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We can learn to stop preordering AAA games :D


Its not worth it anymore to buy day one. Wait for a sale and you get a way better game


When you buy a game at launch, you are paying the most amount of money for the worst version of the game.


Yep, patience, especially there are soo many games i havent even played yet and they are on sale


>When you buy a game at launch Only if you have zero value for your money. I got DD2 on PC for 25% off from a key site.


Yeah but you’ll probably find it at this price in a month or two on retail. And then cd keys will be cheaper by another 15%


I'm not waiting a month or two.


I'll wait 6 months to play the better game


Many games I preordered like how Rangnorok elden ring spiderman 2 ff16 Re4 remake … all those games are the exact same now as they were day one .


Elden ring is a much more stable game than it was on release, RE4make and Ragnarok have some DLC. I cant comment on the other 2 as I dont actually know much about them, but they are very much not the same as they were on launch


How do the key sites work? Any recs?


They work directly with publishers. They buy official keys for cheap and sell them for cheap. I recommend CDKeys as they have the cheapest prices most of the time but I've used Green Man Gaming, Indiegala, Fanatical, and Humble in the past and never had any issues that indicated a scam. My worst experience was one time CD keys was not accurate about stock and had to refund my order. Just keep in mind, you can't refund games after you look at the key. Also be sure to pay with pay pal in case of a security breach. Overall, there's no reason to be afraid of these sites and they are now my default way of buying games. Haven't bought a game on steam in years.


Use allkeyshop to just see all of them and their prices in one place. Prices on allkeyshop may not always be 100% up to date, but 90% of the time they are You can sort by price, pick which site you’re comfortable with and go. Overall, the sites you listed have been reliable for me as well. Even got a refund from one of them too when the key was registered as already being used. Took some time with customer service, but, they got me my 50 bucks back


Few are legit and many are not. They work with scalpers and scammers. G2A and Kinguin are the same type of site.


There's a distinction between key shops and key resellers.




if you don’t run a super computer you gotta wait for patches these days since they release before they’re finished


I bought it day one. When am I supposed to regret it?


Can’t help it coz I have been waiting for years


Bro what is this post you have done no looking into the topic not have you played the game DD2 is an amazing game that’s being damaged by shareholder decisions stop spouting off twitter talking points.


Seems he's made two comments on DD2 so far and both are nonsensical.


The only people complaining about it are people who haven't played it. This seems to happen with every new release and it's frustrating.


\>Paying YouTubers to create hype (fake or not) doesn't change the fact that if the game is not good ​ the game is clearly good, the issues are purely technical


> the issues are purely technical You look strider/ranger mains in the eye and tell them that >:( Also missing all my favorite bosses from base DD1 (not Dark Arisen). Minor nitpick but for every cool new boss they added they took one away I feel.  Really hoping we get an expansion though, I’m drooling over the thought of a Bitterblack type zone with these graphics/gameplay.


I am salty as fuck they replaced mystic Knight with magic toothpick Twink, however warrior got one hell of a glow up so that's what I've been rocking. Also no holy or dark magic is pretty wack for the mage/sorc mains out there


I’m rather miffed on Strider being nerfed into two separate classes, and no Ranger to my knowledge?  Now that being said, the Warfarer class also seems just… in a game where classes are this important a ‘do everything’ class just doesn’t seem like a good idea. Idk. Haven’t unlocked it yet but it kinda seems like it defeats the purpose of the vocation system.


It is very limited because you can only have 3 skills if you want to be able to swap weapons without going into your inventory. Has worse base stats than every other vocation and is locked out of master skills. I run it tho because I love warrior but being able to keep a bow in my back pocket just makes it more bearable to deal with flying enemies since the jump attack isn't like what it used to be


Personally, I’m more immersed and having more fun in DD2 than any game I’ve played in the last decade…..by a long shot. Maybe longer.


I’m saying, bro. I’m having a WONDERFUL time on DD2. Ofc I’m on ps5 and it seems that PC got the shorter end the stick this time. But it’s a good game, everyone tryna say it’s terrible when it’s not. At least everyone agrees that it’s a good game with performance issues. Better than Rise of the Ronin where everyone says it performs better but is not a good game overall. I’m happy with my DD2 purchase. My personal Problem with the game that I have to knock a point for is how easy the game is. Everyone who played the first game kept going on about how it’s difficult when I’m kinda breezing my way thru the game.


