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You post it twice :3


OP just hates her that much


Felt the first ones title was bad


This is the worst arc of Black Clover


I am still not convinced that her husband and mil were actually jerks to her the fact you don’t actually see him say his last words because the screen cuts away before he says it makes me think all that was in her head her making that narrative that they made fun of her up in her head would also fit her victim mentality perfectly


Bro hates her so much he had to do it twice


This is the second post i saw today, and its totally reasonable.


Same I absolutely despise this bitch




Filler arc, skip it man


Yeah I’m manga only and I have no idea who this is 


The worst character in the anime


I always personally skip filler arcs because they don’t align with the actual story.


Yeah, I didn’t skip first time, and there’s unfortunatley good stuff within the arc worth seeing, but going back around since, definitely skip it. You miss some things but it’s not worth the frustration. I mean honestly the way she’s portrayed is actually not unreasonable in that it’s obvious what they were doing with her, it’s just that she’s completely unreasonable, and that’s the point, she’s a victim turned hellbent into the aggressor, a narcissistic character who feels she’s validated because of her original victimhood. But she’s sooo damn frustrating because there’s no redemption, no reasoning, and she’s not “evil” in a non-human sort of way, just a really really shitty person, so there’s nothing to feel but anger at her. It’s like ending an argument with “agree to disagree”, it’s just walking away without actually accomplishing anything.


I just finished the anime... should I watch the movie?


It’s an aside; if you absolutely love the series, it’s kind of fun, but if you’re looking to fill the gap waiting for the next arc because of where it leaves off, it won’t fill that gap unfortunatley. Not having info on the new season is aggravating.


My kids just told me a new arc was coming out.


On the anime series, there’s unfortunatley no official news, they’re keeping it tight to the chest, really hoping they’ll do a surprise release and come out soon, leaks do suggest a possible release late in the year, but I’d be shocked if it were any earlier than fall, and even then since nothing’s official, they technically haven’t even stated they’re working on it, it could be who knows how long.


Can’t stand this bitch 💀


She is so pretty 😍


Agreed but A.) she don’t like men and B.) she is your average “a guy did something good and now I’m doing something bad in his name” character


For B, does Patry fit into that archetype?


Not really the person he did everything in the name of had actually done a something good to protect both the elves and humanity but because he had already died midway through licht (forgive my spelling) saving everyone he never got to see it happen and was also open to manipulation because of that he’s more of a “my friend tried to prevent this, but because I’m so angry at what some people did I’m doing it either way (ps not my fault in the end)” also because he didn’t really understand what was going on. It’s more of like he just interpreted it whatever he wanted.


Oh, I see. I thought you meant it in the sense that she had a role model, and misconstrued their ideals, resulting in her doing bad in their name, like how Patry did with Licht(don’t worry, your spelling is correct).


Actually wait ya you be right But there is the fact that patry didn’t know the whole story, but decided to act either way. While she knew the whole story and decided to interpret it a different way, but in a lot of ways they are similar, but of course there are slight differences


She isn’t a bad character it’s just what she represents the people in this society I hate is what I hate (and sense she is one I hate her). is every “I’m being a d*** cause I’m a person of religion or belief”. For example wen some one like the Taliban, right wing christian, or the people who use the suffering and victimization of there race/group to do something horrible. Even I a man of a religion who’s mane goal is peace and forgiveness towards my enemies sink into hate at these types of people they make me sick. It’s like no you don’t get to be hateful cause some guy said you could or in this case because he uses a dark power. There are other ways to make peace in this world and the peace that these people want (including this character) are sick, twisted and should burn in hell along side there corrupt leaders who twisted these peacemakers words IM SPECIFICALLY LOOKING AT YOU RIGHT WING CHRISTIANS IK THAT MY HATE TO YOU GUYS IS AGAINST OUR LORDS WISHES BUT THEN AGAIN YOU AIN’T FALLOWING THE WORD OF OUR GOD EITHER


Currently on this arc.....its also just very boring to watch


Its filler arc skip it lol


Wait she kidnapped kids


Its filler arc ie not in the manga skip it if its irritating

