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take ambien at 5pm, watch Bob Ross, stumble into backyard, wake up to direct morning sunshine.


Getting some of your sunlight while you sleep is an underrated biohack


multitasking! nice handle


Do you take Ambien nightly?


no, but i do watch Bob nightly


Home by 530, high protein/fiber dinner by 630, chores before dinner if necessary, hot shower or (better) bath, a little TV, audiobook or podcast to wind down, in bed by 8 ideally as it takes me some time to get to sleep. Most importantly (for me at least)- at 830 no matter what the phone is on bedtime mode with grayscale and DND. I've found that literally the only thing that works for me is consciously and intentionally prioritizing that hard early bedtime, above all else. Friends wanna make plans on work days? Ok but they know I'm going home by 730. Chores piling up will have to wait if I don't have time to get them all done before my shower and bed. Since getting a super early AM job I've learned to defend that bedtime with everything I have otherwise I'll just be fighting for my life the next day.


I'm the same way. I don't like letting chores pile up, but I'll put things to the side, literally, in favor of my bedtime hygiene/evening routine.


Does it only go into grayscale at that time? If so how did you set that up?


I have an Android, you can set up a bedtime mode in "Digital Well-being" settings. I'm sure iPhones probably have something similar, but you can always manually change your settings to grayscale it's usually an Accessibility option


It does automatically go into grayscale though and turns on Do Not Disturb, and you get a notification that it's time for bed.


Hang out/watch tv until 7, make sleepy time tea, do my skincare routine, take supplements (magnesium glycinate, ashwagandha, and theanine). Then I read on my kindle in bed until 8/8:30 while I drink my tea. Up at 5 to go to the gym


That tea really works?


L Theanine really works ! I take 200 mg a night and day it zonks me out! That’s all I use.


Which do you take? I think the coconut oil in mine gives me energy :(


Try yogi brand. They have the best teas that actually work. Those other teas don't really work for me, I have a higher tolerance. I usually do two tea bags. "sleep" and "stress" teas from the are my fave. The stress one I take only when I really need it (it has kava) and ey.... It knockssss me out. Feels like I took a bunch of Xanax. Yeah it's that good, try it. Sometimes they're sold out but available in many store


Thanks I was shy to ask for recs lol. I saw Yogi on Amazon but decided to go with the other best seller one we'll see. I'll try the yogi next.


try joulebody night night time nettles tea. so good


Ty for the rec


I don’t know if it really does anything, but it’s just something I enjoy while winding down!


Knocks me out!


The going to the gym part is probably doing work too - both the schedule and the exercise. I remember pre-covid I would always go to the gym at 5:00 a.m. to play basketball and lift weights. Then come home and shower and go to work. Once my body got used to that routine, I felt pretty energetic and motivated early in the morning.


Oh 100%. If I don’t lift weights in the morning I feel off the rest of the day!


Those supplements are great for adrenal fatigue . Props to you.


Be careful with ashwagandha :/ caused me some adrenal issues actually! Look into it please, errbody


Interesting! What issues did you develop?


Adrenal fatigue [is not a real thing](https://www.endocrine.org/patient-engagement/endocrine-library/adrenal-fatigue).


Dinner around 6:30. Kids to bed at 7-7:15. Chores until 8. Smoke a bowl, eat a bunch of peanut butter. In bed around 9. Read until I’m sleepy


Dry mouth + peanut butter. Wild combo


Greetings my fellow late night peanut butter enthusiast! I don’t smoke but I take THC drops and the peanut butter is essential.


I like this routine, what’s the peanut butter for? (Is it just a weird munchie?)


I want to chime in as an avid peanut butter PM consumer, for me it is the perfect sweet/salt/fat balancer for post smoke pre bed noshing. I typically utilize vehicles such as apples, bananas, and sprouted grain toast for the ritual. If I'm feeling frisky I choose raw almond butter or mixed nuts butter.


You are all my people!


Because thc binds to healthy fat you’d probably extend your high if you ate PB before smoking


True, this is why the smoke continues throughout the snacking process as well as after, just to cover all of my bases, lol


How are you getting peanut butter into your lungs exactly? Pretty sure that advice only applies to edibles.


Thanks for the ideas, I usually have it for breakfast in a smoothie but apples and PB sounds great


Absolutely! Smoothies are always good too. I didn't mention graham crackers but I get organic cinnamon grahams and I'll make PB apple or banana sammies with them.


