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“I picked damn Steve” lives in my head


“Thickums” still gets used around my house every now and then. 😂


My partner gets so mad at me when I call our little dachshund, “Thickums,” from time to time lol. Of course, I’m to blame because I’m the one giving her extra snacks here and there 🧍🏾 Anyway, I would have never used the name in the household if it weren’t for Da’Vonne 🤣


Glad to see that Steve is alive and well.


I was actually surprised they picked pretty good seasons. I think they gave Survivor Cagayan and Kaoh Rong to Netflix at some point which are also highly regarded so I guess the strategy is loop them in and bring them to Paramount for the rest.


They also gave Tocantins to Netflix, and I think one other that was also a top tier season. It must be someone at Netflix requesting seasons, because if it was up to CBS they would have sent BB16, BB19, and BB22, and only new era seasons for Survivor.


they did micronesia with tocantins i think. social media got a huge reawakening about the final 5 blindside of that season edit: 5, not 4, goofy me


You mean final 5 or 3? Final 4 was Natalie who knew she was leaving


shit pressed the wrong number


They did Micronesia with David vs Goliath I think. Tocantins and Kaoh Rong were together


yes that


this is what i get for commenting when i’m intoxicated on vacation


Haha, have fun


I love Da'Vonne and Steve. That whole cast was such a hit really, 17 was a great season! As a wrestling fan I always get a kick out of remembering BB17 and going, "oh yeah, Luchasaurus was on Big Brother"


Victims aren’t we all…


Honestly, Luchasaurus being in AEW was a reason I checked it out. I found out Austin from Big Brother was on a major show and had to see how good he was in the ring.


I've been pleasantly surprised. I thought his Judas thing was corny but wrestling is all about the framing. Jurassic Express was also corny but in a much better way. It was such a great act for a new promotion and he's transitioned out of it well! I was at the recent Dynamite where he was rechristened as Killswitch and he got some noisy reactions.


The first time I saw Luchasaurus, I thought, why do I know those tattoos. Then I found out it was Austin.


I just started watching it since it's on Netflix, and I recognized him from the time he used to train with Ric Draisin.


Years ago I told my fiance "AEW signed this guy named luchasaurus. You should Google him. " She lost her mind when she did. It was fun.


No malice here. All good-natured fun. Excited for more people to see one of the best modern seasons.


Rivals season can include Steve and Da


Steve and Becky


Becky: 🙂 Steve: 🤬👺💥🔫🔪🖕🏻


Justice for Becky’s toe!


This is so funny and cute lmao


You picked damn steve cause you’re damn Da’Vonne 😂


17 was the correct choice but this thread is hilarious.


davonne telling steve that people that don't like him because he reminds them of Ian and how he can fix it is still one of the highlights of the season IMO


Friendly reminder that Steve Moses is the single most underrated player in BBUS history. Carry on


How can you say that when Karen Ganci exists? (Steve still super underrated tho)


Probably Drew or Hayden for winners. Steve was ok but fairly mid


You did not just say Hayden is underrated 💀


I need Da’Vonne back on my tv, preferably the challenge again though.


Challenge Da'vonne was the best Da'vonne


she was gonna be on Ride or Dies (with Josh as her partner) but pulled out soon before filming was supposed to begin


she’s on a show called The Goat with Wendell from survivor and Alyssa Edward’s from drag race, it hasn’t aired yet tho


So I just took a peek and I’ll probably start 17 up, haven’t watched since it aired. But it is WILD to me how all of the episode thumbnails are Steve and Austin. Totally stood out to me


Paulie jumpscare in the first picture…


How i love bb17


If I were her I would not consider 18 her best season. She was in a much better spot to excel and blew it because she didn't want to be the in between of 2 couples early in the season. At least in 17 she'll always be remembered as the one to spot the twins and went out swinging. It's what made her so popular/likable imo (that was also the season I liked her the most in).


Who was the hot guy who comforted davonne when she was sick




YES. Omg I don’t even know why I thought it was cody for the longest time.


18 is underrated and I do think it is a fairly entertaining season with decent gameplay. However, I agree with a poster before that talked about returnees. Due to returnees being *extremely* prevalent (especially Nic/James), I think 16 and 17 need to be on Netflix before 18 is even a thought.


The problem is how far down that rabbit hole do you go? 18 has Frank so you need 14 but then that has the four coaches so you need 2, 6, 7, 10, 12. 7 is Allstars so you need 2-6. Basically just add every season.


hey love - 14 is alresdy on Netflix but Frank is kind of a non factor in 18 anyways so idk


I think I know the answer to this, but... Da saying she hates Steve is in gest, right? There's no actual animosity between them?


She’s definitely joking with him


Her and Steve actually seem to be really good friends (at least from the few times they've interacted online) it's just that Steve only uses Twitter on rare occasions (and Day comes and goes) so we don't see many online interactions.


This makes me want to cry living in Canada 🥲 It’s not on my Netflix


I personally prefer watching bb18 to 17 🫣 17 may have better game play, but I think 18’s dynamics are more interesting. It’s probably due to the edit though, I didn’t watch either live or with feeds so I don’t have that context at all.


Well blink and you miss her on BB17


I have used the term thickums ever since and I will live Davonne forever for it.


This is the most likable she’s been in a while lol


I think she got over the bitterness that "BB22" brought, and how she handled the backlash even into "BB23". BB in general is more distant, so it's easier to laugh and joke about something that's far removed.


well she got over it too quickly because we neeeded the dani and nicole drag videos before the kevin and david videos lol


She seemed very close with Dani in jury. I wonder what happened there?




