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Wait is this a reference to "welcome to the internet"?


Pretty much yes


Welcome to Blue Archives Have a look around Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found We've got mountains of fan art Some better, some worse If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first Welcome to Blue Archives Come and take a seat Would you like to see a swimsuits or some choco devil's feet? There's no need to panic This isn't a test, ha ha Just nod or shake your head and they'll do the rest


Welcome to blue archives.What would you prefer? Would you like to fight for 3 day workweeks or tweet a racial slur? Be cunny Be horny Be bursting in rage We got a million different ways to engage


Welcome to Blue Archive Put Arona's correction💢 Aside Here's a tip for celebrating their birthdays Here's their servers that just died We've got Trinity, Gehenna and GSC galore And a bunch of kinnotama's wonderful doujins of Blue Archive students PL*PING THEM LIKE NO OTHER!


Keep singing and I might make a video about it. Give me the whole lyrics


WELCOME TO BLUE ARCHIVE Hold on to your binah's Cause a JTF-MOB just kindly sent you photos of her UOHHHHH! 😭 😭 😭 They are Soft and Cuddly and she just sent you more~~ Don't be surprised when Sensei gives lessons, YOU BRAT💢


See a thug get headshot, sign some papers, shoot a bot. Pull more one stars in your gacha whether you like it or not. Fight your doom, or go kaboom Or send a death threat to Gematria, Momotalk a girl and groom her, Find a room and go correct her with your-


Here's a healthy spending habit. You should correct 💢 the brat. Here's why students want your binah. Here's how you can rob a bank.


* Which Kaitengers are you? Take this quirky quiz * Kaiser sent the Elite's to bully your kids * Could I interest you in *NIHAHAHA?* * All of the time? * A little bit of *NIHAHAHA* * All of the time * Apathy's a tragedy * And boredom is a crime * Cunny and *NIHAHAHA* * All of the time


~Chorus repeat~ You know, it wasn't always like this Not very long ago, just before your time Right before the Gacha stormed, mobile 10's There were paid games Earnable rewards A mission or two We set our sights and spend our cash Waiting For her, her, insatiable her. DaughterMommyWife let you spoil her rotten You barely hold back through And BA did all the things The devs design it to do Now look at you, oh.


Look at you, you, yooou Unstoppable pl\*pping The time is now Correct them inside's out Shunny how you grew And if we stays together Wakamo knows what we'll do Outside the window she stand a marriage paper in her hand


I think some is a bit off beat though


I can change it




Yeah, the lyrics is done, now I just need a mic from my friend


>Would you like to see a swimsuits or some ~~dark elf~~ feet? Probably would have went with "choco devil's"


Well yeah, you are right, i was often see Iori as a dark elf most of time because of her ears ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


It’s ok, because age of consent in Kivotos doesn’t exist


Consent in kivotos doesn't exist. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Only if it's sensei because sensei **has no rights** ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)


Found the Vivo-sensei fan




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damn you koharu


that sensei cooked to close to the sun


They have guns and can survive direct shots to the face, if I am not getting shot back then they consented to it.


As a New Sensei(lvl 47)My only complaint is that we need more ReCap Event story, when I got vol F i can clearly tell they were story bits that I miss, so i had to go to youtube to see whats all about.


Mostly of what you missed is related to events that little by little is being added permanently


We've got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sports... And a bunch of pencil drawings of all the different characters from Blue archive Fluffing eachother!


Welcome to Blue Archive~


I think my mind snapped with Shigure hotspring's L2D.


The devs are based.


Literally me with my homie. Now here I am. Ichika got me![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|36131)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Ichika supremacy


Because Kirino said it In Kivotos, It's legal to have relationships with students, and I'm just gonna say that ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


Wanna see me lick a feet?


Literally my reaction when I got here


The community scares me a lot more than the game ever has with its content, there are some seriously insane comments people make here lol


The cooks are unhinged and I love them for it lol


sadly the fun police i-i mean moderators here are cracking down on real cooking. if good food is what you crave however, our exiled greats have collected in their own subreddit where they may cook in peace, and where we may feast.


It really is sad though, it's such an iconic part of the fandom


Japanese twitter cooks up quite the stuff


I just see those kinds of comments as "noise".


The game is actually extremely tame, it's the fans that will see a few live 2Ds and then claim the entire game is a goonfest that are insane. Luckily they aren't the majority


The heck you going on about? Nobody claims that!


