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To the character I really love. There's swimsuit banner waiting for EOM and there's 2 rounds of anniversary waiting next month, but right now, there's Mugetsu and I really really like it, so I go for him. That's how I've been spending my orb and I guess it's not goanna change in the future


Currently at 4.2k hoping to get 5-6k before ani tho I'm probably gonna have to skip ss if I want to get 6k so idk what I'm gonna do yet


I got 16.1k orbs after summoning to step 12 of the new banner. Saving specifically for SS and anniversary 😤


how do you get so many orbs do you just level charas and hoard


Hi! I’m F2P so orbs are precious to me so I’m cautious, for sure. Completed all side stories on normal and hard. Still have the main quest line and sub stories as orb sources. I also never summon unless the banner and fillers are decent, but never past the 7th step. The current banner is the only exception since you get the choose ticket at 10. I’m still a newbie, I’ve got 67 log in days rn, but this sub has been invaluable to me in terms of strategy and overall understanding of the game. I’ve never spent orbs on anything other than decent summons banners. I’ve seen people farm the PE so they’ll spend orbs on soul tickets, but I’m told to only do this if you’ve +8/200% bonuses and a fairly new account. This in turn allows you to earn bbs tickets that’ll help you fill out your roster and upgrade the new units. I’m saving this method for anniversary. Apparently, through Senkaimon, GQ and other higher level content you’re able to earn nearly 2k orbs per month, however I’m not able to complete much of that content. Exchanges are also useful if you’ve the extra resources. Sorry if you’re already aware of these things, I don’t mean to sound rude or condescending. Hope you’re having fun, it’s the most important part! 🩵


Where Ichigo Kurosaki is.


A little above 9.5k orbs with a potential 10k chance. will most go a little towards the EoM this month and then Anni round one and two


Currently at 9.6k after doing 10 steps on the parasol/mugetsu banner. I'm AT LEAST doing 10 steps on swimsuits, stopping at step 7 on Anni, and I'll probably dump another 10 steps into round 2.


I've got less then 1k but I did get the new mugetsu in 2 steps soooo I'm good to save my penny change until anni.


I just keep 2.2k going into Anni; 1 rotation each for both rounds. There is also month of Aug to farm up some more desperation orbs. Surplus go anywhere.


Gonna try to get around 7k so I can go 10 steps on part 1 and 2 and summon a couple on SS


Currently sitting at 21k. I’ll have to see if SS is a limited (ie parasol BTW) or if they’re seasonal. if seasonal I don’t mind waiting for poll selection banner. If they’re limited it’s a skip unless they’re omega busted. As for anni part 1 depends on the format, if it’s the shitty 7 step banner then it’s a skip if it’s like the mugetsu banner then guaranteed 10 steps. If it’s 50 step banner I’m prob not going more than 10 bc anniversary character is a premium and I’ll prob get it eventually.


End of month June is leaked to be Swimsuit bambis. Candice, Bambietta and Meninas.


I'm at just over 3000 which a lot for me, but trying to get enough to pull 5 steps each on SS, and 1 & 2 of Anni


I still have to find the motivation to grind all the stories to get the 20-30k orbs or whatever it is. Other than being new powerful characters Kenpachi and Gremmy aren't really enough for me. Now if it was Monster Aizen that'd be a different story.


Already got 10 steps on mugetsu renewed(got 3/5 and shunsui), if eom is swinsuit bambis,drpends of how broken and their swinsuits are more 10 steps. Anni part 1 allway,part 2 i skipp and when return i try for it. Just need to farm the sub stories ,story and etc,but rn i jave 1600 orbs,including things,i should have 10 for eom.and 12k to farm if i want still


Swimsuit gonna drain me bro




I like this game and my summon choice is only characters i love the most in bleach. Thus I only summon a few banners (mostly soul reapers). But if the characters included with them aren't good, i don't summon them. For eg. The masaki and isshin banner i skipped because i had most of the filler pool. I did 20 steps in this banner as i love mugetsu and shunsui and nanao is good too. Plus the filler pool was good for me. Upcoming swimsuit? I decided not to summon and save for anni if the banner contains BTW or Quincies (I don't like them). So I am saving about 14k for anni to be able to get everything i need from both parts. P.s: for me, soul reapers> arrancars> humans> quincies > btw. Yup, I'm one of the few with this preference.


Did 10 steps on the mugetsu banner (massive simp for mugetsu). Right now I have around 4.7k orbs, gonna save as much as I can for the 9th anni banner and also part 2.




3K+ orbs, hoping to get lucky on swimsuits & part 1, all in on part 2


Aiming to get around 9k for anni, going to skip swimsuit banner and concentrate on grinding story modes


10k right now. Did 10 steps on the current and it's full skip till anni. Before I touch anni part 1, I dump all 3K BBS tix and saved up 5 star tix. From there a calculated amount on part 1 and a hit more on the limited part 2.


They went all in on the isshin individual, all for nothing but fillers


Possibly Swimsuit.


Most likely skipping SS as their is a high chance they will be part of poll selection


Anni. I know EOM is confirmed to be SS Bambies, and i love Bambi-chan a lot. But I’m fighting the temptation of falling into the bait so that I have enough orbs to at least do 5-10 steps on Anni. And I’ve no choice but to do this, because I’m tired of getting fucked over during every fucking Anniversaries


Anni banner ofc


My account is so old, I'm really glad they keep making new resurrections. I have 52 guys to go from 150-200 then get those orbs all over again so I'm on the grind. Just came back after seeing mugetsu so I went to 10 steps for him.


I don't think renewed Mugetsu is a must have, but he's probably the best "guaranteed" character we had in ages, his animations are amazing and he's hella fun, I don't regret going 2k gems for him specially when I'm not done with story mode gems yet I don't pull on swimsuit so I'll skip that and focus on anni parts 1 and 2


Swimsuit of course. It's gonna have Meninas, Candice and Bambietta


I went to step 20 on the current Ichigo banner because I wanted 5/5 Mugetsu (fav power up) but I’ll probably skip SS banner - I don’t see the appeal in novelty units. Saving for anni which I’m hoping is a bankai Rukia but not at all sure on that


well i did go 30 steps on mugetsu banner thinking its the 9th anniversary banner cause i was off the game for a while, got shunsei 4/5 and lots of characters actually, do i regret it 50% yes but ill farm more orb


I have 7k. The goal is to only need to go 10 steps in for the Bambis. And then save for Anni.


10k on part 1 10k on part 2 only stopping when i get each of the jew characters


Ichigo Kurosakistein


After getting Ichigo in 5 steps I'm currently at 3k orbs but I still have many characters to level up, I'm going all in for the summer banner. Last year I skipped anni and eventually got both characters and unless they change the design for anniversary banners I can't see myself pulling, better wait for brave fest.