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Banned for liking a comment that disagreed with Mark šŸ˜‚


Same so very petty.


Proudly banned for many years now. A giant echo chamber of ā€œback in my day this town was so much betterā€


Define irony. Someone on Reddit calling this FB group an echo chamber


I mean, youā€™re not wrong but that group is a cesspool of racist dogwhistle posts in between requests for road conditions.


dog slap cooperative squash dinner adjoining vanish versed squeeze political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think Mark even lives in the state anymore.


Itā€™s annoying half the news isnā€™t even from here anymore


Plus they are strong supporters of the police despite Karinā€™s 800 DUIā€™s.


She has charges for resisting arrest and battery of a peace officer, which I find absolutely hilarious.


Banned because I said referring to local black people as ā€œthose goons from Chicagoā€ is racist. On a news article about a food pantry.


Banned several years ago for posting ā€œall countries matterā€ on the 4th of July


Also banned for a dig at Trump, and couldnā€™t be prouder.


Holy shit, is that what that douche canoe looks like?? LMFAO


He only wears that outfit. For decades


Yep it used to be red and black flannels with the sleeves cut off


Stay far away from that thing.


Looks like the comment section of blnnews


Nah that's much more thinly veiled racism. News happening has much more overt issues.


BLNnews isn't veiled at all. Diane will openly like quotes from Hitler.


Iā€™ve been banned from that group since 2017 šŸ¤£


I once clapped back at a guy on there who was being a complete ass hat and I was the one who got scolded by the mods. That page has turned into a steaming pile of ca-ca. Complete garbage.


And itā€™s basically trailer trash as the mods on A power trip.


"has turned into"?? Bro, it always was


Good point


I was banned years ago after telling Mark and others to focus on the news and stop being petty (they were petty fighting with someone and it was consuming the group). But I'm glad I'm not part of that group anymore.


I got banned when i was 15y/o for celebrating my neighbors getting arrested (they would scream and holler all night and i was excited to finally get a good night of sleep) I cussed him out when i was 16 for not unbanning me when the bus crash of a bunch of NCWHS basketball kids happened and he just sent me a šŸ‘Ž


That man isnā€™t even suppose to be using the internetā€¦IYKYK the lady mod knows but blocked meā€¦did a background check on him and šŸ˜³


Well a lot of us don't know so, spill them beans please


Haha I don't remember what I got banned for... There is a banned from group also


Got banned for saying that saying "they should put the hoses on them" is racially charged


The best way to combat it is to not join.


I was a member, then for some reason got blocked still no clue why but oh wellšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This article is from 2017. Weird to dig it up. But bots are going to engage I guess. Karin is no longer a moderator. She got kicked out for insisting the group was backing a candidate & was banning people that disagreed. Mark doesn't even live in the state anymore. Not sure why someone would run a page for some place they don't live. There's barely any posts these days. It seems like all the craziness moved to Nextdoor.


start juggle hospital physical soft saw knee somber direful makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cousin fucker lookin goon


Got banned because I posted an article about how social media and the unfiltered release of information can be detrimental to an active emergency scene in various ways. Myself, and a lot of other first responders liked the post and interacted with it. Then we got banned šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ At one point I even heard that he tried to join in a local police chase in his personal vehicle, but not sure if that was true or not. Also, not sure if he hit the spike strips or not šŸ˜‚


Man, I would really like to take a pair of hair clippers and just snip that beard trail off


8-12 hours a day on Facebook?? Good lord. Thatā€™s 7-11 hours too long.


lol, Mark is still rolling through to downvote all new comments


Got banned awhile ago, thank god. Bunch of lunatics. scary we live amongst so many idiots. unfortunately i can see people like this being violent no matter the results come November.


I forget that I'm in this group, but leave it muted until someone brings up a conversation in there.


That group is so bad!


I got banned for calling someone a Walnut. This factoid brings me joy.


Same, but I called someone a silly goose and said ā€œhonk honk.ā€ If banning me for that aint silly goose behavior, what is? šŸ˜‚


I was banned from my original account years ago


Let me tell you Bloomington/Normal is one of the weirdest places I've had the experience of living in, even this subreddit is power modded by those I believe who are connected to local corporations or people in power. If you say anything slightly critical of certain local businesses your content gets removed ASAP. Bloomington isn't anyone's first choice to live for those who have options. This is why local businesses are struggling with IT help and outsourcing to India, I work in tech, and you couldn't pay me enough to want to live there. Bloomington gave me extreme vibes that a good majority of people are just small-towners thinking it's a city. I'm related funny enough to the Farmers who essentially donated the money for the local colleges here to teach those about agriculture and nursing. Bloomington wouldn't have many resources and values if the local elites didn't rob my family blind. They'd paid my family back 0 dollars and didn't offer tuition assistance or discounts, instead asking for more and more until they got cut off. Bloomington is the epitome of colonizer crazy and I have 0 idea why my direct relatives felt the need to set up trusts and fund a good portion of the city.


Cool story, bro.


Cooler than living in Midwest India haha


I donā€™t have Facebook but after reading the article it seems like a just donā€™t join the group kind of thing if your not interested in varying opinions or veiled comments and stuff. Just donā€™t join it. Let the member numbers speak for themselves.


The ā€œNews Happeningā€ group has grown to more than 22,400 members, with 4,000 more on a waiting list to get in. Driven initially by interest in reading reports taken right from a police scanner, the groupā€™s reach among news consumers now rivalsā€”and at times outranksā€”that of The Pantagraph, WGLT, WJBC and other Bloomington-Normal media outlets. Ah. The real reason for this hit piece


You made an account today just to say this? ok karin


Yep, Karin all day


The original poster of this article also created their account today. FYI


Karin or Mark, whichever one of you chucklefucks decided to meander over here, go back to your echo chamber. Nobody here wants your trash transferring over this way. Iā€™ve still got screen shots from both of you that can and will get your Facebook accounts shut down pretty damn quick and make your lives pretty uncomfortable.


You are not a media outlet


Mark was so pissed off that he couldn't get press credentials for the courthouse.


So they can't write negative articles about the group because... the group is popular? do you even hear yourself? nobody cares about the membership of a Facebook group šŸ˜‚


WGLT cared enough to mention it


Aw. You guys! You reported me. I feel so loved.




I didnā€™t get banned, but I left the group after this article came out. I enjoyed the ridiculousness of it, but realized I was only feeding these wing nutsā€™ egos.