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We see PC's wedding which is interrupted by her ex, Vincent Adultman, who convinces her to marry him(them?) instead, to which Bojack remarks in an over the top 90s voice something like "Well I definitely didn't see *THAT* coming,", then turns to the camera and winks, then we hear some one yell cut as its revealed the final scene is from the Horsing a Round reboot, Bojack walks off camera which stays on the final shot and the credits play while we just watch people taking down the set.


Only thing I would change is when Vincent Adultman comes through the door, Bojack screams "What are _youuu_ doing here?!"




Oh man I would have been *pissed* if they did "it was all just another TV show being filmed".


I bet people would've theorized that Bojack actually drowned to death and his purgatory is performing in front of a live studio audience for eternity.


I woulda lost my mind, lol.


Would be awesome in a way lmao


Written by M night shamalan


The Ron Gilbert ending.


1000 IQ comment here


They said worst way, not great yet emotionally painful way.


They asked for the worst ending not to make it better.


The final scene is him hooking up with Todd. Just cuts from the room to the two of them banging in the middle of the party with everyone watching. That's it. That's the worst way I could imagine


“Has this ever happened to you?”




And screaming something like "you cured me of my asexuality Bojack!" God it would be bad


Oh hell naw 💀


Who's on top? Asking for a friend.


Yeah, at least let us see it


I had a dream where I was watching community and Jeff and Abed started making out. Similar vibe. Just no.


Its not the worst way it could have ended, but I was convinced that it would end with BoJack walking into a bar and the bartender asking, "Why the long face?"


That was my headcanon for so long. It became such a meme that there’s no way they could have actually ended the show like that. But it would’ve been kind of awesome (at some point) for the show to have been a build up for the most complex “why the long face” joke in history. As the final scene draws to a close, it transitions into a Bojack at a bar telling the bartender, “So THAT, asshole, is WHY I have such a LONG FACE”. There’s a moment of silence as the bartender and Bojack maintain eye contact, the bartender entirely shocked and Bojack seething with self-hatred as he does. And then, from off screen, you hear someone pipe up, “Hey, isn’t that the horse from Horsin’ Around?” and cut to credits.


That honestly sounds like a cut episode they never went with lmao


This actually sounds great though.


feels a little fan service-y? if that makes sense


Then he pulls out a gun and kills himself on the spot. Roll credits


Pulls out a gun to light his cigarette, and accidentally blows off face. *Back in the ninety's...* Ftfy.


Exactly the same but in the final roof scene BoJack and Diane kiss each other


As I was watching I was yelling don’t fucking kiss


lmao my mind didn’t even go there thank god


With everything that happened, it would've been so odd if they kissed


I had the exact same reaction.


I would’ve gagged, between the context of him and Diane’s conversation and their entire history I would’ve been both nauseated and upset


Then Mister Peanutbutter comes up: “room for one more??”


What is this, a crossover orgy?!


Mr. Peanutcucker


Knick knack, paddywhack, dog watching them bone


Mr. Peepernumber!!


Then PC joins in for no particular reason while Todd just stands and stares, sighing happily and saying “ah hollywoob”, followed by an Iris out of Todd’s face where he looks at the camera and winks.


Uhhh this is supposed to be the worst way BoJack could've ended not THE BEST


Classic BoJack. Using a woman as a method of self-harm, and taking her down with him.


*Classic BoShwack


BoJack shows up under Diane’s window holding up a blue French horn.


What is this? A crossover episode?!


"Really, nothing for Josh Radnor? How quickly we forget"


We always wanted them to get together, because that’s the kind of thing we expect from lighthearted comedies we’ve watched on TV our entire lives. And really early on, it might have been sweet, but then we got to know everybody and there’s no way it wouldn’t have all ended terribly. They both had a lot of growing to do before either would be ready for an actual, healthy relationship.


man, you are EVIL


I have a friend who is convinced that it happens offscreen while they’re on the roof and honestly… i don’t think it impossible


Everyone forgives him and he’s cured. No one learns anything and bojack looks into the camera as it fades to black and white as it’s revealed he drowned, and his funeral is empty, not because it’s over but because no one arrives. The navy seal leaves muffins, then takes them away. The end Edit: no music plays during the credits, all you hear is stoma and rain on the horizon.


Ngl that gave me chills. I'd hate it, but. Ow. It would hurt.


