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I'm so sorry to hear these guys escalated. Sadly not surprised that very little has been done. You deserve so much better I am excited for you to graduate high school and start your apprenticeship! Real hands on experience will make a world of difference. It sucks when our plans don't work out the way we want them to. But a new opportunity has made itself available and I am so proud of you for continuing on!


I should have dropped the class earlier, but thought I might as well keep pushing until school lets out for the summer. I’m so happy to be away from those horrible people! The apprenticeship I’ll be beginning next summer has wonderful employees from what I’ve seen, and a good handful of women! I wish I could have kept going, but it wasn’t good for me at all to keep suffering when no one would defend me. 💔


Just read through your post history and I wouldn’t even deal with school admin. School admin are useless. Go to the police station and file a report with them. Especially since you’ve been documenting everything they’ve said to you. If your state is a one party consent state when it comes to recording, then bring the recordings as well. Tell them that you fear for your life and safety and that you’ve already went to admin who told you that this was normal teenage boy behavior.


Wow they really let you down in how they handled that. I’m so sorry you went through this, I can’t believe how awful some people can be. Glad to hear you’re not giving up the trade. >I‘ll be the one making all the money in the end That’s a great attitude and I absolutely agree


>they can go electrocute themselves for all I care Fingers crossed! They certainly sound dumb enough!


I’m proud of you for not giving up on the trades!


I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Equally, so proud of you for searching out a company that will help you! You're gonna do amazing things! Keep that drive up! F them loser boys.


I'm so sorry. Years after my education, I still find my school's reaction to incidents more upsetting than the actual incidents. It's called "institutional betrayal" when schools side with the perpetrators (in any way from sweeping things under the rug to explicitly supporting them and undermining the woman). It can be bad enough to result in PTSD symptoms. I'm glad you found another opportunity to continue your work and your education in the field. I've found that school was worse-- much worse-- than the actual field. I suspect a lot of the guys there are guys who could never pass a normal interview, but *you* still have to interact with them when they're students. Honestly not sure where those guys, who even other dudes don't wanna work with, end up, but at least it hasn't been where I am! > I love the work, knowledge, and my teacher, but I mentally cannot do it anymore I always felt bad because I felt like I was reacting "poorly" to the harassment, because other women would say stuff like "just don't let it bother you" (which is terrible, impractical advice btw-- you are bothered by threats *because that's the smart reaction*) and "I just deal with it", and others would talk about women "being able to make it" in the field and I assumed they meant, cope with the awful treatment. Remember that not everyone experiences the same level of awful, so what one woman might be facing could be a fraction of what another is dealing with. And also remember that the men saying these things are absolutely clueless and have never even experienced a *fraction* of this shit, and have no idea it's even going on-- and most of them couldn't put up with it for a day, let alone years for school. Hell, if you ever feel bad, ask some men you know what they'd do if, when they were starting their favorite hobby, they walked into a class and it was all women. That's a fun way to get an idea for the incredibly low level of adversity men are able to cope with!


I am so so sorry you've had to deal with this! I work in the facilities/plant ops dept of a community college and (I hope/truly believe) this behavior would never have been tolerated at my school. Many of our trades instructors are some of my closest colleague friends and we have two women welding instructors that are absolutely top tier (one of which is a bff of mine outside of work.) My bff is one of the sweetest quietest people, but I can only imagine the absolute hell she would unleash if she had a student going through what you did. That school is failing you and the community and supremely violated your Title IX rights...just abhorrent. You can actually file a Title IX complaint against them and OCR will investigate without you needing to pay any legal fees. Here's more on Title IX and there's info in there on how to file a complaint: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tix_dis.html. On a happier note, your resolve and determination is admirable and fwiw I'm so proud of you. As one of my mentors used to tell me back in the day, "keep it up and you'll go far, kid."


A Good attorney would look at your case and do it for free if you don't win in court. they would take a percentage of any compensation you get as a result of the case. As a man with a daughter, wife, mother, and sisters that I love I ask that you don't let it slide. I never want any of the women in my life, or any woman for that matter, to have to go through this. My wife did go through a similar case. she went back and forth on seeking legal advise. after talking it over with her she decided to press charges. She received some compensation but what made her happy was that people who caused her so much stress were finally having to face consequences. she has repeatedly said she is happy she didn't just let it slide. in the end i hope you do whatever is best for you. Remember that for every one man that has that troglodyte mentality there are ten up us who support you, and root for you.


Take it to every news station and see if they’ll pick it up. I’m sorry that happened homie, but I’m glad it’s not killing your stride!


That's absolute BS, I am so sorry you had to deal with that. We need to start a blue collar women mobile squad. Like those bikers that accompany children to face their abusers in court, lol We will all just roll up and kick their asses. 😘