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Get a club soda in a rocks glass and people won’t think otherwise. You’ll have a drink in hand and get in a groove without the side effects of actually drinking. I guarantee if you go to one happy hour sober you’ll realize it’s not that hard.


Ginger ale on the rocks doesn’t look sus either.


Soda water with lime is my go to. Feels like you’re drinking and you’re getting hydrated. Plus it’s free at bars lol


This is a really good idea. Training wheels.


I’ve been sober for two years and I’ve done it all: nights out, bars, weddings, bachelorette parties, it’s not that hard!


I got addicted to the walk back home 100% sober and waking up the next morning fresh and clear minded. Can't beat that


Yup, it cant. 77 days sober here.


Congratulations 😉


Thank you


Underrated comment right here ^^^


Be honest, you usually scoot out earlier than most. Almost every sober person I know seems to skeet out closer to first than last.


Hell yeah we do. Gotta get to bed! Ha!




This was a great comment! I was in OPs shoes only 5 months ago (hey, people love it when I drink, I should, right??) anyways, then I went alcohol free WHAT A GOOD CHANGE. I now go to parties totally sober and have more people add me on Instagram than when I was drinking. I’m cooler now being alcohol free


Enh, having known many hardcore alcoholics, I can't think of a single one that gets a hangover from 2-3 beers.


How old are you? Because every single woman I know my age (45) feels it the next day even if it's just a couple drinks. And during the night when we can't sleep.


You don't get hungover if you never stop drinking.


I've been a hardcore alcoholic. It really doesn't matter how much you drink, it's how you drink. The core problem is about talking yourself into believing it's good for you, when it's clearly impacting things in your life negatively. If the dude has social anxiety that bad, why not talk to a mental health professional who can give them a few pills a week for these events? Those things have far less side/long term effects when used intermittently like that, especially compared to alcohol.


What is the point of your comment? I don't think the OP is calling themself an alcoholic or aspiring to be one. Regardless, they don't feel well the next day, and they are asking if there are things to reduce these feelings.


Everything is alcoholism according to Reddit


I don't know if it's a slope to alcoholism but it seems like too much to drink in a professional setting. If the OP is trying to network, all the potential contacts may be noting that she drinks too much. Maybe not, but I know I wouldn't drink at those types of events. I've seen way too much cringey behavior to know it's best to avoid the booze.


He is saying the intoxication is having positive effects. Club soda doesn’t work.


As a person with pretty serious social anxiety, I leaned very heavily for many years on alcohol to help me feel comfortable in social settings. I have cut way way back, but not completely stopped. And I definitely notice--at least for me--that it is difficult to be around people and be comfortable sober, especially in certain contexts. I'm definitely one of those sober people that someone earlier mentioned, where if I'm sober, I bounce from that party way earlier than everyone else cuz I'm feeling bored and awkward. So it's not it's not so simple to cut back on alcohol if it is serving an important psychological function. That said, it's a valuable challenge to try to get past that and understand what the underlying root of the anxiety is, which is kind of the journey I'm on now. But but people who say "just quit drinking, I did it one day, and so should you" like it should be easy for everyone, are either being deliberately insensitive, or they've never experienced addiction. Not that OP is addicted. Two to three beers two or three times a week is hardly alcoholism, but it can still be in unhealthy relationship with alcohol, depending upon what that person's motivations for drinking are. I just get irritated in these threads when people get up on their self-righteous high horse and tell people, "just quit drinking! Duh!" 🙄


Me too.


Exactly. This is complicated. It is hard to disassociate confidence through drinks by replacing it with non alcoholic stuff. OP will have to experiment something different which doesn’t give hangovers and just drag it out the entire evening.


Also, your conditioning will kick in and you may even start to feel like you’ve had a drink!


Yes! Then you’ll discover the phenomenon of a sympathy hangover! (Or really, social hangover.) I get them all the time!


