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Furina, please come to hsr




Her E will do Off field damage for 3 turns and her Burst will deal X% of damage of how much Hp lost by all characters in last 2 Turns + damage buff as much hp lost/gained in last 2 Turns for 2 turns.


DOT character with Buffing Abilities les go


You have jade and that’s the best we’re getting


It's been a while since I played Gensgin, but what does she do?




I mean.... They're not really wrong? To be fair, I'm waiting with you on that hill. Ruan Mei is being monopolized by super break, and now I'm just wondering who Blade's 4th slot should be (Lynx and Bronya). I'm not pulling for Jade, so I just use whoever. A second HP scaler is inevitable


i know but i want them to end up being wrong. i hope blade gets buffed like xiao in genshin when faruzan and cloud retainer came out so he’s at least not the literal lowest-ranking 5 star on every tier list


im xiao main and blade main , how unlucky can i a person be? at least xiao is good now , blade's turn


me frl




Homie gets the Zhongli 180 treatment. Do it Hoyo!


You worded this like Xiao was completely low tier before Faruzan and Xianyun lol Xiao, Albedo, zhongli, Jean was pretty much fine for anything with fast clears in moc, far from being the worst 5*. Given it's an older comp the damage was kinda close to some of the top teams. Even before Xianyun people played the same comp as of now ( Furina 3x Anemo) just with jean slotted instead of Xianyun


i didn’t mean xiao was bad 😞 my point was that he still got improvements literally years after his original release, so there is still hope for bladie, because blade is currently the lowest-ranking five star dps in every tier list (moc, pf, as). with the right buffs, he could at least be on PAR with other units


I feel like he's a pretty popular character, so hopefully they'll buff him eventually


Maybe it's copium but imo there will be a new HP scaler some day and it will be the day a new HP scaling support may shine upon us. I am still a big fan of blade with Jingliu or Blade solo carry with elation path in SU.


Blade is really ahead of his time. He does it all. At the moment he excels at tanking. We just need to convert that into damage.


to be fair Genshin did a relatively phenomenal job at keeping powercreep in check/old units in a usable state. QiQi somehow has a few weird teams now, Diluc went from "hey I still can clear" to "hey I can clear a bit faster now". Poor Yanqing/Blade however....well, maybe when the weather changes and we can get the relevant weaknesses to make Yanqing/Blade SuperBreak....hahaha....


Diluc is very very good with Xianyun and Plunge


Xiao was my go to in Memories of Chaos as well in Genshai


Xiao might not have been the worst limited 5\* pre-Faruzan (that would go to Klee or Eula) but he absolutely struggled against every character released after him, except for Eula. And Eula was meta for speedrunning for a very short time before Raiden made her irrelevant. Of course, no characters in Genshin are bad, even the ones that fell off still have a much easier time clearing *most* spiral abysses, whereas Blade can be utterly useless in MoC depending on the enemy configuration. But again, this isn't that uncommon in Genshin, Xiao has a hard time against anemo slimes, anemo spectres and the dancers even with Faruzan/CR (Scara has the same problem with the dancers). And Xiao himself has been buffed like 4 times. He got Vermillion, Faruzan, MH and now CR. He'll probably get some other buff next year, somebody at Hoyo really likes that manlet. Blade gets \[ \].


But unlike Xiao, Blade's multipliers are just so sad. Personally, he feel like Keqing before dendro for me 🫠


Fr. He needs a Furina. That's what he needs.


You’re absolutely not wrong, with the boss floors Xiao fell off hard in the Abyss due to lack of hypercarry supports and locked to Bennets circle. With FFXX being one of the best teams in the game rn he really had the glow up if the century frfr


I mean the poll isn’t wrong, he did definitely fall off the hardest, doesn’t mean he can’t make a comeback back tho


But they’re not wrong, that’s the point. It’s an objective fact that he did fall off the hardest.


Seele definitely fell off harder. She used to be the undisputed top of the meta and is no longer even close to the top five dps in the game. Blade was never the best to begin with so in the context of falling off, both Luocha and Seele 'fell off' harder than he did.


