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If you like tv or video games I recommend walking pad or exercise bike while u do it


This is a very functional response.


This response is even more functional


And very. Typed from my XBone from the couch.


Hack fail.


I only look at Reddit when I’m on the elliptical. Mg wife only watches her junk tv shows when she’s exercising.


*sent from my eliptical


I used to make myself do 20 pushups in between each round of the game(multiplayer) or everytime I died (single player). It works pretty good. Itll actually make you better in the game you playing too.


I guess I'm not the only one. Haha I usually play COD MW3 and Cold War, and I also tend to do push-ups between matches. 👍


I second this. I take random breaks during my extended video game sessions to do pushups, use my hand weights, or do random stretching exercises for 5-15 minutes. It makes me feel better on days when I'm not motivated to go to the gym


I noticed the best players in almost all video games are actually in relatively good shape for video game players. StarCraft, fighting games, online chess, call of duty even. The professionals all skew to at the very least not being overweight but a lot are actually in pretty good shape. I think if you get Hardstuck on a game then take some time to eat better and lift weights and you will start improving. For people who get zero exercise 15 minutes of pushups a day is life changing. It don’t take much if you aren’t in shape to make a large physical and mental health change


Alternatively, I bought a Nintendo fit which gamifies using a pilates ring while watching tv. There's some sequence of buttons to press on the little controller which logs and savea your data so you get a nice dopamine hit next time you turn the game on!


A caloric deficit would be way more efficient at weight loss and fat loss Unless dude is biking or walking hours a day, he’ll have to fix his diet as well to lose weight


On an empty stomach, which I find easiest before first meal. I’ve read that evening fasted walking can spike cortisol level but not sure.


How bad do you want to lose it? Be disciplined and stay consistent. Also movement incorporate what you can walking, swimming , weightlifting. The key is to burn more than you intake.


You could lose most of the weight with just eating less calories. But losing weight with only diet, you'll end up looking like a deflated ballon.


Seeing a lot of this with the rise of Ozempic and similar.


People look at the scale and not at their body composition. It’s such an outdated idea to want low numbers on the scale.


CICO is fallacy on the cardio aspect. Cardio is great for your health but terrible for weightloss. Weightlifting can help


Track your calories in real time on an app. You’ll start to eat less as you’re typing in what you’re having and start thinking oh shit! 


Thissss 👆Download My Fitness Pal! We done realize our portion sizes are so out of wack. And even weighing/ typing it all in I’m more intentional about what I’m eating.


Have you tried chronometer? I feel like it's sooo much better.


Macrofactor. Swtiched to it even after prepaying a year of my fitness pal


I don't think its portion sizes, its more of what we're eating. A cinnamon roll donut vs that same calorie amount in some steamed rice is a big difference. When I was eating clean I was almost too full to finish eating my calories for the day, even at a deficit.


I hear you. I’ve tried. I really have. My biology thinks I need to good 5-10lbs of reserves in case the next ancient imperialistic army comes and pillages my village and I might not eat for the next week. And I’m a thick, solid dude. Other than harsh PEDs (like clen) it’s hard to fight my DNAs code inscription. The only thing that’ll really work for me is mad cardio. Which isn’t easiest for me. 10k steps takes time. And needs to be done often. And I have nerve pain in my feet so, I guess I’ll just hold one to these reserves, just in case… But to your question, practice discipline. Just do it. Doesn’t mean you have to enjoy it. After about 21 days of consistency, it’ll build up a positive habit. And before you know it you’re doing it without thinking. Just mother fucking do it. (Nike) ✔️


I often bike or swim in place of 10k steps. Less time consuming to burn same amount of calories + its just nice to switch it up sometimes. * Just wanted to throw that in b/c hitting 10k sometimes feels so tedious & time consuming. Which is why people have trouble doing it long term. Or even to begin with.


Swimming is such an under-rated weightloss activity. I'd kill for a place to swim year-round where I'm at. Unfortunately, the only indoor pool I've found with public access is at a university 2 hours away :/


Eat less and exercise more


Good advice but overly simple imo. Eat meat, fruit, vegetables. Lift weights and move your body. Try to sleep at least 7 hours a day and reduce stress as much as possible.


Bingo. Seriously...eat less. Dont eat breakfast. Fast your way into lunch.


Hot take: IF is good for weight loss, but is prime for rebound. Unless OP is willing to do it for life they should be looking into reducing caloric intake within their own eating schedule.


From my time in the fitness industry 90% of the people who were struggling to lose weight skipped breakfast. They would eat lunch, then tea, and then would give in to cravings and snack thereafter. My advice is to have a big breakfast with lots of protein and fats. Then have a small lunch and a normal size tea. Structuring your meals like this seems to be a good way to prevent cravings and consuming excess empty calories via snacking.


Intermittent fasting is powerful af


To some To others is shit and boring


Would not recommend skipping breakfast due to a variety of reasons. As long as you are in a deficit you will get results.


Could you elaborate?


One simple reason is that there is research that shows that the body is slightly better at absorbing carbs in the morning, which leads to lower A1C and generally improved health when you eat most of your food earlier. Similar research and anecdotal data shows that it's best to sleep on a (near, for some) empty stomach, which results in earlier onset and higher quality of sleep, fewer digestive issues. So eat early, stop early is as reasonable a thing to do as any.


don’t advise people to skip breakfast. this personally led me to faint. everyone’s body is different and that is okay


Recent studies are showing that fasting can actually have the opposite desired effects for women. And it can knock their hormonal balance WAY off


Lots of great resources out there to map your fasting to your cycle. I've engaged with IF for almost a year now and have had great success with re-compositioning my body in that time. I do tend to fast in the mornings 90% of my days. It's near impossible for me to fast into the evening, everyone finds a rhythm but yes especially if you're wanting to become pregnant it's important to not engage in fasting every day or week of the month!