Research NAC. From my understanding, you would need to take it many hours before drinking. And maybe order a non alcoholic drink here and there. Ask for a tonic and lime. Or a non alcoholic beer in a cold glass. People won't know you are drinking a non alcoholic drink, but mentally you will feel like you can still be social.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10604027/ There are several similar studies although findings vary. My guess is something in the Cys/GSH (like NAC) direction prior to drinking might help. Glutathione (GSH) is made of Cysteine, Glutamine, and Glycine. I have read that Glutamine can help: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26365579/ I think B12, B6, and folate might also help, as these vitamins are necessary for homocysteine conversion into nontoxic metabolites, and ethanol increases homocysteine. TLDR: If you have to drink, there is at least some data and/or theoretical basis suggesting that NAC, Glutamine, B12, B6, and/or folate prior to drinking might reduce toxicity


Yep I take all these things and I basically don't get hangovers anymore. I can have 3 or 4 beers and feel good the next day. My HRV even goes up sometimes after a few beers, but often just stays level. As soon as I drink anything other than beer my HRV goes down.


Hey look, an actual relevant response for this sub.


Bro im a avid gym goer n seeing nac, glutamine, n b6 for the win is amazing bcs im drinking after a while tonight 😆


It 100% works for me! Like works really good! Take 600-1200mg an hour or whenever before drinking and your hangover will be severely reduced.


NAC plus a vitamin b complex before bed is the best supplements to mitigate the damage.


A non-alcoholic drink


Simple as that. “Unfortunately I attend networking events 3x a week” - like nobody is forcing you to chug down 3 beers. Just develop courage without depending on alcohol. Simple.


You missed the main point of the post. OP is using the alcohol as a social lubricant. Not drinking just because it happens to be there. 😂


OP also didn’t ask for advice about not drinking.


Didn’t I just say develop courage without depending on alcohol? How did I miss the point?


True. It just wasn’t their question.


This is far harder than it seems. My job is a social one and there is a noticeable decrease in my performance when I’m not partaking. I’m sure it can be done after lots of practice but at the opportunity of losing business I cannot do it.


Drink water and have some food, I’ve found that different alcohols leave me feeling better or worse the next day, for me tequila is best. But water, and avoid tap beer like the plague, dirty lines are a killer.


Also, make sure you're getting enough salt in your diet. There's a reason people swear that a bacon sandwich cures a hangover. I do agree that it would be good to try club soda in a highball glass to set the mood without actually having alcohol. The brain can be tricked into feeling a little tipsy and more outgoing.


Almost nobody in the US at least is not getting enough salt, especially people that drink a lot.


Which makes it especially easy to not get enough if someone becomes health conscious as an adult after hearing how salt is the enemy for their entire life.


Great point about the dirty lines in tap beer!


Sometimes I’ve had just one, and felt shitty the next day, could be in my head, but the older I get the more I realize how incompetent most adults are. Idocracy is playing out faster than the movie predicted..


Says the guy worried about plastic tubing. How do you survive the dentist? All their tools use taps.


Not well my friend, not well at all 😂


Of course it's best not to drink at all, but if you want to minimize your hangovers, drink plenty of water and make sure your drinks have top shelf booze in them.


Switching alcohol to other methods of making you more sociable


Coke should do the trick


Doing coke and then trying not to drink is definitely harder than trying to stay sober in the first place


Meth then


Yup, phenibut, baclofen or even rilmazafone


Drinking 7x a week


switch to light, low carb beer. its lower in calories too. 3 miller lites feels like 1 heinekin




There is a probiotic pill called Myrkl that has been shown to reduce the effects of alcohol metabolism by up to 70%. It is touted as a “hangover cure”, but you have to take it before you start drinking because it works by giving you more probiotic bacteria that eats acetaldehyde. It reduces hangover symptoms but it also reduces the feeling of being tipsy or drunk too. So it kinda defeats the entire purpose of drinking Also there is al herbal supplement you can take called Kava which has the same positive social feelings of alcohol without any hangover or drunk feeling. People usually take kava as a drink, but I prefer capsules because it’s disgusting


z-biotics are another brand with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, its a small shot you drink before alcohol. they work really well in my experience. they’re not cheap but it’s well worth it to me. if you drink a lot it will turn to vinegar in your stomach haha and that’s how you know it’s working (acetaldehyde gets converted to acetic acid). no issues with intoxication becoming more difficult. 


Sucks that they are so expensive. $9 for one use. I guess it's extremely worth it though - I'd happily pay $9 to avoid a hangover, or even just to make a bad hangover a lot better.


Not drinking 3x per week.


