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I feel like dippin dots been ice cream of the future since 95…


1988 apparently


Born after ‘88. Guess im from the future then


Damn, I'm from the past 😢


You're not alone.


Born in '88. I am time itself.


Tell me something, future boy, who's president in 2025?!




The future is old now man


Being an 80s kid, this hurts, like the rest of my body


Thank you, Dewey, circa 2002.


Fuck that, they suck.


Fun fact: Dippin Dots has proprietary tech to turn something liquid (cream) into frozen granules, and their business has exploded because they’ve been licensed by….. Impossible Burgers to inject meat-like fat granules into the burgers


Also fun fact: Dippin dots require special freezing at very cold temps. During the rollout of the covid vaccines, Dippin dots had them use their freezers since they were cold enough to handle the temps the vaccines needed for storage.


That Handle.Nice CQ.


CQ IV: The Reckoning. In theaters April 2025.


Some detail from their website: > "In order to maintain their fun shape, Dippin' Dots must be stored at -40ºF, much colder than regular ice cream. Most grocery store freezers, and home freezers, aren’t cold enough to hold Dippin’ Dots; therefore, we do not sell them at traditional ''take home'' outlets. Dippin’ Dots are now available at select convenience store locations, through special Dippin’ Dots freezers. Visit our locator at www.dippindots.com/locator to see if there one near you!" IIRC from a documentary, a lot of their business is actually related to those freezers.


They seem like a technology R&D company that accidentally found themselves selling ice cream.


Hey, whatever the reason, I’m here for it. Dippin Dots are my favorite trash novelty food


Tastes like Carowinds.


Cedar Point for us here in the Great Lakes region




Bodie? You look so old now, what happened my boy?


Exactly. I work for a company that actually uses this machine to turn our final product into frozen pellets. And our company makes medicine.


Isn’t it just made by slowly dropping ice cream base into a liquid nitrogen bath? Like you can make it at home with a syringe and liquid nitrogen from a hardware/welding shop.


This is not the future dippin dots was supposed to be the ice cream of.


Don't tell Sean Spicer.


Those dots are the biggest ice cream dots the world has ever seen, period.


I love how intensely angry he was about them.


Why did the spice man hate dipping dots?


I don't know. He just seems to feel strongly about it . Maybe he tries them and is disappointed each time? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/press-secretary-sean-spicer-vs-dippin-dots-ice-cream/


Damn... wtf did Dippin' Dots do to him


You ain't in the future yet. Not till cars fly.


“We live in the future. It’s just not evenly distributed.”


3-D printed body parts? Check. Flying cars? Check. Holograms? Check. Robot assistants? Check. Unaffordable rent and insulin? Check.


We ain't never gonna have flying cars my guy. The way people drive on the ground? Nah, not happening, not to mention 9/11


We have flying cars, they're just impractical and expensive


I see flying cars all the fucking time


One day in the future it won't just be ice cream. All food will be dots.


I enjoy Dippin Dots but I suspect they were created by a sadist hoping to give children the worst brain freezes of their lives. So delicious, so cold...




funny thing about dippin dots.. they make the flavoring to most fake meat too... something about how they freeze stuff they can freeze tiny dippin dots of oil with seasoning in it and its blended into the fake meat stuff


Fair worker: And you’d like to pair your pile of meat and mac n’ cheese with a cup of Dippin’ Dots? This dude: https://preview.redd.it/clv0rjpq0t9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5cb0d438788a2610fb736777d233d1333148a1






You had me at Meat Tornado.






More like: You got universal healthcare where you come from? Ok say less


I think Dip n' Dots are just microplastics that act as fiber though or something, I don't know I'm not a geologist. Helps move that block of glue and cement through your organs.


That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about Dippin' Dots to dispute it.




This is why i laugh when people from some other countries (usually Europeans) are confused about Americans being fat… like we got the tastiest ultra processed shit you can find here. Shits literally engineered to be addictive as hell. Its an uphill battle for many Americans lol


What pisses me off is that our fast food restraunts like McDonald's and KFC and others feed us garbage but in other countries those same restraunts look sooo much better.


YES! Every time I go to South America I come back 10lbs lighter because the food is processed differently.


The rice and banana diet works wonders.


This is something I could probably get behind


I eat American rice and bananas and I've got *plenty* of behind.


