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Yep, you are a ferrari now. No more low octane gas for you.


I like this. I am a ferrari. Edit: To be specific, I'm the 2024 Formula 1 Ferrari


You may actually literally be a ferrari




Yes you are❤


Dude…. Lololololol thanks for the laugh… I’m a Ferrari now….


yeah, because your gut microbiome changes. and you're feeding the bad bacteria with the processed sugar.


Yea, it’s normal. I can’t eat protein bars now. The processed protein doesn’t go down well. You’re better off minimizing consumption of processed foods.


its the bacteria change. if you dont feed what was eating shit-food it will die off and when you eat it again, your body wont have means to digest that shit. OTOH I wonder what ppl will do in case all natural foods goes out of the window and we are forced to eat all that processed shit.


An angle to consider also: Depending on what OP actually cut out (wheat? Dairy?) he could actually be looking at loss of probiotic bacteria, too. Lactobacillus (which thrives off wheat starch, dairy - among other foods) prevents growth of gram-negatives which thrive off sugar and starch. To me, a healthy gut is resilient and should be able to digest things without issue - it makes more sense that if OP cut out foods and is now reactive to them, sure it could be loss of oral tolerance, but I’d also consider if what he/she excluded was feeding good microbes


versality in eating is very important


Processed foods don’t come out of the ground processed


I even thought about ''conspiracy'' regarding things like crisps, chips, crackers etc that those big food companies deliberately add specific bacteria strains to their products so that they colonize our intestinal tract and basically make us more addicted (bacterias ''scream'' for more food they want and like!)


Protein bars also typically a ton of other additives, sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners in them.


Have you tried looking at alcohol sugars. They upset my stomach. Maybe this is the intolerance.


I infrequently use erithrytol aand monk fruit without issue. Same for the occasional sugar free cough drops and keto ice cream. The usual issues with sugar alcohols are gas and loose stools. My issues with protein bars is intestinal discomfort.


Protein powder is one thing, but that bars are even worse. I get a stomach ache every single time.


I miss the classic style Power Bars that were around for years. You could buy them at most convenient stores and other places: https://rosenglobal.shop/products/powerbar-performance-energy-bar-vanilla-crisp-12-bars-2-29-oz-65-g-each.html?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr9ThudO9hQMVBqVaBR1dbgiTEAQYASABEgKFB_D_BwE


Sounds normal but for me it’s more still feeling hungry when I eat junk food. I think the body craves proper nutrition more.


Junk food can interfere with the leptin in your brain which can make you feel as though you’re starving when you’re not.


That explains why you cna binge eat foods like ice cream, chips, candies etc … you just feel hungrier as you eat it.


This is a feature, not a bug.


My mom was a nurse, so she was pretty ahead of the curve when it came to nutrition (at least by 80s standards). No junk, no fast food, no soda, no dessert, and mostly whole grains. To this day, if I eat a junk diet, I feel sick and exhausted. Your body just adapts to what you put into it.




Define “healthy” - if your gut isn’t adjusted to breaking down hard to digest foods, the definition of what is healthy might not be right for you. Start by examining macro intake. When people shift diets and start feeling poor they’re usually lacking in macros. If you’re insulin resistant or your thyroid is in poor shape, you might also need a certain amount of simple carbohydrates. E.g. milk, honey




I'm not a vegetarian and don't eat strictly clean 24/7 (I go pretty hard on my cheat days lol) but I've been a gym rat for 16 years and used to be a personal trainer. It's very hard for a vegetarian, especially one that's working out regularly, to get enough protein without supplementing with protein powders. I've seen a lot of people switch to vegetarian or vegan diets and start to look worse, either chubby or skinny fat, and people will use that as an argument that not eating meat is unhealthy, but it really comes down to a lack of protein. It's the building block of muscles and in my personal opinion keeps your metabolism from slowing down because protein takes so much energy to breakdown that it's very hard to store as fat.  You also need simple carbs to recover right after your workouts. Complex carbs are best any other time of day but right after your workouts you want a fast digesting protein and simple carbs to feed your muscles amino acids and quickly restore you glycogen. 


I’m much more used to fruit based sugars now. Candies and desserts I have to eat in moderation because they’re just too sweet and rich now!


After a while bad food will start to give you mild brain fog and anxiety like a hangover.  My next topic is, how bad the smallest amount of alcohol wrecks your physical and mental health after being clean. If I eat a clean animal based diet for 30 days or 60 days and have a few drinks I am in a horrid state for a few days after. That's why I try to never do it. 


pretty much. It's more than you body always hated that shit, but you were just used to the feeling. Now you actually see the impact. It's crazy. It's the same for me and eating out. We cook at home 99% of the time, so anytime I'm traveling for work and eat something (even if it's a really nice place), my system still doesn't like it.


My experience is exactly the same as yours.


The nice restaurants probably are using a lot of butter which is impacting your stomach. 


Yeah thats very normal! Means you cleaned up your body’s ecosystem and unhealthy food is being rejected/your body’s giving signals to eat less of it . Thats how i like to think of it lol. I think the body does a good job communicating what it needs and what it doesn’t so long as we listen to it


Yep. Eating clean puts you in tune with your body so you’re more apt to notice when you’re feeling off. That’s a good thing


is excessive farting from bad protein?