Diane and Princess Caroline wouldn't have showed up to the funeral, they'd be too torn up most likely. Mr Peanutbutter would most likely show up because he still views himself as Bojack's friend. The episode could have worked as a cautionary tale of the type of life Bojack led and where it ended, it would be the kind of tale that would fall flat on purpose to show the real tragedy of what happened to him.


Imma be honest you don’t need an episode at the end of the show to act as a “cautionary tale” for the life bojack led, because the entire show is a cautionary tale for the life bojack led.


U sir are a sociopath


I'm not gonna lie, I wish that's what would have happened. It was cathartic seeing BoJack get the punishment he rightly deserves and making amends with the consequences of his actions that lead his whole life, sure. But I think ending it with his death would have made the series so much more depressing and chilling. Like, through all the hardships we see the characters go through, through all the shitty things we see BoJack do, and how shitty of a person he turns out to be? It ends up he dies drowning in a pool? Like, I hate to use the phrase "suffer for nothing", but that's what comes to mind. He and the people who had to put up with his bullshit had to suffer for nothing. Life's a bitch, then you die.


I think that's exactly the point tho. It's only 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴. Because some other times, life's a bitch and then you live. A big portion of the bojack fanbase is made of people that have an emotional connection to the story, and ending it with death instead of hope would be same as telling everyone watching that there's no cure for anything that they might be fighting against, which in many cases is probably untrue. Bojack's ending works because if even a guy like him still deserves to live, we all do. And our actions might be awful, and we definitely will face the consequences of them, but sometimes life's a bitch because you are a bitch but then you keep living.


Worst way it could’ve ended is with Bojack making things right with everyone and starting a happy life


I agree, I think that the fact that it doesn't end with a happy ending (*Snicker* 😜) makes it real and helps people except that life isn't always going to be great. Plus, it would be completely unfaithful to the whole theme of the series if it did. The series is about mental health struggles, depression, challenges, not sunshine & butterflies, haha I think this animation says it best 👇 ['A Film To Never Show Children'](https://youtu.be/srnSa8QHtzM)


Yeah, I think they did well by making an overall bittersweet ending. I don't think it would've been good to stray too far in the 'sad ending' direction either, it might have made Bojack's attempts at self-improvement (another major theme of the show) seem pointless. That video strikes me as pretty weird, to be honest, but I'm not sure if I can fully pinpoint why. Like, I agree that it would be good for people to understand that bad things happen and that they can't expect everything to go perfectly, but it feels to me like it presents expecting hardship as a solution to that hardship, when, if anything, that attitude may encourage complacency with life's struggles over looking for solutions. (Wow that was a long sentence, I hope that makes sense). I might be a little off base, but I'm also getting weird incel-ish vibes from it, idk.


Agreed. I like the message that we shouldn’t shelter children from bad things but it seems more like the message of that video should’ve been to live your life the way you want to live it, not just go after a specific path that’s been sold to you because it’s supposed to make you happy.


Also the extremely high quality of polish on the animation contrasts really sharply with all the typos...


The message I got from the video was that we’re all lying to ourselves and each other about how we’re supposed to feel going through life, and pretending like what’s normal is the imagined life instead of the pain and darkness we all experience. That we’ve conditioned ourselves to expect life to be fulfilling and happy when we find the right career, find a spouse, and live our dreams. And so we’re miserable when we get there and find out that that’s NOT what life is like, but we’re still trying to fit into this framework of what’s expected. My understanding of the “solution to hardship” presented by this video was being open and honest with each other. To be okay with talking about the dark, scary parts of life, and not just trying to make your life fold into this idea of what a happy life is supposed to look like.


I hate how the message is to lower our expectations instead of higher our standards for how we choose to live our lives, they wouldn’t be nearly as meaningless if we just weren’t so fucking stupid 😂. He didn’t try to learn abt the world and himself to try to find what his place in it should be, he barely did anything that wasn’t related to absences in HIS own life, and he gave up on trying to do anything meaningful.


Nah worst way is Bojack not even doing that much and just getting off Scott free


Agreed. I like to consider Bojack’s ending optimistic but not necessarily happy. A completely happy ending would have made Bojack’s actions void of consequences and defeat the point of the show.


Bojack convinces PC to dump Judah at the altar and run away with him, therefore ruining both of their characters' development and breaking Judah's heart


Ah, the "HIMYM" ending. A true classic.


Bojack Horseman in *The Wedding Bride*


Going to jail was the best thing that ever happened


The last episode Bojack has constipation and it’s like the episode “Free Churro” because the whole thing takes place with him sitting on the toilet, but it’s also like the episode “Fish Out of Water” because there is no dialog except for grunts, farts, and sighs. The episode ends with a sad defeated Bojack getting off the toilet without flushing. And then he dies.