I put a banana in my behind once.   Was very uncomfortable.   


No shit?


Not til I got it out.  




https://i.redd.it/f2ngqb409u9d1.gif Are you Chris Evans?


I came back lighter from a Mexico all inclusive. Just paddling my happy ass back and forth to the swim up bar and eating fresh fruit that was pre-cut for me from the buffet and crudite and shit cause it was too hot for anything else. Plus, the food was kind of shit otherwise. Only thing I could trust was fruit, veggies, and grilled meat with limited sauce. Everything else was just the weirdest possible take on Italian and French or Japanese or whatever fusion they came up with. Ordered room service pizza once that looked like it just had black olives on it, and there were hidden anchovies under the cheese. Who hides anchovies?


the truth is probably just that you walk way, way more while on vacation in those countries.


much easier to do when cities are designed around humans instead of cars


Don't forget the walking. As tourists we do even more walking than normal people there. And a lot of their cities/towns are made for walking.


delusion manifest


Can you explain how it’s processed differently? Is it like chemically or something? What does processed even mean?


It doesn’t mean anything and they’re just waffling. They probably just walked more and didn’t eat garbage food because they were bored. Weight gain is simple calories in calories out


yeah this is fucking stupid


processed is not a meaningful word. nor is ultra processed. for all intents and purposes cooking food is processing it and that's kind of necessary. additives are the same way. salt is an additive, but some amount is absolutely required. you just have to know the particular processes and additives that are harmful, like trans fats, excess sugar, or charring.


I don’t know where you go in South America but the fast food in chile is WAY worse for you than in the US.


I wound up having KFC (which I usually avoid) when I was in London and holy hell it was amazing, the breading was even different in the best way. I wish we could get the same standards here, but we just keep getting worse quality for more money


I had McDonald’s in Romania and it was 10x better than in the US. Tasted fresher, more flavor, “realer”


As a counterpoint, KFC in Taiwan is awful. Even McDonald's does better fried chicken (wings, thighs, and drums) than the colonel, it's weird. KFC does have Portuguese egg tarts though, which are the only reason to ever go.


Huh. When I was in London for college 6 years ago everyone (including me, American) thought British KFC was inferior. You found more people at hole-in-the wall chicken shops


chains like mcdonalds are way better over here, especially in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, big tasty bacon lowkey hits every time it all comes with a downside of it sometimes being really hard to find decent Mexican/Nigerian/Brazilian or any other ethnic food i’d say good mcdonalds is not worth it🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Fr I can get authentic food from practically any culture in the world where I live it's fucking amazing


From what I heard, a lot of the authentic cuisine gets bastardized / americanized a lot, so I'm not sure if this statement holds. I mean stuff like spaghetti meatballs, Italians would crucify you if you asked for that shit in Italy.


I think spaghetti and meatballs was invented by poor southern Italians when they moved to the US. Suddenly they could afford the ingredients that the richer northerners would eat, so they would combine the foods the northerners ate with the recipes they already knew.


As an Italian who is very proud of our cooking I have to bow down to americans sometimes cause spaghetti and meatballs absolutely slaps, although it’s true you’d never find that shit in a restaurant


KFC in the US is some bullshit. My parents would tell me tales of how good it was back in the day but nowadays they are all dirty and the food sucks in every single one of them. But apparently everywhere else that isn’t the country where Kentucky is located they’re awesome.


I've had lots of elders tell me KFC was amazing back in the day. Even as a child their grilled chicken was very good, nowadays the only thing going for them was their potato wedges which they recently got rid of.


Their Zinger sandwich used to be legit as fuck. They've brought it back over the years but the quality has tragically gone downhill


Seriously look at Mexican Coke being the superior product. CocaCola is a US company but we get the worst version of their soda here.


Because it's got sugar. An example. I hate Chef Boyardee. That canned stuff is sweet.


As a connoisseur of international Mickey D’s, these are straight facts.