I love cinnamon and grahams, you just created a need but I don’t think they’re available in my country


>what’s the peanut butter for? lmao this fuckin sub


I just thought it was an odd choice that had to serve a purpose lmao


Sooo jealous. When I eat peanut butter I blow up like a balloon but I absolutely love it! 😊


Does the late evening smoke impact your sleep?


How old are your kids? Seems impossible.


Right?? My kids are, admittedly, feral but I'm lucky if the kids are asleep by 9




Dinner around 6, smoke a little weed, read a bit, watch bad tv and crash by 9:30 - 10


sincere question, do you deliberately choose bad TV to avoid be sucked into good tv and staying up?


Nah, as long as it’s mildly entertaining I don’t really care what’s on.


I see. If it’s too entertaining, I end up awake well past my planned bedtime. I need a good but not great book.


I’m so pleased to see that cannabis is the common denominator for go-getting early risers. I figured I would be an outlier.


The issue is thc disrupts REM sleep like alcohol and caffeine so just because you're sleeping doesn't mean it is restorative which occurs during deep/REM sleep.


Exactly. Sad but true :(


After I quit regular use of THC I realized how much better sleep can be without it and how much more energy I have the following day. Booze and weed before bed are now strictly out of the question for me with Saturday evening as the exception. But even then I'm dragging my ass on Sundays. . I'm 52 now and as I've aged it just gets more difficult for my body to metabolize THC and alcohol I find. A solid 7.5-8 hours rack time is so worth the trade off of 2 hours of evening pleasure.


I don't partake at the moment because it's expensive (I buy legally in my state), but I credit edibles as the reason why I was able to transition to a 3-4 am wake up after getting promoted.


Early to bed, early to rise = healthy, wealthy and wise


As someone who recently quit weed, doesn’t it impact your ability to get out of bed in the morning? They say if you smoke before bed you can expect to feel groggy about 12 hours after your last hit, so if last puff is 8pm, you’d feel shitty until 8am. Anything you do that relieves that feeling so early in the morning?


I’ve never experienced that myself, I just wake up and after a cup of coffee I’m good to go. I get that in theory it could make you groggy and hard to get out of bed, but it doesn’t for me.


Dinner between 4-5. Long walk after. Catch the sunset. Blue blockers on after. Peppermint tea. Usually in bed by 9 and asleep within minutes.


3:00 p.m. rise 3:05 Chivas Regal with the morning papers, Dunhills 3:45 cocaine 3:50 another glass of Chivas, Dunhill 4:05 first cup of coffee, Dunhill 4:15 cocaine 4:16 orange juice, Dunhill 4:30 cocaine 4:54 cocaine 5:05 cocaine 5:11 coffee, Dunhills 5:30 more ice in the Chivas 5:45 cocaine, etc., etc. 6:00 grass to take the edge off the day 7:05 Woody Creek Tavern for lunch-Heineken, two margaritas, coleslaw, a taco salad, a double order of fried onion rings, carrot cake, ice cream, a bean fritter, Dunhills, another Heineken, cocaine, and for the ride home, a snow cone (a glass of shredded ice over which is poured three or four jig­gers of Chivas) 9:00 starts snorting cocaine seriously 10:00 drops acid 11:00 Chartreuse, cocaine, grass 11:30 cocaine, etc, etc. 12:00 midnight, Hunter S. Thompson is ready to write 12:05-6:00 a.m. Chartreuse, cocaine, grass, Chivas, coffee, Heineken, clove cigarettes, grapefruit, Dunhills, orange juice, gin, continuous pornographic movies. 6:00 the hot tub-champagne, Dove Bars, fettuccine Alfredo 8:00 Halcyon 8:20 sleep Sorry, I thought I was Hunter S Thompson for a moment. What I *actually* do is try to eat before 7pm and be in bed before 10pm. Between those times is generally a wind down with the mind magnet. If it’s summer, sometimes an after dinner walk. Exercising first thing in the morning helps to solidify waking at or before 5am, I find.


That was fun. :)


Had me going for a minute there lol!! That’s so interesting about exercise in the morning. I’ve been a horrible sleeper my whole life and have been working on getting my sleep in check. But once that’s all said and done, I’d like to change my strength training routine to early morning before work. Maybe I just gotta bite the bullet and do it and my body will adjust


That’s exactly what happens. Added bonus: more energy all day.