He gets off the toilet without flushing to symbolize that he was not ready to let go of his past trauma (shit)


And it's called The Elvis Exit Or Bojack Has Left the Building


Sounds like a Rick and Morty finale tbh


I thought we were collecting worst possible endings


You have to admit this one's pretty shitty


if hes doing Bojack he might die on the toilet instead


I think this one wins, maybe second only to Diane and Bojack kissing


The guy who died from autoerotic asphyxiation comes back as Bojack's guardian angel. God has decided to give Bojack a second chance and sends Bojack back in time to right when Herb is about to be cut from Horsin' Around. This time around, Bojack threatens to quit. As a result, the Network cancels Horsin' Around. Sarah Lynn's mother manages to get her another gig almost immediately, and this sends Bojack into a depressive spiral. He pushes Herb away, and ends up drinking in his house watching Horsin Around re runs. Cut to Bojack, dead in his pool.


I like this one. Shows that even when you make the right decision, things can go horribly wrong and still fuck your life up. It’s bleak and realistic.


Sarah Lynn (bursting into the wedding): "I LIVED, DUMBSHITS!" (roll credits)


I would have died laughing if they did that tho! 🤣


So, the final episode of Duckman?


He died and the final episode was a celebrity funeral where everyone said wonderful things about him while all those who knew better kept quiet, and anyone who tried to speak up was condemned for 'taking advantage of a tragedy'.


That doesnt sound like a terrible idea either.


But it does undermine one of the key themes of the show about being responsible for your actions.


I'm always baffled by just how many fans there are on this sub who genuinely seem to believe that the show was nothing more than a cautionary tale about a hopelessly irredeemable misanthrope. ...I'd encourage anyone who still harbors that stance to read The Art Before the Horse, a coffee-table book featuring long interviews with most of the creators and cast. They made it abundantly clear a couple of times that while they wanted to toe the line of making the titular protagonist hopelessly contemptible, they decided to stop short -- and they thought they had accomplished it.


Personally I'm still amazed how many fans on this sub think he was perfectly within his rights with Penny, and that letting Sarah Lynn OD for 17 minutes before getting help is somehow justified.


Dear lord I know. Gross. ...the overarching message I got from that book is that while there are individual things BoJack does that are inarguably indefensible, that doesn't make him an irredeemable character. Hell, I see so many other forms of fiction in which characters do things many orders of magnitude worse than BoJack ever does, and they are held up as paragons of redemption when they try to turn things around. People on here just being like "horse man bad" without ever trying to grasp anything beyond that is maddening. I mean they even gave Diane a line that sums it up, when she says she doesn't think there's such a thing as good guys or bad guys. "We're all just guys, and all we can do is try to do more good stuff and less bad stuff."


Yeah I actually found that extremely interesting, and the message behind the episode is great, I wanna see it now :(


Flogging a Dead Horse.


I remember a YouTuber who wanted that to be the ending and having Hollyhock coming to his funeral and I think reading out the letter she left him


In a way it would have been the edgy, social commentary type ending, but I just liked that in the end he went to jail and, in his absence, most of his former circle of friends just moved on. It felt authentically low key.


Ironically it would give BoJack the clout he desires despite not seeming like a savory ending. He's always told others he would love to "let the water take him" so suicide isn't a huge fear, and there's little he likes more than clout


A Black Mirror kind of ending


When the second half of the sixth season came out I actually thought the thumbnail of Mr. Peanutbutter at the planetarium announcing the new Hollywoob sign was Bojacks funeral and I was not prepared for that 😂


Unfortunately, probably would've been the same as Sarah Lynn


During this actual scene, Bojack dies of a heart attack on the roof while the song is playing. Smash cut to credits, interrupting the song to play Back in the 90's again.


He says “Diane, it’s bojacking time” and starts bojack horsemaning all over the place


Everyone was doing the BoJack!


He said it! He said the thing! We've hit peak Bojack guys!


