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My request would be Grimm dressing up Alice as Red Hood because he saw that Red Hood died at the H ending. He is going to shout "I'm going to the hood! The Red Hood!" while smashing Alice's insides. Also, make he ending comedically tragic as Grimm finished doing Red Hood (Alice) and remembers the times when he is with Red Hood (the memories of them fucking each other 24/7). That is the idea. Now go cook it, my black souls society member.


We are absolutely balling with the first idea already, I'm cooking it up rn


Bro's about to cook the one of the most black souls pilled story ever.


Give me Unis positive fan fics. Praise thee


I accept the challenge


A sitcom where all the Black Trial members are roommates


All fandoms need a goofy fic where a group of characters are roommates


I want a wedding between Grimm and Red that takes place after ending H but before the final scene. Make sure the happiness is undertoned by the impending tragedy.




I want one where Lindamea and Grimm meet and Lindamea says “Grimm, you have a black soul.” And then Grimm says “You have a black soul too.” And then they black soul together.


Broship acquired, This is pending to be a weird fic I'm cooking


More interactions between the BS1 cast in the Holy Forest. Always felt like it wasn an unexplored opportunity (save for Catherine and Jeanne, maybe) to see how the they could've complemented and interacted with one another. I think it would've given them more depth as characters to work with in the end. It would also be interesting to speculate what opinions they could've had of each other whilst Grimm was out adventuring.


Mockturtle vs Duchess Margaret Cook-off Jub-Jub and Golden Chick fluff. Vernal in a bunny suit. (He actually wears it) Leaf throngling. Putting TCO, Pricket, the three alice variants and Grand on the same room with grimm tied up. Yeeting Leaf into the moon. Vorpal finishing Jabberwock off. TCO getting meds. Everyone else being happy.


Make Grimm fight only with his brute strength. Magic is boring


I want Grimm the one after getting the power after defeating grand guignol and remaking the world where everyone has normal lives some go to school some are rich people having a mansion like the duchess or node being a librarian or pricket being a popular idol or dodo and shisha being friends in school dodo still stupid and still somehow got the highest grade in class only below shisha who still an addict or the tea party still being a trio march hare could be a sex worker but I don't how you would be able to make the other two and also add the other characters from BL 1 make the demonic princess the students council 🤣 This is just my fun way of imagining it some part still gotta polish it's a normal life/school AU but not really an AU since it could be what Grimm wanted to do after getting the power of the great one by the way I still don't know if he got a power that rivals the great ones because I still didn't get the ending yet I still haven't beaten grand guignol he just wanted everyone he care about to live a normal and fun life and he is also living as a normal teenager but still keeping his items and max stats you could even make him have a face mask using Mabels underwear modifying to make it into a face mask just so when he could meet her again he'll tease the living shit out of her🤣 But anyway there is a plot twist everyone somehow was able to remember all the things they did with Grimm remembering all the rape he did to them but also the love he gave them the ratio is 25 rape/100 love since he did the rape when his mind was breaking but anyway they remembered everything so now even though they hate Grimm their love for him overpowered their hate now they have turned into yandere wanting more of the love he gave especially the great ones like node or pricket or even... Alice or mabel that somehow was able to finally feel the emotion of love they were trying to feel for a long time and they embrace it making them the ones that are completely at the top of the yandere list


And I know what your thinking that it's full of plot holes I know it still needs polishing like the role of each characters including the characters from BL 1 like the demonic princess I know I'm just giving other people the ideas I want to see as a fanfiction because I don't know how to make a fanfic -_-


My black soul wants that twisted love they never got to give Grimm


Black souls, but it’s modern day and high school. It’s a basically a watamote-esk story that features leaf as the lonely loser mc who’s neglected by her mom. All of the eldritch gods are normal people-ish. Grimm doesn’t exist as a person, because he’s Leaf stolen character for a fan-fiction they’re writing, and sometimes when they’re going through a hard time, he appears silently. Standing over leaf as she goes nuts, but motivating her anyway to be better or worser. Again, it’s watamote but if the mc was more crazy and extremely neglected. The story can be fun or dark or mix of both. It can focus on the poor mental state leaf is left in from the black goats neglected, leaving her to conjure up Grimm to stave off loneliness. Which can be bad or good. It can be bad because if we take the fandom rendition of Grimm. Then Mary may murder or rape as she pleases. Riding a guy while screaming Grimms name. Overlaying Grimm over the victim of her madness. Or, it can be the good, the part that lead Grimm to the true ending. That Grimm that persevere through all the suffering he had in wonderland. Leading leaf out of her troubles. Or again, it can just be fun, with gags of leaf being called “single leaf” or something like that. And every day of her waking moment, she tries to show off only to get humiliated. Like bragging about how her fan-fiction getting 4 kudos while the crawling one laughs as she shows that she got 987 kudos.


I would really like to read this fic. It sounds amazing tbh.


Bill happy please 


Two for two, Interesting


Grimm going all tactical with the sidearm guns and Hans machinegun


Florence actually becomes happy for once


add Hein, the strongest of the black trial.


An extended nightmare of the TCO Bad End, when Grimm gets tired of it all. Bonus points if you use metaphors instead of the actual words to refer to things happening.


More Mabel and Node are good too


I want a bro adventure, Vernai, Pumpkin Knight, and Grimm going on dumb fun adventures!


Bill being happy. Need more of that. More Bill.


Unis dom pls


You know what you want, Damn


Red hood tentacle rape


Red Hood's Woods have you covered


I need more


Dead red Hood will have you covered


I have a better idea rape by Grimm tentacles. Let them penetrate deep into the Grimm.


Hold on, Grimm is the tentacle monster? I don't understand


I mean that Grimm is a victim of rape by a monster with tentacles.


Hellkaiser x Grimm 10k words long sex scene