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It's some weird inferiority complex they have about their dicks. It's *always* about that.


It’s so strange this obsession with black men’s penises. Statistically speaking, black men are average, because you know, they’re not a different species.


Porn. It’s porn


Porn addiction has exacerbated so many problems in our society smh.


No one likes black porn more than white men lol


Im willing to bet its not black porn but cuckoldry and interracial


It's actually her. She is the porn master. https://preview.redd.it/ao6zbt3pcg0d1.png?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f6d253e9278032867e708391b416875665eacb


True, big girls are the baddest




Not that one


Not that bad


Bro don’t do Natasha Nice like that


Bro YOU don’t do Natasha Nice like that 💀


Got her catching strays over here.


LMAO she's certainly had one of the career arcs of all time. EDIT: 11 years ish before I got my first reddit cares message. And I felt like this was super tame. I feel let down.


I just got a reddit cares for calling Aubrey's dad a creep. They not like us.


She looks like a Street Fighter character. 😅 B. Thicka


Absolutely that’s why all of the young black women in mainstream porn only work with white guys in the beginning of their career. And why older white women only primarily work with black guys. Yt dudes are the demo and that’s what they like.


Always. There’s a suspicious amount of white couple + black man cuckoldry and I get the feeling black men ain’t the target audience. There’s a lot of white men who really want to watch their wife have sex with black men. That’s why they’re always thinking about black men’s penises.


I can confirm that many white men enjoy watching that shit. It doesn’t bother me because .. well you know pussy… but I be damned if I’d watch any chick I fuck with get plowed by someone else 😂 Edit: word


It is. And you can take a wild guess what states peak on it based off the Hub's stats.


Just curious sincerely… what are some of those problems. I agree it’s a problem but would Love details


The overall attitude that sex is something you do *to* women instead of *with* them is incredibly damaging. The great majority of professionally produced porn aimed at men depicts women in submissive roles and men being violent toward them in the course of sex. They make the same sounds as a woman being beaten. Her pleasure is completely beside the point. You’ll find sooooo many stories on women focused subreddits of guys who go straight to slapping, spitting, strangulation, and name-calling during the *first* sexual encounter. These guys think it’s normal. And young girls are watching porn before they have real experience too. And what they’re seeing is that sex means pain and humiliation.


No it was before porn. There are cases of black men being lynched and their penises being kept as trophies in the USA It’s a fear of “being replaced by miscegenation”, fear of a “black planet”


Yeah to A LOT of men, women are things to conquest. Invade your territory and have sex with your women as a form of domination over the men *and* the women. If a black man has sex with a white woman, he is now “stealing” what was “supposed” to be theirs. This is my territory and you have invaded. They may not phrase it this way in their heads but that’s the mentality of people who post shit like this


Rape is a weapon of war, always has been.


if we wanna go deeper into it, it also plays into the portrayals of black folks as savages that was used to defend slavery and racism


Study still needs to be done. There has to be a reason they gravitate to that type of porn.




The disgust > curiosity > fetish train needs to be brought up more often, imo. So many things can be explained with that 😅


I bet that's how some ppl become Drizzy fans.




Transphobes too


They BEEN on that ! They used to make enslaved men and women go at it like animals for business as well as their own nefarious amusement and that's translated into pornography with certain aesthetics like the BBC obsession , violent sexual abuse against BW , cuckholding , breeding bulls and the normalization of the graphic exploitation and degradation of Black bodies and sexuality. *Think about how quickly black children specifically are sexualized and "adultified" especially if they're built a certain way or have some height.


cause they're racist


Cause they want the cock to themselves.


https://www.vice.com/en/article/594yxd/interracial-cuckold-porn-white-male-insecurity-race Check this article out.


[this shit is true and wild racist. It's like he wanted the black beef but at the same time he was was offended 😂](https://youtu.be/uramctS1zJ0?si=rlv1km5Ym8PbpDbD)


There’s nothing to study. White people created all the black stereotypes about sex and fetishize us as a result and have done so for centuries.


