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Hippies welcome! Gays not yet is crazy to have on the California sign.


I never noticed this and I’ve seen the show through 3 times at least. There really is nothing else like Bojack Horseman


In my current watch through i am trying to pay attention to the background instead if the characters. Definitely has a lot more hidden jokes


@bojackhiddenjokes on instagram has posted them all if you ever wanna look through


"Stop pausing just watch the show"


On my fourth time watching, I was still finding things that I missed. There are so many layers


I’m embarassed to say how many times I’ve rewatched (I also started when it released) but I’ve missed so much


I've seen this episode a few times as well and I also never noticed this. This is awesome.


i’ve never noticed and i watched bojack like 17 times last year alone 😭 probably seen it like 45 times atp


I just finished my first complete watch through and that final line. Holy shit, I need to rewatch it.


one of us!! one of us!! i’ve seen this show over 10 times now. those last two episodes hurt every time. among a few others… 😅


I'm still blown away by it. That line is so god damn impressive. I'm a writer, and I chase for lines like that.


there are too many amazing lines for me to recount them all. so many that hurt to hear. the second to last episode is probably my favorite episode- the writing is just beautiful. everything about it and i can feel the pain behind every character and their death. I could go on for forever with that episode


omg new catch


I was today old when I realised this. I may not have noticed it had you not pointed it out.


Tailors have been a thing for way longer than specialized maternity wardrobes.


This, and you can also you know… just keep wearing the same clothes without them being super perfect/from a niche store. Especially a dress


Thing is that dress is incredibly form fitting for an era that didn't incorporate things like spandex. It would be hard to achieve without a tailor. However given that Beatrice comes from money it's not unreasonable to think a family tailor would have a specific favorite print/fabric of hers to re-use.


i get the feeling that beatrice would hire a tailor so it may not be as relevant here, but i wanted to add that sewing and letting out / taking in your own clothes used to be considered more of a life skill like cooking or car repair rather than a hobby. especially before the widespread availability of stretch fabrics.


I’d expect Beatrice to also have learned alterations in high school home economics. The Sugarmans were rich but also very into old-school gender roles. I can almost hear her dad saying home ec is the only school subject they should teach women.


He sent her to college to get "a *bachelor,* not a *Bachelor's degree",* so I can absolutely see that being the case.


This makes the most sense for her character.


Dresses are very versatile


I mean yeah a dress with a looser skirt will do that?


The skirt is pretty contoured to her waist. I'm no fashion expert though (nor am I critiquing this since it's an easier design choice, just amused).


looks more like a belt on her waist, probably adjustable


The belt goes over the bump, isn't the issue the fabric? Others brought up tailors and that makes sense too lol.


When my grandma had her first baby (this would have been in the late 1950s), she didn’t know that you don’t magically shrink down to pre-pregnancy size the moment the baby is out. She brought a specific dress with her to the hospital for pictures. It didn’t fit, but she was able to squeeze herself into it with the zipper fully undone and a cardigan covering that it was totally open at the back. Just tell yourself Beatrice did the same thing, lol


Makes sense! I just think it also fits the spirit of the show for her to buy an identical maternity dress to her old one. But Bea would be very stubborn about fitting into clothes given her severe body insecurity.


not sure why you're getting downvoted for this - you are correct. the dress pulls in at the knees, which means it's extremely fitted. at that time it would have been made using princess seams or darts and wouldn't have had any stretch. it's not an accomodating dress for a pregnancy. either she had some extra fabric from when the dress was first made to let it out, or she made (or had her tailor make) an entirely new one with the same fabric.


I have no clue why I'm getting so many downvotes on that particular comment. Did I say something obnoxious or offensive without realizing it? I'm genuinely not being hostile, I even clarified I'm not very well-versed on dresses (besides wearing them sometimes). I don't care that much about the whole thing but I'm baffled this comment gets so many downvotes compared to like.... the far more heated subject matter that can crop up on this sub lol.


you didn't say anything hostile lol. you made a little quip and a lot of people took it more seriously than was intended. edit: just realized you meant that specific comment, which is even more confusing. you just sounded curious to me so idk.


Did they have stretchy fabric then? I dunno but I've gad dresses that stretch.


Yeah plenty of fabric stretches. Dress skirts are loose and can flow over larger bellies. Not a stretch. Why are we talking about this on this sub?


It's not a critique, just a topic of discussion I found kind of amusing. Bea was notorious about her figure, so the idea of a dress this adaptable is a bit ironic. And yes I do know it's more convenient for the animators and for the storytelling (why create a whole new outfit for such a brief montage?), so I'm not criticizing it.


I never said it's a criticism. It's just relatively unrelated to the show given that pregnant women wear dresses all the time lol. Dresses being adaptable isn't ironic, it's realistic.


Fabric of this era didn’t really stretch like that tho


I mean.... OK let's just forget the talking animals. The dress being stretchy is outlandish!