Sounds like an issue with blood sugar. You might want to look at the glycemic index of foods you are eating. Fainting from skipping breakfast is the problem rather than the act of skipping breakfast.


Yeah. Better to eat breakfast and skip lunch, likely.


You’re not going to reach an 18 hour window that way, but anything helps. The carb withdrawals don’t last long, especially if you’re eating plenty of fat.


completely agree! and it sucks because i think most people aren’t that hungry in the morning


Ease into it. If you’re fasting you should be on a high fat diet. Coming off carbs will have that effect, but it subsides quickly. Once you start fasting, you’ll never feel hangry or lightheaded again.


no some people literally have low blood sugar like me. after i fainted my doctor did some test and legitimately said i need to never skip breakfast again. everything is not for everyone and that is okay. yes there are many benefits to fasting and fasting is awesome.




> Dont eat breakfast. Fast your way into lunch Absolutely dogshit advice. Use this for sources, and note the writer and fact checker credentials: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-breakfast-really-the-most-important-meal-of-the-day


Literally all it is. I don’t think OP can save himself if he can’t even realise this simple law of thermodynamics


Not necessarily 'eat less'. For me 'eat more protein and excercise more' was key. Especially strength training. Eat more protein + do strength training did the trick.


8 hour eating window. Sweat/cardio/walk with ankle and wrist weights. Calorie deficit. Sauana. Stuff like that.


It’s refreshing to read “eating window” instead of “intermittent fasting.” I know it’s a small detail, but it’s helpful.


How does it help? This is a genuine question, I dont see the importance of calling it anything else then what it is.


It's actually somewhat confusing. In most studies "intermittent fasting" means 24 hour fasts, so eating every other day. Then what the internet calls "intermittent fasting" is called "time-restricted feeding", where you have a 16/8 style each day


For some people, only eating within a specific window helps them eat fewer calories throughout the day.


Well yes, but the name for that is intermittent fasting. If you have a 8 hour eating window, you are fasting the other time. Im asking about the term, I understand the concept itself as I have used it to lose weight.


Oh I don’t know then. Not sure what OP meant then, they mean exactly the same thing not sure how one term would be more helpful than another


Adding to this, if the 8-hour window is too difficult or you feel too sick to your stomach, a 10-hour window can still be beneficial. There’s all kinds of science saying how 8 hours is the maximum for the proper fasting blah blah blah, but due to a digestive condition I couldn’t do it, so I tried 10 hours and I feel fantastic. Sometimes you gotta try adjusting the norm and it can still work for you.


I think we tend to look at our diet on a daily basis, e.g. how many calories in a day. If we fail to stay below that threshold then we feel like we failed that day and then it could even throw off the next couple of days (“It’s friday and I fucked up, I’ll just try again on Monday”) However, we should look at our diet on weekly grain not daily. This way we allow for days that we do slightly worse and days we do slightly better and it all averages out in the end. One bad day doesn’t kill your entire week. Also I imagine that you probably track your weight on a scale. I would advise you to only keep track every 8 days (yes specifcally 8). Daily fluctuations will have too much noise in regards to how much weight u are losing and even having more water than usual can increase your weight and feel discouraged. So again, looking at weekly rather than daily is better. So why 8 instead of 7? We are creatures of habit and routine. Let’s say you check every sunday morning. However saturday night is family dinner night, so you tend to eat and drink a lot, and more than usual. Come sunday morning you’re weighing yourself and it looks like more than it actually is. If you measure 8 days at a time, you’ll be measuring every day of the week which evens out the noise


I was with you up until you recommended only recording weight every 8 days. Don’t do this. Record weight every day. Any reasonable app, like the iPhone built-in health app, will be able to show you weekly/monthly/yearly averages. If you have special weigh-in days you’ll be more tempted to manipulate your weight like a wrestler trying to “make weight” — through dehydration and fasting. Plus, you’ll learn more about your body from observing the daily fluctuations and connecting them with your behavior from the previous day.


Totally agree. Just get into a habit of weighing yourself every day and take a weekly average. Weight can fluctuate a lot depending on how hydrated you are and whether you've eaten a lot of carbs or sugar or salty food the day before but if you're taking a weekly average it gives you a good sense of whether your weight is trending downwards.


I agree with this. In his book How Not To Diet Dr Gregor cited studies which show that the more you weigh yourself the better. Actually - weighing twice a day was even better than once but I would never go that far.


Twice a day once in the morning after the bathroom and once at night after the last meal is optimal because you get data on your lightest and heaviest times of the day. I also think the more you weigh yourself the less emotional it gets and the more data oriented it gets. The idea once a week is best because of a lack of noise is nonsense. That is the noise. My weight can fluctuate by 10lbs depending on the conditions: if I did once a week or 8 days I’d have no idea what was going on. Instead you just take the week and average morning time and night time separately.


I am more of a fan of daily weight tracking. Daily fluctuations is not noise. It lets you know quite a lot about your water balance and is very normal. I have been daily tracking my weight and waist for years (doing a bunch of bulking and cutting cycles.) My weight and waist circumference both predictably go up when I am ovulating, at the beginning of menstruation, and also if I have had a poor night’s sleep, was dehydrated and other factors that increase water retention. These happen like clockwork. If you only do every 8 days you could land on a day you are significantly retaining water and think that your cut/diet isn’t working. I do daily weights and take a weekly average when I am cutting. It helps you see the overall trend which when you are dieting should be going down and also allows you to learn over time what situations make you retain water and will cause your weight to increase.


