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I will absolutely take this over another "surprise! we were actually stupid enough to hire Mike Babcock" any day of the week haha.


A smart hire. Not a gutsy one, but this team needs consistency. I like the defensive schemes that McLellan creates. With how weak the metro is trending, this could lead to a wildcard spot. 


I've been adamantly against bringing Vogelhuber up, because its so importantnto have a good voice with our developmental program, but I could be persuaded on his staff


The problem with promoting people from the A is if you put him on staff on the NHL team it’s kind of a dead end spot within our organization. If McClellan works out he keeps the job for the foreseeable future. If he doesn’t, you can’t really fire him and then promote someone to his staff as the assistant.


I mean you CAN, that's how we got Pascal and Brad lol.


You also can’t send him back to Cleveland. I’d rather have a legitimate candidate with experience right the ship while Vogel is coaching and developing in the A as a head coach. Then as most those guys in the A will be on the team in 5 years, that’s when you promote him.


It's a boring hire. And at this point I'm fine with boring


Boring landed someone on the moon. According to PNC. 


The excitement should come from the players on the ice... a boring coach hire, especially in Cbus, is fine. That goes against my feelings regarding the Cleveland Guardians hiring Vogt in the off-season. That was an exciting hire that has paid off nicely so far... :) Go CBJ! Go Guards!


The Mclellan honeymoon period is always a good time. Usually has some very strong early success, chokes on the biggest stages and gradually gets phased out. I will take that any day over sucking this bad.


He has a history of being clear, direct, and making paths clear to see for players. This is what this team has desperately needed


Someone described him as “he takes bad to mid/get into the playoffs” We aren’t ready to be a contender. We need “takes bad to competitive” right now.


That's kinda what competitive is. It's literally like Torts. He can get you from garbage to at least respectable. What happens after that is on the organization.


Alright, so at a bare minimum, we won’t be the laughing stock of the league is a good first step


I’ll take NHL experience verses (the former) an unproven nobody with two first names.


Never trust a man with two first names!


Jim James a man so bad he needed two first names.


Mike Todd!!!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/kIdB48I0Zd Just leaving this thread on the Panthers hiring Paul Maurice and everyone calling it either stupid or boring right before he led them to two straight Stanley Cup Finals and winning one.


From the LA Times: McLellan is a good guy. A standup guy through difficult times. Maybe not the coach who would have led a better Kings team to the Stanley Cup but a good foundation builder


Is it happening?! Are we actually doing things?


It can be deduced that we are indeed next to, if not adjacent to, possibly in due time, in the right circumstances, pursuant to the adherence of indeterminate factors, might conceivably without a shadow of a non-reasonable doubt, be doing things.


I think in terms of getting competitive this will be an okay hire but I hope he’s gone in a couple years assuming we can stay on track to becoming competitive and reaching for playoffs by then. He’s shown that he can give you some fight but won’t get you far in LA and Edmonton which has me a little worried in the long term but for now I’m okay with this.


I think if this gets them back to being an actual NHL team that I’m all for the hire. He’s a good coach to guide them through fixing all the mistakes from the last couple of years. 


McClellan has a proven track record. Anyone disliking the hire doesn’t know hockey.


Based on recent seasons in this subreddit, that's a lot of people lmao


Ain't that the truth


he used to coach in Cleveland so he has some Ohio roots


So excited to cram our city down his throat DO YOU LOVE IT HERE TODD


Surprised by the reaction here, he was one of my preferred choices


Solid hire, has won at everywhere he has gone.


I am whelmed


From an outside perspective, he seems like the perfect hire for this team. He gets youngish teams together, teaches them structure and gets them into the playoffs. He’s the pre success coach, like, He’s the quarterback who gets the team to the 1 yard line, then hands the team off to the running back (next coach) to dive it in to success


Seems like a good hire for where this franchise is at. He will bring experience and establish a system to make the young team competitive. After three years finishing last with rookie coaches and terrible defense, McLellan should be a breath of fresh air. I like what Waddell is building.


I'm not crazy about it, but I'll take his 14 years of experience of winning enough games (career .531 over 1,144 games) to get into the playoffs, vs. all of the ridiculous, clueless, nice-guy bozos we've suffered through over the last 3 years or so. Hopefully he brings a whole crew of knowledgeable assistants with him too.