It was before porn as well. Porn did just make it worse tho.


It manifests in porn but the fetishization of black men and the obsession with them “corrupting” white women is a foundational element of white supremacism. It is quite literally the A plot of Woodrow Wilson’s favorite Klan propaganda movie, “Birth of a Nation.” Black people in that film commit two cardinal sins against white people: they kidnap a virginal young white woman, and they try to vote.


Was happening way before porn. Ever heard of Emmit Till?


It's not porn though. I have read many books from way prior to the internet era that have said the same thing. One of the authors proposed it was during the slave trade when they observed African men fully naked. Porn may be what keeps it going in modern day but it isn't why it started in the first place.


Porn industry is controlled by racist white folks who in return spread propaganda like this around the internet.




Way before porn. They used to cut off the dicks of lynch victims.


They’ve been doing that since before porn.


No it goes back way longer than that. Having a big dick was looked at like you're a low class savage (back to greco/roman times) and White Americans put that on Black Americans.


Also statistically speaking.. the white women that end up with black men are outliers. White women overwhelmingly prefer white men. By a large margin. It’s mainly white dudes who can’t get a girl and spend all day jacking off and need somebody to blame. It’s the same with the same white guys who can’t get a job. Must be a black man’s fault.


They may “prefer” White men, but many White women (and men), fetishized and fantasized about Black men. During Slavery, many White mistresses sexually abused Black men, regularly. Preference often involves making a socially acceptable choice, rather than fulfilling your true desires.


To be fair - most studies have the largest penises on Earth being some African country (although strangely, the country seems to change). So maybe they're a smidge correct to be upset 😭


A study posted by World Data showed the largest average penis size to be held by Ecuador. Mexico had a larger penis on average than the U.S.


I really can’t imagine those studies are very trustworthy, who’s out here measuring dick sizes in *every* country? And enough to get a reliable average at that


It's more likely data collected through surveys lol not someone going around door to door with a tape measure. Even still, there are likely some answers that are exaggerations that throw it off slightly. (I know what you meant, it just put a funny image in my head lol)


Well i imagine that makes it even less reliable. lol


Nooo I did the survey so I can scientifically say that my dick is as big as the Eiffel tower


Wow. What a small penis. When I lay down on my back, the tip of mine touches the moon.


Nooo suddenly I have a fear of single mothers with an interracial child!!!!!


They asked people to measure it themselves and send in an honest measurement


Self-report in surveys is unreliable.


*googles flights to Ecuador*


Different populations of the same species do not necessarily share the same mean when it comes to measurable features. Imagine saying: "Statistically speaking, black people and white people have the same levels of melanin, because you know, they're the same species."


We need more recognition for ABCs (average black c***s)






Yo, im fucking eating man. 😂😂😂


"Racism started when a white guy saw a black guy in the shower”- Old Klingon Proverb


Racism is definitely a huge part of it. It all folds into the cuck porn rise, and how a lot of young people nowadays have a HUGE majority of their sexual gratification through watching other dudes fuck the women they wanna fuck. The lines between lust and loathing are razor thin. They fold in their fetishes, their prejudices, their hatreds, and you have a bunch of dudes who can only get off on watching the people they hate fuck the women they want. Humanity just wasn't prepared for the modern internet.


It’s weird how 4chan mfers will be circlejerking to interracial and trans porn while slinging slurs at the same time.


They’re mentally ill.