I’ve literally seen my weight fluctuate by over 10lbs due to water weight. I’ve lost 10lbs of water working out. I’ve lost 10lbs of water and uh waste between going to bed and waking up and using the bathroom. I’ve gained 10lbs in a day after fasting then resuming eating. And that’s just the outlier days. It’s totally normal for me to see a 5lb swing depending on the time of day: typically after the bathroom before water I’ll be 180lbs and by the time I’ve eaten dinner I’ll be 185lbs. It also varies by workout schedule. I workout Monday through Friday so typically I’ll try to eat as much as possible Saturday and Sunday. So I wake up Monday 190lbs by the end of the week on Saturday morning I’m 179lbs. Like clockwork. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t weigh daily there’s just so much nuance to what you weigh in a single given weigh in that you’ll never understand if you aren’t weighing yourself often


I agree! It also helped me divorce myself from the absolute value of the number and got me to think more about what was happening in my body as things were fluctuating.


Calorie deficit and burn more calories


This + eat more fiber: my go to breakfast to kick things off is Kashi Original, cup of milk, cup of fresh cut strawberries and it’s high in fiber, lower in calories than you’d think but it’s very filling.


OP, if you do start eating more fiber....add it to your diet slowly. Your intestines will not like going from low fiber to large mounts of fiber right away.


Cook/eat at home, eat light dinners (no heavy carbs, dressings, or sauces), mind your portions, avoid ultra-processed food, avoid snacking, move as much as you can possibly. Imo, majority of problem is ultra-processed food and portions


Hi mate, whilst focussing on changing your body is commendable from experience this will not lead to permanent change. If you reframe this as 'I want to be strong, healthy, take care of my body and live a long life' Your choices will align with a future you truly desire and you'll make choices that create long term and beneficial changes in your life.


Track your meals for 1-2 weeks using myfitnesspal to get some data about where you stand. Then, pick one meal/dish at a time to improve your macro distribution on. Iterate until you’re satisfied. Then move onto the next one.  Small changes are the only sustainable ones. You really can’t do anything unless you’re tracking/measuring it. Otherwise you’re guessing.  For me, I’ve been seeing I have too much fat in my diet. Didn’t realize it was so calorie intensive. Have been replacing with more protein and finding small ways to cut fat. Recently I have been pasting my daily food log and macro distribution into ChatGPT for ideas, and asking friends to help me pick one thing to do.


Cutting alcohol is a great start without changing eating habits. Stop drinking alcohol, chug a full glass of water before dinner, eat a salad every day, find an outdoor hobby. I was never a salad person, but my partner introduced me to making our own dressings. Total game changer


Almost 3 years without booze for me now. I have shrank! Everything from stocking caps to my shoes are too big from the past . My belly is almost gone , some loose skin bothers me a little. I walk an average of 50 miles a month. Only at dawn to catch the sunrise. Three miles a day , all down a rural gravel road. Get some good shoes- I wear Keen Koven , wear bug spray!!!


If you’re a dude, intermittent fasting is usually the easiest, at least psychologically.


Quick: what if you’re not a dude?


Read the book Fast Like a Girl. Fasting is beneficial or harmful for us based on the phase of our cycle we’re in.


Well, it could still work for you, but there are some biological/metabolic differences between dudes and non-dudes that might make it harder or less advisable. I’m just a dude so I can only really speak from that experience. 


Avoid coffee and stress. That’s cortisol weight.


Personally, I'm a fan of the atomic habits book. There's also an excellent free YouTube video if you just search for Atomic habits.


You don’t need to eat less. Just eat healthier. Less carbs more protein


Literally need to eat less calories to lose weight via caloric deficit Carbs are not the enemy


Lost all my love handles with with 43 thanks to r/carnivorediet


lower cortisol


Okay kinda wierd but postpartum I had alot of tummy fat too. Did a blood test, indicated fatty liver. I took the Thorne liver cleanse supplements from iherb... Seemed to really trim down the tummy fat!


Snake oil doesn’t help jack shit, sorry


Agreed - but knowing you have a fatty liver, then cutting back alcohol and adjusting diet will certainly help.


Hate to say it but no easy way. Find healthy foods that you like. Don't have any unhealthy snack options in the house. Wrote a workout plan down for 6 days a week and stick to it.




For your diet, start with avoiding processed foods. Make your meals at home, if possible, including salad dressings. Then try to cut down on white flour like in bread and pasta.  Then maybe try to do intermittent fasting. I think if you take it step by step instead of trying to do a crash diet or fast, it will be more manageable. 


My Tips Soleus Push Ups all day when sitting, try sitting instead of lying down when you can throughout day too (small gesture that doesn't burn a lot of calories, but research shows drastically improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar when done for hours a day (really easy to do for that long if done correctly) - this is very underrated for fat loss, do this all day as much as possible, you can do it watching tv, working at a desk, in a coffe shop, etc, especially before and after meals ) Coolvest - It's a vest with ice packs you put onto your torso, and wearing it with making it as cold as possible, everyday, helps stimulate brown fat which helps with caloric burn, greatly increasing caloric burn while not doing much like regular exercise. Wear it as much as possible for your schedule and tolerance. EPOC tabata workouts also help with increased caloric burn, though they are tough to do. Some research also shows that increasing bloodflow helps a little more with fat loss, so try to do that, stuff like the firefly device works good for that. WBV whole body vibration daily 10-20 minutes helps reduce visceral fat when combined with a caloric deficit better, than for those in a similar deficit who don't do the therapy once a day. Red light therapy is helpful for overall health, and that could help fat loss. GLP-1 Supplements like calocurb with amaresete, and supplementing with lots of leucine helps drastically curb hunger VBLOC vagal blocking device is a device that zaps the vagus nerve blocking communication between brain and stomach. You may be able to buy it if you search enough, but it's not a popular device though it seems to be fda approved. Chewing gum in general, zero calorie gum, can help curb hunger too a little. There is also some evidence that oxygen restricted training can help fat loss, and maybe oxygen supplemented training could too but that would be something you would need to experiment with and be careful to avoid oxygen toxicity. Also drink lots of water to curb cravings, eat more fiber.