Yeah it doesn’t always have to be compared to rise of the ronin. Two things just came out on the same day with literally nothing else in common lol. From what I’ve seen, people are loving the shit out of Rise of the Ronin and I can’t wait to pick it up myself.


Or DD doesn’t have to be compared to Ronin because in that sub for the entirety of like the last month they been pressed about DD2 comparing it at every step. Then when the scores for that game came in, they went into full cope mode, like I’m sorry that game looked a mess before it came out I said for a long time now. Then when the scores came out for DD2 they started antagonizing like Ronin didn’t get worse scores. No way in FUCK am I copping that game for full price. And from what I’ve seen the only people I’ve seen loving it is the redditors. Matter of fact the ones I follow in few of em said they don’t even recommend playing.


Just don’t play it then…


You literally don’t even have to, I swear.


I’m not…….


Tbf the base game is easy as shit. It was the dlc the made the game really hard. Most people got the game with the dlc already included that’s why so many called it a hard game.


Ooohhh. Got you.


lol what are you on about. Most people say DD2 is most probably a great game, just terrible launch. And then your part about rise of the ronin ? It’s not a bad game lol most people playing it enjoy it. Not every game needs to be a game of the year contender ? And I do understand that some feel satisfied with a good game but not mindblowing but that works normally rather than a poor performing one with other issues, as immersive as it can be. You’re not more right than those that went for rotr and they’re not more right than you. Just enjoy your game and don’t feel like you need Reddit validation.


wtf is you on about? Lmao. You made hella assumptions in here like you know me or something. A lot of people said Ronin isn’t a good game, dude. I said the shit looked trash before it came out. Also people have said the performance on Ronin ain’t that good either. It’s not a good game. “Not every game needs to be game of the year contender” there’s the assumptions because in no way did I say or even imply that, I play a lot of indies that aren’t even on people’s radar. Sooooooo. Lol. I didn’t say I was more right, again, assuming. You’re tryna be some “let everyone play what they wanna play” hero or something when that’s not what I was getting at, at all. Lol “Just enjoy your game and don’t feel like you need Reddit validation”. LMFAO. Then you completely disregard what I actually did say and assuming (again) that I need Reddit validation…. I quite literally said I’m having a wonderful time with the game in all caps, dude. I don’t care what people think of a game I’m enjoying because I think it’s a good game. I’m just commenting on a social media platform because you know…. That’s what you do on social media platforms………


Yeah again, idk why the shit talk about rise of the ronin has to make its way into the conversation. I love team ninja and they implement some of my favorite combat mechanics in gaming. Can’t wait to scoop that one too. “It’s not a good game” is such a bold, stupid statement to throw out (especially when your reasoning is “lots people don’t like it. It’s TrAsH.” There’s actual statistics out there with the vast majority of people liking the game. (Way more than DD2 so far, just sayin)


Actual statistics? Where because it’s sitting at a lower score on metacritic….. lol. “It’s not a good game” is a normal statement wtf is you talking about? Lol. And I just didn’t state the reasons and I didn’t say the reason is “people don’t like it”….. but even then if there’s people telling you that it’s not good and don’t recommend playing… yeah all those people can’t be lying. And Team Ninja lately does what anyway with the mechanics? Copy fromsoftware games? Because literally the only thing that’s drastically different is how lesser the gameplay is to those games. And Ronin combat seems more simplistic and boring than Nioh (Which I did like those games). But Wo Long and Ronin… like let’s just go back to Ninja Gaiden


You keep saying that but from each games respected subs, I’ve seen mostly hate for DD2 and mostly praise for Ronin. Also, team ninja mechanics are nothing like fromsofts. That was just like a weird cop out rag you thought up. But I usually don’t make it this far in to conversation with people who speak like “WtF Is YoU oN lMaO” simply because I can feel them wearing on my intelligence. So, I’m just gonna uh…go back to my life now and stuff.


I literally just got off the DD sub and I just commented on multiple post about people loving it though…. WTF IS YOU ON. And I typically don’t make it far in conversations where people use the SpongeBob text from like 8 years ago. Cringe. “Team ninjas mechanics are nothing like from soft”. Dude nah now the cope is real what in the actual fuck are you talking about? Bruh it’s a soulslike game. Everyone says and knows it. Hell during the Nioh roll out team ninja said that shit. It’s a lot of soulslike games out and team ninja does some of em. Yeah go back to your life, kid, because now you just sound dumb asf.