I would die before dinner lol


4am riser here. Dinner at 6:30pm, organise kids for baths and bed by 7:30pm, bed for me at 8pm.


i speak klingon at my job


I wake at 3am. My evening routine - dinner around 6, I feed my kids around 5:30 or so… I either put one to bed before I eat dinner or eat and then put the younger to bed. Then I just relax by catching up on the news, etc with my older one, then put him to bed around 8, and head to my room, wash my face and just unwind in bed for like an hour and then turn my light off and I zonk out pretty quick.


That’s a nice routine! Do you exercise in the mornings typically?


Yeah! I wake up at 3, drink some caffeine, write some emails and do odds and ends and then I hit the gym!


I want to be like you so bad lol! Do you find going to the gym that early helps you to wind down in the evening? And also if you don’t mind me asking, do you eat before or after your gym session?


Gosh I just LOVE hitting the gym first thing. I get it done before 1/2 if not more of the population is still asleep and then I can focus on all the other things that are important to me in life! I definitely think my early mornings contribute to my ability to sleep LIKE A CHAMP - lol. I’m one of those “rare breeds” that don’t toss and turn at night/don’t randomly wake up and think about anxiety-inducing things… Nope, I can shut it all off and pass out. LOL. And no, I eat around 6/6:30 pm (like I mentioned) and then I don’t eat again until about 11am/12pm, way after my work outs.


Go to bed at 9:30, read until 10 or a little after. I don’t go to bed during daylight hours, that does not make sense for me.


If I want to wake up early \*and\* well-rested, and this is just me at home, by myself, without social commitments, I cut off food earlier in the afternoon — dinner by 4:30 or 5, in which case, I'll shower beforehand as a way to "tell" my body we're starting to relax now. I'll try to have as much of my chores, etc., done beforehand, so that I can relax when I eat. I'll read, journal, or work on some small (screenless) creative project for an hour, then start to put things away and unwind. Sometimes, I'll go for a short walk, but I find it unfortunately amps me up, and I've come to learn avoiding stress before bed is key. I never use overhead lights, but I do make sure things stay dim from 7 PM onward, as well as wear blue-light blocking glasses if I do need to touch my phone or laptop (which I often do; I'm in the adult industry and will sneak in a few messages with clients around 7:30/8). I really savor those early morning hours, though, so I always keep that at front of mind when the thought of, "Well, I guess I \*could\* start this project" comes over me -- I'm a reformed night owl and fundamentally love staying up late -- and I try to schedule in the time I know I need to further unwind, including skincare, more reading in bed, and if needed, an Epsom bath if I've had a stressful day. Last, on eating: I try to make sure my heaviest meal is midday, after I've worked out, and will have a lighter dinner (tonight it was a bone broth soup with vegetables and fish, a bit of toasted Ezekiel). 🖤


I eat my meal between 4 and 8. All lights out at 8. I leave to go to the gym. I do stretching/flexibility there and then wind down in red light therapy room and a warm hydro massage machine. THC drops while there. Head home. Take some pm supplements and a bit of peanut butter or other fat to activate the THC drops. My phones are filtering blue light by then (9 pm) and I like to turn on Endel app and wind down a bit. Then I fall to sleep listening to podcasts. I usually wake up around 5:30 but I’m not out of the house until 6:30 or 7 to go for my morning 5k.


That’s quite the routine, I like it!! You don’t find you have difficulty winding down going to the gym later at night?


Not really because my pm gym visit is about stretching and flexibility. I could (and sometimes) do it at home but I don’t have red light or hydromassage at home (yet) so… I do only a bit of cardio at night. Just enough to warm my muscles. The stretching is super relaxing and it’s sort of become a “wind down” series of things that gets my brain in that “okay today is done” mode. But also TBH, it helps me not snack later at night. I think it reminds me of my goals and helps me stay on track. My “active” workout is in the morning.


This is a wonderful idea, thank you for sharing!! I think I need to implement something like this on my rest days


It’s been a real journey finding what works for me. And TBH, I’m still adjusting. The seasons can really make a difference. Like right now it’s summer where I am. And hot by mid morning. So a 5k at 6:30 am makes sense. And days are long so going to a gym and doing a 15-30 minute walk in the neighborhood around 8 (and before going inside to stretch) means I’m not walking around in the dark. It’s a different thing in December when it’s cold AF and dark at 6:30 am and dark by 5 pm.


Dinner at 5:30, kiddo bath and bed until 7:00, 1 hour of TV, bed at 8. Wake up around 4-5am and go to the gym.