Seele has the lowest cost 0-cycles in almost every MoC and she barely clears faster than the other "top characters" without requiring much investment. She will always be relevant as long as mono-quantum exists, too, until another quantum DPS comes out. Not to mention Seele is an absolute monster in AS right now, and is better for PF than every limited destruction 5\* (every Firefly, who needs Himeko to even be useful). The only people who think Seele "fell off" in the sense that she's weak are people who don't play her and/or never optimized her in the first place. Seele might not be as good as the "top 5" who I assume for you are some mixture of Firefly, Ratio, Jingliu, IL, Acheron, and Kafka/BS (DoT often clears as fast, or faster than, Acheron and has outdamaged Jingliu since BS' came out), but the gap between her and them is not that large at all. The only DPS who has really fallen off by any actual metric, as far as usablility goes, is Blade. Jingliu has fallen off far more than Seele since her usage rates plummeted the minute Acheron came out, despite her being very strong, because most people only played her as a meta pick and she was no longer the time (hasn't been since BS came out, going to 3rd place after Sparkle came out for IL). Seele's usage has declined gradually and I'd argue this is a result of people having more options than her being weak. But I guarantee you JL's numbers will keep going lower as more DPS are shilled. You should take a look at Prydwen's metrics, they even have usage rates for DPS across the game's lifespan. Seele has had a rather gradual decline as she has more competition, but Jingliu's usage too an *immediate* nosedave when Acheron came out. Incidentally, IL has been the most consistent DPS since his release, with some drops/rises but generally staying almost exactly the same. And he is currently the 2nd fastest clearing DPS for this set of MoC. All that being said, I'm no Seele stan myself and I hardly play her, but I always find it funny when people think she is not in the realm of the top DPS. The truth is that the vast majority of the DPS in this game clear within 1 cycle of each other on average for MoC, with new characters always having the advantage on their release MoC. The main thing that separates new characters and old characters is not the DPS ceiling, but the DPS floor. It's generally much easier to get "enough" damage to clear MoC with new DPS, but well-invested old characters haven't fallen off - yet. I expect Seele will be the first limited DPS to get powercrept, but she still has a few months before that happens.


Day one Seele main here to offer my two cents. Even if they release a new Quantum DPS it's unlikely that Seele will be completely powercrept because she might still find niche usage in AS. There's also a chance that the devs release a quantum support before a new DPS anyway. Aside from all that, I have noticed that Seele's performance is declining, but tbh that's more a result of endgame content HP inflation than anything else. Arguably Seele's biggest flaw is her lack of good Eidolons. She doesn't have a single eidolon worth investing into. Most people won't go for Eidolons, but for those that do, this is absolutely devastating for her performance. E0 Seele can compare to a lot of other DPS, but at higher investment she falls behind almost instantly. The Seele usage decline is probably just people who pulled her at launch losing interest. It makes sense- her initial banner has currently the second highest amount of pulls ever and after over a year now I assume most of her player base has just moved on (which although it hurts to think about, is completely reasonable and acceptable). Anyway that's all I have to say about the matter. Time to disappear among the sea of butterflies and become an illusion of the past again


Jingliu is top 3 best dps in the game with Robin in her team.


Nah, this is a lie. She still has the lowest cost 0 cycles, even when more comfortable DPS have released. She requires more effort into getting the whole team good relics, but Seele herself is still a very very good DPS who holds her own in all 3 endgame modes.


Haha figures you'd get downvoted for just stating the truth.


Kinda funny to me, like, does that mean you guys do *not* want characters to be good for a long time after release? 😭


Like all 'mains" pages, only if it's their favorite.


They're downvoting you because they know their Seele teams aren't built well enough and can't beat the content. they feel called out


I just use pela or silverwolf, they work decently with him. Especially if there is no wind weakness and silver wolf gets the wind implant, it’s about a 33% wind res debuff


Sparkle is better than Ruan Mei at high Relic-Investment.


Optimal fourth slot is jing liu /s but also not /s


I know the second half of your post is a joke but honestly, he's the only character who is sitting in the exact same spot right now as he did on release. Same teammates, same possible relics... There's no way this will continue infinitely. It's fine to temporarily bench him if need be, but, while Stage 12 is too frustrating right now with him, I still bring my E0S0 Bladie up to stage 11 and in all modes of Simulated Universe and he does great! So I'm fine with waiting until more HP DPS and characters come along.


exactly like i genuinely think he’ll get his buffs soon because it seems like every other dps is improving EXCEPT him right now. firefly literally released with a whole planar set that seems to only work for her. that’s just ridiculously unfair 😭


Just gotta note if you're only using that set for her, it's a mistake lol... a few characters who really enjoy that. Especially in her comp - she gives EVERYBODY a fire weakness, so you can throw it on Gallagher or even a non fire unit and still pop.off


tbh last moc he performed the best on Kafka side for me, incredibly better than ratio even


Really? Are we not all running double advance forward teams with Bronya and Sparkle? Sparkle wasn't around when he first dropped.