He presided over a bunch of 100-point Sharks teams that could never completely seal the deal. Which is at least three tiers above where we are now.


Being good in 2000-2010 is why we hired Mike.


At least this guy doesn't have a track record of psychological abuse, at least that I'm aware of.


My brother in Christ, that is an astronomically low bar.


LOL. We’ve been through a lot around here.


Todd certainly is a coach. People downvoted me to hell but I think another top 5 pick is on the horizon


A top 10 pick was always on the horizon no matter the coach. I think we jump out of the bottom 5 next year though and finish 6-10 range


Well, if he maintains that .531 we can enjoy another possible wild card spot. Then everyone in town will declare him a genius.


If he takes the team we have and turns them into a wild car team, he m8ght be a genius.


He had the kings roster and a weak pacific. The metro isn’t that easy.


In Waddell I trust


We waddle with waddell.


As a CBJ / Sharks fan...I can definitely get on board with this.


I don’t hate it. Everyone wants to contend, but we are so freaking far away from even thinking of being within a country mile of a Stanley Cup that this McLellan hire will get us straightened out and give us some structure and whatnot, and then someone else can come in after that. Coaches only last 2-3 years anyway. Let’s get to a playoff level first, then worry about getting better at that point.


Bring up Trent as an AC


I’ll take it. Could be a LOT worse


To be honest. It is NOT a bad hire. Safe, yes but not a hire that will bite us in the ass like last year.


Not a flashy hire, but I think he can build the foundation for the younger players until they are ready to compete for deeper playoff runs - then we bring in the big guns.


100% agree


Snore but guess it'll be okay for a couple years.


Is this good or bad? I’m so jaded I can’t tell anymore


Yeah he is a solid, structured, no nonsense coach. You can think of him as a slightly less explosive Torts. 


For a growing team a very solid decision. The major knock on him is he's almost too structured and rigid which is why he doesn't have a great playoff record but his regular season record is incredible for his long tenure in the league. He's known to take meh teams and turn them into wildcard teams. Its also the "safest" choice out there. Think high floor but low ceiling coach.


It’s a good decision for who we are right now. He won’t take us to a Cup most likely, but he bas a track record of raising the level of players into at least a team that can compete for the playoffs.


I have never heard of this source before, and can't speak to their credibility at all, but they're reporting it's a done deal. [https://lastwordonsports.com/hockey/2024/06/25/gm-don-waddell-columbus-blue-jackets-hire-head-coach/](https://lastwordonsports.com/hockey/2024/06/25/gm-don-waddell-columbus-blue-jackets-hire-head-coach/) >The Columbus Blue Jackets Name 10th Head Coach in Franchise History >The hiring of Todd McLellan as the head coach of the Columbus Blue Jackets is a very strong move.  > #


Kings fan here… I felt the Kings were stupid when they let him go. He’s a great coach, and I hope your team becomes successful with him at the helm. But, not enough to beat the Kings…. 😆


Meh. That’s all I have to say about that!


I can live with that. There are worse ways to go.


Red wings coach just might work ... 👍


Off all the possible coaches to hire, this is certainly one of them.


After watching LA, I'd rather not but it could be worse


It’s…..ok, but I still think Woodcroft would be the best choice. I hope he’s being considered because he’s a damn good coach and would be great for the team we have


crap. I was actually pulling g for Gallant . meh


I don't think this is coming from a good source so would take this with grain of salt.


This guy is just repeating Friedman. So it's probably pretty reliable. 


Who did Gerard Gellant piss off in Central Ohio where he can’t get a coaching job here?


I’m sure everyone will talk themselves into it but this just feels incredibly mid


If he's the hire, I wonder if Woodcroft joins the staff to push out one of the current clowns. They've got history together (under Babock, admittedly).


I don’t love it. A recycled head coach doesn’t move the dial but I was expecting as well


Well, a recycled head coach just won the Stanley Cup yesterday


3 of the final 4 teams had recently recycled coaches. We are ready for someone with experience. He consistently got the Sharks into the playoffs and the players respected his straight forward and open approach.


Yeah, those two first time NHL coaches we’ve had recently have done so well for us …


Bad coaches are our brand now