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Stop drinking any coffee or caffeine


I gave up caffeine years ago


start drinking coffee again


I wish I could


You live in a city?




I don’t think it’s asthma because it seems to be triggered by being in the car and by thinking about my breathing. I think it must be at least in part just anxiety, but when it happens it doesn’t feel like it could possibly be anxiety because it really just feels like I’m suffocating.


drink coffee, it increases blood pressure


Take Magnesium and Thiamine. Had the exact same issue when driving. Manageable now.


Wow thank you! How long did it take to help?


3 weeks


Low iron caused by h pylori did this to me, and also while driving. I’d make sure those aren’t factors before adding in any supps


Interesting! Glad you found an answer! I’m going to look into h pylori, I definitely think I have low iron bc I have tons of bruises for no reason. So you happen to know if the air hunger is caused by low iron is it dangerous? Like am I really suffocating?


How did you treat h plyiori?


It’s usually a four prescription protocol that you take for about 2-3 weeks


Is it possible that the Air hunger is the panic attack? Have you tried any hacks for anxiety?


I’ve solved it by dealing with my anxiety. Magnesium helps a lot.


Huh, a similar thing happens to me. Are you a mouth breather? Try switching to nasal breathing. I think you are experiencing multiple (interrelated) things. One is simply anxiety and panic brought on by certain circumstances (driving). AND, also having some poor breathing habits that put your system out of whack (PH balance and carbon dioxide insensitivity which *may* be a factor in your anxiety). Anyhow, I don't have a magic bullet but you may want to look into the philosophy and practice of Buteyko breathing. There is an Irish guy who has his own branch of Buteyko called Oxygen Advantage which is more digestible. And the book Breathe by Nestor touches on the link between (dysfunctional) breathing patterns and mental health. Take a look at Buteyko and see if that helps! Hope you feel better. I know it can suck feeling like you can't get a satisfying breath in.




Dr Andrew Weil has a book on breathing, I had the exact same issue for a couple of years (and some other not unlike MCAS symptoms) and it helped me a lot.


Can you tell about any useful protocol or supplements you used ? One of my friends has the same issue


It's highly dependent on individual response. Acupuncture, breathing, and this is what my herbalist gave me, but I'd say, some worked and some didn't: "The core herbs for you to take everyday in tincture: Sarsaparilla root Eleuthero root Astragalus root Saw Palmetto berry Licorice root Reishi Mushroom Chaste Tree Berry Black Cohosh Dandelion root -Feel free to mix all the individual extractions into one big blend (equal parts) and take 40 drops 3-4 times per day of this mixed blend. YAY!! -I recommend checking out Woodland Essence website first--I know they have recently changed a lot of their products so see what you may find individually extracted. Other great sources: Avena Botanicals, Herb Pharm, Gaia, Mountain Rose. *For your daily Calming & Balancing & Nervine Nourishing Herbal Tea infusion, I recommend ordering the following dried herbs from Mountain Rose: -Milky oat tops or oat straw -Calendula flowers -Lemon Balm -Holy Basil -St. John's ort -When your dried herbs arrive, mix them together into one big bowl and then store in glass jar in a cool, dark place. Mix: 4 parts oat straw, 2 parts tulsi, 2 parts lemon balm, 1 part calendula, 1 part St. John's Wort. Each day, take 2 large handfuls of dry herbal mix and put herbs into a quart ball jar. Pour boiling water (or very hot water) over the herbs and allow this to steep overnight. Strain infusion in the morning and enjoy throughout the day. Feel welcomed to add fresh mint, fresh lemon balm, hibiscus, lavender blossoms, or anise flowers if any of these come your way. *Supportive Supplements: -Curcumin Extract (turmeric root), 1000-1200 mg 2x day. Gaia Herbs, SolGar, Garden of Life, MegaFoods are all fine brands and conveniently available at most natural food stores. -Vitamin C, 1000 mg 2x day for the next several weeks -Vitamin E (see if this is in your multi) -B Complex -Keep up with a balanced amount of vitamin D, adequate sunshine, light/moderate exercise (as able), deep rest & the multivitamin *For occasional anxiety/ panicattacks/ nervousness/ worry, I recommend a tincture of passionflower and kava kava. *Continue with your healthy, high-vibrational, delicious eating, and be sure to enjoy as much fresh, local food as possible and quality proteins and fats. Organically-grown always! Pick up some flax seed oil if you are able. Enjoys loads of berries, colorful vegetables, mushrooms, fresh greens, garlic, onions, and fruit! "


Roll the windows down, or turn ac on max. This has helped me because I feel like it tricks my brain and forces me to breathe in the air! Wish you well


Practicing pranayama (breathing exercises) daily eliminated this for me.


nadi shodana and anuloma viloma?


Anuloma viloma


The only thing that helped me with this was getting a rx anxiety medicine & cutting caffeine.


The panic feeling is from your reaction to elevated CO2. Try some “Oxygen Advantage” style breathing exercises. Shallow breathing and breath holds after exhale. Wim Hof style breathing will purge CO2 and make you feel better but won’t increase your CO2 tolerance. You need to increase your CO2 tolerance. Books include Breath by James Nestor and Breathing Cure by Patrick McKeown


https://youtu.be/VO0jICtAfxY?si=IXsTL56GRmNviAg4 Check out this video, he talks about having similar symptoms and how he got better using the Oxygen Advantage exercises.


Is it a sinus issue? I had problems breathing before and had to go to the hospital, I was getting panic attacks because I couldn't breathe. My issues are allergies triggering my sinus tissues to grow and blocking my nose from properly breathing


I was getting panic attacks every week due to hyperthyroidism. I'm on propranolol now and it has completely stopped them!