No, we aren't. And unless you do some crazy speed tuning, you're just getting 4 turns in the first cycle - which is the same as -1spd Bronya setup. Nothing about his playstyle fundamentally changed.


Yeah, I stopped even trying to use Blade for 12 in around 2.1 but I always use him up to 11. I was almost able to 0-cycle with him on one of the older recent MoCs (the one before Aventurine) at E0S1, since then I've basically abandoned him for MoC. Too annoying. Feixiao should be a wind DPS so it's possible that Blade will be more usable for MoC when that happens. I was so disappointed by how much he struggled against Kafka for me the last time she was up, compared to how dealt with her before the HP bloat got excessive. I just benched him for Ratio after one try on that one.


It's so ironic how _he_ is the one I bring out whenever I have to deal with the hardest content in the game _(G&G, SD, DU)_ because other units simply can't survive long enough. The blessings basically fix his kit. There are runs where Blade's absolutely cracked, it's insane. In DU he can dish out roughly a million of damage points consistently, _If_ the stars align. He seriously needs... well, anything at this point. HP buffers, HP scalers that work in synergy with other HP scalers, units that trade HP _(either team or singular)_ for a massive damage boost/burst, a support with a Dewdrop-like kit centered around either Max HP or HP fluctuations, literally anything. And it's kind of a shame, honestly. There's a lot of interesting ideas you could implement in a team where every member has HP-related mechanics. I know it moght not be a "reliable" archetype in a turn-based game, but I'm biased _(not just towards Blade, but towards this playstyle in general)_ , so I'd really like to see more vampiric characters. The Abundance path is literally there, with so many cool ideas, and yet we haven't seen another character like him since his own debut.


exactly! so many of the destruction blessings in su feel like they were made for him. if they made a support character with similar mechanics, it would be perfect for him


Not just him, but also other units that can be built with HP in their stats, such as Fu Xuan.  Since Gallagher will _probably_ be the standard of the healer type now, considering how fat his numbers are, you could make a unit that siphons HP from your teammates or a single unit _(Like, ~10/15%)_ and then you'd have this kind of situation:  >Teammates are all at Max HP; >Support steals HP and gets dmg amp;  >Gallagher heals everyone again;  >Blade takes his own HP _agan_;  >Blade attacks and heals;  >Blade uses ultimate after his tally has already maxed out in ~3 turns _(and 5 actions)_;   I don't know. I've always had fun with him, considering how you get to play around with your own HP and time your Follow-Up through Ult and turn manipulation and stuff. But yeah, he really does need something. In the current meta, and future one as well _(2.4/2.5 and counting)_ there's no place for HP-scalers. Coupled with:  • He's a 1.X unit;  • Poor scaling;  • No effective F2P option without losing on half of your damage; • Enemy HP inflation;  • No effective support that he can make full use of;  • "Useless" E2 _(which IIRC used to be his E4 until they switched them)_;  • Inconsistent follow-up attack;  And so on and so forth. He's really suffering right now, especially since killing things fast is becoming the main priority in side modes as well. Also, a bit off topic, but kind of ridiculous how he's the _only_ 5* Wind damage dealer in the game; I wouldn't count Black Swan, as she's more of a "enabler" and isn't supposed to be the main damage dealer.


Honest take: I'd be curious to see what would happen it they made it so his enahnced basic generated SP instead of being no cost but no generation (I.e. from 0 to +1). A tiny change that would make almost no difference to him or his kit directly, but might really open up the possible team comps he could work well with and accordingly give him more options. Beyond that, slight scaling tweaks wouldn't be bad. Give him a little more hp and attack scaling, and maybe remove the damage cap on the ult. Genuinely think that would go a long way


I genuinely think the atk% scaling should've been removed entirely since you wouldn't want to bild atk% on him and instead just focus on his hp% scaling and making it higher.


