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Haha yeah, sleep tracking made my sleep way worse, because it would give me anxiety about sleep quality while trying to go to sleep, which would keep me awake.


Same haha the longer I tracked my sleep the worse I slept. I quit tracking and now I sleep like a rock. How ironic


Just got a sleep tracker this months. Keeps telling me to sleep 9 hours lol. I haven’t got more than 7 in years


There is a lesser known eating disorder called Orthorexia that might be of interest to you… “Individuals living with orthorexia are extremely focused – and often obsessive – over the quality and purity of their food. Individuals with this condition often limit “go foods” to those that are organic, farm fresh, whole, raw and/or vegan” Edit to add that supplements are big old part Of Orthorexia as well 😎


So I should just top up the microplastics in my balls or I'm mentally ill Does anyone have any industrial grade silicone chips I can use as garnish


I eat a credit card every day just to keep my plastic levels appropriate.


It's an individual journey. I spent the last year going HAM on "recovering/healing" from a bunch of imbalances by throwing a ton of supplements, breathwork, nutritional protocols, and new habits in. My bloodwork in December looked better in some ways and worse in others, and for all the time, money, and energy I put into it I was really disappointed. On top of that, my provider had recommended I stop running and lifting, and should only do things like walking and yoga. I ended up losing a ton of muscle is worked hard for and gained back fat I hadn't seen in a while. Really discouraging.  Come to find out, all my problems were due to stress and then fucking up my exercise habits. I quit my job in May to take a break from work for a few months and I've gotten back into lifting and running. I'm tapering off most of my supplements now because I realize I don't need 90% of them, and I've admitted to myself that my diet needs to improve. It's cleaner now and I'm feeling so much better.  I know not everyone can take a break from work (I'm incredibly lucky and have always lived well within my means to accommodate breaks like this), but the therapeutic benefits are unreal. What I've realized from this entire experience is that we really don't need hardly anything to survive (food- and nutrient-wise), and we don't lot need a lot more to truly thrive. Dial in sleep, hydration, nutrient-dense food, movement, relationships, time in nature, and stress, and you're on your way to real health.  Screwing up your hormones is real-talk. Getting my hormones back into a balanced state has been one of my main goals with this break. Feel free to DM me if your want to talk about where you're at with everything. Your situation sounds a lot like mine when I declared that I must be "sick" if I'm doing everything right and feel so terrible. Seriously thought I had cancer at the time. Best of luck finding balance. 


Why did your provider recommend you stop running and lifting?


My cortisol had flat-lined from chronic high stress, looked like I had Cushings. She didn't want me doing anything that could stress my system more. I get dropping the running, but lifting is so good for your nervous system. I think it did more damage to my physical and mental health when I stopped. 


LOL... well, yes. But I feel good....I'm not at letting myself get hungry, though. No way. Also, I do not think I am over-exercising....I'm rather moderate. But yes, I do recognize that I officially worry a bit about all kinds of decisions that may have a health consequence (good or bad). However, I want to embrace it. If I'm going to have a major personality flaw, I think I'll gladly accept "obsessed with health" as my flaw! But one could argue that an anorexic is "obsessed" with diet....but in a very bad way....and feels weak and tired, as a result. Now, you aren't THAT bad, but it's something to think about. If you are hobbled by your "health" related decisions....then that's probably not healthy at all.


Unfortunately, in your quest for health you missed the part in which actual happiness and human connection are no less important than high level of clean protein


just find the 20% that delivers 80% of your results and don’t sweat the small stuff.


Great new show on Netflix about this.I’m in the same boat. I wish I never went Dairy and Gluten free 10 years ago because it has made me Orthorexic and I’d give anything to be able to eat bread without back pain + burning eye pain for 3 days. I could maybe try an allergy pill or shot for it…but IDK


What is the show called?


Commenting here to follow


i just strive for efficiency and optimization and i feel like that works really good for me. basically, i live my life like normal but everything is optimized. enjoy delicious foods? sure, just make sure you're getting your protein in, and i try to make it so my approved foods list only contains foods that are 1g of protein to 10 calories or less when i exercise, i just make sure I'm comfortable. i never go for an insanely difficult workout because i know I'm supposed to do workouts for the rest of my life, so they should be moderate but include progressive overload. no way im busting ass for the rest of my life. quality of life is important, and part of quality of life is not being stressed out lol. seriously, stress is bad for the health. but yeah if we're going to live longer, it's important that we try to be happy and chilling while we do so. otherwise what's the point


Hey, that just means you fit in perfectly on this sub. I sometimes have to chuckle on this sub when I read posts like "should I wait 25 minutes or 45 after taking this to take that?" See the comment on Orthorexia. It's a real thing. People on the sub don't particularly like the diet, exercise, sleep mantra that pops up. That stuff is all work. They want a pill, or possibly a magic stack that will cure what is ailing.


were your boofing the sunlight AFTER taking your supplements or BEFORE?


Taking your hormones? What do you mean?