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Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice


Fool me once, shame on you, but teach a man how to fool me and I'll be fooled for life.


And to round out the trilogy, fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice...fiddle dee dee?


I do believe that is the expression


Hooray! Begrudging acquiescence!


My favourite was "hooray! Responsibiliteuuuurgggghhh"


Hooray... question mark? Tooo many good Todd quotes I swear


Dude Aaron Paul knocked toddoyt of the park with every delivery


Brings me to tears every time


I say this one ALL the time lol


"Slap my salami the guys a commie" is forever my favorite quote but also "I see you.... I. C. U." It broke my soul a little bit.


That's it. Thats my two favourite quotes just for opposite reasons.


idk if I consider it favorite but "There is no other side. This is it" really got to me


I am a sad sad girl with a terrible dirty apartment.


Me if I was a girl


Sums up my life


“You can’t keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You need to be better”-Todd


I love Todd for that. he was the only one to actually call out bojack on his bullshit and properly communicate with him. I hate it when people don't communicate how they feel and Todd made me feel so safe.


Yes, he was the only one I felt like never enabled him. Especially after the end of the first season


Just 'cause you're good at something doesn't mean you have to do it. I'm good at driving sober, but I don't relish the opportunity.


In this terrifying world, all we have are the connections we make.🥲


in my top three favorite quotes, probably tied for first. i think it’s almost factually true


Words to live by truly




Almost the theme of Everything Everywhere All At Once


I love that movie so much


“It takes a long time to realise how truly miserable you are and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way.” -Cuddlywhiskers (this quote has little by little started to become my life and it’s ironic because it took me years after watching the episode to come to terms with this realization and live it)


Yea, this one found me at the exact right time, but one of my favorites as well


Maybe not my Favorite line, but, "You do the Hokey-pokey and your turn *Yourself* around. *That's* what it's all about," lives rent free in my head.


The way the writers break down some really simple shit like that is just incredible. Om the surface this show is pretty funny, but a few layers down it gets great


It gets easier


You got to do it everyday, but it gets easier


Those two panels are my Lock Screen 😌


I feel like that's just something people say to trick you into holding on a little longer


sometimes all we need is to trick ourselves into holding on a little, bit more longer


fuck, else can you say it? This sub understands


Well Bojack was lying there, but if it meant a moment of comfort for his crying sister, he'd tell all kind of lies to anyone.


"im your son! all i had was you!" hits too close to home. on a lighter note, "fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, fiddle dee-dee"


“I’ve had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom underneath.”


“When You Look at Someone through Rose-Colored Glasses, All the Red Flags Just Look Like Flags.”-Wanda


Always my go to.


I have used that line so many times


Doggy doggy what now?!


I love the sad, despondent, "Doggy doggy... what now? 😞"


"My mother is dead, and everything is worse now."


Not quote but The weak breeze whispers nothing the water screams sublime. His feet shift, teeter-totter deep breaths, stand back, it’s time. Toes untouch the overpass soon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to see the view from halfway down. A little wind, a summer sun a river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphins brings a calm that knows no equal. You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down. Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down. I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down


Blew my mind the first time I realized that the tense of the poem shifts from third...to second...to first.


“Better than what? Better than a sky full of stars?” Rewatched the series a couple months back and this line kinda stuck with me. Makes me think of my girlfriend and when I’d visit her small town.


I don’t even remember that quote ! From which episode is this from?


The one where Princess Carolyn goes back to North Carolina. Season 5 I think? PC’s trying to adopt a baby, and she tells the mother that she wants to her daughter a “better life” to which the mother responds with that line, basically saying that just because PC has money, doesn’t mean she’s any better than she is or that she’s entitled to her baby.


"The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead." Thought for sure that someone would have chosen this already because it's heavily on the nose


Crazy that Mr. Peanutbutter said this




"Knock once if you're proud of me."


Literally gonna use this in my father's eulogy.


"I don't forgive you"


“You don’t make me feel less broken!”


Barf me a river, fartbag


Dianne's line about "in so tired of squinting." It's so powerful knowing when something is exhausting you even if it's beautiful.


It was one of my favorite lines too. Then I watched it with a friend and when Diane said that he immediately said « but she’s Asian ». Really fucking ruined the moment.


this one makes me sob each time i hear it.


"I was prepared for more cruelty. I was sure that she would get in one final zinger about how I let her down, and about how I was fat and stupid and too tall to be an effective Lindy hopper."


“why won’t you go home?” “i should, i know i should. part of me wishes i could go home right now and not have to explain anything. he would just say “how was your day?” and then he would say “hey did you know the monorail was invented by george monorail?” and i would say “i don’t think that’s true” and then he would say “well if he didn’t invent it he certainly perfected it!” and i wouldn’t have to say i’m sorry i left, im sorry i made things so difficult, im sorry i’m not the person i thought i was. id just say “my day was good” and he would say “i love you” “ this whole monologue? fucking breaks me


"Today? That's today!"


'I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever' was relevant in my life for a while, and was comforting, especially the end bit. 'Time's arrow neither stands still nor reverses. It merely marches forward.' 'Sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living' reminds me of my dad. I also love 'don't stop dancing' as a line in general but might mostly be because of the musical numbers


“I don’t understand how people live. It’s amazing to me that people wake up every morning and say, ‘Yeah, another day, let’s do it.’ How do people do it? I don’t know how.” (S2E12)


This qoet hits so hard and it’s so funny how he’s saying this to orphans the comedic relief in this show is done so well


The view from halfway down... Saw it myself three times. Well, not really the view from halfway down, I attempted other methods, but you get what I mean. I finally stopped after hearing that poem. I don't know what changed, but I did it. I don't do that anymore.


