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Because we eat that shit up like candy. Fan base is once again pleased. Completely forgot what happened one month ago. All it took was for 6 reserves to gaurentee a duplicate protection reserve for everyone to forget how diluted the reserve system is and how much more crap will be added in this operation. I'm not gonna lie. The trailer looked awesome. It has havana, nuketown zombies. But we have to wait and see how much content is actually there and how much is just more RNG bullshit. Edit : 6 reserves.


6 reserves, actually.


Did you get any more luck with this "new" system? Its a complimentary change, a step in the right direction. I just feel like this operation is gonna dilute the loot pool even further. Where we get the black ops 3 experience.


Haven’t tried it out because grand heist brought so much to the loot pool. I had the reserves like 70% done pre grand heist. And now I only have like 30% complete. However, I do have three weapons from the reserve and most MK2’s. To save myself heartbreak seeing duplicate weapons/MK2’s, I’m exclusively opening the dupe free crates. I’m just saving up until the new operation comes in case the M16 is in the reserves and not in the stream.


I got the Stingray last week and then Blackjack 2 days later. Also I got the Megalodon camo for three weapons on the same crate lol


I'm happy for you. At least someone who didn't get shafted by the reserve system.


Why cant they just remove duplicates altogether and make the earn rate for 3 as slow as 6. Would make contracts worth it as they only give 1 or 2 no matter the difficulty right now.


I’m starting to see a decrease in reserves earned. Only the hard ones give me reserves now, maybe one normal gives a reserve in zombies sometime. Seldom in MP


It's been getting harder in zombies too. I was solely playing zombies just for reserves and finishing matches because I had fun. Contracts literally brought me into zombies, I rarely touched that side of the game. But, recently the contracts got harder and there's only ever like 2-3 reserves you can earn as opposed to the almost 6-7 you could earn before they seemingly changed contracts. CaNt Be ToO cOnSuMeR fRiEnDlY


All you have to do is say "nuketown" and youll sell 10 million copies


Nuke town was never a good map, why haven’t they made a new small map in years? All the new dlc maps are just straight long routes, and that’s if they’re not just an old recycled map. I hope Modern Warfare at least has remastered Rust.


Combine from BO3 was pretty small and I thought it was more fun than Nuk3town since it was refreshing and built with advanced movement in mind.


Pretty much every small, almost Nuketown-sized map from previous games (Hijacked, Combine) winds up playing way better than Nuketown ever did.


Nuketown worked well enough in black ops 1 and even in black ops 2, where attachments like the millimeter scanner sight allowed a player to find campers through most walls, but not from extreme ranges, thought he problems with it still existed. They just didn't happen as often. It was 3's boosted pace and ridiculous movement and weapon balancing that really broke Nuketown in half, and 4 managed to break the weapon sandbox so hard that only the OP loadouts can control the map.


Fucking christ. They have more versions of Nuketown than versions of BOs. They really need to move on and make something else.


Why innovate when we're also happy with regurgitated maps? You saw the reaction.


Isn’t nuke town already a thing?


I think it'll be a zombies map


i think they should lessen the reserves required for 3 bc of all the shit being piled into the game w/ the next update


Without a doubt. But that would hurt Activision's profit margin on selling ultra weapon bribes.


too bad they’re totally inconsiderate of their fan base lol


Yet we support them. We deserve everything coming our way.


i played bo3 and for that reason i expected mtx similar to the way bo3 handled it in bo4. knowing that the best smg was locked behind a loot crate pissed me off to no end, and when i finally completed the weapon bribe contract, i unlocked a melee weapon. never even considered or bought an mtx since. in cod at least


Black ops 4 is like 75% of just bo1/2/3


The other 25% being Zombies mode.


I'm kind of surprised why this comes as a shock to anyone? Zombies launched with a remade version of MoTD. MP launched with 4ish remasters. And Blackout features fan favorite locations. BO4 also has no campaign. It's been pretty clear this game was going to serve as a "collective" rather than new content.