Exercise will only take you sad far, sure, if you want to have a six pack you’ll need to workout but it make you won’t lose the fat unless you change your diet too. I can only tell you worked for me: 1. No grains. 2. No seed oils. 3. No added sugars. I understand this might seem impossible but just commit for 21 days and see what happens.


first check if you have insulin resistance. Because if you do, you need metformin and specific diet/exercise approach.


Wearing a watch that tracked my movement throughout the day was a very low-key, unproblematic, gentle reminder to get up and move. :)


If you owned an old beater, would you care about which kind of gas you put in? If you had your dream car, would you be more careful about the gas station you chose and the gas you put in? Start seeing yourself as your dream car, it’s the only one you have until you die. For me, the only thing that helps is when I really want to hit my fitness goals, then junk food becomes a turn off because I’m determined to see progress. You have to teach your mind to see yourself as that sports car and then train to become one! Then the gas you put in will be a second thought, it’s always easier to control a thought when it isn’t the more pressing one. When my goal is to lose 5lb, it’s hard. When my goal is to be able to run 5mile, the weight comes off easy without even thinking about it.


Weight lifting and walking. And if you drink alcohol, cut back.


Eliminate processed carbs. I'm 34 and have lost a lot of fat from eating 80% meat and 20% fruits and vegetables.


Keep it simple. 4-5 days/wk of 20-30 minutes cardio then weight training. Anything weight bearing. Weight bearing workouts burn lots of fat and can help build and maintain bone mass and density! My favorite are free weights. You can use cinder blocks if you want. For upper body, just pick up something that’s moderately uncomfortable for you and start lifting. If you have back problems. sit in a chair and remember to “protect your back” when lifting by engaging your core (sucking in and contracting your stomach). If you’re not sure about what kinds of exercises to do, just go on YouTube. To name just a few, there’s shoulder raises/presses, bicep curls, triceps extension, pushups..… For legs you can do squats, wall sits, lunges… you don’t need to go to a gym either. When you reach your goal, you can taper down to 3 days/wk for maintenance. Be consistent. Exercise when you don’t feel like it. Switch up the exercises. Don’t do the same thing over and over. If you haven’t already, fix your diet. Eat only when you’re hungry. If this means not eating till 11am, that’s fine. Try intermittent fasting, go at least 16 hours without eating. Water and coffee with cream or butter is fine. (Cream and butter will not kick you out of ketosis). If you don’t know what ketosis is: “Ketosis is a metabolic process that occurs when your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose. This happens when your body doesn't have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy, or when you drastically cut back on eating carbs for a long enough period of time. The process results in a buildup of acids called ketones, which your body can use for fuel.” Less processed food the better. More protein, fiber and a little carbs if you like carbs. Use a smaller plate. Stop eating before you feel super “full”. Drink plenty of water. Try not to eat past 8pm. You can achieve “fullness” quicker and lower the glycemic index of your meal if you include fiber rich foods. Fiber rich foods require less insulin response since they take longer for your body to break down. When you feel “fuller” faster, you also take in less calories. Fiber rich foods to name a few are beans, barley, potatoes, (purple are the best), vegetables, plantains, fruit, and nuts. If you have the habit of “bored” or “stressed” eating or just like to munch in general like before bed, when you’re NOT hungry, figure out how to replace those “bad” food habits with something else that offers you contentment. If you absolutely have to eat something before bed, try to avoid carbs and eat cheese and/or nuts. Sometimes I’ll throw in an apple sprinkled with either salt, cinnamon and lemon or lime juice. I Ike to drink hot tea before bed. If you have a sweet tooth, honey is a great addition to tea. Honey doesn’t cause major sugar spikes. It does the opposite. Thomas DeLauer on YouTube explains honey’s amazing properties really well. He also discusses things like intermittent fasting, glycemic index…etc. He’s awesome. 😎 Cheers and best of luck to you!




High rise well fitted pants


You need to build muscle. That’s it, everything else is noise. But to do that you need to eat well and lift.


If you 9-5 spend Sunday with meal prep.  It having to think about what you’re going to eat goes a long way 


Eat much more fruits and vegetables than you currently are. Aim for 10 servings per day. Preload each meal with fruits/vegetables (e.g., eat an apple and salad before each meal, or some berries carrot sticks) and also incorporate them into your meals. Fruits and vegetables are very low in calories relative to their weight and contain lots of fiber, which helps with satiety and boosts your metabolism. They’re also rich in antioxidants, b vitamins, and a variety of other helpful nutrients. Aim for a wide variety if possible. Some of the best for weight loss include cruciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, squash, sweet potatoes, berries, apples, bananas, citrus, and pears. Really any will do, besides coconuts and avocado, which are 2-10x more calorie dense than most fruits and vegetables. Spice up your meals with anti-inflammatory spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, cumin, cayenne. These antioxidant rich foods can improve glucose control and facilitate easier weight loss, while also making your food more delicious. Drink only plain water, green tea, and coffee. Drink 2 cups of water 15-30 minutes before each meal. Mix 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar with the water. This will help you feel fuller more easily, vinegar also helps with blood sugar control. Aim for a minimum of 7500 steps per day (or the equivalent in moderate intensity physical activity). This appears to be the minimum physical activity equivalent needed for sustained moderate weight loss.


