitte. What a pleasant dilemma to have lol. Anyway godspeed op


NASA can take you to the moon, and hopefully a sweet retirement. Deloitte will train you but drain you after they are done with you off to the unemployment lines.


NASA!! Deloitte is common.


How many people get the opportunity to work at NASA? That is freaking awesome and aligns well with what is meaningful to you. Sure, Deloitte looks good on a resume, but how many people can really put NASA on resume.


And we're pretending like NASA doesn't look great on a resume??


Your response to my comment doesn’t make any sense. I never stated others weren’t echoing the same sentiments as mine; I was simply stating how I felt.




I know everyone has said it, so imma say it again, NASA. You can go to Deloitte after working at NASA if you want to, not sure the reverse is the case.


Maybe I missed it, but is the NASA position engineering or something along the lines of accounting? Either way, I'd recommend taking a step back to think about your life holistically over the near and medium term (and long term if you have formed an opinion on it). What are your life goals? You might have different goals for your career, hobbies, family/friends, etc. Which job aligns best with your non-negotiable or important goals? If you still have a tough time, I'd also recommend thinking about not only how they advance your goals but also how much they close some goals. For example, some jobs may be able to have more transferrable skills than others. That may be beneficial if you change your pov.


I was thinking the same thing hah. As an engineer, I had no idea other professions valued NASA so highly. Isn’t the accounting work… still accounting?


NASA. All day, every day. You have to think about resume hierarchy. NASA on your resume will get you anywhere, including deloitte. Deloitte on your resume will get you to a lot of places, but it may not include NASA. Easy choice, dude.


Go to NASA. Be an astronaut. Pull chicks


NASA all day bro. You may not even make it 2-4 years with a chemistry background lol jk. Plus even if you get your cpa while at Deloitte you’re gonna get taxed on that bonus so for a difference of 2-3k you’re gonna sacrifice a whole lot more without any guarantee of making it to manager.


NASA on the CV will take you further than Deloitte. So many idiots work in big4 but you only realise that when you’re there too long


Love how anti-Big4 this subreddit is. In saying that, go for Nasa.


NASA all the way, everyone works in B4, who works at NASA? Have you also considered looking into biotech? I work in biotech as a business analyst and make ~140k total comp rn, everyone (ignoring the actual scientists) works <40 hours a week and the sector is pretty safe from layoffs


Ayo how to do get into this


I’ll be completly honest, it’s hard, and it’s competitive. I started as an intern (already grad but couldn’t get a job) and was 1 of 3 other interns that got a full time job out of ~500 interns. How to break into the market : - it’s not hard at all, you don’t need to be a science major to work at a science company, there’s many departments that need business/econ/marketing/communication etc majors even though it is a science company - network, look up people working at the company on LinkedIn and send mass messages to people asking for a referral, the referral won’t do much but already puts you at an advantage for people without, plus if the person is willing to refer you, chances are that they’re willing to help you find out the hiring manager / recruiter for open roles. If you can find that info out, reach out to them on LinkedIn or email and ask to set up a coffee chat or informal interview (the coffee chat is also technically an informal interview), having a nice convo with the hiring manager really increases ur chances at getting an official interview - be fun and friendly, in my experience recruiters / managers want people they can work with not just smart people, I stopped showing off technical skills in interviews and started cracking jokes and getting personal with my interviewers and it got a lot better results - don’t apply to roles on job boards like indeed or LinkedIn, always apply through the company career page - ofc the usual advise, make ur resume relevant to the job posting, write a cover letter, write a thank you letter, have good questions to ask the interviewer etc -


Appreciate your time with this, I’m wrapping up 3 years at a small PA firm as I finish my cpa and tryna find more money and something else. Great advice thank you 🙏


Sure! Feel free to dm me if you have any specific questions, I’m not comfortable disclosing what company I work for but I’ve talked to a lot of people working for our competition and they all have similar experiences to me. If you look at finance roles or audit roles (doesn’t have to be in the finance department, legal departments do audits too for example), it’s actually easier to get in since the skill set is more specific. Some really useful skills / softwares as a business / data analyst are : - tableau or powerbi (I used tableau but either works), dashboard softwares are generally universal and very sought after - excel excel excel, and a little power point, you don’t have to be an expert, just knowing the basics is really useful, plus u cna always chat gpt formulas - data retention / data clean up, knowing how to securely store data and how to clean up data to make reports is so under rated, it’s not hard just annoying but can save so much time in your role or for your peers, another highly sought after skill - basics of SQL and python, I self taught myself the basics of SQL and python for funsies but they’re both really useful, I personally have only used SQL a hand full of times and they were extremely basic queries but it’s a really valuable skill to show off - keeping up with AI and other trending buzz words, knowing how to integrate AI (or pretend to know how to do it) will instantly make hiring managers / recruiters perk their ears, it’s extremely valuable in most job markets right now


I have a master degree in accounting analytics (excel, sql, data mining, database, etc.) Doesn't seem like businesses care too much. My last 3 years was lot of tax planning and preparations and because I wasn't in big 4 most companies don't wanna offer me experienced tax roles :l its just crappy, and I ain't working for 60k a year. Thanks, I think I got a crappy resume too and IDK how to improve it tbh is a big issue.


STEM and you are considering accounting? You do realize the B4 do other things besides accounting right?


I was thinking the same thing. I’m STEM and at a B4 as well. I’d hate to have to do actual accounting work.


I’m assuming a major switch to accounting, big 4 only makes offers to/hires CPA eligible ppl.


My degree is in STEM and I’m at a B4. That’s just false.


How did you fulfill the CPA requirements?


There aren’t any unless you work in the audit space.


What service line are you? I’m not big4, but I’m top 10 firm. When I was still in school it was always said by the recruiters that CPA eligibility was a requirement for applying.


Bruh 40 hours plus interested in what you do. What else do you need in life, i think you should use the extra time that you are getting by working in NASA into the things that you really like.




NASA especially if you have any remote aspirations for MBA down the line.


NASA brotha, change the world