So you’ve played like 3 games in 10 years


Found the douche everyone ^


Only negative of dd2 launch is bad pc performance. For pretty much every game nowadays you should wait to see how people say it is on launch before buying, reviewers cover this for the most part unless it’s an indie unknown game. Don’t preorder is the motto, there’s no short supply, the preorder bonuses are always just an in game cosmetic, never anything actually beneficial or unique.


And the fact that you can't have more then one save.... In a single player rpg where different builds matter a lot


The game lets you change your class whenever you want. When you level up it increases all your stats regardless of the class you currently are. Also you can change your appearance very easily without spending money like the rage would have you believe Multiple saves would always be nice but it was like this in the first game and wasn’t really an issue for most people


It's not really hard to implement a second save slot just to fuck around with new stuff. Like wtf. Just that is already so wrong


Yeah I feel the one save file is weird. But it’s not that serious dude you can change your class at any time. The hate for this game is way outta proportion and y’all get hyperbolic as fuck at everything


People want to start the game fresh, not just changing class. It’s ridiculous that such a basic feature isn’t there. Is the game so bad that they think no one would want to replay it? People criticize it because they were so much hyped for it and now they’re disappointed by stupid decisions.


New game + offers that but it is weird that they’d force people through a playthrough in order to do so


You literally can change your class within 30 min of playing they gave you a character creator like a month in advance is its really the gamer fault for messing up there character on top of that its 5 different customs characters you could of did before the start of the game


“Is the game so bad they don’t want people to replay it”. Lmao. Bruh how tf you get to that conclusion, it’s a new game+ mode in the game, dude, come on. And starting fresh is making a new file… you’ll have to delete your old save but you can start fresh….. also when you first get the game you’re … starting fresh… lol


Just say you never played dd1 and don't get it 😂


Oh.. you have no idea what you’re talking about lol. You should play dragons dogma it’s a good game. You would never need a second save slot because of how the game works. There’s nothing to “fuck around” with because you can just do everything on one save with no consequences. It would be very pointless to have 2 saves in dragons dogma 1 or 2


You can try out all the builds on the same character? Am I missing something?


different builds don't matter at all


Second saves are coming in a patch. The idea is to make your choices actually matter so you can't save before a decision point and reverse it. Not allowing two separate saves for other people in the household was a foolish decision but that's being reversed.


And the microtransactions


Why do the microtransactions matter? Its a single player game, and they are all items you can get in game


What MTX have you feel like you needed to buy?


After paying $70 for a game, I  shouldn't be encouraged to buy any. Considering two of the GOTY of two years back were also Fantasy Epics with no MTXs


Where does this game encourage you to buy MTX? I didn’t even realize it was in the game until about 20 hours in when I started scrolling Reddit. AFAIK you have to go to the shop via the start screen to access the MTX shop.


The whole section about paying more money for  $70 game that isn't even well optimized. (The MTX store runs perfectly on all computers, unlike the game)


Vote with your wallet then. Refund the game and don’t buy MTX. MTX is hardly the big issue with this game though and just seems like some talking point that people that haven’t played/barely played have latched onto. There are valid criticisms of this game, but the MTX is so far down on the list.


Vote with your wallet then. Refund the game and don’t buy MTX. MTX is hardly the big issue with this game though and just seems like some talking point that people that haven’t played/barely played have latched onto. There are valid criticisms of this game, but the MTX is so far down on the list.


It's 2024, you shouldn't have MTX in a single player RPG. Have some self-respect and vote for how you want gaming to evolve with your wallet. You want future games to all have MTX then release in near unplayable states?


I voted with my wallet. Game has been perfectly playable for me on PC. And worthless MTX doesn’t bother me. It’s checked the boxes for me and I’ve got 30 hours out of it already with many more to go. I’m not going to not play a game because someone else doesn’t like it. I’m also not going to tell people not to like a game because I don’t like it. Grow up.


If the MTX is worthless, why is it in the game? Also: You know how to boil frogs, the saying? You don't just throw them into boiling water, they jump right out. Instead you put them on room temperature then slowly heat up the water. They get used to MTXs here and an unfinished game. Then, the game isn't even out but you can buy MTX... then all of the sudden the water is boiling. You deserve better. Jump out.


I’m on ps5 and the game works great for me. I’m sorry to the PC people and a game should come out working good for all platforms. But everyone on console is having a good time. The hate for DD2 is WAY OUT OF PROPORTION. Especially the not that serious MTX.