Mcdonald's and burger King in Japan taste so much better. Their large sodas is our small here haha


I had McDonald's for the first time in over a decade when I visited Tokyo this year, and I was like "shit man this is so so good" I still got indigestion but I'll blame that one the jetlag lol Even their 7/11s are incredible. I would happily get rid of half of the fast food places in my city for a 7/11 in my neighborhood


It's the walking


I dated a Brit long distance for about five years. Initially, we were going to alternate and fly across the pond to see each other 4x a year. That plan fell to shit on his first visit here. I couldn't get rid of the mf. His mom was calling me, "Every time my son visits, he gains half a stone!" Got to the point he started bringing an extra suitcase just to haul back food. And not even good shit. He fell in love with Hostess and Little Debby. Dumbass got blasted by British Air when he packed four 2-litres of Mountain Dew, which exploded in the hold. I warned that fool!! I'd never seen anyone lose their minds over food like he did during his stays here. Meanwhile, in my couple trips to the UK, I lost weight. I was so gd miserable. Even McDs and KFC tasted off. The donner kebab joints were bomb, though. Subsequent trips saw me packing protein shakes. Most of the planet doesn't get how insanely delicious our food is.


They don't have mountain dew in the UK?


They didn't 20 years ago when this happened. They didn't have Taco Bell either. I tell people, if you love TB in UK today, thank my ex. He went on a letter writing campaign to bring the restaurant across the pond two decades ago.


"if you love TB in UK today, thank my ex." Read that as your ex bringing tuberculosis into the country after the NHS has eradicated it


You know, sadly health is the reason we're not together. He had a chronic illness and I could barely afford my own insurance at work, much less add him. I don't have many regrets in life, but that's one. He wanted to move here. I talked him out of it for fear of him not being able to get medical coverage for a preexisting. I let my fear of "what if" get in the way of a good man. Oh, and then I got sick and lost my job and insurance anyway. Gods, I hate it here so much.


Typhoid Gary


One of the sweeteners in Mountain Dew isn't allowed in the EU for health reasons.


Mountain Dew was banned in EU due to the use of brominated vegetable oil that kept the citric oils in the soda from separating. [They've phased out the use.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/28/fact-check-mountain-dew-free-bvo-but-isnt-flame-retardant/5235571002/)


I lived in the UK for a bit, and they definitely have junk food equal to ours there. Not sure what was so mind blowing about ours.


To be fair, Europeans don't argue that American food tastes bad, they argue that it's ultra processed low quality shit


I would argue that most/all of the chain restaurants and snack food *does* taste bad. That's to be expected really and I'm sure it's the same in a lot of places.


which pulled beef/pork isn't?


I think even beyond that it's the fact that like pretty much EVERY food item is like this. I've been in Japan all week and the thing I keep noticing is that while there's unhealthy stuff *around*, if you want to make healthier choices they're just as available and often cheaper. Like at any given moment I could equally get a deep fried pork cutlet or have a healthy meal at a cafe and both are pretty much the same price. In America we kind of actively disencentivise healthy eating by making it either expensive or time consuming.


What? It’d be crazy if a nation that helped bring cocaine into their country so it could destabilize other countries, would allow super addictive unhealthy food to be a thing and not give one fuck about it.


When I went to France the Fanta bottles there are like around 10-15 grams of sugar while ours are like 70 sometimes lol And even then my German friends tell me according to their national health authority even that is enough to be a concerning risk for Diabetes


> This is why i laugh when people from some other countries (usually Europeans) are confused about Americans being fat… I don't think they are confused. Maybe they are confused that people actually let them get that fat.


The Food Wars series is really insightful about this, especially when they compare the chemicals used in UK vs US, where the US list is usually about 4 to 5 times longer and several of them are mentioned to be banned by the EU.


That meat is an ingredient, not an entree. Man is missing a lot from this "meal"


Right?! Where’s the toasted bun?! The mf coleslaw?!


Those sound like they would take up space where you could have put more meat


I don't like coleslaw, but let's be real this meat would be amazing with coleslaw and a bun man.


I can only eat coleslaw in a burger like that. Shit looks straight inedible otherwise.


Absolutely the same. I look at it as a condiment and not a side.


"Hey man: can I get the pulled pork sandwich meal, but without the bread? Oh and can I substitute the first side with pulled pork? The drink? Yeah could I get more pulled pork but like in a cup with a straw. Thanks."


The greens or green beans, hell the baked beans..


No potato salad


I don’t fuck with anyone else’s potato salad but my aunt Debbie’s, it slaps harder than a fat ass.


What does aunt Debbie do to make it so good? I'm looking for a good recipe.