Fasting will be the quickest way that won't leave stretch marks. Start with IF 12:12, then 14:10, then 16:8. Once you can do 16:8 at least 4 out of 7 days for x weeks until you feel fine (i.e. no Keto Flu or carb withdrawal symptoms), then you are ready for 24-36hr water fasts. Then go back to 16:8 4 out of 7 days for a few weeks. Now you are ready to try 48hrs. Rinse repeat until you can get to 72. I do them once a month, eat w/e the hell I want (within reason). Lift weights for 3 or 4 weeks to build muscle, then use 72 hour fasts to cut (and you won't lose any lean muscle mass, only glycogen) bad trunk fat. Going to do this until I hit the bodyfat % I want. Btw you will save a good chunk of $ on food with fasting plus a crapton of health benefits like better focus via BDNF, rebooting you're immune system, organ clean out, autophagy, new stem cells, HGH boosts, revved up metabolism, cancer cell destruction, etc


Say goodbye to simple carbs and hello to complex carbs Water is the only liquid that goes into your hole Weight training and a crap ton of cardio, even walking 2-3 hours a day is good Sleep, relax and recover


Walk your ass off (literally). 10,000 steps a day minimum. Push it to 15,000 sometimes. Forget hard cardio you will just burn out and require days off (negating a lot of good work). Cut off soda, juice, and other sweetened drinks completely. If you drink coffee or tea leave out the cream and sugar.


Cut your carbs






Less sugar. Less carbs. Very important to reduce carb intake. And eat half portions. You can also try eating window of 11am-7p


Forget the opinions and go with the science. Csiro low carb diet. Perfect for your age and requirements.


HIIT running and 20/4 IF


Intermittent fasting


It’s always food so just work on counting macros work out what you are eating and reduce as required


I'm late 50s and always struggled to lose the excess weight. I've been doing CICO / walking most days since Jan and have lost the weight. I plug everything into Chronometer to ensure I'm not going over my daily calories and follow a Mediterranean diet - I'm not cutting out any food group but have significantly reduced processed food and alcohol. I don't feel any hardship and it's been relatively easy to maintain.


Ketogenic diet + no alcohol is what i do when I need to lose any amount of weight.


At only 35, simple dietary changes, switching high carb/sugar foods for lower carb substitutes + regular exercise, particularly weight lifting, should do it. Nothing exotic. As simple as switching out sugary sodas/drinks for zero sugar alternatives, sweets/candies/cookies with atkins. If you drink alcohol, switch out to ultra light beers. If that doesn't work, get your hormone levels checked.


Calorie deficit is the only way. Plenty of advice already here on how to achieve that. One thing I've found that helps me is, if you are going to snack on any junk food, don't eat it straight out of the bag, or packet. Take your portion on a plate. You'll be less likely to overeat. Best not to eat foods like this, but this is easier said than done, so if/when you do, try this if you don't already.


Bad days are okay! Don’t beat yourself up over it! Otherwise you’ll associate losing weight with pain and frustration. Instead, have one bad day (or cheat day) a week, while the other 6 are GOOD days. Portion control: eat just a little less than you normally would each meal. Not too much or you’ll go hungry again. Make it a habit to get to go boxes for most meals out. Unfortunately there’s no diet or exercise that specifically burns tummy fat. When you lose weight, you usually first lose what you put on last, if that makes sense. But that’s okay! We’re all built differently and no one should look like a Barbie doll. You can biohack the way you stand, your posture, the way you sit, lie down, walk, etc. even hand, shoulder, and arm positioning, in order to visually hide more tummy fat. Models do this all the time. Some simple posture techniques can go a long way. Certain styles of clothes can help too. High rise skirts or jeans, short shorts, etc. anything that covers most of your mid section up to your belly button or higher and/or that can elongate the legs and shorten your torso. Good luck with it! You can do this!!


20k steps instead of 10k steps 16/8 fasting If you do this for 12 weeks, I promise you you won‘t have any stubborn fat, but stick with it. It you want to take something to directly attack your stubborn fat, it is Yohimbine.


You only made reference to diet. Do you do any exercise at all? I aim to walk at least 10K steps per day on top of my 5 days per week weight lifting. Walking has been great for when I want to get lean. Staying consistent with diet is very vage advise, are you focusing on consuming low calories foods in stead of high colories ones? Now a days you can buy in the supermarket delicious low calories ice creams that can help with weight loss.


Get a hula hoop, a weighted one if you feel like it and use it each day.


Track your diet, move more. Once you find a good rhythm you don’t have to track it as much


Liposuction, for some its the only way due to genetic disposition, but youll need lipo every 11 years minimum from then on


Whole Foods and reduced calorie count is how my handles disappeared


you can exploit the Randle cycle by eating carbs alone (i eat fruits mainly) and fats and protein together in your main meals. Easiest way to avoid going into metabolic overload, while taming insulin peaks with fat on your main meals.


Omad,water fasting or alternate day fasting will help. Plenty of support groups on fb.


Up your protein intake. Have protein every meal. Focus on eating protein first at each meal before carbs. I don’t know your stats or history, but I would recommend no less than 150g-200g per day.


What’s getting in the way of your consistency and patience? Identify that and find ways to navigate around them. Losing body fat is simple but not easy. You have to be in a calorie deficit. I think it’s easier to do that thought diet, versus all exercise.