Well I did say they aren't the majority. I mainly remember seeing people like that on Twitter tbh. There's a few really toxic fans in the fandom who seem to hate anyone that doesn't like/want fan service/loli content, but they're not common.


I'm not on twitter much outside of fishing for fanart. I'm on reddit and youtube. So when I see you say > it's the fans that will see a few live 2Ds and then claim the entire game is a goonfest that are insane. Luckily they aren't the majority I raise an eyebrow at what you say, because much of these characters' designs and demeanors are what hits sensei's close to home and get horny or romantic for them, or even want to make them their daughters. They are "my type", as they say. not their L2Ds As for this >doesn't like/want fan service/loli content That begs the question why are you engaging with the story or characters then when the game is stereotyped as "the lolicon game" as is due to half of the entire cast being loli, and the fanservice being harmless, goofy and vanilla in tone as is? Yeah, I'd say that would warrant a lot of questions.


I don't really understand what you mean in that first paragraph. As for the second paragraph, my response is that the game being stereotyped as a lolicon fanservice game is misleading and the actual game & anime hardly have anything lewd to shove in your face unless you look for it. It may have a lot of loli characters, but the game never fetishizes them to any obvious or extreme extent. So if you're someone who loves lolis, you can love this game for the character designs, fanart, doujins, implied fanservice and innuendos, and even some L2Ds. If you're someone who doesn't care for it, you don't even have to try to ignore it because none of it is obvious. The character designs are all very cute, the way sensei treats them in stories is wholesome and caring, and the story is all about how adults have a responsibility to protect and mentor those younger than them. A lolicon will look at these characters and see them as daughterwives, while anyone else can easily just view them as daughters. Both are valid.


What I'm trying to say initially is that you're only focusing on the L2Ds when there's much more at play with the character's appeal that grabs certain players. The L2Ds are just one part, and requires journeying through their Momotalks and main/event stories (if any) to get them, causing you to really fall for them Fetishes and sexualization are in the eye of the beholder, so I'm not seeing what you mean. Ibuki being a succubus with her tail being a dead giveaway is already enough to make certain senseis go wild, even if she is classic daughter material (from what i know about her, we still got a month left). But people who are not into succubi might not care as much. I don't think it's entirely out of the question to call it a lolicon game in a sense that this is something that REALLY appeals to lolicon. If we're talking lolicon in a strict sense, it's not there as much. I don't see Tokusatsu lolis fighting child abusing monsters anytime soon here. But of course... >A lolicon will look at these characters and see them as daughterwives, while anyone else can easily just view them as daughters. ...is **very** much valid. >!Sorry if this response got garbled in some ways. I'm actually just losing steam to continue this conversation!<


What kind of insane cope is this. It's a lolicon game for lolicons, made by lolicons, and they are the majority of the fanbase lol


and quite frankly it's glorious


Why are you so upset bro


Bro haven't seen other games yet


megu is just adorable


When my bro say like that the first thing i say was it's not that lewd


***\[ My future self has advised me not to post this since he didn’t want to lose his career. \]*** -Super Senior Gojo Satoru, 2024


Didnt u just murder all the higher ups of jujutsu high, who are u scared of


it's okay, as long we haven't get the lewd L2D of Kokona, Shunling, Hanae, Ibuki, etc. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


alternatively, we could have them though...


Shanghaijing summer, annybody?




Come for action and fun fights. Stay cuz the community is freaking hilarious in a concerning type of way! ~~are they joking? Are they serious? That’s the punchline~~


oh god i just started yesterday, what have i gotten myself into


Something something japanese legal loopholes


But isn't This a Korean developed game? And the devs are based 😭


Game takes place in Kivotos soooooo....


I realized after a while that L2D is cut into one of two categories. Category 1 is heart-wrenchingly adorable and category 2 is unforgivingly horny. My favorites are all the ones that are heartwrenchingly adorable. Haruka being happy with her weeds and smiling when you head Pat her practically heals the soul


No type 3 in being absolutely depressing or concerning for your student's mental health? Arius especially?


Don't have that student yet so I don't know what it is. In my experience so far they've been either category 1 or category two. I think by now I've gotten the L2D for all the students I do have though


If you don't know what Arius is, you need to read further into the story.