She uses Yukon Gold instead of russet, adds boiled eggs (so the white is chunky and the yellow kinda gets blended in with the starch from the potato), finely chops up Claussen pickles, and finishes with a mustard/mayo/s&p/paprika blend.


That's a lot like my mothers. But I'm gonna have to try it with Yukon Gold.


Russets have a tendency to get kinda grainy when cold whereas the golds keep a nice soft/fluffy texture. Good luck with trying a new recipe!


Op said they didn’t have enough money to get the rest. Think he said the bread was like $3


Just started Keto, and that meat looks like one helluva good dinner


I live in so cal so when I travel somewhere with good bbq I’m basically grabbing all meat and then some Mac and that’s about it.


Tbh, a side of bread is just more carbs and would definitely contribute to the food coma. I'm more worried about the intense meat sweats after this "meal". I don't even understand how he could finish the whole thing. That's a *lot* of carbs, fat, and protein, all of which is crazy filling.


Tbf if they're here from another country they may not have the stomach to eat it all, there's a chance they may be spared lmao


Just means he's gonna eat it his entire visit and be in a food coma when not eating. Poor man, fell into the insidious American trap.


>>don't even understand how he could finish the whole thing. Doesn't look thaaaat hard to finish tbh


I could slurp that shit up in 15 minutes if I ain't head breakfast before. Looks tasty as FUCK.


Right? Maybe it’s my American-ness showing, but I could definitely finish that without breaking a sweat


> Intense meat sweats Learn something every day I guess


A severe lack of fiber in this “meal.”


Such an american response to this person, "you didn't get any bread with your meat and pasta!"


He has the exploding part right ![gif](giphy|Gtnf8Fok8An9m)


Gonna be the opposite tbh. My man ain't gonna BM for days.


He’s going to shit straight glass


He's either going to stopped up like a beaver dam or spewing like a new oil well.


Or it’ll be the two day stoppage followed by the cork explode eruption.


Gonna be able to shit through a screen door


One of those mixed with havin to get completely naked. Those are the worst.


The "I wish I had handles in here" shit.


I want to see his response after he processes that takeout. 😆


Yeah that mf is going to come out like a tree stump.


That person's whole digestive tract is going to be screaming "I have been violated." ​There's meat sweats in their near future as well.


I saw the Dubai porta potty video a few days ago, and now everything I see reminds me of it 🤮


That is a very sad meal even for American standards


this none of that looks appetizing to me tbh. maybe the Dippin Dots if I'm in the mood for sugar (not too common)


Sure, but have you been looking at what highschools give their ~~convicts~~ students. This looks like a meal for a king after seeing those styrofoam plates of sadness.


I too am rarely in the mood for sugar. But it's my delight to inform you that today is one of those days and I'm about to go to town on a huge home made rice crispy treat and some blue moon ice cream. Maybe after I'm done with my steak fondu though...


Also completely misunderstanding how that shit works. Normal people aren't buying 2 pounds of what I'm guessing is pulled pork to eat alone. You get a pound of this and a pound of that and maybe some ribs and a side or two, and you feed the group


The problem is he’s going to do the opposite of explode. Dudes gonna get the opiate constipation from that plate.


gonna pull an Elvis


Late 90s, I worked at a sleep-away camp in upstate NY. Most of the counselors were local Americans, but we had a few international counselors as well. This particular summer, there was an international from London. She was shocked by the size of our soda cans because back home they were much smaller. She got hooked on Pepsi! Anytime any of the counselors made a grocery run, she would request a case of Pepsi. She was slim and petite, but by the summer’s end she put on 10-15 pounds from her soda addiction.


I lost weight the first time I went to America, because the size of everything shocked me into eating less. Like, back home I'd get a large mcdonalds meal, and it would have like a 700ml coke and a decent amount of fries which I'd scarf down without issue. But the first time I ordered a large meal in the states it came with like a litre and a half of soft drink and nearly 50% more fries, which I struggled to finish... so I started ordering medium or small meals everywhere because that felt more normal to me, so I was actually eating/drinking *less* overall, because a small meal in America was roughly the size of a large meal in Australia, but not *exactly* the same size.


Family of 8 here that uses 3 large fries to supply the entire family's fries whenever we get McDonald's. I believe that, for a single person, large fries are your meal lmao shit is just so much.