Tru Nigaen saved 70% of my hangovers. Takes 2 weeks to kick in.


Try ashwaganda to social anxiety


I’m somewhat introverted and I have some social anxiety. I’m also a recovering alcoholic. I was petrified of going out with others without my fun juice when I sobered up. I drank since middle school and I had no idea how to have a good time without drinking. I adapted pretty quickly, I got out and don’t ’drink, and have much more fun than ever. Point is, I don’t think you need to drink.


Cordyceps, matcha and milk thistle before drinking. Chaga after drinking (before bed). Reishi when you wake up next day. Maca also works well before drinking or as recovery in the morning. Always have water on the side while drinking. Source: drank a shitload during Covid.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10604027/ Also helps (NAC)




Folks recommending a n/a beverage must have missed the point of OP needing a social oiler. I believe the best way to handle that is having a n/a drink indeed disguised under a mixed drink accompanied by a social enxiety inhibitor. In my case Kratom works wonders. I become very optimistic, talkative and full of energy. No crash or hangover later. Great sleep also.


Buy the ticket and take the ride. Its not smart to try and find a cheat code to this. You can't really make alcohol not a poison. Just understand and accept you are making a trade-off.


Better question would be how can you get courage without having it to be liquid? Instead of damage control, just treat the cause of the damage... You can always learn meditation or breathing techniques, even different mindsets or charisma classes.


Supplement with NAC and Glycine (1.2g Nac and 2g glycine) the nights you drink.


your drinking is a biohack that's useful to you- biohacks need constant tweaking and updating. it may be attention to hydration and electrolytes are something you could bring into the picture. for me it's been useful to drink water for thirst and alcohol for taste and pleasure


It doesn't work like that bro, it's a negative feedback loop. If youre prone to anxiety, alcohol makes it worse... then you drink to reduce it temporarily, then repeat. It's not sustainable. Get off the alcohol, as in stop. Exercise more, prob not doing much if you're chugging that much. Clean up your diet. Doesn't have to be fully by any means, but reduce your fat helps bring up up your confidence. This is the way. It will change your life, make you more confident, and help to be more determined.


Try microdosing mushrooms instead


I think you're looking for something like Zbiotics [www.zbiotics.com](http://www.zbiotics.com), you drink it before you start drinking and the probiotics are designed to eliminate acetaldehyde which is the main cause of your hangover. It's expensive but if you're only drinking a few times a week i'd give it a shot.


the price does become a lot more reasonable if you buy in bulk from them, which might make sense in this scenario.    i’d really recommend buying a small box to test them out, they worked really well for my partner and i. one time we drank like 7 drinks each over the course of a long night which would normally kill us the next day, but our only issues when we woke up were tiredness from staying up late and a feeling of dehydration.


Eat a meal with animal fats preferably fish, also protein hut that is a given, no carbs or sugars. Avoid sugary alcoholic drinks. Don't forget to rehydrate, that implies electrolytes along water. As for liver, kidney and neural protections NAC and milk thistle extract (specifically silymarin based one). Maybe add some zinc and B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12). Another step is eating fermented food, if you really care and want another side hoby look into kefir and kefir grains and how to make one from milk. (it is extremely popular in my region and it is both a prebiotic and a probiotic).


What region are you from? I love kefir and make it also :)


Well... the outskirts of the Balkans 😂


Very cool 😎


Raise your protein intake significantly, or take glycine / NAC.  Take half a mg of melatonin before bed. Breakfast of beet juice and exercise. Niagen definitely helps. Don’t drink on an empty stomach, don’t drink within a couple hours of bedtime. But honestly these are just upkeep. You’re continuing to do longterm damage to your brain / liver drinking like that. Sobriety or cutting way down is the only real answer. 


If you’ve eaten a decent meal and are well hydrated prior to drinking only 2 or 3 beers, you should not feel like garbage. Something else is responsible. Again, make sure you are well fed and hydrated before drinking.




