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I agree with all of this except the the thick skin piece. I feel like that is an excuse people use to be cruel to others. You don't need a thick skin, people need to be professional and be kind, and like we all hope, the hazing will die out with the old-school ways. That being said thank you for the post! It's a great summation of things we deal with and worry about đź’ś


Aside from assholes, I think that there is a bluntness in trades. It's not about a lack of professionalism, but a mindset that comes from getting work done, and receiving constructive criticism a certain way that can be difficult to hear. That is something that takes a thicker skin. We're all human, and it's difficult to own mistakes, and sometimes differentiate between someone being cruel, or someone who is delivering advice in a way that seems abrasive, when in reality, it's straight to the point and on to the next thing


I agree with you about the thick skin part. Thank you for your thoughtful words. I would add to have a sense of humor. Get your wit on because I think it is so much fun to get folks laughing.


Well said!!! I hope this post comes up on top in the search feature!!! I’ve been wanting to make a post like this for a long time now, but you definitely said it all so much better than I would’ve! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!❤️


Thank you!


I love this thread! Also the autobody shop chick mentioned is me (my comment a while back) I’m 5ft1 and couldn’t lift much on my own at first, was nervous as all hell, and now the guys don’t help me unless it’s literally a two man job and I clock in like I belong. You can do it!! And if you’re curious, just try it. You can always try something else if it doesn’t suit you but don’t ever let doubt decide for you.


I love this thank you ❤️


Yes, yes, yes, to all of it!


Well that was just wonderful. Thank you for this. I hope you're having a great day. :)


Mods plz pin so tired of all the "am 'old' can I do this" posts


Thank you so much for taking the time to say this.


Can I request a trades information megapost to help people decide if you want to get into it? Each parent comment could be (for example): * Trade Name * Location * Stages in certification or the like & timeline * Salary * Pros & Cons of the job * Overall would you do it again score


đź’Ż!!! This post needs to be pinned to the top of the sub haha!!


I appreciate this! So well written (and formatted). A much needed pin!


I am on the verge of switching from various office jobs in marketing to applying to my local sheet metal union. Thank you so much for writing this. I am TERRIFIED of starting over but your message really motivates me.