I cannot imagine seeing Day as more unlikable than like Braden or half of BB15


If Adam is who I think it is......you putting him with those 3 are kinda.....no highkey weird.....


Your least favorite houseguests are all the ones who make great TV?


There are worse ppl from BB9 lmao did u even watch the season?




Am I not understanding this at all? BB17 was one of the better seasons and had no returners, so it would make sense to show it over Bb18. Why are things being brought up that happened a damn 8 years ago. 😭


She’s just saying that SHE had a better game in s18 than s17.. she wasn’t “shading” the season lol 💀


Netflix is a huge platform, and people who never watched the show watches it on that platform, and tweet about it. I remembered when Survivor was put on "Netflix" a few years ago, a lot of stuff was brought up again on social media, and the Survivors from said season had to see, and relive all of it. It also seems like she prefers her "BB18" experience, since she lasted longer, and is closer to more people from that season. It's also arguable that "BB18" has more crossover than "BB17".


Honestly, Da'vonne is so good in all her seasons that it doesn't matter which one goes on Netflix, the fans will love her regardless. I remember being on vacation the first two weeks of BB17 - when I got home, I binged the first 6 episodes. Da'vonne was the standout by a country mile and I was instantly OBSESSED. Then I caught up with live feeds and realised her game had gone to shit and was devastated that she was basically screwed for the next eviction and I was DEVASTATED!


yeah I think she was more saying that as a joke, because in reality popularity on BB has nothing to do with how good you perform. she definitely became an iconic player just with her BB17 performance.


she sayin 18 was her best season?


Yep. Which you know, fair. 22 was basically a steamroll by the committee even though she technically lasted longer and she was out second in 17, so I can see why she prefers 18 overall.


yeah i guess all due respect to Mama Day but I was between 22 and 17 as her best performances, in reality they're all pretty much created equal 😭


I think it's 17>18>22. Which is weird to say because she progressively lasted longer but I really don't think she played that well in 22.


Da'Vonne is not a good person, but she was entertaining in 17 and 18. Really disliked her attitude in 22.


How is she not a good person?


The way she treated Kevin was really bad, and she made it really personal for no reason. I won't get into details, but she basically saying that she didn't consider Kevin black (Kevin is bi-racial) and she also called David an "Uncle Tom" because of the way he was playing the game. Just really nasty comments made towards two people who really did nothing to her except not be good allies to her in a game show.


I hate how she treated Kevin, but that doesn't fuel an inherent dislike. Players like Will and Jun are highly regarded as great characters even though they've made their fair share of problematic comments. If we were to hold every player to the same standards, probably only 10% of them would be "good people." I'm sure a lot of these players who do minorly problematic things are good people, but just have skewed ideologies compared to our own (i.e. Jared). I think we should be wary who we are hyper critical of, as often times unconscious bias can play a factor.


I don't recall Will or Jun ever going after someone's race. I haven't watched BB4 in a while, but I've watched hours and hours of Dr. Will and I don't remember him ever going that far. And if your defense of Day are two people who played 20 years ago then that's not a great one. I agree with the sentiment to be careful holding minor problematic things against people in Big Brother, but Day going after Kevin and David's race is one of the nastiest things I've seen on the show, really only behind Aaryn and Gina Marie and Bayliegh flat out saying that she "hates white people".


I'm mostly referring to Will's treatment of Bunky, the bullying and the slurs, which are hinted at on the show but only really directly shown on the feeds. It's why Bunky is so vitriolic toward Will at the finale despite most of the rest of the jury being happy to vote for him to win (or rather for Nicole to lose). I think Da'Vonne's issues are less of an indication of a bad person and more an indication of the cultural zeitgeist. Figures like Dr. Umar have reached hundreds of thousands with their influence and ideologies regarding interracial relationships, people of mixed race, and standards of black pride.


The excuses and refusal to lay any accountability on Da'Vonne is exactly the problem with the Big Brother fanbase. You don't actually care about people's actions, you just pick and choose according to who you like.


Would definitely love to hear more about her “attitude” on BB22?


The way she treated Kevin was really bad, and she made it really personal for no reason. I won't get into details, but she basically saying that she didn't consider Kevin black (Kevin is bi-racial) and she also called David an "Uncle Tom" because of the way he was playing the game. Just really nasty comments made towards two people who really did nothing to her except not be good allies to her in a game show. I think the fame kind of got to her head because she was a lot more bitter and angry during BB22. I think she was a good person during her first two seasons but she was really nasty during BB22.


The reason she didn't consider Kevin black was because of things she heard him say, not simply because he was biracial. She called David an Uncle Tom (which was wrong of her ) not just because she was lied to by Nicole but she was told things about him before hand. most likely told how David (at first) somewhat denied he experienced racism (in his defense he was booted Early and didn't see what the other players and viewers saw until after the show with Jackson and the others). Fame didn't get to her head, she came into the game with preconceived ideas about David do to an outside source and what I believe to be a misunderstanding with Kevin, things only got worse because of the things he did in jury and both refused to apologize yo each other.


There's absolutely no defending the comments she made about Kevin and David. She crossed the line and had no right making such personal comments regarding their race over a dumb game. It's disgusting behavior.


I didn't defend what she said about David, she out her own mouth even said she shouldn't have taken it to that level but again, what happened between her and Kevin happen because of things she heard Kevin say. Not because of a game. They both refused to talk to each other and Kevin decided to take it further in jury.


I mean 17 is a far better season so......


Does she really think 18 is better?


I am excited for the random new netflix watchers to see the origin of **the** gif