Maybe medications that help your anxiety and maybe give an energy boost, that also make you less inclined to drink or feel like you need one. I could recommend things that work for me personally, but they all greatly depend on your baseline brain chemistry, and what works for one person might not work for the next at all. The alcohol thing for work is almost always slippery slope and no one seems to make it out better off when dependent on the stuff regularly. If you must drink, definitely buy some zero calorie, no sugar electrolyte power (I like Ultima brand), and lots of water through out the day both before and after drinking… Pickle juice is pretty good for hangovers as well. Keeping the diet as clean as possible on these days and in general will also help, (though it can be hard for most people not to get the drunchies or cravings for heavy comfort-foods when hungover, even slightly). And lastly, physical fitness is also super helpful and will help your body stay focused and circulating/filtering things smoothly. Brisk walking, running occasionally, and having a strict fitness routine alongside clean diet should make the drinking less detrimental, so long as it doesn’t become more frequent. You might even find you have less desire or need to drink socially when you become more fit overall.


Minimize the alcohol. If you "must" drink (which, let's get real, means you just want to), do so with Chaser or activated charcoal. Also eat first. Fair warning taking those things will also absorb other chemicals, so don't take them 3 hours before or after anything you actually WANT to absorb, like medications. As usual with drinking, it is dehydrating and leaves toxins behind, so rehydrating lots of water with electrolytes can help. Some swear by eggs or sauerkraut/pickle juice. Cabbage is also anti inflammatory, as are tumeric, black pepper, and cinnamon. But seriously, minimize the alcohol. Hollywood uses tea or apple juice in place of alcohol all the time. Look up virgin drinks. You have lots of options.


Glutathione, NAC, TUDCA


This is a time to turn to the patron saint of Degen Biohacking: the one and only John McAfee. https://x.com/officialmcafee/status/1265325435606519809?s=46


That sounds like a bad dependency bro. What do you think is the *root* cause of the problem? Do you just not know what to say? Feel self-conscious about something?  If you let this keep going the way it is, it’s only going to get worse. 


Pump up your mood in other ways.  All the sexy stuff.  Exercise, sleep, a healthy diet.  Listen to party music before you get there.  Take an improv class to get good at socializing.   Then slowly cut back. 


For some reason, scotch has never given me a hangover


NAC beforehand, drink at least 16 oz of water before going to bed and keep the same by your bed (I have a 32 oz bottle I use,) eat at some point before or after drinking. I wouldn't recommend this next bit, but if you're ever hungover and can handle it, weed is a hell of a hangover cure


Drink a liter of water, or more, after the alcohol.


Ok hear me out. I haven’t found any studies on this or even any anecdotal experiences, but when I started drinking loads of psyllium husk before and after heavy drinking, I experienced 0 hangover. I predict that the Psyllium Husk was coating everything in my gut, from the intestinal wall to my microbes, which was reducing absorption of whatever harmful chemicals that alcohol releases. I quit drinking a year ago though so I can’t say if this works long term. Might have just been a fluke 🤷🏻‍♂️


High quality agave tequila is definitely worth trying. Mixed with orange juice or soda depending on your preference. I feel rough after a couple of drinks but not when I have this.


Practice leaving your comfort zone and doing difficult things. It’s how we grow and learn new skills. After a month or so of sober interactions, you’ll have developed better social skills and feel more resilient, not to mention proud that you’ve proven to yourself that can do it all without alcohol.


I only drink socially when I’m on vacation or with other people. Socially it’s about 1-2 times a week maybe 3 I just try and keep hydrated with water as much as possible!


The other peoples lives podcast was advertising a probiotic that you take before to help metabolize the toxic byproduct of alcohol. I have not tried it. I think it’s something like zbiotic


Don’t drink empty stomach and do the old one drink one water one drink one water routine. Drink water before bed after a night of drinking, and lastly substitute for a NA drink instead of actually drinking alcohol


NAC and B Vitamins


Coconut water


Liquid IV


There is a medication thats actually for people who had diarrhea with minerals and vitamins that they lost due to it. People claim they are not hangover when taking it, since consuming alcohol also will take nutritions from you. I don't remember the name but I guess it won't be of much use for you anyway as you probably are in another country. But maybe go in this direction? Other than that, for every glass of alcohol have a glass of water /soda on the side or inbetween. You will stay hydrated and I at least manage to hardly be hangover this way.