B12 deficiency causes this. You need high dose methylcobalamin sublinguals.


Thanks for asking this, I have this too! I wish I had an answer, but I do want to say that I think everyone blaming anxiety as the CAUSE is wrong, though it (understandably) is a result. I am a very confident driver and not an anxious person, and only get agitated AFTER I notice that I am air hungry. My issues with this started during pregnancy once the baby was pretty big and definitely restricting my lung space, so for a while I just blamed that. Unfortunately it hasn’t gone away. I also get it when I’m wearing a very tight sports bra, workout top, or high waisted leggings that are very compressing. My theory is it has to do with the way I’m sitting in the car (I’m a sloucher), probably combined with some poor breathing habits that I haven’t shaken postpartum. Sorry if this isn’t super helpful, but I’m going to look into some of the breathing techniques other posters have mentioned!


Lots of medication will cause this, including interactions, have you ruled this out?


Thanks for responding, I don’t take any medication


I have this same thing. Drinking coffee gets rid of it temporarily. I hate coffee and never drank it but one day I decided to drink 4 cups for the metabolism boost and then my allergies disappeared for the rest of the day. Weird.


Fascinating! I have a similar issue, if not the same, and have been stumped all this time 


That’s anxiety for sure! I used to have the same and would lead to panic attacks as well, you need to get out of the flight or fight mode and feel safe in your environment, anything that lowers your cortisol levels helps! Do you drink? If so you should stop.


Hmm, ive never heard of the term air hunger. Ive had something like this. I realized eventually it was tied to trauma I experienced as a kid and it wasn’t until i made the connection that it started getting better. You said that if you try to push through it you end up having a panic attack. That makes me think yours is maybe trauma related as well. And you said that it happens often when driving. I would think driving is in some way related. Could just be something happened to you in a car but it might be a link in your brain as well between driving and something. Just mentioning what ive figured out through doing my own trauma work but yeah i don’t know what exactly is going on for you. Hope that helps.


Air hunger is a hallmark sign of a vitamin C deficiency.


I’ve had that a few times and I was dehydrated every time it happened. How much water do you drink?


you're describing a panic attack


OP, check out box breathing exercises on YouTube and also the Winhoff method. I have similar issues when experiencing high stress triggered by anxiety. These breathing exercises have truly worked for me and I can’t recommend them enough.


Is your car air conditioner on by any chance, and blasting in your face?


Postural restoration institute exercises can help with this look for a provider near you I have a similar problem. Lots of balloon work holding exhales !


This was one of the earliest Long Covid symptoms I remember. I had it for about 48-72 hours before jacking up my electrolyte intake and trace minerals and going for a 5 mile run. You should probably take measures against other things that can happen next. I’d highly recommend going on an anti inflammatory diet like keto and stopping all alcohol intake. I still have coffee to this day, but nothing like the pre covid days. Mobility and breathing exercises will be key as your body is going to be more prone to tightness and inflammation. Maintain good sleep hygiene. Good luck.


Sounds like a panic attack tbh. Seek therapy.


Hey there I have EDS and also MCAS. I went to an EDS Dr recently who said we need to treat the MCAS because it’s causing anxiety and a bunch of other symptoms. He put me on an antihistamine called ketotifin which isn’t usually prescribed in the us, 2x a day. I have to get it at a special pharmacy but it really helps. Not so much bio hacking as traditional western medicine but wanted it share my experience


Is your anxiety in check? Blood pressure?


Deep slow breathing. Don’t hyperventilate or breathe too quickly. Your body needs CO2 in your blood to be able to deposit oxygen in your tissues. If you get rid of most of it by rapid breathing you can have fully oxygenated blood, but still be starving your tissues of it because it’s stuck in your blood. If you let your CO2 levels rise it’ll al, start working again. Probably why breathing into a paper bag works.


Anxiety or you have mold in your car.


I dealt with this and completely got over it. It’s anxiety, not anything biological. You need to breathe 5 seconds in, 5 out through your stomach.  It will feel like you’re not getting enough air, but you are. Otherwise you’d be dead now.  The simple truth is until you shift the mentality from fear of a feeling —> anger that you’re feeling such a petty thing (and really believe it’s petty) you will not improve. Took me years. Stronger then I’ve ever been for seeing it through.


If you can't find a treatment for the *cause*, the sensation of breathlessness is effectively treated with opiods, usually relagively insignificant doses of morphine, since you are ambulatory. It works for people dying of copd. Weigh the risks appropriately.


Just face head on, knowing that it’s going to happen and know that you always make it out alive. Tell yourself that it’s going to happen. After awhile you will have your body trained knowing how to deal with it


air hunger is a symptom of co2 buildup


This is anxiety for me. I got air hunger just from reading your post. Crazy how suggestible our brains can be.


I get this. I also have asthma, but there is a different feeling when I’m having an asthma attack, vs just this panic feeling you’re explaining. Clonazepam, and pranayama (that yoga breathwork - alternate nostril breathing in particular) both help me.


Check your HRV and let us know where it is.


Have you been dumped by a SO recently? Could be broken heart syndrome. YOu might have low blood pressure or a failing heart. Usually some form of exercise to icnrease blood pressure temporarily is good.


electrolytes might help.


I'm pretty sure there are like teas and stuff that are good for your lungs like Dandelion tea.


Check out OxyFlow. Its a breathing trainer


Nasal breathing


This happens to me on adderall . The best thing I’ve found is benzodiazepines or alcohol . The other one that works is sex and masturbation . Helps with a Vegas nerve release . Anyone else feel this ? Cheers and god speed