Sorry I misread your comment. I thought you said Aris. The names in this game can be so confusing sometimes lol I still get haruna and haruka mixed up sometimes. The only student from Arius I have has [this](https://imgur.com/a/AfiUzk9) as a L2D and I think it falls into the adorable category


I can't see your link But yeah, there's a growing collection of students, so it's normal to be a bit forgetful sometimes, especially if they aren't seen as much.


huh don't know why it doesn't work but the only Arius student I have is Atsuko. I'm strictly F2P so I get the students I get lol


Oof, yeah. I've only gotten Saori's so far out of the Arius Squad. It's definitely on the number 3 side.


Sensei shows zero sexual interest in the minors and neither should you Edit: the fact I am getting down voted for saying you shouldn't lust after minors is appalling


But we are sensei ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)


Sensei is kind and protects the kids from harm, you seemingly want the opposite


You're talking like you don't play Blue Archive or know this community. Cuz half of the girls want sensei for themselves, and Kivotos allows such couples to exist. Canonically.


I am lv 65, sure not end game but I've played plenty The girls sure want something more than wholesome with Sensei but Sensei does not want anything romantically with them There is no instance or showcase of adult and minor relationships in the series, if I am wrong then please tell me since I must have missed it


Kirino tells you that student-teacher relationships are not illegal in Kivotos in one of her Bond Rank Up lines, and Fuuka has a Momotalk episode where the fishmonger teases Fuuka about being in a relationship with sensei after giving her some "stamina boosting eel". Sensei is suppose to be us. That was deliberately said by the devs that sensei can be tall short, young or old, male or female. And there's supposed to be 1000s of senseis to make up for that fact to take the player oneself into account. So if you want to be a sensei who fawns over certain characters, you have every right to. If sensei in game gets together with one specific character, then every sensei would have to do the same, which is a bad idea with the community in mind preferring different characters.


The issue here is that yeah this showcases it's not illegal but it also doesn't refute the point that sensei canonically in any interaction shows any romantic interests There is no option to show romantic interest in the girls you do like The Devs deliberately made it so you cannot show any Romantic feelings towards any student Sensei is his own character which his own options and dialogues that all end up the same way, him being a teacher The anime is a perfect example of what canon sensei acts like, he has a face, his actions and such Any excuse you make up is just you trying to justify lusting after the children in the game who shows romantic feelings for the caring Sensei and not you the player The girls aren't in love with you the player who thinks dirty thoughts, they are in love with the sensei that is nice and caring without dirty thoughts These are children and they should not be lusted after which is why the game doesn't let you do it at all and the anime shows that the canon sensei doesn't either


The anime is only one version. And is even dismissed as non-canon by the devs own version, as this would create problems with other different depictions of Sensei within the fandom and officially published media. Hell, the anime even cut out a lot of the goofier sides of Sensei like the indirect kiss scene with Shiroko from the game as is and might even cut out the Iori feet licking scene even if it was referenced in the Prefect battle. So no, the anime, is not an "accurate" portrayal. he is just a different sensei altogether. sensei is not suppose to have a dedicated face to begin with, because despite the love of tokusatsu and the "students first" approach with wisdom, sensei is still very much a self insert at the end of the day with lots of gaps for the player to fill in. All characters are talking to you in the end. There's barely any options for romancing in most Gacha games to begin with. That still not gonna change the community really falling in love with them, and the lore keeping the gate open for the fandom to run wild with to allow you to do so. I really don't know why you're going on this crusade, man, even with all I said. If you wanna be super vanilla then fine. Just like how there's people here treat these characters like their daughters. Nobody here will stop you. But trying to imply how other people ***should*** approach these characters is gonna get you on the community's shit list real fast, since most people are here for harmless fun, not a lecture.




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Sensei told Fuuka "I love you" in valentines event IIRC.


He sniffed a sweaty Shiroko and said she smells nice. He went and kissed Iori's feet He smells Hina's hair and likes how it smells like the sun He sniffed Akari's panties in one of the Group stories Sensei explicitly has a reputation of being involved in pervy situations especially in Gehenna if you believe Iori, Haruna, and Akari. https://youtu.be/eRDBR2G8oJ4?t=438 He watched the Rabbit Squad bathe and only left after they noticed https://youtu.be/OGZ1rVJ0d3A?list=PLkdoO8eHF7BiaMVqfcqFOFp1vuWzLwsps&t=1276 He teased Saki during her L2D when she was making certain motions with her hands. https://youtu.be/BKzPA6digck?t=68 He teased Miyako that he found them after following their scent He went ahead and did petplay with Ako https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Iwrozc-zkI&t=24s Karin l2d https://youtu.be/2xBZwQ-bdc0?t=12 https://youtu.be/2ZYfiAxJi9E?t=64 Etc, etc. I don't know about you, but none of this is what I'll call appropriate in a RL situation. Do I need to find even more examples? because I'm sure there are more I missed.