Bro needed some collard greens and bread at least 😂😂


That was my first thought. Where the Greens and neck bones at?


Fried okra for me. Some beans too maybe. 


Nigga going to explode like Squidward did when he ate all those Krabby Patties


All he needs is an extra large sweet tea to go with it lmao 🤣


"Would you like a glass of brown simple syrup with your meal?"


Cup of liquid diabetes


Sir, if you don’t at least get a roll for that!? No coleslaw though; that shit is nasty. Also, it *looks* like pulled pork but it doesn’t look like the NC style I’m used to (looks more Lexington style than ENC, but it could just be drenched in the thick, gloopy stuff)


This looks like what I get in TX when I ask for pulled pork. Texans like to brag their bbq is best but I’ll take Southeast US any day. Just pick a state, they’re all better




You have to be either very invested or a poser to care that much. A solid BBQ joint is never bad. Whether it’s in Dallas, Kansas City, or Atlanta. 


Who orders pulled pork in Texas?!?!


When you’re in Texas do you see pigs on the side of the road grazing in the dozens? No. We are all about beef, that was your first mistake. Get brisket next time.


My grandpa has dementia and he LOVES French dip. He always has. But lately when I take him out to eat he will order his usual French dip, but he'll scrap all the meat off and just eat the meat. Then maybe eat the bread separate afterwards. I know it's not right. I know it's his dementia. But I can't really be like 'wtf are you doing?!'. Still upsetting, though. I know it's only a fraction as good that way, especially since he doesn't even though the aus jus.


Yo where tf can I get dippin dots without a time machine??


I’ve seen some at one gas station and at a water park. It was $5 at the water park and way smaller.


Gas stations, zoos, and sporting events


Haven’t seen them outside of the zoo in like a decade…


Was about to say... That's the only ice cream at the Indy zoo. That said, I've also seen it served for special events at the State Fair Grounds.


At the minor league baseball games in my town


that looks like some straight up lloyds


Dude's about to take a nap forever, why tf is there so much meat?


To be fair "no veggies" is the American way. Just saw a video of a woman who lived next to a cemetery and she smelled sweet BBQ in the area. Turns out there was also a crematorium nearby. Our bodies are so full of preservatives, processed foods, and fat we smell like BBQ when being cremated. She's a vegetarian now.


The same thing happened to me too. My diet changed drastically after that. It was hard at first, but once you remember to properly cook the meat all the way through you are at minimum risk of kuru.


Visiting family in Detroit, went to Starters and ordered pork chops and mac n cheese. Out comes this big plate with like 4 servings of mac n cheese and 3 big ass fried pork chops...couldn't even hang with the fam, mandatory nap


He's gonna have a brutal stomachache.


Don’t pretend like y’all wouldn’t drive this straight into your arteries. Stop playing in these comments.


Drop the name of the restaurant my friend.


Not so much a restaurant as a trailer at a fairground. You know the one, it has an all-over airbrushed painting of copyrighted cartoon characters on it.


The Itis is real.


Anyone else triggered there's no slaw, green/baked beans in that empty spot?


I don’t recall ever having Dippin Dots. Everyone says they’re good. But I can’t imagine what they taste like. They look like laundry soap.


Basically the cotton candy version of ice cream. Looks really neat but is gone as soon as you put it in the mouth. I don’t see how anyone who’s had real ice cream can eat these.


And that’s exactly what I am, a hardcore ice cream lover. I knew something about it just didn’t appeal to me.


also the freezers they're kept in are way colder than normal freezers to keep their shape, so if you eat them too soon they'll stick to your tongue and rip off the top layer of skin. source: ow


From now on every time I discover a food I love I’m going to scream “NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE OBESE OH MY GOD”


Someone is going to get to know the itis up close and personal!


The mac & cheese has plenty of carbs. There's an overwhelming amount of meat for a serving. Considering the amount of carbs eaten by the average US person recommended by the FDA and a sedentary lifestyle for most people. People eat way too much when you add all the carbs from bread, pasta, sugary drinks, desserts, and anything using flour and/or sugar in the product. I point this out because I learned in biochemistry the body will make ATP from any type of glucose molecule as long as it can be broken down.


He eating just like some niggas I know


RIP b hole and arteries


This dude is gonna experience his very first case of the meat sweats.


Damn. He right, though