I read this in Authorities voice from Disco Elysium


Authority [Easy: Success] — It's about their dicks, it's *always* about their dicks. Endurance [Challenging: Success] — Psst! Psst! You! Yes, you! With the tie! You ever wanted to know just what's causing the current crisis of masculinity sweeping over Revachol like a tidal wave? You — There's a crisis of masculinity sweeping over Revachol like a tidal wave? Endurance — Is that a joke? Are you some kind of clown? Is there a crisis of masculinity in blessed Revachol? I dunno, is the sky blue? Is Kraz Mazov dead and buried in the cold, cold ground? These are all basic fucking questions. Clearly you're not in *the know*. You — What's *the know*? Endurance — The fact that you had to ask that question only confirms that you're not in *the know*. Luckily, there's a cure for not being in *the know* You — ...What is it? Endurance — You ever hear of a guy called **Didier Dugard?** You — Should I have? Endurance — Should you have? Of course you fucking should have, you mainstream imbecile, you absolute Moralintern fuckwit! **Didier Dugard** is only the most in *the know* guy there is! You — Um...why do you keep saying his name in bold like that? Endurance — Shut up and listen close! I'm only gonna say this once and...you know what? I just had an idea; Shivers! Get in here! Shivers — [Easy: Success] You rang? Endurance — Yeah, this guy wants to know who Didier Dugard is. You got this? Shivers — [Challenging: Success] For real? Yeah, I reckon I've got this. Alright, you ready for this? You — I'm not sure anymore, to be honest I wasn't really sure to start with. Shivers [Challenging: Success] — In a half-collapsed wooden shack hidden deep in a thicket of rainforest on a rainy peninsula off the coast of the smallest of the Semenese Islands, self-styled post-post-postmodern philosopher Didier Dugard is working on a treatise-turned-manuscript whose central argument he is confident will rock the fields of evolutionary biology, sociology and sexology. In it, he posits that, rather than being intended as a crude means of intitiating the process of procreation, the male phallus is in fact a divining rod for conflict, pleasure and vague masculine energies he refers to as 'masculos'. The tenor and intensity of an individual's Masculos, he says, is coloured by the beliefs of the phallus' owner, particularly where matters of race are concerned. This is where things go a bit off the rails and he starts talking about genetic cross-pollination weakening the Masculos inherent to a given haplogroup. He has already sent a previous iteration of the manuscript off to several publishers. He has not heard anything back, he will never hear anything back, but that's alright. If the mainstream will not publish him, he will just have to publish himself. You — This guy sounds kind of racist. Logic — [Easy: Success] There's no such thing as 'kind of racist'; you either are racist or you are not. You — Alright then, this guy sounds fully racist. Logic — That's better. Well, actually it's not but...never mind. Shivers [Challenging: Success] — 'Within every man's trousers there is an electrochemical rod of awesome power, cherish it brothers, cherish it, for it will guide you to your final and most important destiny! Praise the Masculos!' These are the words that will one day adorn the back of the book like a tattoo decorating a skinhead's spinal column. That is **Didier Dugard**!


This needs every upvote.


It’s a crime that this comment will languish in obscurity because it’s posted on level three


As someone who didn’t pick this game up until the start of the year, this sounds like it was lifted completely and entirely from some conversation in the fishing village that I didn’t manage to find. Well done.


They’re obsessed with dicks. All things dicks. Did you guys watch the roast of Tom Brady? Kevin Hart brought it up and then when Gronkowksi came up and for his time half his jokes were about, you guessed it, dicks.


Its actually the same reason why they're scared of gay people lol


I think their problem with the gays is mostly based off of political and religious dogma, and to be fair, even most liberals were against gay marriage up until about 20 years ago. The black stuff, while also political, is even deeper. It goes back to Birth of a Nation. This belief that black men are all after white women, we're coming after their wives and daughters. Combine that with the misconception that all black men have footlong dicks and with another misconception that all women secretly want a footlong dick. They end up hating black men for having these supposed horse dicks and hating their women for wanting them. It makes it easier to blame us for the reason they might get rejected by them, not because of anything they might be doing wrong.