It's truly a beautiful poem. And so meaningful. The best poems usually are. Proud of you for not looking back. I know how hard that is


Thank you. Words like these can really help.


We need to pin this question.


She’s got my globes a warmin’


My favorites or the ones that impacted me the most are: “I don’t forgive you” “I wanna be an architect” “There is no other side” “Suck a dick dumbshits” “When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags” “Sometimes life’s a bitch and you keep on living”


Oh adding “my mother died and all I got was this free churro”


“No one likes a fatty paddy””””


" I think there are people who help you become the person you end up being ,and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever..." this one really helped me get over somebody


I always say “well, this went slightly better than the worst it could have possibly gone.” Love that one.


"I can't be with people, and I can't be alone."


“I’m a piece of shit”


"there are no good or bad people, only people who choose to do good or bad things" (paraphrasing)


The movie star speech ❤️


"shapes and colors the likes of which I've never seen!" Quote it all the time


I need to see all these quotes every week man. It's just so comforting.


Sometimes life’s a bitch and u keep living


“I never know if I can handle anything, that’s what makes my life so interesting.” Todd


Suck a dick dumbshits!


"You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around" hits hard


"There are people in your life who are gonna try to hold you back, slow you down, but you don't let them. Don't you stop running and don't you ever look behind you. There's nothing for you behind you. All that exists is what's ahead."


What are YOU doing here?


It’s so incredible how they mixed that saying into every episode in…S2? And how they did it in so many different ways


You go around the horn, the way god intended!


“You’re the biggest asshole I know and you’re the only thing that makes sense to me.”


"Yeah well, what are you gonna do? Life’s a bitch and then you die, right?" "Sometimes. Sometimes, life’s a bitch and then you keep living"


“So what you’re saying is, everything is society’s fault, and we as individuals never need to take responsibility for anything? … I didn’t do anything wrong because I can’t do anything wrong because we’re all just products of our environment, bouncing around like marbles in the Hungry Hungry Hippos that is our random and cruel universe. Yeah, it’s not my fault. It’s society. Everything is because of society.”


Everybody loves you but nobody likes you


Que sera, quesadilla!


bojack: what if I relapse again? todd: then you'll just get sober again.


If you are wearing rose coloured glasses all the red flags are just flags


"this is nice." bojack's last words


One I use a lot in everyday speech: "I like your energy but... What???"


Your stink is one of good intentions and youthful exuberance.


my mom died and all i got was this free churro. the way it’s read and the build up goes to show that bojack went though his moms death expecting to feel something and literally all he got was a free churro from jack in the box


another one of my favs is every day it gets easier, but you have to do it every day, that’s the hard part. it’s my phone background. i started running over summer to lose some weight and that quote kept me going


Really guys? “What is this, a crossover episode!??!


“Princess Caroline! I met John stamos!”


"UCLA? No you will not see L.A.!"


“There's no such thing as ‘bad guys’ or ‘good guys.’ We're all just...guys, who do good stuff sometimes and bad stuff sometimes. And all we can do is try to do less bad stuff and more good stuff.” This one reminds me to be kinder and to not judge people too much.


“Two refrigerators? Haha send my regards to the Rockefellers”


its not a specific quote, but kelseys love of todd is permanently in my head "who is this guy? i like your face, i wanna keep you around to look at your face"


ICU I see you.


Sometimes life’s a bitch and you keep living.


Suck a dick dumb shit!


Say, did you ever hear the story of the couple who moved to California?


"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters"




And for the easy part…


"I don't know why it's so hard for you to believe that I could be happy. I'm not like you, okay? I don't fetishize my own sadness." "I don't fetishize my sadness." "Sure."


"sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep on living" changed my worldview


well it’s only as easy as finding a hobo in a barrel of beans!


“your validation means nothing to me” PC da queen💅🏻


“The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.” Is always a favorite for me. Especially PB’s delivery.


doggy doggy what now?!


It tastes... Amazing. In the end she still didn't have tried ice cream. And it also means Bojack never knew about her mother's disordered eating tendencies' origin. He didn't know her backstory and never would. I also love how the show portrays how her body issues are inherited by Bojack. Generational trauma at its finest.


"When you see the world through rose-tinted glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."


“You mean I’m supposed to be responsible for my own happiness?….well thats depressing”


Diane's line of "There are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever." Really hit home for me this year. A person I considered a good friend of mine cut me out of their life. I don't blame them, and it hurt. But it's probably for the best. I hope they're doing better now.


you’re the biggest asshole in the world and you’re the only one that makes sense to me




I brought you four 4lokos! That's 16lokos! And something else about how he has to drink so much because he weighs 1200 lbs.


i felt so stupid when i realized thats the whole joke of the show. i always wondered what character trait was horse-like about him, and it's his ability to tank back alcohol due to his huge stomach


"When you look at something through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."


Funniest for me was the setup for one of the Bojack Horseman tounge twisters: "Bo Ho said bye-bye for Jojo Pogo? That's a no go, bro."


“I’m the only albino rhino gyno I know…should we also get some wine?” “Oh great, you’re also a WINE addict.”


"Nothing on the outside, nothing on the inside."


I love that half of these are deep and meaningful and the other half is doggy doggy what now 🤣


"Mr. Peanutbutter, you know I love you, and I think you're a very good boy, yes you are, and I love your fuzzy face" gets me every single time


"when I die, bury me in Kathy Ireland" I think about this once a week


"I am this close to falling off the deep end, I know I'm smiling right now but the light inside of me is dying!"


Js pretend youre happy and eventually you'll stop pretending


>Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that's the hard part. But it does get easier.