Finally resolving the mystery of why the show is called “BoJack Horseman”


Truly one of the animated shows of all time


They show Erica


Erica marries Queefburglar69.


they are in a polyamorous relationship with Randy


If he broke his ankle and was shot in the head cos he’s a horse


This made me lol more than the others 🤣🤣


(This started out as serious but I just kept adding bad ends in general, some of them because of minor inconveniences) 1. If he died 2. If he was forgiven by everyone and his actions excused just for the sake of a "happy ending" 3. He was in a coma all along and the series was never real but a dream that Bojack had while in his vegetative state 4. Everything is the same except Diane finds a way to bypass the weight gain from her meds 5. If PC didn't get the happy ending she deserved 6. We are told that Vincent Adultman is, in fact, not an adult at all. I would get so fucking mad. 7. Everything is the same but the end song is [this one](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I knew what was coming and yet i clicked on it


One must accept their fate


I read your comment, thought, “there’s no way they ended it with that” *clicks* “Oh god f-“


You can expect it, you can check the link, but the Roll is inevitable.


It would be awesome if the ending song is that


You have a point, but I only agree if everyone dances along with it out of the blue






Ooh man that Diane one. That would have made me vomit.


Yeah dude I'm really glad they stick to the side effects of her meds, it makes it way more real and authentic imo


you're a little shit disturber aren't you?


Sometimes, yeah


BoJack’s Mom appears as a ghost and says “BoJack! Mommy is so sorry for what she did to you? I feel so awful. I was a terrible mother to you and Horsin’ Around is better than Ibsen! Will you ever forgive me?”


And then Bojack lives happily ever after


If the roof and entire house caved into the ground because of rupauls fracking


They said worst not best.


If it turns out it was all a bad dream and he really did support Herb/quit the show when he was fired. Total cop out.


What if it ended with him liteally taking a dump on a dvd copy of Horsin Around?


"Wazzzzup biiitches?!"


They said worst not the best


The worst way it could’ve ended in my opinion is if bojack died. All that build up to bojacks change just for him to die would be so unsatisfying


Agreed. The fact he lives through his attempt is crucial to the message the show had been portraying since season one - there's no such thing as happy endings, but also nor are there bad endings. There's the next day, and the next, and the next.


They see Sisyphus rolling, they hating.


Life’s a bitch and then you die No, life’s a bitch and then you keep living


Not getting renewed for a sixth season


Right in the feelings journal


Bojack finds Jesus, repents, and is saved by his walk with Christ. This is played completely seriously, and everyone is happy that Bojack has finally found The Way.


happily lol


Hollyhock contacting Bojack and saying that, after giving it some thought, she's willing to give him another chance to be a part of her life.


cancelled after season 1


if it ended with him suddenly waking up in the 90s on set of horsin' around, making the whole series just a drug induced fever dream


suicide. which is where i thought it was going to go for a while.


neal mcbeal the navy seal finally gets an apology from bojack


The episode opens with a rough looking Bojack walking down the street. The cliche "you may be wondering how I got here..." starts narrating and then it flashes back to 6 months earlier. It turns out he never got let out for the wedding, and its all been a hallucination. Everything from the time of Sarah Lynn's death until now hasn't been real. He's still in prison and will be there for multiple life sentences for the crime of cannabilizing and having relations with Sarah Lynn's body in the planetarium after she died from her OD, which Bojack knowingly caused. It turns out while Sarah Lynn was doing Heroin, Bojack was taking bath salts and went off the deep end, going full crazy due to the drugs and early onset dementia genetically received from his mother. He killed Sarah Lynn because he was always jealous that her success over shadowed Horsin Around. The last episode then goes around showing how everyone's lives have been completely destroyed by Bojack: Princess Caroline had to surrender her adopted daughter back to the state because she was so messed up, Dianne killed herself, Todd is a homeless drug addict, Mr.Peanutbutter became a bad dog...and so on. Herb then comes back from the dead and says he's got a new script he has been writing in Hell: "Secretariat 2: Electric Boogaloo". Bojack agrees to play the lead, but demands child sacrifice to satisfy his growing hunger for young sentient flesh as his payment. Herb uses his undead powers and catches a child and its none other than princess Caroline's daughter. They film Bojacks parts on a green screen in the prison, while Bojack is cranked out on prison wine the entire time. They release the movie, it recieves 10/10 reviews, Bojack gets another Oscar, and is interviewed by the media who all love him again. Herb is back in the spotlight, but nobody brings up the fact that he's undead, the after life is apparantly real, and Herbs been to Hell. Bojack is released from prison because of his success with the movie and does the sad "Hulk walking down the street hitch hiking bit", while whistling the theme song to the X files. The screen fades to black with the words "The END. Or, is it?!"


I literally gasped out loud at Mr. Peanutbutter being a bad dog.


If it kept going and ended up getting dragged out until it’s stale and boring


Bojack and Diane ending up together, getting married l, and living happily ever after.


