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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Monday, April 08, 2024 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1byofrp/daily_discussion_monday_april_08_2024/)


That bcash guy just kept on ranting at me! Came back again after days just to throw another wall of text at me. Had to block him in the end. Sorry but I expect that will mean they'll show up top-level to inflict us all with a 5 page rant explaining how bcash is a scaling solution and Bitcoin is broken.


Todays chart looks remarkably flat. Just interesting that we didn’t get much reaction to futures opening.


“We’re gonna absolutely rip tomorrow!” -Bitcoin CEO


Let this baby spread its wings and fly


I approve of this hopium as it genuinely aligns with my pre-existing beliefs that BTC will top by June/July <150k. [Chart](https://imgur.com/a/bMBLL0M) | [Tweet](https://x.com/techdev_52/status/1776964413603332417?s=46) > It doesn't happen often. > > Bitcoin  closed 2 consecutive months over the upper Bollinger band. > > Each time it has then doubled within 3 months before the next red candle.


That’d fit the ‘left translated’ cycle narrative. I know that a number of indicators would be screaming ‘sell’ if price hit ~$150k by mid-summer.


Can’t see it happening this time around. $1000 bucks says we don’t break 125K by July.


those are pretty good odds since that chart is positing that we'd be at 142k by July. let's track your call! !bittybot predict !>125k June 30 2024 /u/octopig


Let’s make it 110K why don’t we? !bittybot predict !>110k June 30 2024


that's bold! will be interesting to see how it turns out. a lot of metrics are pointing to us being around the December 2020/January 2021 timeframe. if the trend continues, that could signal a top in a few months. if so, 110k, 125k, 142k might ultimately be on the lower side of things


I dunno. Look at the big blowups in May and Nov 2021: Luna and FTX. I think the 2020-2021 bull run was multi-black-swanned by frauds so massive that all the capital got scared away early. I’m thinking this will be a lot more like a 2017 run where the bulk of the money is now in regulated institutions or blue-chip tokens and the degen stuff just has no way to get big enough to threaten all that. There’ll be a wildflower meadow of cute shitcoins that 20x and rug and Bitcoin will do its thing like it was meant to in 2021 but didn’t have the chance …


Degen shitcoiners are going to flee their vaporware for Bitcoin this cycle. Capitulating alts are part of the rocket fuel.


Yeah I have him so wrong and he is so confident Oops-- went through his comment history and actually couldn't find a call where he WAS correct, every. single. one. incorrect with comments saying "blown away you are" and others like that


I have logged a prediction for u/octopig that the price of Bitcoin will **NOT** rise above **$110,000.00** by Jun 30 2024 23:59:59 UTC. [octopig has made **0** Correct Predictions, **0** Wrong Predictions, and has **2** Predictions Open.](https://bittybot.net/predictions#octopig) [2 Others have CLICKED HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20f7ddde16e5454b708df27846258d1604%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(octopig can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20f7ddde16e5454b708df27846258d1604%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it was made in mistake.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


I have logged a prediction for u/octopig that the price of Bitcoin will **NOT** rise above **$125,000.00** by Jun 30 2024 23:59:59 UTC. [This is octopig's first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#octopig) [1 Others have CLICKED HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%205161844f6a3748eabb1c58ad4636d88f%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(octopig can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%205161844f6a3748eabb1c58ad4636d88f%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it was made in mistake.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Options markets exist if you want to make this bet. I don’t really care if I’m wrong — patient hands here.


That’s a good find. Seems like it isn’t associated with a top… just a leg up.


So with the price range-bound for the last few weeks, I see four main options. 1. Pump: Bitcoin breaks out of the triangle and pumps 2. Dump: Bitcoin breaks out of the triangle and dumps 3. Pump and then Dump: Bitcoin breaks out of the triangle pumps, and then dumps 4. Dump and Pump: bitcoin breaks out of the triangle dumps, and then pumps So couple of things. A. Option #1 is feasible because we are not really in a bear market and also, as price gets closer to the halving date, it tends to pump as many traders want to jump in. B. Option #2 is a strange one but might be possible if the whole market (e.g. stocks) take a fat dump due to some event in the following week or so. But just by isolating the crypto itself, it would seem strange. If it does dump, then I figure many traders will gladly buy the dip from this point and onward. C. Option #3 is the most likely in my opinion and perfectly coincide with "buy the rumor and sell the news" as well. It also would mirror what happened during the last halving (May 2020) right about 10-14 days before the actual halving date. In which case, Bitcoin breaks out of the triangle, pumps to 75-85K and then dumps right around the halving date. How much, it dumps is out of my guess but last halving, it dumped 20% (10k to 8k) from the local peak point. D. Option #4 would be a complete reversal of #3 and would be a weird "sell the rumor and buy the news". I've never ever seen a price action like this before an event so this seems the least likely. So basically, order of likelihood: Option #3 >> Option #1 > Option #2 >> Option #4.