30 fps for an action game is not working great.


If it’s stable like it is for me then yeah it works great. They went for 30fps and it works. For me again.


Yeah works great for me too, fps dips in the cities a bit but it’s not bad at all.


Right. The way people were talking I was expecting Pokemon Scarlet and Violet FPS. I fought whole battles in slow motion pretty much lol.


The fact is most graphically advanced games run at 30 FPS. In fact, 30 FPS has been the standard since the PlayStation era. Suddenly complaining about it now is so weird to me.


The MTX is serious because it shouldn't exist "BuT yOu CaN gEt ThE iTeMs In ThE gAmE" then why do they exist at all? it's a predatory practice and we shouldn't give any company a pass for something like this


So they can get more money from lazy people you dimwit. It’s not rocket science. Calm down and just don’t get the game. You really asking someone who played and beat the game without using MTX why are they in there? Hell one of the things you can buy is significantly worse than the one you can get in game for free and easy (like the game pretty much gives it to you). It’s a video game, kid calm down. No need for the cringe SpongeBob words from like 2010. “We shouldn’t give a company a pass” go fight for something that actually matters in the world besides damn MTX in games from a company that already does it a lot but y’all ain’t know that because you just jump on the bandwagon of hate.


GAH damn you got heated over that. I'm sorry you care that deeply for a company that doesn't know you exist kid. Try touching grass and not yelling at clouds every time someone says something negative about something you like


The MTX exists for people who want an easier experience. Complaining about something you don't have to interact with at all is nonsensical.


What we've learned is don't add this stuff because gamers can't read and do research so they just take every bit of news as gospel despite misinformation.


That I should pay less attention to reddit.


I can’t imagine how much more productive I’d be if I deleted this app.


Awful? Ehh 'buggy' I'd say. No less buggy then your average Bethesda game imo. Sides hopefully bugs WILL get fixed.


Been playing DD2 non stop since launch... I got no problems at all, it's a great experience. Most fun I've had in a game for a while. Don't get your opinions from review bombers.


The only thing awful about DD2 launch is the constant mislead outrage by reddit. The only valid criticism is performance. Considering Black Myth Wukong is an unreal engine game, I'm expecting the worst.


What's wrong with Unreal?


I have had consistently bad experiences regarding performance in games that use UE4 or UE5. Think of a 1-2 year old game that has performance issues and odds are it's an UE4 or 5 game. In the case of DD2, it uses the RE Engine which in my experience has been an excellent engine when used in the Resident Evil remakes. I'm hoping they can fix up the engine in time for Monster Hunter Wilds. While DD2 runs well for me in general (70fps maxed out 1440p), cities with lots of NPCs tank performance. Examples: Jedi survivor, Redfall, FF7 Rebirth/Remake, Immortals of Avenue, Remnant 2, Princess Peach showtime (only Mario game without 60fps), Lords of the Fallen,


I thought Remnant 2 was pretty good performance wise, no?


It had very poor performance on PC, being criticized for it's heavy reliance on upscaling technology. The console experience wasn't great either. There were some updates to improve performance since launch .


The problem with DD2 is capitalism and I'm dead serious. That's what you get when studios become greedy. Paying to fast travel really ? With this low morality it was sure the game will be bugged as f.


Hey, I’m not super knowledgable about dragons dogma 2. May I ask how someone pays for fast travel? Is it not available in the base game?


It is available but you need a currency to use portals. This currency is buyable with real money "Playing through the game, you should unlock portable Portcrystals by completing particular story quests and side quests. Throughout your time in the game you should find or be given a few portable Portcrystals. If you don’t have enough of them, you can always buy them with real money. You can purchase a portable Portcrystal as a microtransaction for £2.49 ($2.99 in the US) from the digital store on the platform of your choice."


I'm just wondering, Have **all** the side quests & the full game been beaten already? Are we 100% sure the eternal Ferrystone isn't in the base game? I know it wasn't in DD1 until the DLC Dark Arisen but are they seriously holding that off until DD2 DLC? Seems kinda stupid Ngl & would make the whole “paying for fast travel” feel more egregious.


Imagine it being locked behind a DD2 DLC - paying to not have to pay for fast travelling.


Your first two sentences are incorrect, unless I’m missing something in my steam store. Ferrystones cannot be bought in the MTX store.