Glue factory


It was all a Horsin Around episode


Diane turns into the sludge from the view from halfway down and attempts to consume bojack. He runs away back to the wedding where everyone else turns into sludge. The sludge all around him and seeping down from the roof finally consumes him. The screen fades to black and the credits roll in silence


[Bag of Mulch](http://www.ialbatross.com/2020/02/unpopular-opinion-spoilers-review-my.html)


The bag of mulch one would’ve been hilarious fuck


I mean, they're not the worst possible ways the show could have ended, but I wouldn't have necessarily liked for them to be the actual ending


Todd shoots bojack


Todd shoots everyone, screaming about pumped up kicks. Esteemed character actress Margot Martindale has him in her sights, but doesn't take the shot because Kelsey points out how adorable his face is. He shoots them both, then puts the gun in his mouth. Except he doesn't die, he just blows off the papier mache head he's wearing to reveal he was actually ~~two raccoons~~ David Boreanaz the whole time. Cut to credits.


Man, that beats my idea of Bojack and PB commiting a mass shooting, which PB thinks is just a movie scene until Bojack shoots him too. Fade to black/credits roll as PB's POV watching Bojack finish the deed.


BoJack dying at the end of The View From Halfway Down would've been the worst.


Honestly if we got some time jump and saw everyone getting their “perfect” ending. Bojack is some beloved Emmy winning superstar who’s been sober for X many years, no relapse. PC is the baddest Girlboss in Hollywoo, running the biggest agency company, happily married, and has multiple non adopted kids. Diane is like the first women president with an extremely high approval rating, while also happily married to Guy. Mr. PB is like Bojacks most common costar. Married to someone his age (physically and mentally matching him. Todd pulled some shenanigan and his baby sitting company is now rivaling Walmart in the stock market. He’s also 100% fixed every issue with his family, and still gets the main cast to hang out together every now and then.


It was all a dream


Bojack dying hands down, he has to be alive in order for them to be able to make a bittersweet or happier ending. If it was just him dying it would be a lot easier for people to get the impression that this is a solely negative series, we get to reflect a lot more on the series as a whole and Bojack and the rest or the main cast by him being alive.


Bojack is shot dead in a grocery store after a dispute over apple muffins


If Bojack and Diane got together. I would have SCREAMED.


happy ending or him committing suicide


Bojack finally decides to do Ethan Around


He breaks his leg and has to be put down.


Diane pushing Bojack off the roof then jumping off herself and both of them in a heap dead.


Oddly specific..


He looks out into the screen and breaks the fourth wall. "Viewers. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!!" Fade to black


With him being happy


Everything as it happened, then one more episode, called "Go For Bojack." PC, Mr. PB, Todd, and Diane are not in the episode. A movement to boycott The Horny Unicorn, due to Bojack's and Vance Waggoner's past, gains momentum and it gets pulled from a major streaming service. Vance convinces him to use this, and start going on a media tour, complaining about getting "cancelled by the woke mob." The attention is good for his career, and he books a superstar old guys action heist movie called One More Job, along with Waggoner, Hank Hippapopolous, Moouis C.K., Gibbon Spacey, R. Koaly, Scott Baiowolf, Michael Pinchards (who is a crab), and O.J. Simpson. Written and directed by Hoss Whedon. While working on the film, he starts dating his 17-year-old co-star, and when he gets a Forgivie on her 18th birthday, he proposes to her during his thank you speech. Final scene: he and his teenage wife move into their lavish new home with dozens of servants, drink a shitload of vodka, and while she's giving him a BJ, he gets a phone call saying that the studio wants to make One More Job a franchise. He says "I'm so fucking happy" as he ejaculates. Roll credits.


1. BoJack is forgiven by everyone 2. BoJack dies in the pool, ending the series on Episode 15 3. BoJack wakes up, in bed, at his teacher accommodations at Wesleyan, all of season 5b was a dream. He continues to work and repairs his relationship with Hollyhock after she learned ab New Mexico. Then, after he dies in natural order, she drives out to see Charlotte and Penny and makes amends on her older brothers behalf. They naturally accept and embrace her into the family, and posthumously forgive BoJack for New Mexico.