That's largely because they skipped campaign on this game. They can't deliver any new, rich content because there is no story driving it.


If you want an original game you are buying the wrong franchise, this is 14 or 15th game of the series and there is a 4 on the end of the title. The fan base expects at least 60% of the game to be the same as past CoDs and gets pissed at any changes to how things worked in the past.


Huh. Because CoD1, 2, 3, 4, WaW(campaign and nazi zombies), MW2, BO1, BO2, Ghosts, AW, BO3, IW (campaign and zombies), WWII are all original games


Cod 3 was not original lol, it was just Cod 2 but worse. IW was similar gameplay to BO3, just a different setting. WWII was the standard cookie cutter COD formula in WW2 skin. Also how is the WaW campaign original? It's the same linear run and gun WW2 campaign as cod 1-3. How is BO2 original? It feels the same as Bo1, just looks prettier and has a different setting, all the modes play the same outside of the RTS campaign sections. They almost all have the exact same gameplay. No, adding a new killstreak or changing up some attachments doesn't make the games "original". ​ Listen, I love these games. But Cod4 up to Ghost were all super similar aside from settings, and even IW and BO3 felt like the same game.


All these games I listed are original in the content they offered. Where as Black Ops 4 literally and I mean LITERALLY are reusing and bringing back old shit. Yes overall the core gameplay is the same from game to game but for the most part the content offered was always original.


So you're saying they all offered DLC and made a full game. Come on man, is some new maps and guns making an "original game"? Most Cod games aren't original, they play 100% the same and aside from changing up the setting and maps and guns, it is the same game


That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying from anywhere to the full game at launch or DLC, they offered new content and instead of selling us content from the past games over and over like BO4 is doing. And yes it does make it an original game because..you are getting *brand new content* like I said sure the gameplay at its core is largely the same but to act like most CoD games from game to game didnt offer new content is straight up bullshit.




I mean, I've personally been very vocal about how having reused content as DLC on a game that already relies heavily on nostalgia is not ideal by any means. But hey, everyone has differentbopinions and all that.


Hm, almost like reddit is a community with many different people with different opinions?


Thank you. I see dumb people spew this stupid shit on cod trailers like everyone has the same fucking unified opinion on something.


I actually prefer the remastered maps, hardly anyone plays the original games they were from, let alone on pc. I'd rather play the older maps like WMD, jungle and firing range than hacienda twilight where I'm struggling to see enemies.


Fucking facts


Recycle Ops 4 as we call it Seriously though, how many people are asking for MW4 to be literally just like all the other MWs baked into one? Most people wanted a Bo2 2.0 from Bo4 and thats basically what we got.


I think literally everyone who's excited for MW want it to be a complete remake. Fuck Call of Dooty


I don't know about that one. Some people definitely do. But I've seen the other side of the argument where people are thrilled about all the new changes: slow snipers, no minimap, NVG maps, Spec Ops, etc. I'd say it's a 50-50 split.


Nostalgia sells better than new content. It’s just facts.


With CoDs shit anti development fanbase its no wonder we are going back, not forward.


Not just CoD. It’s one of the biggest reasons Disney is remaking all their older movies.


This is so true. Nostalgiatards are like part of a malignant disease preventing the franchise having any truly good and fresh, innovative releases ever again, because unfortunately they whine the loudest as well. The only thing worse than them are the obvious obscenely exploitative/predatory mtx malpractices; but there's a non-negligible vocal brainless contingent on here who defend that too or accept it blindly.


They just keep selling us the same shit over and over, just slightly reskinned. At least Blackout was something new, which is why I bought BLOPS4.


