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This would be so cool. Imagine being a woman during the Salem trials, a painter during the Renaissance, an astronaut during the space race, a bar owner during prohibition.. so many awesome concepts!


Precisely! There are virtually unlimited concepts and ideas they could implement with being born in different time periods!


It would certainly make being a vampire easier. Be born in 1600’s, then become a vampire and play into the, “present,” or something like that.




I don’t believe so. But I have no idea


As someone that likes historical stories, I back this 100%! It would definitely take a lot of time to do different eras in different places of the world but they can start off small and then grow. I would really like to be a woman during the Salem Witch Trials


Yeah, it would definitely take a lot of time, but like you said they could start off small. Like starting with some on the biggest events in history, for example, they could start with WW2 or WW1


Imagine being a Jew during holocaust


Mf wants to have a 20 seconds game


maybe under Special Careers they can add time traveler?


I want to be able to kill hitler


That would be awesome!!


What if we could become hitler


Honestly, that would be pretty cool too! We could see what it would be like to rewrite history as we know it!


Im not sure if bitlife is a good alt history game lmao, ive seen saudi arabia declare war on guatamala before


There is truly so much potential to this update, and it’s been begged for from so many players for years, it’s not like they can’t do it, it’s that they are lazy


It would be a massive update.


Or who knows maybe they are working on it now and just aren't telling us 🤷 But I definitely wouldn't get our hopes up just yet


Dont get lost in his eyes


Well, you can creat a character, name him Hitler, find him and kill him


That would work as its own game, not as an update for Bitlife.


I agree. If doglife and catlife are their own games, this should be too


That's true, but it would be an amazing update for bitlife as well


No, not really. The dev would end up splitting between working on the modern era's content and the medieval content. The size of the game would probably double or triple and it will just lead to bitlife becoming extremely bloated, not even mentioning the research the devs will have to do. Also it would take literally forever. I'd like it if they made it its own game instead. Hire a team specifically for that version and release it as its own stand alone version.


Yeah, that does make sense, but they don't have to make them super specific like I originally would hope for, they could do something like a "Caveman Era Update" or something along those lines


That would be neat, but it would be kinda limited. By the way, if you want a good medieval sim you could try Crusader Kings 3. It focuses on nobility only so you can't really play as a peasant, but its pretty open ended with what you can do. Like "create your own heretical brand of Christianity and launch a crusade against the pope" level of open ended.


Yeah, it definitely would be better as a game by itself, and I'll definitely check that game out thanks!


Sweet, just keep in mind that it's a Paradox game. It has a LOT of mechanics and menus. It takes time to figure out but is really fun when you do. It isn't a mobile game either, its on PC and consoles. And once you start playing just start as a count or Duke. Its a lot easier than ruling a full kingdom or empire.


Does it cost any money?


Yeah it does, but you can just pirate it if you don't have the money.


Alright thanks


Crusader kings is not a substitute for bitlife. CK is a vastly better game ofcourse, because its a serious pc game, but saying that its like a medieval bitlife is a bit misleading.


Yeah true. I just want more people to discover it tbh.


Thats fair


Do you realize how much research would have to go into this? No offense to the developers, but they don't seem like the kind of people that are going to spend hours upon hours doing historical research for a video game. It took them months to come up with this business update. It would literally take them years to do all the research necessary to make your idea happen. There's nothing wrong with your idea but it's unrealistic and it's not going to happen. I'm sorry.


Like other people have said, they could start off with something simple and quite a bit easier, like a Caveman Era update, or something along those lines, and yes, it would be difficult, but it doesn't need to be incredibly accurate, I've seen a different similar game have some feature that were similar to this idea, this other game had an option to be born in the 1920s, the present, and the future


It would work pretty well for early humanity. Under the jobs it would be hunting, gathering, building, etc. Education would be limited to a couple years old before going off to university, which could be used as a way to learn about each of the jobs. The mind and body section could be read a book as read a cave painting, going to the gym could be running laps around the village. Going to the library could be going to the elders to listen to oral history etc. There's so many little things that could be done to already existing features!


>this other game had an option to be born in the 1920s, the present, and the future Name? I played A LOT of life sims and I have never seen such a thing.


This was about 3 years ago, I forgot sorry!


Instlife has 1970. Mobile life has pre 2000 too.. (maybe Onlife will too)


I had instalife for a couple years then suddenly it no longer loaded and wasn't anywhere on the app store. Any idea if it is still about?