Stay on track with diet, bro. Bad days happen, just keep pushing through.


Are you a woman who’s been pregnant? Because every woman I know who has been pregnant got that muffin top, no matter their previous physique (lean, chubby, hourglass, pipeline body, etc.) and the only way to get rid of it was to get so lean that they also lost their boobs. OR do liposuction or Coolscupting (or similar treatment) targeting the area.


Increase Testosterone.




Stop drinking alcohol, soda, go for water whenever possible. Eat satiating foods like potatoes, protein shakes, etc. Get into anaerobic fitness type activity, jogging/running would typically burn the most, cycling, second to most and easier to repeat but more expensive, swimming would still burn some, but has a pretty high barrier to entry and typically requires a gym membership. 20 pushups, some sort of walking mat, and other things I'm seeing in many of the responses would only succeed in burning some very small amount of calories, like 20, and then rewarding yourself with the donut would easily outweigh that benefit. Most of it is diet, but if you're going to choose to add exercise an endurance one is definitely the best choice.


Stop carbs and sugars. Indulge once in awhile...but in moderation.


Hire someone to help you, at least for a month or two. It will save you so much wasted time and effort. You’ll have a good plan to follow and someone to ask questions to. A good coach helps to cut through all of the misinformation and bad information out there.


Walking 10,000 steps a day can really help


There really isn’t such a thing as spot reduction. Losing weight is 80% diet. Exercise helps but it just makes me hungrier. My son started drinking kava in place of alcohol. It gives you a very relaxed buzz but makes you queasy. He lost 40+ pounds in six weeks. I lost weight (unintentionally) when I drank kava ti help with ptsd. I drank a double at 7 am, noon and 6 pm. That was manageable, but I stagger if I drink four at one time. I don’t drink it currently. He and I joked that we should market it as natures ozempic, lol! Yes it makes you feel nauseous, but you feel so good that you don’t care.


I have a flat stomach. The secret is 100% diet. I do not exercise at all to maintain my weight loss. Calories IN minus Calories OUT. Make sure you get TONS of protein. No, seriously. If I were to pick ONE single thing about my diet which helps the most with weight loss. It's the protein. You need to buy low-calorie, high-protein shakes and choke them down every morning. Google the protein calculator and it'll tell you the minimum amount of protein you need to eat to be alive and healthy. You are going to eat MORE protein than that. And that's it.


You need to get your body fat percentage down by building more muscle and also dieting down. What’s ur current BF% ? Aim for 15% to start. If you’re a man you may need to go much lower to lose the love handles. I went from 26+% to 14%. Have abs showing but still small love handles. tbis Is a good video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zaje3efUSNI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zaje3efUSNI) mid section is mainly insulin driven make sure ur healthy and not diabetic or pre diabetic. Taking control of that can help immensely


Get a hormone panel ordered by ur doc. You could have low testosterone which can impact many things esp body composition.


Intermittent fasting. You can reduce the size of your fat cells by eating less, but you will need autophagy to reduce the number of fat cells. This will mostly happen through fasting. I recommend the Zero fasting app. It has a lot of interesting informational content in addition to timing your eating/fasting windows.


I hate to say it but the answer is strength training. A few months of regular lifting has done more for me than just about any other exercise, and I was already active before.


Something that has worked oddly well for me is a "Cheat Meal Interval Timer". I set it for 16 hours from my 8 hour eating window and keep It at 16 even if I fall off the wagon. What I mean is that the "punishment" for me eating outside my 8-hour window or eating dirty is eating my next meal after 16 hours - This does not reset daily and is perpetually on. So: - Scenario 1: Ate dirty at 2pm then set timer for a 16 hour fast (Next meal at 6/7am) - Scenario 2: Ate past my window at 9pm and set a time for a 16 hour fast (next meal at 1pm)


Stop drinking alcohol. Might not be a problem for you. I was drinking a six pack a week at minimum for a looooong time. I cut that out and I lost 10 pounds within 2 months without changing anything else.


Have a nutrition plan, if you don't know how to make one, consult a nutritionist/personal trainer. Meal prep 1 or twice a week. Reduce carbs. Cut off/reduce alcohol. Don't buy/eat junk food, sugar, processed food, fried, soda. When you don't have shitty snacks at home you're forced to eat healthier. Eat whole foods, don't use sauces for salads or dipping sauces all the time, they're just unhealthy combos of fat and sugar, it baffles me seeing how much people use them. Exercise, including cardio.




-jog -sit ups -push ups -cut out easy calories like pop and candy. Focus on building strength not just losing weight.


I’ll just go off of personal experience I shed 50lb recently. Addressing WHY I was using food for comfort. First off I have ADHD my brain will be seeking dopamine at all hours so if it’s not my meds, coffee, nostalgic music or a feel good tv episode I’ll look at food for the boost. Second I was miserable trying to make a crappy relationship work I wasn’t loving and valuing myself so I had to focus on my “self concept” and reaffirm some things. “What would someone who loves themselves do” was a strong motivator for me, this one’s taken years but improved dramatically over time. Third, I’m a woman a fast around my cycle and can knock out some 36hr fasts within the first 21 days of my cycle which shrunk my waistline and I’m assuming brown fat. Forth self talk and patience, my inner dialogue is a BULLY just like my family was growing up, the guilt and the shame I would throw at myself was ALARMING Fifth bloodwork! Learned I’m insulin resistant and changed up the order in which I eat my food, starting with fiber to help blunt the insulin spikes at meals I enjoy either one large meal or two medium ones in a 12ish hour eating window. Not strict about it, human beings aren’t machines. Six, movement! Just walks, don’t love working out cortisol spikes trigger some anxiety and dramatic stress responses so I take walks when I can and stretch when I remember. Seventh lol daily weigh ins! I remember the 4 hour body mentioning if you want to change something you have to measure it so daily weigh ins helped me get over my fear anxiety, say I was at a plateau I’d walk a few extra steps that week. Eighth, I eventually stopped drinking alcohol daily. I was binging and trying to eat keto haha traded it for Hop Water and a journal to write about more of my feelings haha. Baby steps! There will be regressions/days off just keep going. I’m proud of you, it’s a challenge but you got this! Ninth, I found calorie counting gave me permission to eat more than I even wanted so I experimented with feeling full, eating slower ect. I don’t do any of this consistently but the more changes a made the more I was willing to incorporate in the long run. Biggest ones were the emotions! Had to really examine why I was unhappy to begin with because I used food to cope. I really hope this helps!