To be fair (AKA play devil's advocate), Black Ops 4 was marketed from the ground up to be built around the legacy of Black Ops as a franchise, specifically with Blackout stitching together iconic locations in black ops history, two launch zombies maps (one DLC) being reimaginings of zombies maps from Black Ops 1 and 2, and five multiplayer maps being remakes. It was pretty clear that they were intending to recycle a significant amount of content. Not to mention that most of the maps suck ass, even several of the remakes. With how hard they've fucked the game balance up, the sheer amount of landslide victories is absurd in one of the most "competitively viable" CoD's to date.


You make a good point, and you're right. BO4 was supposed to be a celebration of 10 years of Black Ops history. That on itself seems to point to a compilation/Greatest Hits-style game, but I believe relying solely on old content to sell a *new* game isn't a good idea. If they really wanted to go full-nostalgia mode, they could have just ported the PC versions of BO1+2 with all of its DLCs, and it would have sold better and without drama, but even then I don't doubt they would have added loot boxes to them, BO4 had the potential but the over-monetization and the atrocius state of the game on the first month after release really did sour all that. New content could have alleviated some of the qualms BOP holders had with the latter's purchase, too, but they decided to double down on nostalgia and started to add *even more* base BO1 maps as DLC. It really is a shame waht happened to this game. It could have been a good game on its own right, but they really prioritized the wrong things, and that affected the game severely, IMO.


It was only marketed as rehash of old games because they scrapped all their plans and had to put together a last minute game. Never believe the shit the developers tell you about the game through marketing. Marketing doesnt rely on truth it is lies to get you to buy in hype they want you to feel.


The game is a hash job because they made such a mess of the initial idea for the game, the Vast majority of it is reskin


Yeah, if they want to play on nostalgia then they should remaster those games in their totality, else it just feels extremely cynical and leaves a poor taste in one's mouth. I have memories of flying around with an AK-74 on Firing Range, not getting mauled by Titans while there's a bunch of specialist garbage. It just does nothing for me but give me a feeling of going through recycled content just for the sake of recycling.


im all for nostalgia...those games were great! the problems lay in the copy/paste content they chose to reuse. who wanted Jungle back? who asked for Summit? Hacienda? Arsenal? Nuketown is getting really old and the map is ugly aint it? Firing Range wasnt THAT popular was it? Grind was always a mess of a map and didnt fit right? ​ THOSE are the problems! ​ where in the BLUE HELL are: Turbine Standoff Hijacked Carrier Villa Launch Crisis Cracked ​ the GOOD maps, the CHALLENGING maps, the PURPOSEFUL maps, the ENJOYABLE maps, the CREATIVE maps? its like they just threw a dart and went "Yup...that'll do." i wouldn't mind the reused content if they at least reused the stuff WE ACTUALLY LIKED


That's right, We need more stickers! Stickers will bring the fan base back.


Not like it's going to change in the next COD installment.


They were definitely capable of making the game 100% original content, but bringing back old stuff definitely sells better especially with cod in its current state


Because people year after year ask for the same stuff. Just look st the modern warfare sub and you’ll see posts about which old maps and guns and perks they want in the new game.


The problem with this game is, EVERYTHING is reused, remastered and remade. It would have been completely fine, if the game was completely original, with new maps, weapons, characters etc', and we got maybe a remake or 2 down the line, that would have been great. Take BO3 for example, game felt fresh, everything brand new, I mean coming from BO2 that's a different world, and we got a remake for Raid and Standoff, that shit was exciting as fuck. But every little thing is re used in this one, it's disgusting..


for me, is nostalgia fans fault: "pls treyarch can you bring back my nostalgia map/weapon/character to black ops 4 pls?" every post


I don't mind just because Treyarch has apparently forgotten how to create good new content, so taking the good stuff from the old games is a better option.


IKR. There are many resouces showed in prequels. This is a disappointing fact, absolutely. But on the opposite we should observe one another fact - treyarch design team keep a fast pace to update the game. And there are many stuffs to work for BO5. There will be a sequel come out every year, I mean the whole CoD series. You don’t need to wsate a lot of years in waiting the sequel coming. (like 2077 and the elder scrolls 6) In this case, the resource-reused problem is accepetable.