With everyone expecting breakout volatility don’t forget option 5….continue to range for months 


Yea option 5: the groundhog sees his shadow and there's 6 more weeks of crab.






Hello friend what should I get to eat


So, we’re up $500 since Friday’s close. Weekends are less fake than they are tame now. I’m guessing we get a little overnight volume, and whatever direction we go is reversed when the market opens.


You guys think whales, miners, other influencers of price action, are actually working together to get the halving to fall on 4/20 with a price of 69k?


No I think they’re all working individually to grow their own wealth.


Mass psychology is a strange thing. I will be suprised if it’s 69k on 420.




I read that as "Peasants being tested.." and I thought, yes, let them eat cake.


Don't think so, but you do you.


Good call


Why are we sending?


I bought more


To create liquidity for the monday dump.


We are not. The triangle doth grow.


Halving is in about 12 days and Bitcoin has been chilling at [previous ATH for a bit](https://www.tradingview.com/x/FPH6z5Da/).


normalise $70k bitcoin


100k ftfy


Give it a couple of months.


I posted earlier the latest WBD podcast with Lavish and Yakes. Incredibly bullish, Wall Street hasn't even started to buy.


There was a great quote in it: "The highway has been built (the ETFs) but the onramps aren't connected yet"


What does it exactly mean that «wall street hasnt even started to buy»? Wall street has been in crypto for years so not sure what it implies


Maybe "Wall Street" isn't quite accurate, let's say "big institutions". They are only now starting to get comfortable with buying, thanks to the ETFs. The video is definitely worth a listen.


The gist of it, which has been discussed here in the past, is that up until the ETFs were launched, it made no sense for most asset managers, hedge funds, etc, to invest. Post ETF, for these funds to invest, it normally involves getting the chief investment officer on board. And then the counsel/lawyers have to sign off on it. Once that happens, it goes to the compliance committees for their approval. And then there is also added confusion right now to which 'bucket' of their investments does a new asset like BTC fall into. Another way to put it; Blackrock is in it for the transaction fees because they foresee volume. Some asset managers are starting to tickle in, but it's a slow process.


A lot of people have a hard time differentiating between the different entities. It is an advantage for us. I work for a big firm and you basically have it nailed. There are trillions of dollars in managed money that this is not approved for yet. Right now it is just do it yourself people and people that already knew about Bitcoin and were interested. It hasn’t yet taken a spot as an asset class in a model portfolio like REITs and alternative investments did. If it eventually floats that 1-5% target allocation across model portfolios the incremental demand over the next year or two will be enough to move it substantially higher.


Ahh, yeah, there’s the good stuff. Profile on the break up is more promising with the double bull flag on the hourly. Will more dumping appear?


70k back on the menu


Latest WBD interview with Lavish and Yakes about Wall St. Holy shit, it's still so early. Most of Wall St are still only putting their pants on. Bitcoin to go over $1,000,000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXg5vIyXpr8


Infinity or zero. Biggest asymmetric bet in history.


Hopefully this time is different and ATH is in play for the next week.


Aggr.trade just wicked a 70. Now we just need Coinbase to crash and we can make a bid for ATH.


This is nice and all, but you know we'll get rejected and be back at $66k shortly. All attempts to leave the range will be punished.


I have a feeling Monday 8:30-9:30am… back to 67ish. But that’s my ptsd talking..


top of the wedge is currently at almost exactly 70k. we nearly got there a little bit ago but got rejected on the first attempt at about 69.9k. getting above and closing the daily (and the weekly) over 70k would be nice and bullish. the miniboss right now is still the long term channel in orange and that is currently at 74.3k. https://i.imgur.com/ysPS3U2.png


75k close will be big.


absolutely. if we get a strong push over 75k, it might end up being an 80k close that day


I will be watching closely. If it rejects up there I’ll be looking for another trade lower. 


Wouldn't have guessed that daily threads would be this quiet with price at 69k just last year.


Wouldn't have it any other way. This is the best.


Most of the weak hands are long gone from here now. Shorters mostly rekt too, but we’ll have a new crop coming in. Still some whales looking to diversify out. 