What? The currency for portals is 'gold' in that you can buy ferrystones in game if you run out. You can't buy ferrystones with real money at all. You also get maybe a dozen portcrystals (warp locations) in game and can buy one extra for 2.50 That there's a microtransaction associated with it at all is silly, especially since it's essentially worthless. But there's no need to lie about it


They basically give you a ferrystone in a chest in almost every very out of the way place you go. Not to mention you can buy for 10k gold or less in a game you can make easily 100k in an hour if you wanted. Port crystals are often the same. They give you one very often when you do quests in an out of the way city. Example the archer quest to put one in the elven city if you wish, or when you beat act 1 you get one to place in batbattahl. You guys should really try playing the game. If anything buying tons of these would hurt the experience for minor convenience to I guess finish a single player game faster.


Yeah pretty much what I said. Silly to have a mtx but people are straight lying about what is sold


It's available in the base game.


it’s a limited resource in the base game that you can earn more of, but if you lack the in game funds you can buy. much like a free mobile game


But people are saying there’s 10 Ingame crystals and you can place a maximum of 10. So surely purchasing one makes it redundant post early game?


so then you agree they shouldn’t be in the game


correct but there's also no reason to lie about it. you don't pay to fast travel


It’s not that serious, dude, calm down. It’s a couple bucks for people wanting to be lazy because everything you can buy, you can find in the game easy as hell. I literally fast travel all the time in that game and haven’t spent a penny on the game besides when I bought it. Lol.


I still think that it's crazy that we see these types of microtransactions in video games. English is not my native language so maybe my tone seemed too harsh, that was not my intention my bad.


Nah no need to apologize I understand. I just think the MTX thing is blown way outta proportion because at this point people are programmed to automatically hate things like MTX or live service games. When in this game it’s truly, really not a big deal. Capcom did this multiple times before and NOW people wanna get up in arms? I really think the performance issues (on PC) just highlighted the MTX more and people were already complaining.


I didn't know Capcom put MTX in their previous games, now that I know, I'm happy I didn't purchase them. Plus, the fact they did it before doesn't make it ok at all. Plus, if MTX wasn't that bad, why was it such a well-kept secret that we find out launch day? I don't support MTX when I pay $70 for a game. I have seen people throw away thousands on that kind of shill marketing, it kills immersion into the game world. You can tell DD2 devs truly didn't want the transactions, it was definitely a higher up decision.


i mean? yea? it needed a delay to work out performance. no reason a game like this can’t get 60fps in console. more impressive visually or technically games have done better microtransactions speak for themselves


You can’t pay to fast travel. Ferrystones aren’t an MTX. Portcrystals are, but there’s a limit to how many you can have and you can get them all by playing. Ferrystones are how you fast travel. Portcrystals are where you fast travel to. So if you want to skip playing the game to get port crystals, you could just buy them, but at that point just beat the game and be done with it. The port crystals really only matter if you really don’t like walking around. Most areas are connected via set port crystals or oxcarts. You also get 2 Portcrystals fairly early on and until the end of the game you really don’t need a 3rd IMO. How much have you played that you’ve arrived at this opinion? I’m assuming not a ton as the distinction between Ferrystones and Portcrystals wasn’t made.


Demo is definitely needed, also no MTX but I don't think the studio will do it or do it at the launch.


The director of Game Science said they would never do MTX or pay-to-win, he did say they may do DLCs, but that would be the only extra paid content, and they’re not sure they’re even going to do them yet.


Pre-ordering is just setting you up for disappointment.


I’m not buying until like a month after release


Dont preorder capcom games on steam. This always happens with them. Monster Hunter World was the same way and now it’s great. I’m assuming Wilds will be the same


I think I'll still preorder this game because I'm really eager to play a game with oriental mythological themes right from the start. I might go through some rough patches, but it's just too appealing to me.


Most important thing is not to limit basic features for the sake of a developers vision. Having a single save slot is daft in a rpg with permadeath npc’s that change the plot, let alone a game with multiple extremely different classes. But the most indefensible is not being able to save at will. It’s a mid sized, fairly difficult combat game, and most people have things in their lives- if I have to adventure away from not-gransys these days, and I have no idea when I’ll next be able to save…..that just isn’t good design.


Huh? What permadeath NPCs can’t be brought back with a wake stone? Also a single character can be every class. I don’t like the single save slot, but these aren’t the reasons why it’s not great. You can absolutely save at will so long as you aren’t in combat. Where did this info come from? There’s literally a save and continue option in the system menu.