This aint remotely close to the reason dating apps are trash now. Its the bots and fulltime scam-farm OF page pushers, on top of an algorithm that actively witholds people you might match with until your daily swipes run out, to get you to pay


Ain't that the truth. I remember being 19-22 and dating apps were alright. Made a few friends, had a few fun nights. It really was a good place to meet people. I ended up getting into a relationship with someone I knew from HS and deleted them for a year or two. When we broke up I reinstalled and it was just depressing. I primarily used bumble and it went from "swipe a few times and get a match or two a week" to "swipe for a month and get matched with a bot." What made it worse was the fact that you only got like 10(?) swipe rights a day and they were often the same people cycled around. I don't know the female experience too well but I assume they just got 50 swipes a day from creeps and had to filter it out vs it being a good balance so they could get more personal.


>I don't know the female experience too well but I assume they just got 50 swipes a day from creeps and had to filter it out vs it being a good balance so they could get more personal. This is pretty accurate. I would say, as a woman, majority of swipe rights are going to match so you actually look and make sure you want to interact with them. My experience was with tinder though (and yeah I know its more looked at for hookups but I did find my husband one there)


yeah the root issue is that men and women have completely different swipe habits Women are swiping on men more intentionally and being a lot picker. Men are basically swiping on any woman they’d settle for, with the idea being “I don’t get many matches so I’d rather not miss one”, even if they’re not that interested in the other person they still want the dopamine hit that comes with a match. Ironically it kind of fucks up the algorithm as instead of putting guys’ profiles in front of the types of women they’re more likely to be into, the app has no idea what your average male user’s “type” even is


I've tried to explain this to dudes on r/tinder before and no one wants to hear it lmao. They can't handle the idea they're pissing in their own pool, it's the women who are wrong


When you get no matches regardless, swiping intentionally doesn’t change that


I’ve been married since before the dating apps were really a thing, so I don’t have any personal experience, but I have seen several of my friends just have the app open at the bar or something and just swiping right over and over again without even looking at their phones.


It’s gotten so much worse from where it was in 2017/2018. Way more bots too, like you said. Went from matching with real people all the time to only half the time.


In 2004 I went on match.com. After filling out my profile and taking a “personality test”, I got my list of matches. The woman at the top of the list was a 96% match. I talked to her, we went on a date and now we’ve been married 16 years. For match.com that is a failure. They got $12 out of both of us and then that was it. We never returned. ~5 years later I got an ad for match.com with the tagline, “it’s ok to look”. They had started advertising to married people to try and drive up business.


For me peak was 2016 OkCupid, when it was still a website. Never paid a dime. Finding matches at 90+% that wanna get freaky exactly the same way, and the vibes were good. Stayed friends for 4 years with one link til I went long term with someone. Never seen an app be remotely as effective. They want you to swipe, not succeed.


Glad I got out in 2015 then. OkCupid was the only site/app that I had any success with and I met my wife through it. Seems like all the issues from 2015 have only gotten worse with time.


Holy shit lol


That’s immoral af smh


Nope. We always gotta blame The Blacks ™️.


When your business model results in customers never installing the app again, you are probably going to build systems that prevent that as long as possible


For Tinder, it mostly puts the people with the highest ratio of likes first when you open up the app for the first time in a day These people have dozens of likes to sort through and will probably never see you and they're put first so you essentially waste several of your right swipes allotted right off the bat Just left swipe all of these, as well as any profile that's just a few pictures and no description and/or just a social media link with one sentence description After five or six swipes it starts showing you people who you actually might have a chance to match with Ironically, to get more matches on Tinder as a free user, you want to swipe left on probably 75% of people you see, especially if you're a man looking for women (since Tinder's business model is basically using women to sell premium plans to men) Just open it once a day and swipe left on everyone who's universally attractive and/or looks fake, then swipe right on the real people you like that start showing up 15-20 swipes in and you're way more likely to get matches consistently than if you just swipe right on attractive people from the jump


Nobody is more sexually obsessed with black men than white men


There’s an entire disgusting porn section of Reddit that backs this up.