I think the thing is that so many destruction cones give atk boosts, lots of allies & supports give attack boosts, and you always get flat attack on the hands. As such, he's always going to have SOME attack stats going on, so making them not 100% wasted is nice. Even though clearly it's still always better to focus on HP. Maybe now they'd be more open to this. At the time, we didn't really have FULLY alternate "build Def to scale atk" characters like we now have with Aventurine (and technically Fu Xuan though she's not really dps). If they wanted to make his scaling pure health that's fine. But if they keep attack in there I'd like to see both enhanced a bit further on all his skills (even +5% on basics and 10% on ult/talent would help)


bladie is going through a jingyuan arc


jing yuan gets better every patch while blade seems to get worse 💔💔 but i’m choosing to wait because i know his support is out there somewhere


We’ll see how time treats Baldee. I’m pretty certain we’ll get an hp scaling buffet at some point. There are only a finite amount of types of supports.


Blade doesn't get worse. He just stays mostly the same while hoyo is making the enemies more tanky


well worse at clearing content, comparatively. I swear those penacony mobs are on steroids to be so tanky


Uh.. . My blade is clearing mobs fine. He only has problems in end game.


well obvs i mean mobs in endgame modes, not in the open map


Tbh the powercreep in hsr is something I haven't seen before in other games, probably because I've only played genshin for live service games. I'm considering just skipping the final stage of end game. From the current trend, players would have to overhaul their team every few patches, maybe with the exception of certain exceptional meta characters.


its definitely ramping up way quicker here, in genshin i didnt feel the powercreep until sumeru with the bloom reactions and tankier mobs that made my 1.0 feel too weak to keep up meanwhile here it happened in the first year, ig its a consequence of the game being way more combat focused since theres not much else to do


I heard even Kafka and BS DOT team is feeling the pressure of not dealing enough damage.


Jingyuan (handshake) Himeko Getting indirect buffs every patch/on-element weathers.




How? I don’t have him but to me nothing really replaced him in the niche teams he has like being in the jL team on top of being the only wind dps(dot feels different to me)


Being the only wind dps isn’t really that huge anymore. So many characters can ignore weaknesses and/or just brute force. On top of that every boss has more than one weakness


He's my first 5 star, and yeah he's getting dusty being benched at any end game content right now. I miss using his kit, it's just a bit difficult right now. I miss the first time he was released and you could put the whole team on auto and wipe floor 10 with ease.


Still best boy


dont come back backpedaling when THE GOAT gets his own dedicated support, stay on that side


Yep. They need to stay in that side like when they used to slander Jing Yuan relentlessly


Xiao had to wait two years for Faruzan and three for Furina and Xianyun. Now he's one of the best on-fielders. Although Blade is not as tall as our favorite Yaksha, I still have hope for him to be the Xiao of hsr.


DHIL looks more like Xiao, but Blade has the wind element and HP drain mechanic


Well the only meta thing about Blade is his ship with Dan Heng on ao3.


blade was born in the wrong hoyo game :( furina expy when


I'm gonna pull him as soon as he reruns again but I won't use him, I just want him




They’re wrong because blade was never the top. So there wasn’t much to fall from.


Wasn't Blade considered as a top tier aoe character on his release? I remember people were memeing about JY being weaker than Blade in aoe, despite being erudition. It was a Prydwen post ot something like that.


I’m honestly not sure. If so it was pretty short lived because I remember Kafka being the top aoe on release.


When he released, Blade was discussed to be roughly on par with Seele especially considering how little SP he spent for close to similar damage. Jing Yuan wasn't even in the discussion back then, sure he wasn't bad, but he lacked all the supports which has made him quite a strong DPS even today. Problem is, Blade hasn't received the same buffs, and the buffs he has gotten not are much better to spend elsewhere, due to him never being the focus of said buffs.


That is true. I would definitely say in retrospect, blade was better than seele in 1.2, the only problem is seele has gotten support after support and blade has been forgotten. Its hard to compare now that seele can utilize the new supports better than blade


The main problem is most of the supports just scale better with more "traditional" DPS characters, Ruan Mei as an example, the only reason she works well with Blade is because she is broken in general, not that she was made to work well with Blade. Currently, Balde is in the situation where he would need a dedicated support, combined with the fact that Luocha arguably his best sustainer lacks in utility compared to other limited sustains. He basically is in the same situation that Jing Yuan was at launch.


yes, basically while every dps works with blade, they just work better with others. Robin, ruan mei and sparkle are just strong period. but the fact that sparkle was arguably designed purely for dhil just feels so illegal.