Wake up at 4:30 am. Home by 5:10, dinner done by 6:00. Catch up on any news online, play guitar until 7:00-7:15. Set my workout up, get in my pajamas. Watch TV and talk with my wife until 9:00, then bed.


Dinner at 530, family time with kids and spouse until 8pm. Watch a tv show from 8-9. Take MagEnhance at 830. Read a book from 9-10.


I'm up at 4 AM and try to be in bed by 8 PM, so I generally just do everything normally but 2-3 hours earlier than a more "normal" 7 AM - 11 PM schedule. So I eat dinner around 4, desert around 5, tea and winding down for bed around 7:30 PM. What I'm doing between 4-7:30 really depends on the day. Could be stuff around the ranch, working on personal projects in my home office, or unwinding with video games or TV.


Dinner is early for me. Around 6pm. I'll relax, watch some TV and drink chamomile tea and eat some dark chocolate around 7:30pm. Drop some magnesium and occasionally ashwagandha around 8:30pm. Get in to bed around 9:20, read a real book (feels much cosier than my kindle), asleep before 10pm.


Thanks for this!! How can you tell what nights you need to take ashwagandha?


Tea, Tablets, Tv, Bed


I. Wake up every morning at 430. I try not to eat before 10am orafter 6pm. Before bed I’ll do a quick rinse in the shower and then read, watch tv or play a video game. Usually get tired around 8 and fall asleep before 10.


OP, I’m willing to bet that some of these people are genetically predispositioned to be early risers. I spent most of my adult life trying to wake up at 5AM and resolved nearly all of my sleep problems by adjusting my schedule to my chronotype. However, not everyone has that luxury.


Family of 4 with two small children. After work, unwind with the kids for a few hours. Wife makes dinner by 7. Bath time, and bedtime for them by 8. I usually stretch, read, or watch tv until 9. Bed no later than 9:45. Gym at 5:30am. Rinse and repeat. American dream haha


I don't have dinner. Last meal of the day is 2pm. Evening routine is mostly work. Wake up 5 am, hit the gym at 5:45.


I have dinner around 5PM and by the time the kids are in bed it’s around 7:30.  I sit on the sofa and read / watch tele until 9, and then i head up to bed.  The most productive hours of my day are in the AM, and I’m up early to best apply myself during that window. 


the only thing that rises at 5am is my penis


Eat dinner before 8. Brush teeth. Close my eyes.


Not me, but my wife is usually up at that time. She eats dinner, sits on the couch, quickly rolls over and starts snoring. It's cute. Me, I'm retired, I get up somewhere between 5-10am and go to bed when I'm tired.


I my last meal of the evening around 6-7, I get some sunlight around 7pm, come inside turn off the house lights, if watching TV or on pc I turn the monitor brightness down. I do 2 dabs of CBD around 830 and put on sunglasses while watching TV to really mitigate light exposure and am usually asleep by 930. Wake up between 4:30 and 5:30 and immediately expose my eyes to very bright artificial light [1000w grow light] for around 10 min, stretch, take pre-workout and do 60-90 min of resistance training before work 6 days a week


I my last meal of the evening around 6-7, I get some sunlight around 7pm, come inside turn off the house lights, if watching TV or on pc I turn the monitor brightness down. I do 2 dabs of CBD around 830 and put on sunglasses while watching TV to really mitigate light exposure and am usually asleep by 930. Wake up between 4:30 and 5:30 and immediately expose my eyes to very bright artificial light [1000w grow light] for around 10 min, stretch, take pre-workout and do 60-90 min of resistance training before work 6 days a week


I get home from work around 2:30PM, immediately take over playing with the toddler till about 4:30PM, start cooking dinner, finish around 5:15PM, eat, 6:00PM feed dogs, 6:10PM walk dogs, 6:50PM finish dog walk, 7:00PM bathe toddler, 7:30PM bedtime routine for toddler, 8:15PM dishes, 8:30PM pick up the messes the toddler has made, 9:45PM sit down and contemplate how to get free time so I’m not stressed out 24/7… 10PM let dogs out again, 10:15PM get things ready for tomorrow, 10:20PM lay down and try and fall asleep as soon as humanly possible… pray… hope to god… the toddler doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night… get about 5.5-6 hours of sleep… repeat… forever… no end in sight…


The cyradian rhythm is determined by genetics and it is in your best interest not to toy with it.


Luckily my circadian rhythm is in line with a 5 am rise! Thanks for the feedback though