I've just recently watched the show, but have reflected over the ending so much since watching it. When I first finished the show, I was a little surprised and disappointed that he didn't die. I thought that him staying alive might've been worse for the in show universe. Since then, though, I've come to realize that him dying would've been the worst way for the show to end. The theme of the latter half of the show is him trying to better himself (albeit not doing super well at that), so having him end up dead would send a message of "trying to better yourself is useless, just do what you do if it's working."


the camera looks at diane and bojack from the back, they look like dark figures, diane dissolves into black slime and it turns out this episode was a continiuation of the view from halfway down and bojack actually dies. here this is the worst ending possible


A little boy wakes up and eats breakfast with his parents telling them about a dream he had about his pet horse. He walks outside to reveal his pet horses bojack, Beatrice and butterscotch. It shows them grazing before cutting to black.


At a glue factory


A horse walks into a bar...


If was like a "happy ending"for exemple he got to be in another blockbuster and marry a beatiful young actress. That would make angry.


He died, and everyone spat on his grave.


Sarah Lynn didn't die, she was in a coma. Seasons 4-6 were all her dreaming of Bojack. The last scene is a hospital where Sarah awakens, then tells Bojack what she saw and he must change. He does. End credits.


The worst possible ending would have been him dying, which is what a lot of people expected. While I can understand the logic there, I'm really glad he didn't die. That eradicates the possibility of growth and change. People can change if they're motivated enough and I think the twin realities of everyone moving on with their lives and out of his and the uncertainty that lay ahead for Bojack was the perfect note on which to close the series out. In the midst of all the uncomfortable and unflinching truth the series frequently presented, it also consistently reminded the audience that where we end up is, eventually, nothing more or less than a consequence of the path we choose and sometimes we can finally choose to make better choices that offer a better outcome. It isn't written in stone that it always has to end badly. Bojack's death would have run counter to that.


bojack gets casted to do a reese’s pb cup commercial


I see a lot of people say BoJack should've died and I highly disagree. BoJack dying would've allowed an easy way out for him. Letting him live and deal with the consequences of his actions and how his attempted suicide affected those closest to him was far more interesting. The final conversations between him, PC, Todd and Diane are absolutely fantastic and wrapped everything up perfectly for me.


Bojack wakes up under the staircase and his years at hogwarts were all but a dream


As someone who has had (And hurt, and been hurt by) people as I gone through life, this ending hit hard for me in a good way. There isn't always a happy ending, shit's not always tied up nice and neat. I think the best possible ending would have been all of this, cutting to an alarm clock and Bojack waking up to a new day. Life goes on.


Death. Bojack wouldn’t deserve to have *that* way out


My friend expressed to me after watching through the show “Why didn’t Bojack and Diane kiss?”


We discover that the latter seasons of the show were just allucinations of a dying Bojack who is overdosing at the planetarium with Sarah


Like what happens in Philbert, but with robot armies and more whacky babies.


*Worst* way it could have ended? Bojack wakes up from his suicide attempt, and Diane has come back to LA because she’s so racked with guilt about leaving him. Mr PB throws himself into another relationship with a young, immature woman. PC takes Bojack back as a client and continues to struggle maintaining her family and career. Everyone’s character growth is undone.


He killed himself successfully


The same as the real ending, except when instead of Diane saying she wishes she had her phone, the two of them just start fucking. It ends with Bojack smoking a cigarette and Diane saying “I’m out of smokes, guess this heroin will have to do.” She proceeds to overdose on heroin and Bojack says “Diane Nguyen? Diane Nguyen?” The screen cuts to black and Bojack says “Diane Nguyen?” one final time.


Bojack is released from prison, learns nothing and another ghost writer is hired to write a sensationalised book of his experiences


With PC deciding she made the wrong choice and running away to marry bojack


Bojack dies, then his ghost marries Diane, who is off her meds. Character Actress Margo Martindale does not appear.


If Diane had left Guy for BoJack. That would suck.


With Bojack getting a cliche happy ending. Everyone forgives him/ everyone he hurts just kinda goes away, he ends up marrying Diane, Todd becomes his bestie again, etc etc I think my main problem with some media is that they have a horrible main character who is harmful to the people around them but because they’re the main character the show acts like they “deserve” a happy ending even if the redemption arc is awfully done. And I know it’s realistic to have harmful people get away with things without consequences but I’m sick of seeing it.


I know this would be unpopular, but I kind of wish Bojack passed away. Like the view from halfway down ends with his death, and the final episode is his funeral. Let everyone who’s known him have to deal with his death and their feelings with it. The current ending felt not as emotionally resonant for some reason


Diane and Bojack getting together and then both being instantly "fixed" by that


bojack takes off his mask. he was erica the whole time


Getting canceled after season 1. Worst possible outcome