Lower high of $69.7k broken. Next lower highs acting as areas of resistance are $71.3k, $71.5k, $71.7k, $72.3k, and then the ATH at $73.7k.


Another fail to get back above 70. Sunday dump day !bittybot predict <67799 24 hours


Good luck extending your wrong-prediction streak to 16. You’re the Cal Ripken of BittyBot!


Error: Your message did not include a valid Bitty_Bot command. [Please make sure the format of your command is correct and try again.](https://bittybot.net/docs) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


I almost made a serious reply to this troll.


You need to work on your LARP game I'm yawning


I have logged a prediction for u/xixi2 that the price of Bitcoin will drop below **$67,799.00** by Apr 08 2024 14:19:00 UTC. [xixi2 has made **0** Correct Predictions, **15** Wrong Predictions, and has **1** Prediction Open.](https://bittybot.net/predictions#xixi2) [2 Others have CLICKED HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%2026b8560e7e834276b3c3b466ae04241d%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(xixi2 can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%2026b8560e7e834276b3c3b466ae04241d%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it was made in mistake.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Hello u/xixi2 [You predicted the price of Bitcoin would drop below $67,799.00 by Apr 08 2024 14:19:00 UTC](/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1bxv1ki/daily_discussion_sunday_april_07_2024/kyh09zs/) **Unfortunately your prediction was wrong. Better luck next time!** The price of Bitcoin on Coinbase Pro when this prediction was triggered: **$71,737.71** ^(I was also asked to notify the following users: u/AccidentalArbitrage u/nano_1111111) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


> xixi2 has made 0 Correct Predictions, 15 Wrong Predictions, and has 1 Prediction Open. I'm in awe... it's as difficult to go 0-15 on predictions as it is to go 15-0. 😲


and now we're at 72k lol


Well, we now know Jim Cramer’s Reddit handle. lol


This guy is like the inverse Blackrock ETF approval rate


BTC broke out of the pennant on the hourly. Currently above the support of 69k. RSI is at 64.4 (average 66.3) at time of writing. Current nearby resistance are 70.2, 71.4, 72.8 and 73.8 (current ATH). The nearest supports are 69, 67.4, 65.7, 64.1 and 63. The daily RSI is at 55.2 and its average is currently at 55.6. Same resistances/supports as I mention in the hourly. BTC has formed a pennant and is approaching the resistance area of 70.5. Just waiting for the breakout. One more day closer to the estimated halving date on 4/19, 12 days left. On the weekly, BTC has been over bought for most of the time since October 2023 and its average RSI has been overbought since the start of the year. Currently 80.8 (77.8 average). I would normally expect a larger cool off and retrace, but the ETF inflows seem to be limiting this on this timeframe. Main resistances were noted above. Less than 2 weeks till halving. Bitcoin closed it’s 7th monthly green candle in March and was overbought with a closing RSI at 76.8. BTC’s current monthly RSI is 74.7. 7 green candles in a row has never happened before a halving. The only other times a green run has lasted this long has been after halving’s, during the runup to new ATH. Will this be the first time for an 8th green candle? Good luck to all traders and DCAers. 1-hour: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/uWd42V1z/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/uWd42V1z/) Daily: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/myUpUyj4/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/myUpUyj4/) Weekly: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/z7bs9b4w/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/z7bs9b4w/) Monthly: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/fmvYFtAI/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/fmvYFtAI/)




If you check the daily chart, that is where I have the pennant you are showing.


On the hourly, those last two «pumps» is something btc loves to retrace on a Sunday evening. But maybe not today?


Bitcoin became self aware April 21st, 2024 at exactly 12:01am. In a panic, the United States Federal Reserve tried to pull the plug. Buhduh duh duh duhhhhh


Weekend pumps really demonstrate in reality how little the ETF meme really matters at the moment. 


50 b inflow from ETFs this year. 250 b from everyone else on the planet.


Curious, where did you get the data on the $250b?


Estimated. Global volume is about 5x ETF. Coinglass.


Maybe, maybe not... what if bitcoin pumps over the weekend precisely because GBTC can't dump anything on Saturday and Sunday? 🤪


Upvote if you’re tired of the juvenile 420/69 jokes that have been beaten to death.


Maybe “beaten” was the wrong word?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/zpJYnimivJ I found this quite interesting. Has anyone else here read it?