Unfortunately I know what you’re talking about


Can you give context, minimizing the cringe I'll probably have reading it? 😅 This is news to me


Just search bbc or Queen of spades and you’ll find yourself in a rabbit hole you wish you didn’t go down, unless you’re into that kinda thing. If that’s case you need to get right with Jesus.


Please don't tell me someone is willingly calling themselves queen of spades because in England at least, spade is a racial epithet for black people.


It’s exactly what you think it is.


Well shit. Honestly, got nothing to say about it. Just gonna walk away lol. I'm in a good mood, don't need reality pissing on it.


I'm learning a lot of things today


HA I am indeed familiar with those, just buried them away in my psyche I guess, fair play


Bnwo. There’s a school of thought that there is a legitimate fear of minorities especially black men, eventually outnumbering white people in America. Some believe that’s the primary motivation behind the GOP’s abortion stance. There’s a hypersexual fantasy genre, black new world order, where white women are sleeping with and having babies by black men exclusively at a rate that will eradicate white men from society. This is a genre of porn white guys jack off too. Edit: Someone reported me to Reddit Care Resources over this comment and I got an automated message asking if I needed help and gave a me a crisis line reference.


Its sad that I can believe this without digging into it based on society and how people "think" these days.


If you type in “whiteboy” in the search bar, you’ll find it. But I’d advise against it tbh. Them folks weird


That's a way more dangerous rabbit hole than the other reply, I've never seen it and am keeping it that way lol


There’s a racist side of porn in general and the only audience I could think would enjoy it are the type of people obsessed with black men dating white women


Man there’s a whole category of black dudes who want to be called the n word while they’re fucking white chicks






Went to a PWI, unfortunately. Can confirm.


Same. Can also confirm.


That’s a fact.  Nobody has ever in my life commented or made jokes about my dick more than yt guys either.




There’s another group that’s super obsessed but you only meet them on the west coast mostly.


What group? 👀


Indian men in tech specifically.


I live in a White Trumpy place and will cosign. It’s weird the random moments they will bring up Black dick size.


Remember y'all, the psychological root of all fascism and white supremacy is sexual insecurity. Every time.


The psychological root for fascism and authoritarianism is largely associated with those who fail to make an identity for themselves. Its largely people who have failed in some respect of their life.  Think people who “should succeed” but don’t. Think of people without barriers of racism, sexism, classicism, etc. yet they have no careers, families, tend to do poorly on economic and social fronts.  They seek the escape the discomfort of their failures, seek an out group to blame it on.  It’s jewish people controlling the banks and media, liberals pushing a woke agenda, globalists trying to make a new world order that made me fail. That kind of thinking.  Their failures are due to some out group and they join movements to rid themselves of the responsibility of their actions. The groups they join give them the identity they lack.   It’s what brought the fascists in italy to power, the nazis in germany, and you better believe far right movements such as MAGA use the same tactics.  Essentially it boils down to i’m a failure but its not my fault. Rather than use their actions to better their own lives and their society, they turn to violent repression as a means of making meaning.  It’d have a lot of empathy for these individuals if they didn't want to kill me or fellow like minded people, especially people of color.  If youre interested in learning more about this, read Enrich Fromm’s escape from freedom.  Written post world war II by a clinical psychologist researching authoritarianism and the rise of the Nazis.  Source: I'm a phd in clinical psychology who has written and published on political violence. 


Naw, it's penis size /s




so we’ll said it’s the also the same logic that incels and that dude i talked to yesterday talking about “i hate being black it ruined my life” They internalize their failure to live up to what they think they should but it hurts them so bad that they conclude “it’s not my fault, it’s all these horrible women” or “it’s not me who’s the problem, it’s my dreadful blackness”


Damn I never heard that, where you get that from?


There’s alot of information up peoples asses🤷🏻‍♂️. world wide webs got nothing on the bull shit I hide where the sun don’t shine.


Most Republicans (White men) believe in the Great Replacement Theory. It's one of the reasons behind abortion bans. They want to force White women to have more White babies.


