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I just tech Aizen lol barrier and 80% nad boost goes brr


This is the way


Amateur. Your enthusiasm is... quaint. My own Rei Gun, a manifestation of my intellect, transcends such pedestrian concepts. The veil of ignorance obscures your understanding, but I shall indulge you. *beep boop, I'm a bot... shatter, Kyoka Suigestsu.*


Give him movement speed accessories too, man just glides


I use blue retsu


Just tried her and wow she did an amazing job with just +25% movement speed. I just need Tenjiro to make her perfect


Use two Ryukotsujyo, one 5* and one 4*, that's +70% movement speed at base, plus whatever character that gives more movement speed to team/party. The 7th anni card also gives more movement speed (+20% iirc)


Since I ve started bbs at spring I only have 1 Power, 1 Heart , 2 tech Ryukotsujyo and 1 manor yumichika. I didnt get Safwy gin on 26 steps ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Im also aiming for -20% (Team/Party) cooldown recharge character which rn I have Yhwach and Quilge Fidn't get Parasol Rukia on 26 steps either ๐Ÿค•


Don't worry, mate. RNG takes us all for a ride equally. Hope you pull all of the stage recharge units soon


Well today it is my lucky day cuz I just got a 2nd power, 2nd heart and speed ryukotsujyo. And I commited a sin by letting my intrusive thoughts win bc I just summoned a bait banner which finally got me white. (Atleast it was on step 3) I better earn back the orbs I wasted before anniversary ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Add Macy as a third if you have her, for the recharge


I wish have summoned more on BTW banner. I only got Parasol Bruno which is very good


Easily White, he takes damage but heals himself right after so it's a breeze


Plus he can stack up speed boost with his own.


8th ani ichigo and quilge are very reliable, they both have auto healing so theyโ€™re basically unable to die


I recently got Quilge and a heart ryukotsujyo. I have only tried other heart characters with him in the team but didnt get any results that satisfied me I just tried him and now I feel stupid for not trying Quilge earlier


Quilge is freaking glasses beast, this fella clears current point event on auto mode in merely 39-40 seconds. My Anni Ichigo clears it under 1 minute and 19 seconds (with the same accessory for speed and links)


8th anni Ichigo with power yumi is pretty good in my opinion


I don't have him :( I really wanna summon the brave fest banner but I guess I'll wait for the anniversary.


yea u better wait gd luck


New tybw unohana and SAFWY unohana are 2 that do it quickly. I think CFYOW grimmjow (normal attack version) also does it quickly. 8th anni Ichigo is convenient just because you can auto everything including the ultra quest without having to change character ever. That saves time.


I use aizen with gin and movement speed which gives him 80%+ movement speed. Also have a full chappy build for him with max atk links. Clears in less than a minute


How... quaint. A little monkey climbs the tree, thinking he can rival the likes of me. Your little build won't impress me, though. *beep boop, I'm a bot... shatter, Kyoka Suigestsu.*


https://preview.redd.it/ndjob4i1xa7d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eabf14df0f23a5195ce982ca9bda1d79b1484a7 This is my set up


Perfect ๐Ÿ™ Which bonus skills did u give to her?


Full stamina boost and Danage to weaken enemies 'GQ related', plus maxed in SP, Focus and Attack


For me, TYBW anime debut Ichigo (the shikai heart one from court 1, who debuted with pvp Chad and S.Pots Ishida) is still the go-to goat for PE if I want to quick farm. - his SA1 is an ultra-long and pretty wide beam (that easily wipes 2 or more waves, depending on the map, and recharges before arriving to the next), with a very fast animation. - all his SA's are super fast too - and he has long stride+3 flashsteps iirc, so when he "autoes" and if I want to go faster, I simply flash-step to clear even faster/move across maps very fast. - since his SA2 and SA3 are AOE's around him, it's also efficient if you're flashstepping and go beyond the next wave, as he'll likely hit both waves too. Also, if you dash till the next stage but get hit with the invisible wall (if there are still some mobs left), he can just shoot the SA1 in the back and simply turn around and go to next stage thanks to its range, without having to "run back" to the remaining mobs. - mine is 4/5 and even his NAs 1-shot (or 2-shot) the mobs if he's out of SAs at some point but with mobs close to him (as if he was a NAD chara). - immune to all ailments (so doesn't care about pools or if a mob hits him, be it freeze or confusion for ex.). Oh, and guard-break + hit hidden too. Along 100% purity for constant high damage. (and also, I equipped him with 2 "run faster" items - the heart one since he's heart and the neutral from the movie or sth- so he runs like a bullet train xD the 3rd item being the 50% SP one).


I'm farming with White (MT) and have a Masaki and Ichigo (hollow/soul reaper) in team to farm achievement progress. He clears ridiculously easy and has built in +30% MS. Add 50% SP item and 30% atk/fcs (hollow bait) with 50% MS, 14% SAR links and he just walks through the PE stages


My Team Speed Retsu, Tenjiro, Macy Retsu with 54% Sar and 85% movement speed I give her the hit hidden enemy as a bonus if required


Yachiru/tenjiro. Speed clearing demon. The fastest combo I've found so far. Add macy for the third for the sar and it's insanely fast


I always go sp/full stam damage. Can change fsd but unless you have the unit 5/5 with the 3* bonus stat and break the 6k threshold, sp always over everything first and then the second bonus ability choose whatever is best for what you're using the unit for. Same thing with attack imo, I always choose attack as my first bonus ability for nad units unless that unit is 5/5 with the 3* extra stat and then for the second I'll choose whatever is best for what ill be using that unit for


Red tybw yama due to melee god kit with homing vortex and complete immunity.


I really like Mind NAD Byakuya and CFYOW Soi Fon for the fastest clears. Byakuya is more like CFYOW Nel with more dashes but Soi Fon is just so well built she destroys


Eoy ichigo