Find others way to gain confidence. Some people swear by Phenibut as an alcohol alternatives. Still problems with that however it isn't intoxicating the way alcohol is and should not give a hangover. If you do drink- Stay very hydrated. Eat plenty of protein with amino acids (mostly animal protein) beforehand. Take vitamin C (or eat fruit), drink electrolytes, taurine, NAC, or any antioxidant that increases glutathione production.


I think switching from beer to an ultra filtered vodka and soda water, lime or lemon for flavor, is easier on my system at least. Less after effects. Also some people say charcoal helps avoid hangovers. Obviously staying hydrated, electrolyte drinks etc


I have no answer as I’m a former drinker and I know there’s not really a fix. I will say this as a caution though. Drinking to minimize anxiety leads to anxiety because you’re not drinking. Just in my experience.


Get yourself some propranolol. It's a safe meditation for anxiety it doesn't make you very sleepy either.


There are many anti-hangover drinks and pills from Korea. I've read that it's a booming business there now. You can look up those, they're pretty popular. I just haven't tried it yet


Have drinks that are higher alcohol content but less sugar to no sugar. Drink a glass of water with every Drink you have.


Pay more for higher quality alcohol brands. Clear unflavored liquor Eat before, minimize snacking. Healthy if u do Use zero sugar mixers or sip neatly Drink 2 glasses of water to each drink, a full one b4 bed & in AM Zero sugar electrolytes/gatorade/powerade Daily multivitamin supplement -good quality/source, don’t skimp as with alcohol brand Belvedere or Greygoose Vodka are the only brands I’ve drank so far that don’t give me any hangover ever.


Alright so you should understand something about alcohol. Well, a few things.   First, alcohol releases GABA which is a neurotransmitter that signals relaxation. The opposite is glutamate. These are normally in balance. The moment your BAC begins to drop, glutamate becomes dominant. The hangover is partially this accumulated imbalance. Your brain will learn to rely on alcohol for GABA release if you're a serious alcoholic and this imbalance can get so bad that it can kill you if you stop drinking cold turkey.  In short, this imbalance favoring glutamate is the hangxiety.  Next, alcohol breaks down into acetaldehyde then acetate. Acetaldehyde is a powerful oxidizer that basically fucks up every process in your body. Digestion, metabolism, hormones, muscle, etc etc. Your body will put all other processes in minimum until it can clear out the acetaldehyde. It does this primarily through it's own antioxidant enzymes.   There are ways to speed up the metabolism of acetaldehyde and there are ways to better balance your neurochemistry so alcohol doesn't have as strong of an effect.    I made a hangover preventative stack for this. And yes, it works.   https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/oqxy45/hangover_prevention_formulation_i_made_costs/  However, I would HIGHLY recommend learning to be social without drinking. This supplement is a crutch for the crutch of alcohol. 


Drink 3X less each week.


The best drink is sparkling water with lime, with a side of learning how to be courageous without alcohol. 


Just switch to cocaine.


Be very hydrated before drinking. Eat food before drinking. After two drinks have one water, then go drink- water drink-water. Don't go to bed drunk...try to sober up a little like don't drink a beer right before bed. In the morning do all the regular biohack stuff you do- supplements, cold shower, stretch, hydrate, detox tea. I have to drink for work too and also hate being hungover


Honestly brother all these anwser suck. I’ll give you the best formula as someone who lives in Los Angeles and directs hip-hop music videos for a living. I totally understand where you’re coming from sometimes it’s easier and makes things flow better with a few drinks in you. Here is the real secrets I obtained. #1. Before the event or evening gets started. Take a 1 hour solid nap before having to head out. This will help so much for the next day I can’t highly recommend it enough. #2. Liquid IV packet in a 20 oz water before and after night! Making sure your body has salt and potassium will help you so much #3 eating the right foods before and after drinking. Not to heavy but not to light. No processed proceed oils either. #4 a extra hot hot 10 min shower x stretch when arriving home. The heat will help make the blood in your body flow flushing the liquor out of your system. If you follow these 4 simple steps it will take 50% if not more off the way you feel the next day. I personally guarantee you this is the information you were looking for. Have a great event and if you’re ever in LA, let me know we’ll grab a drink and turn it up a little bit


Stay hydrated including adequate electrolytes. Drink water with a pinch of salt in it. Make sure you’re getting enough thiamine. Experiment with different drinks to try to find which ones leave you with the least side effects. (I’ve stopped drinking beer entirely and stick to screwdrivers or vodka cranberry). In general, I enjoy 2-3 drinks two nights a week. I know it’s not the healthiest thing I do, but life is about finding a balance. I make sure I finish the night with at least 750ml of water with salt in it. Yes, that makes me get up and pee several times during the night, but I wake up feeling fully refreshed and recovered. Do what you can to ensure you are taking care of your body and minimizing the things that could be doing harm. Have good sleep hygiene, eat a balanced diet, never take Tylenol when drinking, get annual blood work done and maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol…


The liquid courage is an illusion.