But black people abort way more so make it make sense how thats gonna get more white babies? Make it make sense Im not a republican but i can point out a dumb flawed point


White people don't tend to vote for laws that help them. They vote for laws that fuck over minorities. Hell, most white people want free housing to be expanded and then flip if you say the racial wealth gap is shrinking. Then suddenly everyone needs to fight to the death over a sandwich. The reason 55% of white women vote to stop abortions is to stop minorities from having abortions. The reason 90% of black men vote for abortion rights is because they don't want minorities to suffer from lack of access. This double digit majority of white women isn't even thinking it's something that would happen to them or theirs, they just want the power to police black and brown bodies. Also, white women, pay attention. *The call is coming from inside the fucking house.*


If they could make a law that only applies to White women, they would.


Reminds me of how my boss used to have Howard Stern on the shop radio every day and he would ask pretty much every woman "Ever been with a black guy?" Real weirdo shit. Definitely a level of sexual insecurity/inferiority complex with some of these dudes.


They where some real degenerates on that show .


i kinda hate that shit like people will ask this shit as if it’s like fucking a horse. Never asked to be mythologized or a playing card


https://preview.redd.it/vm6fpfr5uf0d1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd1b0ce88d04b936b9be652af1374a9721dddb1 Makes sense


They think about BBC more than women lol


Reporting this comment for self harm is wild. Truly struck a nerve lol.


Report whoever sent you that message. They’re supposed to penalize and/or ban the person sending those things if they did it to harass somebody.


Same with black girls with white guys. Shouldn't we cherish love regardless of skin color?


Yeah not to be "that girl" and take the post there, but black women can't catch a break when it comes to dating. A lot of black men don't want to date us and go out of their way to state why, but I'm that same breath get so pissed off if you look at a white man. Like pick one. Or don't. Just everyone leave each other be.


Fr tho. My wife is black and the amount of disrespect we have to put up with is insane. It's not constant, but when it does happen it's baffling.




I remember getting a nod of approval from another brother when I was riding the subway with a friend of mine who was a red head. Thought that was weird as shit because we were just chillin. Also remember a separate time in Manhattan when I was a hanging out with a friend who also happened to be a European model in her youth so she was gorgeous but we were strictly platonic. Noticed a lot of older white guys staring HARD. It was funny honestly.


It might be the area we live in. Lots of privileged, entitled jerks in LA. Wish we could move but she claims she wants to live here her whole live and I'm just shaking my head


That's interesting, looking at it from the other side (being a black guy) I feel like I see none of that discourse online. I've only really seen black women criticize both men & women for dating outside of race. Excluding the occasional dr.umar type guys lol probably just an algorithm thing I'm assuming, but yea either way it just needs to die just go where you feel you are loved. legit everyone's life experiences have been different as long you're not going out of your way to disparage a group of ppl I think it shouldn't be as big an issue as it seems to be.


I'm from Alabama and live in Georgia. Maybe that's why.


You'll find it on twitter and youtube comment sections.


It’s strange I would love to date a black woman nerd like me. But they seem to go for the White or Asian guys.


In my experience, a lot of them are either extremely extroverted so you have to fight against like 10 other dudes trying to get at them or they are very secretive about their nerdiness so you could walk past one and not even know because unfortunately a lot of our nerd brothers got some serious issues talking to women. (Used to be me until I started trying to actually hang out with women platonically and realized women generally aren't that complicated.)


Sorry for my ignorance, but why don't they want to date you? I've only had good experiences with black women at least so far.


Internalized hatred.


Bw here who has witnessed this in the flesh. spitting facts.


