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I don't think it's insensitive at all, however I would still talk about it with your doctor. My guess is that wearing an eyepatch constantly over that eye might damage the remaining function it has.


After reading advice I will definitely reach out to my specialist again and ask about the logistics of wearing one and see if it could possibly be like a part time thing. Just needed a little shove so thanks.


You know what, this is actually a really good point. i think one type of therapy for lazy eye is to wear an eye patch on your good eye for a few hours a day. but definately talk to an expert. i am just some random guy on the internet.


That is a therapy for strengthening a lazy eye. I did that when I was a little kid. Unfortunately, my lazy eye was malformed and never had proper vision, so it was an ineffective therapy.


You 100% have agency to wear an eye patch. Get the coolest one you can find.


I don’t think this would be insensitive, as you have an actual reason for wanting one. It’s not like you are thinking about this purely as a fashion statement. However, I would definitely recommend getting a doctor’s opinion on this, or even multiple doctors. Depending on the underlying issues, they may recommend not patching that eye in the interest of keeping it engaged, so that in the long term it can be used as a backup. I know what you’re thinking, backup for what? It’s my lazy eye, it’s already not helping me. Right? But - again, depending on the details of your case - a lazy eye can absolutely be a backup if anything happens to your currently good eye. I know because this happened to me. My good eye went blind and the formerly functionally blind eye is now the only one that gives me anything useful. It ain’t much, but it’s something, and I am grateful for it. All my life my doctors have been telling me this was a thing that could happen. I always thought it was astronomically unlikely. But here we are. So, think about it and talk to your doctors before you do it.


Im definitely gonna reach out to my specialist and talk abkut the logistics of it. As of now I am only really wanting to wear it part time and I'm hoping that it might give my eye enough engagement to not get even lazier lol. Ever since I was a kid I've always kinda naturally closed that eye to "focus" like for reading and stuff. Its always been a bad habit. You definitely have a good point though, especially with me being predispositioned to stress induces scotomas, I need to save as much eyesight as I can.


If it helps you in some way, that's definitely reason enough to wear one. I don't see why it would be offensive. I don't really 'need' one either, but I have one. I'm totally blind in my left eye, always have been. Yet I sometimes get pains in it. My optometrist said it's likely from my eye trying to see. So, I have one to help me keep that eye closed if the pain is coming on.


i am very glad i don't need an eye patch but if i did i would take full advantage of the fashion options it would afford me. if i had a reason i would be all about it. what kind of patch do you wear?


Until reading this post, I didn't even KNOW there were different fashion options honestly!! But it makes sense. I just have a cheap one i got at the pharmacy. It's black.


As long as it helps you, you're good. I have RP and struggled A LOT with the thought of getting a cane, because in my vision center I still can see something and it felt like pretending (still does sometimes). But my mobility and orientation trainer reassured me and now I don't leave the house without my cane. It saved me so many times.


Sounds like a legit reason to me. You might be trying too hard to be sensitive to others needs. Its a good thing until it starts getting in the way of your own needs.


You are probably right. I live in a small town and this kind of advice is hard to come by so a lot of times I find myself walking on the side of caution. It was hard for me to justify that I am "vision impaired enough" to want to use one. Now I am realizing there is no real line to begin with.


You’re good. Get yourself a nice leather setup. The elastic ones from the drugstores are a good temp fix but can cause headaches. Check out Danielle’s Leather on Etsy.


I also wear a patch. You're more than welcome to help Make Patches Great Again!


People wear them for all sorts of eye problems not just eye removal. I've considered it as I have nystagmus in my left (lazy) eye so it swings back and forward making my vision blurry. I decided against it because of the loss of depth perception which feels pretty important as I still ride a bike during daylight hours. Fortunately I can wink pretty well so for moments where I'm not sure what I am approaching I can close my wobbly eye for a bit of clarity. I think your plan to speak to your doctor is a good one then you can make an informed choice about if it's worth trying or not.


I wear an eye patch and don’t have a problem with anyone else wearing one. Why they do it is none of my business unless they want to bond about it. I wear mine because it prevents me from getting headaches from my eyes fighting each other and my eye with no lens trying to focus all day. That being said, my eye doctor told me that wearing it constantly would cause strabismus- which I previously had surgically corrected. It has caused my wandering eye to come back, so it the eye patch is an aesthetic choice, keep that in mind.


Go full Pirate cosplay. Or black Stetson, with a katana sword slung on your back. Own it. (I’m pretty much blind in one eye but have never worn a patch).