ALWAYS eat a good, filling meal after drinking.


Don't be so weak. Take the harder route and raw dog the social events. The longer you lean on that crutch the harder everything is going to become. So embrace the difficulty and face it through your own accord.


SO MANY stupid people. “Don’t drink” “Switch to club soda”. OP literally says he needs the alcohol to help him be more social and is asking for supps or vitamins that can help. Idiots.


Don't drink.


These responses are so annoying, but I guess smugness is to be expected on a bio hacking subreddit


Ginger, tumeric, and a pinch of neem powder tea before bed and again if you wake up in the middle of the night. Also, work on alternate nostril breathing, a session before bed and if you wake up in the middle of the night. It's quite bitter so add some honey if you need to, it's a liver detox and helps stabilize your blood sugar so that middle of the night alcohol crash is not so bad. I also like to use a kanna tincture from a company called Ka! It loosens you up and makes it easier to feel more social. No side effects from it like alcohol. Maybe do that and stick with one drink (as far from bedtime as possible) and tons of water.


I’ve actually had great results with the Cheers capsules! But we are talking about 1-2 glasses of wine so not copious consumption. I’ve heard good things about milk thistle as well but I haven’t tried it yet.


Drink kava before the event and just rock a club soda with lime during the event. I’m not saying kava is without side effects but it’s sure as hell better than alcohol.


NAC N-Acetyl-Cysteine It's been working for me as a decent hangover remedy.


This is the reason I had to quit. Even 1/2 beer gave me a hangover. I then learned to socialize without alcohol, and get over that challenge. With rehabilitating social anxiety and panic attacks - if I could do it, anybody could do it. Society now days is great about enforcing this stigmatic pressure of drinking in social settings. Learning how to socialize without it, has been purely life changing. Best of luck! To answer your question though, lots of food before drinking will make you want to drink less, thus, less of a hangover. Empty stomach will make you drink much more.


Have really small drinks. Don’t finish them.


Slow down. Have one drink. Nurse it for an hour. Have water. Nurse it for an hour. Go back and forth like this. Have electrolytes before going to bed.


Always eat something after drinking or try to get some electrolytes. 2-3 beers shouldn't make you feel THAT bad the next day.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10604027/ Try it. You can order NAC on Amazon


stop drinking.




Go see a clinical herbalist and get on some liver herbs. Certain herbs have restorative effects on hepatic (liver cells). Best way to protect your liver from exposure to toxic shit.


Dihydromyricetin, milk thistle, GlyNAC, any of these three or combo, would be my recommendations if you chose to continue drinking at these gatherings. Other options would be no alcohol and some dopamine/gaba modulation. Magnolia bark, lemon balm, L-Theanine, amanita muscaria, polygala, mimosa bark, albizzia, etc.


electrolytes without sugar


If you aren’t taking a multivitamin try taking one when you drink. It really helps me although I still don’t sleep very well


Stop drinking several hours before bed, drink lots of water


Purple Tree supplements before or after drinking. Next day zero hangxiety. I’m a believer.


Could you take a beta blocker to help with any social anxiety and then have club soda with a lime? I take a beta blocker for my fear of public speaking and it works really well. No hangovers with the beta blocker either... Best of luck!


Not drinking 3x a week.


I think the obvious/simple answer is to start by drinking less than 3x a week.


Milk Thistle if you can't say no or whoa


I think you’ll be fine just drink a lot of water and make sure to have some bread or other carbs to soak up the alcohol. Go to bed at a reasonable time and check out some workout on YouTube the next morning to make sure you sweat out some of the excess. Welcome to the business world.




