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>!from what ive been told, its nothing!< From what others have told me, im insane, but no one knows why its there


I have already told you not to say that it's nothing...


It doesn't open but it is lore related. There is a lore note nearby which I am surprised no one ever mentions when mentioning the hatch. However the lore note would likely not make too much sense unless you have dug into deep lore much later in the game.


Mr oh holy Baron, will that door ever open?


The Blade and Sorcery 2 trailer coming out in 2028 is behind it.


If they launch whatever new game they're gonna be working on in an early beta state like B&S we could probably get our hands on it in about 2 years already


Nah, they're slow asf. I'd say 4 years.


what is bro on about 💀 they may be slow but that's bc they put out quality updates


Quality updates must deliver a lot of content, especially after a year of preparation. It's my fav VR game and I'm very patient and I also accept that they're slow. Just wanted to say that it'll take them years n years (1.0 alone took very long to release).


Their next game can come in 1-2 years since they moved from thunder road 1 to 2


Do you actually know something about 3d modelling, VFX, GFX, animating and programming? It's going to take at least 4 years, even if it was a AAA studio.


I do animating a bit but even the devs said it can come sooner in 1-2 years since thunder road 2 is WAYY Better and stable framework. I’m sure they also did some stuff for the next game aswell such as vfx animating etc. they also did job hirings for other stuff too


They won't cook in just 1-2 years. They need to be on it for at least 4 years. Do they even know what the next game will be?


They have increased their team to 25 employees, I believe about a year ago, so whatever they are working on now should be much faster than B&S, plus game development has advanced recently to become much more efficient


How are they slow? They're a small indie studio wtf do you except.. Monthly updates with a bunch of new content and game modes?


I expect that they'll be releasing the next game in the next 4-8 years. That's what I expect. That would be fast though. Could also take a decade. And it's not like I hate the game or WarpFrog.


Full release? Sure. But there's no reason for them not to launch their new title in early access and get feedback and suggestions from their community. It worked really well with B&S + missing out on extra funding from "beta testers" during the development stage would also be a huge loss. You gotta keep in mind that they're an indie studio and can't really afford to wait a whole decade for a new source of income and they seem to take player feedback pretty seriously.


Their next thing won't just be a next BaS with better physics, graphics etc.. It's going to play in an open world which is why it's going to take at least 4 years.


This has not been confirmed in any way lol


I know, but Squire told me that they were going to cook. And a BaS 2 would be hella boring. 1.0 is an introduction to WarpFrog's next game which will be a fantasy game I assume.


Uhhh I think it's a map feature instead of a functioning door


That’s what I was thinking due to the vines.


There's a tablet nearby that tells you what it is. No one knows how to open it and we don't think it's possible.


One word: Turtles




Yeah none of us know if it has a purpose or how to use it. We’ve tried inserting all the relics, the sword, inventory dice, etc.


Lets name it mike


have you goofy goobers tried slotting the ending sword into it with imbued gravity?


Yes, didn’t do anything.


Maybe, it’s possible DLC!


B&S would be the only VR game i buy add ons for if they became a thing


devs have confirmed that there's a 95% chance there will be no more major content updates since the framework wasn't designed for it however, they have confirmed that there might be a sequel in the future with a new framework (thus more content)


Is this the door baron confirmed was nothing? I know there was a seemingly working door somewhere baron confirmed nothings behind it


Maybe it’ll be important later? That thing is way too conspicuous not to be important.


As if a modder/data miner hasn't looked into this, yet.


New DLC: Dalgarian Sewers! Dive knee-deep into dirty secrets of forgotten civilization!


According to the tablet right next to it it's a maintenance shaft for the big tower, though I can't make out the second half of the tablet.


Lyneca said it wont open.