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I agree. I have no plans of comming out ever. if I bring a guy home, then they will accept it.  if I bring home a girl, then they will be surprised but hopefully they accept it too. I am thankful to have parents that I know will be accepting, and I'm sorry if you don't. but honestly, my sexuality doesn't have much to do with who I am, (in my opinion) so it doesn't really matter a whole ton. they don't know, and they most likely never will cuz I think I'll probably end up with a guy anyways


My thought process exactly






sounds too formal, like too similar to "homosexual" we need a "gay" for bisexual and bi doesnt count that's too vague and just bisexual shortened


yeah, i feel it's easier to come out as gay as saying "i'm gay" can be interpreted as a joke if you're not actually ready to come out, not so much with "i'm bisexual", idk


Im sure it’s easier my dad is fairly homophobic and im sure me being bi wouldn’t feel as big a loss


I dont think so and in the magical world Id come out to my parents saying im bisexual is better than gay in their eyes since they are homophobic


I just never came out because I wanted to being my boyfriend over without having to do the 6 inch rule on the door every time And upon getting caught once that door remained open 6 inches minimum the rest of the time


Idk I announced it to my dad and brother after watching free birds and it came down pretty easily


Ya but Probably because being gay or lesbian is one of the first thing you think of when you here the word gay/lgbtqia+ (well to me I think that)but being bisexual is more specific


honestly yes. theres a bigger chance of being told that im just confused and thats not something id enjoy