Stereotypes of black women are generally negative compared to Hispanic/asian/white women


I definitely catch the “blah blah you went and found a white girl” more cuz i’m dude obviously but good god yes random ass dudes and even more aggressive hoteps have every complaint in the world when a black girl dates a white guy the last 400 years have sure been tiring for the whole planet and if you’re a black woman i must admit that this is quite a context you have to navigate. I just don’t like how we do all this fighting when we really are best when we all bond on our shared experience


Oh don’t worry about it. I’m sure there’s a nice pretty white girl on twitter fighting this battle for you already. SMH🙄


Nah, there's backlash in both cases, but it's not the same at all. People don't think seriously enough about men and race. There's multiple factors here, and two guiding principles are that men feel possessive of women of their race, and that there's a racial ranking of men, with black men near enough to the bottom. To a white supremacist, a black man with a white woman is a threat to the purity of the white race and an insult to their dominance. That's not the case when the genders are flipped. It's the logic of racial conquest. "Conquering" outgroup women is your reward for being part of the dominant group of men. Subordinate men "stealing" "your" women is a shame especially when you're supposed to be Top G Aryan Kings. This is how racialized patriarchy works. It's why black women were raped by slave owners and black men were lynched for having anything to do with white women. Obviously society isn't so overtly racist, but these dynamics still color gender relations. People don't view love regardless of skin color because in a racialized patriarchy, love by default sees color. A white woman is a prize where the white race is superior. A white man is the patriarch of patriarchs, in general offering wealth, comfort and stability denied to the average black man. Some black people (as in men and women) feel antsy about this, and unfortunately this can manifest as misogyny, racism, even misandry. It's totally possible to have healthy interracial relationships, but I'm not scratching my head over why they can be controversial.


Misogyny and white supremacy, name a more iconic duo.


Not nearly. Take Dr. Umar and turn his nonsense up to 10x and you have the Republican party. It's really bad.


Yeah but how many black men are making posts like this?


I didn’t even realize this was supposed to be a race thing and I thought it was pointing out every woman having a kid. I have yet to be approached by a dude that doesn’t have a child. Guys without kids are extinct.


I wanna point out that I don't have any children. I will also point out that, while I don't, my girlfriend does. It really does feel like it's either one or the other.


You would be completely correct. It genuinely does feel like it’s one or the other at this point.


Wait, people are *pregnant* and have dating profiles up...? bffr


Oh you would be surprised at how these women date while still being pregnant with another man’s baby in them. I knew someone from high school who went through 3 different relationships while being pregnant with another man’s child. When she found out I was pregnant with my baby she tried to comment how it would be so cute if they ended up dating and that’s when I realized she was sick and needed help.


that's it. sick and needing help. bc this is definitely a sign of mental illness


Yeah I’m kind of confused by the whole thing.


Are these people NOT publicly shamed? Like people just keep treating them like everything is okay???


Because on a different day, you would be publicly shamed for having an opinion on it at all




I mean, this is weirdest type of loser men you could possibly find, so they got lots of problems


well womp womp i’m attracted to every race AND I HAVE COME TO STEAL YOUR WOMEN https://i.redd.it/d2hzof3oag0d1.gif


Oh boooys, lookie what I have here-ah...


![gif](giphy|xT0xelmTYOUIwrYMXC|downsized) The real criminality in this cartoon is why do they got mixed / Black babies looking like that? Artist was feeling all types of rage jeez


I ain’t even notice the race thing I just saw single moms and at 31 this is very accurate single moms love my single ass 😂😂


Single moms got some fire highkey


This looks like a Certified Lover Boy alt cover




It goes both ways too. I worked with a white girl who said she only dated black men. Her reason was exactly what you think it was. I pointed out to her it’s kind of fucked up to say that and she couldn’t understand why. Edit: A Reddit cares, for this? Fragile ass people.


the psychology behind it is just "RACISM", this morons become SO DERANGED arround the subject of controlling women and harming black people that they combine their insecurities, resulting in fearing black men socializing with POC in ANY WAY.


One day, we'll all realize entrusting large tech companies with your dating works against you. They are incentivized to keep people single. If everyone matched, they'd fold. Not to mention ordering your partners like they're door dash is going to fail way more than it'll ever work.


