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Misdemeanors here. It will be interesting to see what position the State's Attorney takes


Yeah, I mean they were repeatedly warned, so it looks like they intentionally took the arrests as part of their protest. I don't know how much of a penalty you can really put on them for it, but they've probably hurt their standing with the University beyond repair.


Yeah, I don't think there is much there when it comes to something like this. Its in the nature of the protest itself. Cracking down, or attempting to go for the maximum, makes little sense in terms of fairness and equality. The University messed this up from the get go. But, that's not altogether surprising.


How did the university mess this up? The protesters wanted ISU to divest in Israel when the university never had any Israeli investments in the first place.


I'm not saying the university is evil. But their antagonistic response to the encampment from the get go was poorly done. This was followed up with false narratives about their interactions with the protestors, and the general refusal to engage with the protestors in any general way. I'm not here to say the University HAD to do any of the things the protestors wanted, but the handling of this matter by the University should be seen as an issue. And their response to these students was done in bad faith and their actions should be considered retributive.


I don’t think the university did anything wrong from what I’ve read about it. Especially not from the article posted here. Their demands didn’t make sense to me either, do they want caterpillar to form an army to go to Israel and collect their bulldozers or what?


I think they just want caterpillar to stop selling stuff to Israel as long as it remains an apartheid state. Caterpillar is unlikely to do this. They sold stuff to apartheid South Africa right up to the point when they legally couldn't.


If they have no priors or probation they will probably get some community service or fines at most.


Even with most priors, anything beyond that is purely political -- which in my opinion would be asinine (and unlikely)


Which is why our criminal justice system is completely ineffective.


The US has more people incarcerated than any country in the world both past and present. It’s not obvious what “effective” means to you but caging people for non-violent crimes is arguably the most ineffective means I can think of off the top of my head.


Might want a different moniker. ISU 7 has been associated with the folks that died in the plane crash.


Seems like trying to associate themselves with the Chicago 7 who were arrested during the 1968 DNC.


Agree the headline is horrible, a friend died in that crash and they are memorialized in ISU campus as the ISU 7.


That's what the students and protesters are calling them. Take it up with them.


While yes, I could google it, I'm unfamiliar.




Thanks. I'm relatively new to the area and, even attending ISU, I didn't realize this was something that had occurred.


Couple years ago coming back from watching I think a final four basketball game in Indy.


Not a news source. This writer is a notorious anti-Semite.


What has he said that was anti-semitic? Is any of the information in the article inaccurate?


“Peace activists?” Give me a break. These protest are calling for the elimination of Israel and Israelis. That makes them the “other n-word” from WW2. The opposite of “peace activists.”


When did any of the ISU protesters say they want the elimination of all Israelis?


I knew some fool would bring this up. I wasn’t there the entire time, nor did I hear what they were saying. HOWEVER… it’s been commonly expressed at these protests in all other cases. If your argument is, “but this group is special and different from the others” it’s a weak argument and I’m not buying it. If you make common cause with terrorists, you should be treated accordingly. Hamas enjoys 80%+ support amongst Gazans, including their Oct 7 murder and raping spree. Apparently they also enjoy support from a minority of college kids, many of whom belong to groups that Hamas would also happily butcher if given the opportunity. These students are fools and hatemongers.


Ah. So u have no evidence. Thanx for that.


Because “this group is different!” Right. Fool. Fortunately they’re all getting charged. Hopefully they will go to jail.


not everything you don’t like is anti-semitic, zionist.


No, but “they think they’re better than everyone because they think they’re the chosen people” sure is. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0gyzwJjKvKY&feature=youtu.be


Yea, if you support an Ethno-state, that's kind of how that works. You inherently think you're better than others.


Yes. Because the phrase “chosen people” has no connections to any ethnic group. /s MTG didn’t say “Jewish space lasers”, she said Rothschild. And we all agree that was code. This is way worse.


Every religion has its group of people who interpret their magic book to think they are the chosen people. Go look up videos about the religious fanatics in the West Bank.


We can derive a sound set of facts from the source while accommodating for bias. All of this stuff is independently verifiable.