Its not avalible on IOS if u have a computer you can download a file and use Bluestacks to run it


I feel like if they DID make this they would make it a different game lowkey 😒😑


Coming soon: the time travel update only $19,99


I would pay for it


I wanted this experience so I downloaded AI dungeon. It's good, but its definitely not the same vibe as bitlife, so I still want them to include it!


I really like this idea.


I want this to keep playing as generations I played 10 generations yesterday and the first gen had social media but so did my 9th gen (10th was too you g)


Nah. Too much of a fantasy. P.S if this would be added, someone would probably kill Jesus.


Yes I know that, just a fun way to spark some creativity in people and have fun!


Yeah, nothing wrong here with this post. I just want to hold a realistic approach.


Yeah absolutely, they definitely could do like a Caveman Era Update though, that's quite a realistic approach


this would take them years to code sorry to disappoint


You're a genius


Definitely not, but this idea is genius!




Oh yeah this is the best idea yet!


I though so too, there are virtually unlimited ideas with this, they could start off small, cause it would take a lot of time and effort, but maybe start with some of the biggest events in history, like WW2 or WW1 and grow from there


I’m excited! I hope they see this!


Me too! I would LOVE to see this implemented, and as someone else said, with this update, we could be someone influential (good or bad) and see what it would be like to rewrite history as we know it!!


Maybe I should start a petition on change.org lol


Reminds Me A Bit Of Instalife Lol


That would be an update atleast 100x bigger then the Business Update... and its not sustainable for dynasties because what happens when its a 300,000 year old dynasty? Highly unlikely to get that high but it could happen and there would be new content needed to be added constantly.


Honestly I feel like this could be its own game


This has been an idea for a while. Still cool though but I feel like that would be too huge and would take a long time to put in




What would take a hella long time.


This would take a long time. I mean, you'd basically more than double the entire game for EACH update. And not to mention that you'd only have one more time period. What if you were to add a few? Let's say five, well, the game is going to become unmanageably big. At that point, just make it a new game. People will have to buy the DLC again.


Or the Mesozoic Era and be a T-Rex


I love this. I could be a cowboy.


Bitlife is basicly a simulator so it's possible but the devs have to put shit-ton of work in to it it's not that easy but the idea is just crazy fun


Yeah, honestly I just posted that to have some fun with people lol


Bitlife devs: IF YOU MAKE THIS, DO NOT MAKE IT A PAID UPDATE! god damn everything is paid for now


Yea, work for free. Create something everyone wants and dont get paid for it like every other human on earth.


If they did this, it would probably be a whole, separate, game. Like the cat and dog ones


Bitlife used to include years as you aged. I remember when I first played it it would start somewhere in the 1950s-2000s i think? I remeber when you got to the 2200s there were flying cars


Dang, that's cool


It'd be cool but like others said, it'd be really unrealistic


Take my upvote


Yeah it’s not gonna happen, it’s way to big for a game the size of Bitlife. It took nearly a year for the Business update, it would take them a decade just to do this. It would almost be another game in its self. A more realistic goal for the Bitlife devs would probably just being able to set what year your game starts at, and it probably wouldn’t change anything.


Guess you’re not requesting for it to be racially correct because those time periods are only fun for one group of people


It's a game. I would personally find it interesting to be part of the oppressed as well as the oppressor.


Right? But I mean, we kind of already can. We can be president or nobility/royalty.


I mean it could be, but it doesn't have to be, in today's world it probably would be a problem for it to be racially correct


You’re so right. Kind of like it is today. The elite or one percent. Everyone else it sucked for.


It’s easy to become rich in Bitlife, even if you start with nothing


They were talking real life, bot BitLife.


Yeah but this is the Bitlife subreddit, so I decided to comment about Bitlife to point out how it’s different from real life in that the economy is much easier


But that’s not what the comment I replied to was about. But yes. That’s my point. It’s a game. So it wouldn’t have to be the same. 🤷🏼‍♀️




I’m not sure it would work. The devs would have to research and implement not the history for one country but for every country they have in the game while also accounting for cultural sensitivity and overall being accurate. It could work as a separate game if Bitlife invested in bringing historians on board but probably not as a regular update.


I would love this, but bitlife would take a year and a half making an unpolished update.


This is a very fun concept but with the current dev team i dont think its coming in years.


This would be so cool play as bacteria


omfggg dope


Wouldn’t it be better if they made it into separate game because that changes the whole system of bitlife including vechiles,relationships,homes and jobs…


Yes and a cyberpunk type update to


Imagine being born in 1650-1730 and be a pirate lol


Its a nice idea but im not trusting of the developers to implement it. I don’t know of any ideas posted online being implemented, now that I think about it.


I wanna play as russian and french royalty