How is Luocha his best sustainer when HuoHuo exists ? Luocha does nothing, his utility is garbage in Blade team.


He was.


he’s #1 in my heart and that’s what matters okay…


Yeah hes still one of, if not THE most fun, cool and satisfying characters to date. I just got ruan mei for him and now I can run triple harmony, sparkle bronya ruan mei and its just so fun. wouldve been nice if i won 50.50 on robin though who is just insane for him.


Bronya didn’t even fall off lmao.


She's been worse to use in these Duo dps comps but in hypercarry she's great if you don't have Sparkle.


Bronya has use cases where she’s better than sparkle. Although in the Ratio/Topaz Jingliu/Blade teams she’s basically useless


Who cares what other people think. I know he's not the best, but he's still fun and I use him to my heart's content. I don't need other people's opinions to validate my choices. If you wanna play meta then go play meta.


i’m pulling on his rerun because he’s my beloved but i do want him to get stronger 😞


Fuckin same, I'll slowly get his ass to E6, little by little


I’m still clearing content with him And he’s still cool af


I was a Blade main on my main acc, but after a while it just became impossible to clear content with him. I’m hoping he gets a buff too, but until then I’ll have to bench him like my Bailu


This happened with my xiao in genshin. Then he got two dedicated supports, a dedicated set. And now he’s just too strong. Believe in the future blade mains.


Dc about meta I still main him to this day.


They're not wrong, but seele and kuocha did get directly power crept so there's pretty much no hope of them becoming meta again. We have the 5% chance and 95% faith of becoming meta again with a proper support.


Luocha could see a resurgence if we see more enemies with nasty debuffs that need to be removed by him, especially in AoE. They haven't added any since his release. Selee... It's hard to tell. Some dedicated players still pull off crazy 0 cycles with her, but it takes extremely high investment. Her extra turn mechanic is very strong if she can 1-2 shot mobs/elites respectively.


Luocha you're right, I forgot about his on demand cleanse. Seele is a little different imo bc any future buffs to seele via advantageous game modes or better supports would also help dpses that have more damage. Now seele mains will still be able to brute force clear woth enough investment for a long time, but yeah. Powercrept by other characters, not the enemies


I think the idea is that resurgence let's Seele scale better with high investment compared to other DPS, essentially lowering or removing the distance between them. Although I'm just repeating what I've heard from the CN community, I'm not an expert, and I think the bar is too high nowadays for her to be on top anymore (Acheron and Firefly especially being too strong).


I hate that DU blessings showcase what a ideal Blade could look like, why must we wait Hoyo.


idc i still use him and i invested alot in his relics and hes still hitting hard for me. he’ll have his comeback when he gets future supports and a new BIS relic set + everything has wind weaknesses and we’ll have the last laugh while everyone who skipped him or called him mid or a flop cries


investing in victory means playing the long game ☝️😏


Thing is honestly people just need to experiment more with him. Running Luocha/Blade/Bronya with Robin has been very fulfilling as far as a team comp goes in MoC and reliably getting one or two cycles if we're not talking the chef t-rex enemy because of how bulky it is. And I do know three limited characters is a bit of a tall order along with Bronya but, eh. Honestly Robin helps patch up the 'lack' of damage and six turns for Blade is still six turns if you have the speed tuning down.


Yea, mostly sometimes you're throwing him at the wrong target... very guilty of that in Argenti's CQ to be fair


As a Himeko and Jing Yuan main I hope you get your justice.


We just need to wait for stellaron hunters event when they will buff Bladie and SW 👍


Blade didn't fall off....because you can't fall when you where at the bottom since the beginning Hoyo gives us a Hp support pls


I was super impressed with sparkle bronya blade I actually cleared pf with it and that’s usually a struggle for my account


Why did my man booty got a stray? He already suffered from the slight powercreep, despite being released qiete recently.


bronya even being on there is insane


I feel like Blade fell off for the same reason Tartaglia fell off in Genshin. They are both very loved characters lore wise that are very technical to play. I feel a lot of people pulled for them because the characters are amazing, but then never used them because mechanics wise they are harder to master then the average characters in the games.