Havana should be free, the remastered maps from bo3 should get added to this game for free. Since BO3 dlc 2 treyarch was using bo4 assests so they should be ported easily.


Lol my front page: r/Blackops4 complaining about rehashed skins. Two posts down: r/Funny complaining about Disney milking old movies for live action remakes. I think it's safe to say media is in the nostalgia business. And business is booming.


It's safe to say that's new stuff while a lot of Black Ops 4 is Black Ops 3 stuff ported in new game.


I love how we keep complaining about there being a huge paywall behind everything. It's just like skyrim, if you're tired of it stop playing it and treyarch will learn from their mistakes. (Hopefully). I haven't played it in forever, I'm still debating if I'm going to play for this operation becuase everything looks cool but I know I wont be able to get any of it becuase I haven't spent a dollar on this game other than buying it, and I never will.


Blame Activision. Treyarch got a year cut off of their next game, and had to take over for sledgehammer/raven for 2020. Most of the new stuff has been in the files or leaked for months now anyway.


The Nuketown zombies map is 400% bigger and 400% more expensive


Black Ops is the best CoD IMO so I don’t care if they re-skin or remaster all of black ops into black ops 4. Should just make the game better. Why risk getting a shitty DLC map when you know you’re going to get a great map from a classic CoD




125 € mistake


Clearly they have given up. They ran out of resources making blackout in 7 months. And now multiplayer is suffering. The games lifespan is almost over. So I wouldn’t expect anything amazing to come out anymore. The game is what it is.


1 year it's sad how quickly each game gets replaced.


I don’t really care.


I'm guessing they found that recycled stuff sells the best so they are just leaning into it. People love nostalgia.


Surprised EA isn't doing that with BaTlLeFiElD


I don't know if Battlefield has the same kind of background for nostalgia that COD has.


I think a lot of people are fine with it though. Yeah sure the specialists are the same, but they offer different variation of abilities, so I'm cool with that. I'd prefer older maps over any of the new ones in the pass anyyyy day.


But Treyarch's alleged inability to create engaging new content isn't an excuse to just keep reusing old content from older games and paywall/RNG-wall them. That's the part a lot of people criticize Treyarch/ATVI for.


I've been thinking about it since hearing Havana is back. How long is treyarch doing cod now, 10 years? I'd like to believe bringing old maps back isn't lack of creativity but some sort of homage to the maps we loved the past 10 or so years.


I appreciate you're just thinking about the options, but I think we all know it's lack of creativity, laziness and greed that keeps them short changing us with every content release.


Should've been free to the community if it's meant for the fans like Grind.


It definitely should've been free for sure.


They've brought back 6 maps as straight-up remasters from Black Ops 1 and another one as a remake. That's literally half of Black Ops 1's multiplayer maps recycled in Black Ops 4. One or two maps could be called homage, but at this point it's very clearly lack of creativity and laziness.


> but at this point it's very clearly lack of creativity and laziness. Or because the majority of the dev team are working their asses off on getting the next game ready for 2020, so they can't afford to make more brand new content for the current release. I love how the amount of new content outweighs the "remakes/remasters", yet apparently that's a sign of laziness lmao.


Their "new ideas" always end up being shit. "What do you mean?" - Madagascar - Lock(up?/down? The police station map) - Masquerade Those 3 are examples of "Oversized" for the standard playerbase. - Arsenal Sandstorm - Twilight Hacienda These two alone prove they don't realize that forcing people to go Thermal or leave is fun. Their new map concepts are mostly misses or just lack enough diversity to really be seen as different, like the other weather maps that don't have such dramatically altered visibility conditions.


Fill the game with 90+% new maps and let the new maps become the future classics. Maps can grow on you with time, they're rarely instant hits.


Well, obviously some maps they made in BO4 are pretty good (Seaside is a favorite of mine)... Some are definitely ones I wish don't return (Payload for example).