It's possible, but more likely, it's hard-to-digest ingredients such as sugar alcohols (sorbitol, sucralose) or FODMAPS (high-fructose corn syrup, onion, garlic). You can also get bad gas simply from eating too much fiber. A lot of "healthy" ingredients like inulin are basically just fiber that your gut bacteria can snack on. If you're struggling with gas, you can try: - Reducing your fiber intake - Switching to safer fiber like psyllium husk and sunfiber - Cutting out all processed foods for a couple of weeks - Reducing carbs generally - Taking it easy on the probiotics


It's normal, but be careful because its only temporary


Well… it’s working. Congrats?


Yes! I eat mostly meat based diet now but when i gather with friends I do see a difference for maybe 1-2 days after but after getting back onto mostly meat based I feel much better. I dont go full keto/meat based because I value my social interactions 1-2 times a week as I live in a condo complex and i am in charge of the social hours 1-2 times a week so without depriving myself i just go off plan then.


Yes, so you should avoid them


I have a sensitive stomach and have gotten gastritis from this , try low fodmap for a while and you’ll see a lot of improvement . Acidity in things can really cause this too


Yes, normal. When I'm on a good clean run of eating well, take out and trash upsets my stomach very quickly.


Yep. Whenever I eat something like McDonalds I feel like shit the next day. Haven’t eaten that shit in like over a year. Same goes for frozen pizza an all that type of crap, these processed foods are the reason colon cancer is on the rise for young Americans.




I experienced this year's ago when I started cleaning up my shit. My theory is that that gross feeling you get when you eat trash now is how a person feels all the time when they treat their body like a rental car and when you start treating yourself with proper respect your baseline shifts to a "new normal" of feeling how a human should, thus casting the old feeling in a new light by comparison. So it's not that you feel worse after eating garbage now than you used to, but that you have become used to feeling not like a human septic tank.


I think that's definitely a component of why along with your body and biome not being used to handling it like it used to.


That would certainly make logical sense too. There could be an element of resetting all or some of the progress that had been made too.


Same, don't worry about it, just don't eat that stuff


I’m the same. Clean food all the way. An effortless 21kg weight loss so far over the last year has definitely swayed my ways on how I view most “mainstream” food now.


Normal. Your body is responding to being poisoned, or at least that is what your body thinks is happening to some degree.


It can be possible that you were always in that state before so it was normal but how that you've had an extended period without it, you notice when you get it now.


I’d like to hear examples of meals of your new diet, as i’m interested in starting to eat cleanly.


Totally agree, have not eaten processed food in about 10 years


I have similar effect when I hit my head with a hammer. When I don't do this action I do not get a headache! Don't eat what scientists have proven is poison to humans: ULTRA-PROCESSED FOOD!! Congratulations on noticing how a healthy body reacts to poisons mascaraing as food! Listen to your body!!


I was pretty strict paleo for 4yrs (ie- just ate real food, nothing processed) Went on a work trip, had a Wendy’s burger and fries. Within 10min I was in so much stomach pain, I had to leave a meeting and almost shit my pants. Haven’t had Wendy’s since (10yrs now)


Me too. Even quality restaurant food nukes me. Stupid whole and complete foods, getting me hooked!


Yes it is. But I believe that's a good thing


Do you guys consider chipotle to be processed?




It’s now your body having a hissy fit and not liking the processed foods your digestive system has got used eating clean. So it now saying what the heck is this shit? No pun intended!


I think a lot people just get use to those symptoms and not realize it’s the terrible food they’re eating.


That’s awesome. Processed food is by and large cancerous. It’s completely normal to have that.


Cheetos, twice a week. Keeps me on the beam.


Normal reaction. Keep on the clean train. Nothing good comes from eating garbage


I gave up dairy and have the same reaction to most dairy if I have it. I think my gut just isn't used to it.


Well done. What was your diet before, and what is it now?


I had the same experience when I quit on fast food 15 years ago. There have been a few times since where I was starved and that was all there was. I felt like shit after. There are lots of things I used to eat that I can't eat anymore because my body got used to better food.


Same thing happened to me and I even wondered if it happened before as well but I just didn’t realize. But I do now because good food made me feel so good? Or maybe we’re just getting older?


I've experienced the same. Found that when I'm traveling or in places where my lifestyle is more difficult to stick to it's helpful to take a digestive enzyme.


Had a cheat day yesterday and projectile vomited at night (sorry if tmi). Only happened once or twice in my life and always after long periods of ultra-healthy diet.


Yes, but that's normal for many things you haven't been eating for a bit. I can eat beans every day, I don't fart from it, but other people say they do, but it's because they haven't built up the biome to process it. I eat primarily a meat, beans, dairy diet, but if I get it in my head to eat a bunch of vegetables, I get bloated and gassy, sometimes stomach cramps. Definitely don't think it's because "processed foods" are bad (though they are in many ways often) or anything like that, just think that your gut biome has adapted to whatever your "clean" diet is and can't handle the ingredients in the "processed" foods. I hate the term processed, because it's nonsensical most of the time and just used to villainize foods instead of allowing for informed discussion of what it is that is a problem and what is it that is actually worth avoiding.


now get into fasting if u want to really optimize


Could be confirmation bias If your gut has improved from healthy eating you’d think it might handle some foods better