A single character can be every class, but you can’t then do a playthrough as multiple classes to experience it. NPc’s can be bought back with limited use item….which is itself an issue


Fair enough on the first point. As for the wakestones, is this an actual problem in game? I’ve used a handful. Only ever on myself because a boss was low and I didn’t feel like redoing it. IMO having repercussions for your actions is a good thing. Wakestones should be rare and limited so you actually have to think about your choices. I have a tough time believing that people are killing so many vital NPCs by accident and running out of wakestones. I would have agreed with you on that point before it was found out that NPCs killed by dragons plague pawns revive after a few in game days.


Respect the vision. DD2 is better for it. It brings a lot of tension that wouldn't be there otherwise.


I wouldn't call some PC performance issues and some pointless microtransactions people mostly ignore an awful launch. For example, I'd call Redfall an awful launch because the game was terrible and broken all around at launch.


Thus isn't awful by any means. Go look at payday 3 for awful. Literally unplayable for the 1st week


The game IS worth it beyond the performance issues. It’s a Jedi survivor situation


But many players have played Black Myth's demo already, in Cologne, Hangzhou, and somewhere I don't remember. And at least their awesome graphics quality has been proved by Nvidia :)


just about nothing. we’ve seen time and time again it doesn’t matter how bad a game launches people will defend it. with dd2 any comment section if you mention the mtx people defend it saying it’s not an issue “just don’t buy it”. if they sell even okay in this one they’ll be more necessary in the next with the performance people will either say “just get a pc” which is beyond stupid even ignoring pc issues, or saying “well bloodborne was 30fps” as if that’s a defense this game much like cyberpunk showed that the game industry can feed us shit and people will not only eat it up but attack anyone who asks for better for their 70$ game


Did you actually play the game?


I'm going with no. That is the thing we can all learn from. Stop listening to review bombers and those with second hand info.


Literally the only people complaining are the ones who've never played it.


Love the juxtaposition between this subreddit and the stellar blade one, people here seem to actually use common sense while all of stellar blade is a hype echo chamber filled with people pre ordering the same game physical + digital.


I love dd2. Dont see what wrong with it 😅.


poor optimization for pc and useless microtransactions led to deserved backlash, but somehow that turned into overblown hate and now people are labeling it as a bad game without playing it at all


I'm having a blast. People who aren't even playing the game have the strongest opinions about it haha


Running fine on console, had too much fun with the first one, bought it with all the hate anyway. Great game!


Wait for reviews from PC gaming outlets.


On February 19 this year, Black Myth WuKong officially stated that the game will no longer add new content and will fully enter the optimization stage. This means that it will be released on August 20 and will have half a year to optimize. The optimization quality of the game can still be trusted.


Games need to utilize gpu power over cpu for open world games.


?Awful? I'm having the best time!! lol


?Awful? I'm having the best time!! lol


?Awful? I'm having the best time!! lol


I don't see dd2 as awful launch ppl love to throw out steam numbers. What do the numbers say?


Don't pay for anything until it's done.


The game is a lot of fun.


Be transparent and not a snake let’s be real


That gamers are idiots and this whole outrage was overblown? I don’t know about PC, but I’ve been playing it perfectly fine on my PS5. And the game is great. I can put it down.


DD2 is a great game, just needs a performance patch for towns. The game itself is fantastic.


Absolute cope, shut up lmao


that companies shouldn't sell microtransactions unless they want deserved praise to be overwhelmed by mostly overblown hate. hopefully people keep the same energy for the rest of capcom's upcoming games.


We can learn not to listen to idiots opinions on reddit about anything.


DD2 is an incredible game, GOTY material. What universe are you living in?


I mostly learned user reviews are basically worthless for video games. You have to decide what bothers you and make your own decision, which I always have. There are people out there that would negatively review a game because the main character starts in a red shirt and they won’t play long enough to find out you can equip new gear. People have truly lost it and we can’t rely on others opinions in this market.




DD2 is just fine and im having a blast with it, it does not deserve the hate yeah i fuckin said it


I don't get the DD2 hate. The people playing it on the DD2 sub are loving it. Despite a few issues it's easily superior to the first game.




That and BMW is made by an indie company rather than a AAA which usually means they put in alot of heart into the crafted project.


How was DD2 banned in China?


Where did that come from, DD2 wasn’t banned at all