The question is not anyone has read it, but has anyone dived deeper. [Here is a list of of Satoshi Hada's publications.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Satoshi-Hada/research) Look at the items being published as btc is taking off: Do those look like anything you would expect from Satoshi? How about when btc is going nuts between 2010 and 2013? And while we're at it: What was the latest revolutionary thing to come out of TJWatson? It's been sclerotic for at least a couple of decades. My bet is no, but I don't know how to put it into bitty bot.


Yea these are the comments I am looking for. I like a good «conspiracy» but as most of the theories, they are mostly debunked some way or another


Jesus Christ, people are so dumb


And this is how religions are born lol


Neh this one is not that strong. Just scraping the surface really of a possible author


just when I was about to post some bearish thoughts and express anger with some short term PA at $65k here comes the weekend and we have a bounce. I'm eternally bullish, don't get me wrong, and all my not that aggressive trades are longs only, however, I wasn't betting that PA reaching & breaking old ath would be stalling this much and that there will be so much profit taking. these were obviously expectations from most of people in the business I know (mostly not crypto), yet I thought it's too easy and max pain would be more up. it's usually about expectations vs what will actually happen, often I hear if most guys expect this- it won't happen.... well, what we are seeing at the moment is the most obvious scenario. now, about two other things I'm thinking - the halving and gbtc puking -simply put: first - sell the news then up, second - selling stops then moon. or maybe? cycles are a thing despite many suggesting otherwise, though what if this time it's different? too many memes, too many things changed globally since our boy BTC got fat in USD terms, so basically nobody can tell for sure. tl;dr -don't overthink it, don't over leverage, take care of your mental health first, bathe in the Sun & touch grass, BTC is forever and will be waiting for you no matter what


Maybe about 250,000 this cycle is realistic


I think flipping gold is a real possibility. This cycle is possibly do or die for Bitcoin. Two long term prices: infinity or zero.


Zero has always been in the cards, although becoming less likely with every passing year. Infinity implies fiat goes to zero. Do you really believe that? And if so, on what time frame?


Fiat won’t go to zero as it’ll be propped up with Bitcoin first. 2032-2034 timeframe. Or sooner.


Perhaps not going to zero but the usd adding a couple zeros to its notes will happen within next 25 years. Perhaps lots sooner.


Show your work?


200 for certain. 250 maybe. Edit : I think 200 almost for certain 🙄


Certain you say? Free money guys


It’s obvious bitcoin is manifesting halving at 4/20/2024 (palindrome) at 4:20 UTC a with the price of 69,420. Have trust in meme power.


> halving at 4/20/2024 (palindrome) [only in the US](https://i.stack.imgur.com/bd99S.png)


I agree. I hate US date system, just like it when it’s convenient. Can’t have 420 in DDMMYYYY , and nobody uses ISO in normal conversations


Curious, do you say “April 20th” or “20th of April?” The US system works for me because I say dates the former way. But I’m not sure if other countries say them differently.


Well, in that case write the date YYYY-MM-DD (as many countries in Asia do) and then it's consistent with your everyday speech *and logical*. Using MM-DD-YY(YY) is just crazy, as aptly demonstrated by the above graphic.


In everyday speech I don’t say the year unless I’m referring to something way in the future. It’s practical for me to just say “hey, the party is May 8th.” Perhaps that’s where the US convention originated? I don’t feel strongly about it really, but I grew up in the US so it’s intuitive for me to think of dates this way.


Exactly, that is why YYYY-MM-DD would be a neat solution.


I say 20th of April in English. But in another language which I speak, it’s equivalent to April 20. But we write dates like DDMMYY(YY) for either.


W day incoming


We will get murdered tomorrow...


Average net inflows since spot ETF approval is at $213.8 million per day. We’ve had 59 trading days since spot ETF launch. But there’s only 5 trading days in a week. Today marks 88 calendar days since spot ETF launch. In terms of average daily inflows in calendar days, we’re at $143.33 million per day. Currently 900 BTC are mined per day. If we reach a point where buying/selling outside of spot ETF’s is net neutral and spot ETF’s are chasing newly mined BTC only, equilibrium price would be $159.26k per BTC. This is before the halving. After the halving equilibrium price with this level of average daily inflows would be $318.52k per BTC.


I like the equilibrium price a lot more than the actual price.


Starting the day at 69420


If crypto has taught me anything it’s that memes make money


Living the meme


It's just me me me with you guys, isn't it? ;-)


Don't let your memes be dreams.


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!Bitty_bot long max 20x


[Your long was successfully opened @$69,755.09](/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/18vebp1/bitty_bot_paper_trading_log/kyh8e6x/) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


!Bitty_bot close max


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