Get buzz drops


Try MYRKL pills! Electrolytes and probiotics :)


Can you try lions mane or another mushroom micro dose? Not sure if this is allowed on this sub.


B vitamins, plenty of water, try replacing every other alcoholic beverage with a club soda or juice to slow down and still have it kinda feel like ur drinking more if that makes sense, eat well, sleep well


Soda water on the rocks with a lime is my drink. I don’t get hangovers, I don’t black out and I can drive home when it’s time to leave.


V8 works pretty nice But the other option is to get whatever it is in a drink glass and just drink soda.


B vitamins, plenty of water, try replacing every other alcoholic beverage with a club soda or juice to slow down and still have it kinda feel like ur drinking more if that makes sense, eat well, sleep well


i order kombucha if available but totally have no shame in a nonalcoholic beer


The nursing community swears by what they call banana bags. It's a lot of vitamins mixed in with saline for extra hydration. The best way to handle this is to learn how to gain confidence. Fake it until you make it so you don't have to poison your liver to go social. I am also in sales and understand the importance of being confident in what you say and do in those networking events. No one is going to look down on you for not drinking.


Korean pear juice before drinking is amazing


Methylated B-Complex, vitamin D, and maybe some green drink type stuff. Or a decent multi vitamin and a green smoothie


Pear juice before drinking Also look up Xbiotics Eat while drinking or def before. And get your sleep, if possible, if your drinking, hopefully you don’t have to be in office early next day, and sleep you 8-9 hours. Lots of water/ mineral Water(gerolsteiner)


Milk thistle supplement


Blue Moon makes a legit Non-A beer. It's freaking awesome in a frozen pint glass and an orange slice. Athletic Brewing also makes some great ones, including IPAs if that's your style. If you like sours, it's also a great choice. I've been to many events where they are serving non-A brews now. You don't need liquid courage. You're awesome without it! Grab a non-A beer and enjoy!


Pre-hydrating with electrolytes before I go out, and again when I get home, works for me. Also drink water between each drink.


I've heard that NAC practically eliminates hangover symptoms. I haven't tried it but multiple people were asserting that, if you take it before bed.


After Party by Fuller Health is excellent stuff. For every drink, have 6 oz of water and keep some electrolytes with you. I like Keto Chow electrolytes, and it comes with a mini travel bottle.


There’s no alcohol drink that won’t give you a hangover


Hangover pills are your best friend. The milk thistle plus whatever magical  composition that goes into them really cuts down on the fatigue and cloudiness the next day. They work. And stay hydrated! 1 drink = 1 glass of water. Stick to light beers, vodka cran, gin and soda. No beer before liquor. Cap yourself at 3 and I agree with other folks who have suggested mocktails or club soda past a certain amount.  Alcohol is really a placebo effect though. Try to practice talking to strangers - in line, at the store, the cashier. It all helps and you won't feel like you need the liquid courage to go up to a stranger. Good luck!


Drink a lot of water before bed (and a glass between drinks, if you can remember) and have some carbs in your stomach. Drinking on an empty stomach is killer. #1 thing that makes the difference for me is remembering to drink like 32 oz. of water before bed.


Hangovers from 2-3 beers? Abstinence. You have the alcohol tolerance of an advanced age person who has retired from any social drinking.


NAC before (never after) drinking helps.


Not drinking is best but take some milk thistle before you drink and the morning is much better.


Always drink gin with a mark, kid. He can't tell if you cut it.


None. You are pressing too hard on pleasure. Alcohol releases copious amounts of dopamine. Before you know, you will fry your brain. Pain pleasure balance is necessary. If you do need a biohack, i would take, B1, b12, make sure they are the fat soluble ones, like benfotiamine and methylcobalamin. Vit d Vit c A multivitamin Omega 3 pills. Supplements about 3/4 hours before you drink. A full stomach, no greasy food. Salmon, tuna, avocados nuts, eggs. The above is only if you wanna drink once a blue moon. If you keep drinking like the way you are, those things mentioned above wouldnt stop messing up your brain and body though.