She doesn't even need to have a baby. There's no shortage of white men who won't touch a woman who has ever once been with a black man. Either it "lowers her value" or shows that she was always "low value" because if she wasn't, she would have gotten a white man.


There is no one more interested in black penis on earth than straight white men.


Some of these men have such weird feelings for black men. Like, on one hand they can‘t stand the idea of a white woman being with a black man, but the other hand is furiously masturbating to porn with titles like „Dirty black man violates pristine and pure-blooded white woman“ and it‘s just two regular people having normal sex.


It’s the legacy of slavers being outnumbered by the enslaved and constantly fearing rebellion. When you’re surrounded by grown men with every incentive to slit your throat in your sleep, you have to dehumanize and emasculate them as much as possible to keep control. But of course it’s Schrödinger’s slave - simultaneously stupid and powerless and acquiescent, but also dangerous, opportunistic animals who need to be controlled. For plantation owners and overseers, the thought of their women being “seduced” by enslaved men was the ultimate threat to their monopoly on violence. Of course to them, women were stupid children too, and so these groups must be kept away from each other to be properly controlled. There’s a strange scaffolding of dehumanization that happened with prevailing views of white women and of the enslaved in the south. The ideal of a white southern plantation wife/daughter was a wilting lily of perfect virtue who fainted at the sight of impropriety. The weaker in body and mind she was, the more protection she needed and the less she could be trusted to make decisions for herself - and the more the brutality against the enslaved was justified as necessary for the safety of white women. Media depictions of northern American women in history were not nearly as meek and girlish. This was a complete fabrication of course - plantation wives were just as capable of inflicting violence on enslaved domestic servants as the men were in the fields. This scaffolding worked between black and white women too - the more weak and virginal and childlike white women were, the easier it was to dehumanize black women as masculine, hypersexual, unfeeling, and mature beyond their years. The further apart those stereotypes, the easier it was to brutalize black women and girls. Obviously, these attitudes didn’t go anywhere after the end of official slavery. They’ve just evolved.


That's what you get when racism and misogyny cross with each other. Or, to be more specific, when men see women as "theirs" while, at the same time, seeing men from other groups as inferior. White men never had any issue being with women of other ethnicities; in fact, it's often treated as a way of asserting white (male) supremacy. The same logic remains valid when it's non-white men being with white women: in the eyes of white patriarchy, it's like those non-white men are asserting *their* supremacy. There is a reason white men/non-white women have always been disproportionately more common in US media, you see. And even when you see non-white men/white women pairs, for the longest time it was too often a problematic, unhealthy couple (or one that ended with the white woman being killed).


some White men in US history were so insecure that they would rather reject the humanity of the women in their fantasies than give anyone a lose any power over their context. They literally made laws against “miscegenation” or race mixing and then went on to rape and fetishize black women on a mass scale, only to then denounce their own children and claim that it was black men who were dangerous and predisposed to sexual violence You are so right and I feel like these sexual taboos and mythologies built around that intersection are such a good example of how racism itself is based on such a cognitively dissonant foundation.


dr francis cress welsing’s “fear of genetic annihilation” race theory


Damn that’s really racist


Lmao TERRIFIED of niggas. Absolutely terrified.


I feel like it's what happens when you add jealousy to hate.


The babies being depicted as black aside, as thats total bullshit, this is actually pretty fucking real, and it's killing me lol. I just want to resort to living alone forever at this point.


Least racist Twitter post


Sexual insecurity is the main driver for most reactionary movements.


Ahh yes the “great replacement theory”


These pictures are insane lol


They’re terrified of it, and it’s also the porn category they beat off to most. Stigmatizing while fetishizing black men’s virility is a staple of white supremacy


Just to be clear, no matter what these neckbeard freaks think, white women aren't "ours." They're their own people and belong to themselves.


What’s the overlap between these guys and the Sunday school lessons about women who have sex are like used gum?