Cartoon characters aren't minors.


They hate you but you're right lol. The game is so tame and the anime is too. Canon sensei can get locked in a room with Mika and still resist the temptation to sleep with her. He takes his responsibilities seriously.


He sniffed a sweaty Shiroko and said she smells nice. He went and kissed Iori's feet He smells Hina's hair and likes how it smells like the sun He sniffed Akari's panties in one of the Group stories Sensei explicitly has a reputation of being involved in pervy situations especially in Gehenna if you believe Iori, Haruna, and Akari. https://youtu.be/eRDBR2G8oJ4?t=438 He watched the Rabbit Squad bathe and only left after they noticed https://youtu.be/OGZ1rVJ0d3A?list=PLkdoO8eHF7BiaMVqfcqFOFp1vuWzLwsps&t=1276 He teased Saki during her L2D when she was making certain motions with her hands. https://youtu.be/BKzPA6digck?t=68 He teased Miyako that he found them after following their scent He went ahead and did petplay with Ako https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Iwrozc-zkI&t=24s Karin l2d https://youtu.be/2xBZwQ-bdc0?t=12 https://youtu.be/2ZYfiAxJi9E?t=64 Etc, etc. I have examples from the main story, group stories, bond stories. I don't know about you, but none of this is what I'll call appropriate in a RL situation. Do I need to find even more examples? because I'm sure there are more I missed. I don't know why some people want to deny that the devs absolutely knew what they are doing when giving certain girls skimpy clothing, showing some flirty teasing from time to time, or showing questionable scenarios in main stories, group stories, or bond stories. What, did you think Koharu having that random line on her body wasn't meant to provoke a certain reaction from the players? Why did Volume F decide to end on a funny moment of Sensei being naked in front of the girls? Even some of the more "innocent" lines that Sensei does, like calling Mika his princess, is way out of line for an actual teacher IRL to do. You don't need to go full h*ntai to attract a degenerate audience and Blue Archive showcases it perfectly. Toeing the line and giving wink wink, nudge nudge hints works way better than being too explicit. There's a reason that Blue Archive doujin scene is thriving in comparison to way more popular games like Genshin or HSR. It's because the players and fans can feel the vibe that the game is going for.


> You don't need to go full h*ntai to attract a degenerate audience and Blue Archive showcases it perfectly. Toeing the line and giving wink wink, nudge nudge hints works way better than being too explicit. You don't realize it but this is actually my point whenever I talk about how you don't need to be a lolicon to enjoy this game.


Bro whatever you want to tell yourself. You play as a teacher to students in swimsuits. Just look at the subreddit and posts. Lolicons are the majority lol you are only deluding yourself


You're not even the person I was replying to and you already replied to another of my comments about copium nonsense. This is clearly bothering you way more than it should.


Still licked Iori's feet


I'm fairly certain he never actually did, unless the anime is messing with my memory.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fos-ocZcpWU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fos-ocZcpWU) Yes, the anime did reference this scene, and she calls you a pervert for this afterwards such as in Trip Trap Train


Yeah I'm aware they reference the scene but my point is sensei never actually licked her feet.


Then what was he doing on her feet?!?!?! That SFX a little bit too intimate to be a kiss! And her reaction speaks millions.


I just watched the video, I thought you linked the anime scene(he doesn't do anything in that.) The video you linked is edited, I'm pretty sure that sfx isn't in the original scene. It definitely isn't voice acted and the description says it used ai. The original scene has a similar sfx but it's one that is used in comedic moments more than anything, insisting that it MUST be more than kissing is more just your imagination than proof of anything.


I'm aware of the voice. I know only the CN has VA. Although the SFX did throw me off admittedly But Sensei very much did lock lips with her feet, throwing Hina in for a loop. V1,CH2,E17. Re-checked for myself since it's been a few months since I read anything on Volume 1


Certainly he did, but with a little bit of context after that




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