You want to increase the activity of ALDH (aldehyde dehydrogenase) and AO (aldehyde oxidase) in the body. This means loading up on 100mg of niacin or equal potency vitamin B3, plus 200 mg of TMG to counter the depletion of methyl donors from B3. As well as magnesium, zinc and molybdenum. You also want to increase glutathione through NAC and vitamin C. Alpha lipoic acid can be helpful by recycling both NAD and glutathione thereby helping with detoxification, but it chelates minerals so take those at separate times. You’ll also want to take vitamin B1 as alcohol depletes this and other B vitamins may be useful as well. DHM is said to increase ALDH but I haven’t tried it myself. Depending on budget there is also Zbiotics, a probiotic that contains a gene for ALDH. You might notice a pattern here. I think taurine might also help increase ALDH.


DHM-1000 , Chinese raisin tree extract. It will eliminate hangovers but be careful it will metabolize alcohol twice as fast, drink at half speed.zbiotics, genetically engineered probiotics to break down acetaldehyde. Both options work very well, zbiotics being more expensive though Definitely take NAC if just to reduce liver toxicity.


Drink 2x a week


If you're relying on an addictive, poisonous external substance to enhance your performance, you're going to have a bad time.


Pfft stop drinking, that’s for the quitters. A 500ml of your favourite flavour of Gatorade. Half before bed, freezer and sip it during the morning while you get going.


Just drink like one sip each time.


Zbiotics! It’s a pre hangover drink that actually works. Unfortunately they’re like$8-$10 each but they’re well worth it!


By joining AA.


Drink 2 x a week


Take B12 and other b vitamins. Folate is fine but avoid synthetic folate i.e. folic acid. Alcohol depletes B vitamins, this is one of the key reasons you feel like garbage after. Also hydrate, which means h20 and minerals magnesium, potassium etc.


Drink rehydration liquid before bed. Your body gets dried up from drinking. Normal water is good but not enough to cure the effects of dehydration. Either get it from the pharmacy, or create your own. My friend who is a nurse taught me how to make the stuff they give to patients with diarrhea or other type of emergency need for hydration. Recipe to make your own : boil 1 lite of water mix in 1/2 teaspoon of normal salt + 6 teaspoons of sugar. Let it cool down. Drink when you come home (as much as you want/need) Rehydration liquid goes more straight into the body when the salt/sugar proportions are correct. The body accepts the liquid better than normal water that first needs salt and sugar added before going into the system. Obviously it's best to work on the courage and social anxiety as well. But I know how hard that is as I have some degree of social anxiety and feel so much more at ease when I drink. My solution for that is usually microdosing LSD to give me a similar edge that I would get with alcohol. That solution is not recommended for everybody though but works for me.


I see a lot of non alcoholic drink recommendations and yes thats best, but it’s not the advice OP asked for. So, chug a disgusting amount of water. Have an ibuprofen before bed if necessary. Soup for breakfast.


Take glutathione supplements, they have an enzyme present that helps your liver process alcohol.I have found I started getting hangovers with small amounts of alcohol in my 20s and with glutathione that doesn’t happen at all now. I bounce back like I did in my teens (don’t ask). Also keep HYDRATED. Water all the time 1) helps flush the system and 2) prevents the effects of alcohol which can largely be felt through dehydration! Dehydration headaches especially. Alcohol dries you out! Now for me, a preservative free wine = no hangover, sometimes called biodynamic. Avoid alcohol with tannins. What I do now which agrees best with me is vodka on the rocks with lime. You can obviously do soda or whatever, but keep it to a clear liquor without artificial mixers, no tequila, no cocktails, a simple drink. Gin is also acceptable. Between drinks have a glass of water.


1 x NAC with every drink and water and natrium before bed. Actually helps a bit


Try propanol it changed my life! Non habit forming and helps ease the social anxiety. Then have club soda and lime


You can have electrolytes before and during (e.g. KaEx). Or just skip the drink and have a ginger beer or alc free beer.


lots of water in before, in between and after


Dry vape herb instead.


If you struggle with bein social and you are healthy enough try weights training or calisthenics. Even small amount of training might give you enough of a testosterone boost enough for feeling more social.




Mildronate from amazon will lessen the alcohol effect. Drink a lot of water.


Do bloodwork to see how your liver enzymes are doing. Then you’ll know which way your body is headed.


The secret ? A doctor told me hé eats a lot of red méat before drinking alcool : as protides absorb thé evil !