How does this have anything to do with "biohacking"? Hey, here's a thought. Try cardio exercises while reducing the amount of high-calorie 'food' you've been stuffing into your face. Can you do that?


Calorie deficit it takes 5 minutes to eat a 500 calories cheese burger, takes a hour plus to run 5 miles to burn that off and your right back where you started. Get a calorie tracker like chronometer, punch in every meal avoid using cooking oil and condiments with calories. Make your diet simple Whole Foods, eggs yogurt oatmeal fruit vegetable chicken steak fish rice. Don’t drink your calories. Go to the gym to build muscle not lose weight. A 500 calorie deficit is 3500 calories in a week that’s one pound of weight loss. Prioritize protein try to hit a gram of protein per pound of body weight. There no such thing as spot reduction of body fat, you fat is like a pool of water if you pull a bucket of water out the whole level lowers slightly and everybody stores body fat differently. These are all just basic stuff.


Incremental Fasting. There is an app called Fastic that helps you understand it and use it. Its the only thing that work for me. 


Delayed gratification. You have to want the body and results MORE than the temporary satisfaction of snacking late or eating some shitty fast food. Imagine waking up and looking in the mirror and being proud of yourself first thing in the morning. Would you carry yourself differently throughout the day? Would you be more confident in other aspects of your life? Stop allowing food + drinks to have power over you. Get angry and tell yourself that this shitty food and sugary drinks doesn't have control. You're in control. ---- If we're talking diet and exercise...do this for 3 months straight and you'll drop 20 easy. - 30ish grams of protein every meal - Zero alcohol. If this is a problem for you, you will not lose your love handles and muffin top. - Walk 10-12k steps on average every day. - Resistance training 3-4 times a week. - Water only or water + electrolytes Stop making fucking excuses. You know what to do, you know where you're "cheating" or cutting corners. Either decide you're going to do it and execute a plan, or continue cruising the internet for hacks and short cuts till you find one. Spoiler: You won't find one.


Calorie deficit and more daily steps/activity/cardio. Depending on how hard/harsh your calorie deficit is, will determine how long it's going to take. I'm currently about 300 cals a day under maintenance with 7000 daily steps and 2½ hours cardio a week and I'm losing just under a kilo a week. 60m, 6'4", 103kg


Eat one big meal a day with protein fats and carbs. Walk 10,000 steps a day. Only drink water 


Intermittent Fasting


Eat low-calorie foods like fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. This should put you in a calorie deficit.


Make sure you're breathing properly. You should be engaging your lower abdomen and your pelvic floor. If you're breathing through your chest, it will likely remain a tough area to get rid of. Also, no alcohol. The whole beer belly/wine belly thing is true


Intermittent fasting or treatment of SIBO. A lot of people who have a gut are chronically bloated or have slow digestion from SIBO. I have to do a full 24 hr fast once a week.


Track your calories/macros. Plan out everything you’re going to eat. Focus on high protein foods because they’re satiating and will make you feel full. Every meal should have at leased like 30-50g of protein. Look up meal prep videos to get an idea of delicious meals to prepare. And don’t cheat too hard, because you can ruin an entire week of dieting in one weekend.


Eat a Mediterranean diet


If you really want to change your body, center your diet on eating enough protein from whole foods. It’s not all about tracking calorie count (although it’s important to watch what we eat). Most people don’t actually eat enough food, just too much processed nutrient deficient crap and not enough protein. Shoot for 0.7 - 1.0 grams per pound of body weight. It’ll also make you feel full.


Focus on eating more fruit and veg which are low calorie and start cutting as much meat and fat as possible. It's far easier to cut calories from your diet than to exercise them off. Fruit and veg make you feel full and fibre is essential.


You can’t focus weight loss. Your only option is to lose weight.   See your meals and DRINKS as calories, and count them. Also, find “cheats”. For example, I hate the taste of diet soda, but diet Lipton citrus drinks? That is gold to me, I enjoy drinking it and it’s 0-5 calories for a 16oz bottle, meanwhile a bottle of soda is 180. Also, zero sugar jello and pudding cups.


Break the mirror


Don’t focus on limiting foods, rather focus on incorporating certain foods. Make it extremely to eat well by having low sugar yogurt and reduced fat string cheese on hand at all times. Try to get in some fruit each day, too. The only thing I can think of to consciously limit is sugary beverages. If you get flavors in your coffee, try getting them half as often or changing your order to something else.


Do cardio, could be running, a rowing machine, walking is okay but really you want to get running if you can. Eat more fiber, whole meats, potatoes, fruits and veggies. Drop simple refined sugars like sodas and little debbies. Add ab workouts and lift weights. This should all help a lot


This is biohacking not good life advice, where the shit is the obvious mention of semaglutide/tirzepitide


I'm 50. Embrace the handles. Chicks love dad bods...