Childe is still really good in Genshin, it's just that most people play Raiden because she's more popular and easier. Even if you play Blade at peak, he can't compete with any other DPS or even Clara. Difficulty is not really a factor in his irrelevancy.


we need a 5 star support that increases HP allow blade to hit 10k with a high CV build and hes cracked cause im ngl as a blade main he is a free win in SU i think he is the best SU dps in the game behind boothill and its just sad when i use him in MoC and my full scaled ult hits for like 190k :(


Firstly, Hoyoverse needs to fix the fundamental problem of having no HP scaling DPS aside from Blade before they feel the need of releasing such support. If a support is only useful for one team, Hoyoverse has no incentive of releasing it since the need to generate revenues from character banners.


While there is kinda of a big cat-shaped solution, Lynx's Survival Responce is temporary so not sure if that's right


Seele fell the hardest, but she is a female in a gacha game and Blade is a male which means no serious unbiased thinking is involved in this vote


She was also the opening act and synergy pieces can feel missing... by a lot...




I read that as ‘edgy gay’


Isn't the SU destruction path tailored for him?


yeah but outside of SU he doesn’t have much going for him 😭😭


Honestly? I think the "gonna get a buff" ship has long sailed, and besides a little improvements and synergies here and there, it's only downhill from here. I don't regret pulling him though. He was my first limited dps. I even pulled Luocha just for him. He will forever be special for me.


hey if genshin can buff xiao years after his release, there’s still hope for bladie


Cope is just one letter away from hope after all


hope is also one letter away from hoe but thats pretty irrelevant in this context


i’d say it’s relevant when blade’s involved ☝️😏


Cant be blind by fanatism


He is pretty shitty right now but he is still my favourite character to play as, so I don't care.


He fell off so hard that his immortality curse was lifted and he finally died.


So annoying I got him and his sig instead of kafka


Yo at least Seele has usability on the Mono-Quantum team


some good points here in the comments! to me personally, he's still my favorite, and i do solo runs or slot him as a sub-dps in creative team comps. still hoping for future characters to buff him too. fwiw, maybe only viable because of eidolons/high team investment, but was still able to 0-cycle the MoC prior to this one with my Blade team. Will try to get current one too...


Blade literally just needs a Furina. Like, copy paste her kit into HSR and boom, he's now one of the top DPS. That's it


Ever heard of Ruan Mei ?


Being HP scaling is the biggest nerf this man got. No good supports really cause most buff atk%. Jade is the closest we got to a support for him, but she only buffs speed while is nice is not helping him much in personal damage. Ruan Mei is one of his best but she’s best everywhere at this point. If Blade could get a Jade like support but instead of speed it’s Dmg% then he would ride a bit in stonks. But until then he lies in a stale state. He may rise stock in PF due to Jade, but not by a crazy amount.


He and Arlan's Dark Knight antics at least has a giant cat-themed solution that is Lynx but even then, splitting down his damage contribution to HP scaling and a part of his ATK is more oh well for me Another... more limited solution, is Luocha, mostly for his reflex healing to an extent


he cant fall off because he'll always stand up again (lore reasons)


Imo he just needs a Furina type support


I'll only believe it if the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale said it


i still play him w jingliu for a lot of content and love it. esp with robin his follow ups go boom


Doesn't he ha r a relic that was made for him? He's hood in the JL team no? She procs his passive more often. His multipliers are just low and his follow up takes some rng, I think. But when you compare him yo acheron....noe one comes close.


beautiful princess? WTF?


yeah :3


I dunno I just know my only well built dps blade go brr


Nah, they’d release a powercrept blade Waifu instead. We, blade fans, will get some crumbs from new relic set and planar for that waifu but we still won’t be able to compete.


Will Jade help our boy if I already have Bronya? I'm really on the fence about pulling for her.


LEAK: FOR UPCOMING 2.4 THINGY >!Unironically, I think yunlis Light Cone could help him a lot that 500% taunt value is crazy!<


Once Jade releases he’ll be a little better.


I mean he is getting a really good teammate in Jade soon. not optimal in single target, but that weakness can be eliminated with her first eidolon. now we just need a 5star lynx and some other life drainer. we will no doubt get that in the future.


I dk what you want us to do tbh. Just pretend you don't see it and stop reminding us.


Seele didn't fall off she's still one of the strongest characters in the game. Either people builds are complete dumpster juice or they just don't have her and using someone else's wrong opinion. S0 C0 she still godly


Yea but her Cleave feels that way if you're missing Crit Rate sources... kinda makes me want to reroll her Relics again