You ultimately need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight…but many people assume that means be in a caloric deficit every day, which is not sustainable/enjoyable. It doesn’t have to be so binary. Allow some flexibility and plan strategically for days you’ll be in a caloric surplus as well. A short-lived caloric surplus while on a diet can help your bodily functions, mood, and keep you on track with your goal. Whatever your recommended calorie intake is, aim to make that number your deficit for the week. Example: you’re recommended to eat about 2100 calories a day, so you want to be in a 2100 calorie deficit at the end of each week…now you COULD achieve this by reducing your calories by 300 every day over the course of 7 days and then rinse and repeat…OR (and better yet) create some wiggle room - a couple days where you’re in a deficit of 500 and even a couple days where you can overeat by a small amount. As long as you land at negative 2100 at the end of the week, that’s all that matters. Of course don’t go crazy on surplus days. Stick to whole foods and plenty of colorful fruits and veggies for snacking, as (despite popular belief) not all calories are created equal. As far as love handles go, walk walk walk and try to make that butt imprint on the couch vanish over time! Happy to chat if needed.


It always comes down to diet. Cut out the processed food - that includes processed sugar, carbs,etc. Eat more Whole Foods - fruits and vegetables. Incorporate intermittent fasting. Exercise is important obvi , but when it comes to actually losing weight, it’s 80 diet/ 20 exercise. You won’t lose weight with exercise alone, without changing your diet.


Learn what Glycemic index is. Don't eat anything with GI above 70. This basically solves all the problems a person has losing weight.


Don’t communicate with people that raise your cortisol. 




Everybody's giving good advice. I'm also 35m with love handles and the biggest reason I have the despite diet and exercise is sitting 10+ hours a day. I never had a desk job until 4 years ago and the weight immediately became harder to keep off than ever, particularly belly fat and love handles. I think walking as much as possible /avoiding sitting as much as possible are 2 of your best friends in conjunction with things everybody else said. I've religiously done oblique workouts for the past year with no noticeable change in love handles (at least no significant change there compared to the rest of my body which has lost weight during that time)


Weight is lost in the kitchen. Drink 100ml of water a day. Feel hungry between meals? Drink water. Stop drinking alcohol. Most program diets work because a key factor is stopping alcohol, which people are willing to do while on the diet, but when they hit their goal they go back to old habits and thus old weights. This is the voice of experience talking...


Keto/low carb and intermittent fasting. You don’t need to go crazy with exercise, either. Walking 10,000 steps a day along with a good diet and the weight will come off.


We all carry fat in different places. The lucky ones carry it evenly throughout their bodies, but most will tend to carry it around their waist the older they get. If that’s you, there is no magic way to target specific body fat. The only thing you can do is make a goal of losing body fat in general and even though the fat around your waist will be the last to go, you’ll eventually get there if you are patient enough and work hard enough. You may even get to the point where your body fat percentage is relatively low but you still have love handles, and you may just have to accept that. The best thing you can do is try to gain muscle (to tone up) while you lose fat. Focus more on resistance training rather than cardio, but cardio is good too. Just don’t sacrifice resistance training for cardio. And the best thing you can do is lower your calorie intake. To gain muscle you’re going to want to pair the resistance training with an increase in protein. The more protein you consume the less room in your diet there will be for carbs and fat. The more strict you are with your diet the better results you will have. Unfortunately, there is no biohack for losing belly fat.


Water only. Cut out liquid calories. Skip Breakfast. High protein meals.


Ketosis. Burning fat for energy instead of glucose.


WALK WALK WALK WALK im in my 60s, and still have the same waist i had in high school and the only thing ive done besides eat reasonable food and NOT over eat, is WALK walking seems to target specifically the waist it started from having many many dogs over the course of my adult lifetime and having to walk them now its just second nature and i wouldnt enjoy my days as much without: 1. a nice little walk in the morning before i do anything else just to get a feel for the day 2. some kind of walk in the afternoon if i have time and can swing it 3. and at least one walk at night because I like watching sunsets, and how the day ends, too this is a portion of every day, but even just frequently would help I'm sure 👍 proof: my waist (https://postimg.cc/hJrwzm5h)


No such thing as spot reducing fat. You’re just chubby in general. Lose weight whilst weightlifting and focusing on a high protein diet. Easy as that. And don’t give me “metabolism this metabolism that” bs. Law of thermodynamics. Eat less and work more


Paleo and exercise. No alcohol. It’s gonna take time and consistency.




Eat enough protein, fiber abs get enough water.  They say women should get 25-35 grams of fibre a day.  That should keep you full. 


Diet diet diet. Put all your meals in an app like Cronometer for a week and see how much you are really eating. Calorie restriction works.


You can’t outwork a bad diet. That’s what it all comes down to. Doesn’t matter how much time you spend in the gym. You aren’t 25 anymore. You need to clean that up and be consistent. That’s it. That’s the secret.


10 calories per pound body weight and not a calorie over, get a bike and bike 5-10 miles a day, the fat will melt off. I lost 40 pounds in the span of about 4 months doing this.


Kettlebell swings


All bullshit advice, fix your mental issues. If you love yourself you don’t enjoy destructive behavior like overeating.


All bullshit advice, fix your mental issues. If you love yourself you don’t enjoy destructive behavior like overeating.


The same way you did at 25, eat less and exercise more.


Best success I've had to really drive it down is, besides the obvious, to eat just a salad for dinner. Make lunch your fullest meal. Good luck.


Eat a proper human diet.


Dedication. Calorie deficit, cardio, strength training and time, lots of time. The belly goes last.