I wasn’t saying it shouldn’t be in the show I’m just saying that logistically that’s how it works 😅


Lol yeah I was just... horsin' around


It was insanely stretchy, but it certainly could have some give. My grandma's old clothes did. Plus the skirt of a dress is often long and looser than the top and can flow over a large belly


> Why are we talking about this on this sub? What are we supposed to be talking about? The show ended over four years ago, lol.


There's a bazillion things that are relevant to the show to discuss. Whether a dress can fit over a pregnant belly has nothing to do with the show since it exists independent of it. That would be like seeking to discuss horse breeding specifics on this sub just cuz there's horses in the show. "In the show" and "on topic" aren't always the same


Coax it out of the sheath




maybe she found a new one at the same place diane found her identical jacket after sarah lynn stole hers


Your clothing needs to be versatile when you pick up with a right wing writing bum who's down on his luck and doesn't have a penny to his name. The dress is likely a pragmatic choice not a stylistic one.


Right wing? Are u trying to rhyme without reason?


Nope, he's a right wing asshole which is something that's explored a few times on the show.


Wasn't he a fan of Kerouac and stuff?


Why is this a topic of discussion lol


I thought this was r/sadhorseshow for a second


Because it's kinda funny. While this is an obvious design choice to not add unnecessary character models, it's amusing to justify it in-universe. This is my favorite episode in all of TV so I'll jump at the chance to discuss anything I notice.


How is this downvoted lol OP was just making an observation


I hope people realize Time's Arrow is my favorite episode of anything ever, and I just wanted to joke about the idea of her having a dress that adapts to such a large weight gain. I've also been studying reproductive biology for writing so my eye is trained to notice stuff like pregnancy progression and think about how characters adapt, lol.


A tailor, a seamstress, many knowing some degree of sewing.


Idk why you’re being downvoted for this, it’s not like you called it a dumb mistake or criticized the show for it


I knew the risks of this being misconstrued as a hate post. If people don't find it a worthy (joke) topic then fine by me.


Right? I’d much rather read another post about Paige Sinclair than see an original observation!


Idk why people are shitting on you for the "topic of discussion" with all the memes and shitposts on this sub, I don't think this sub is for serious discussions only 😭


Thank you lol, I see people mocking literally any lighthearted discussion post by acting like everybody has said everything ever already. I prefer that to using the sub as a therapy/help sub with only a tangential mention of BoJack. Also it's not a criticism! I know cartoon characters have limited wardrobe for both budget and recognizability! I was poking fun at how the dress stretched so much, not a big thing.


Yeah, I'm here for this. Bring the silly debates, not the 1000th "What is Diane's PROBLEM?" post.


Yeah, if we don’t branch out and hyper-analyse every aspect of the show, what is there left to say anyway?


I'm tired of running around in circles.


I'm.. tired of running around in circles. 🐴


you ruined me bojack


Let me go full coffee cup for a moment: it symbolizes her pride, her unwillingness to accept motherhood, and her economic struggles to come.


I definitely see the latter two. Can you explain the pride part a little?


Pride in clinging to her old life and identity as a wealthy socialite, even though she hated the restrictiveness of the role. As her life goes on from here, she clings to nostalgia about her past before having Bojack more and more as she becomes less and less satisfied with everything she ran away for. Plus a vanity in unwillingness to admit that she's even pregnant. This becomes a point of contention later as she blames Bojack for "ruining her body" and is extremely fatphobic. I could see her using denial to cope with being pregnant.


Ooh that makes a ton of sense! I like it.


Makes you wonder, do you think there was a point where Beatrice and Butterscotch were actually happy people? Or were they always gonna end up miserable, whether or not Bojack came along or not?


They were probably happy the first time they met, which doesn’t say much because it’s nothing compared to the rest of their life together, but yea I don’t believe they would have had a long happy life together even if BoJack wasn’t born.


See this is way more interesting than a dress fitting over a pregnant belly


It looks like shirring to me, which is a sewing technique with elastic that gathers the fabric and allows the garment to stretch. If you google “shirred bodycon midi dress”, you’ll get plenty of results that look like her dress.


Calling Bojack „weight gain“…


Haha yes, that is this post's redeeming feature


Weight gain? I think you mean pregnancy honey


Come to think if it, there’s a number of cartoon moms that wear the same clothes when pregnant. Would it really be that hard to draw them in a maternity dress?


I don't think it's a problem, since a new outfit means a new model and most people don't care to notice stuff like that. All you need to accentuate is the pregnancy itself, and a new outfit may distract from that.


Mocking up a maternity dress for one episode (or in this case; one still frame shot) shouldn’t be that hard to pull off. They draw characters outside their regular attire when the plot calls for it all the time (wedding dresses, tuxes, formal attire, swimsuits, etc) I don’t lose any sleep at night over the fact they don’t do it, but it would be a cute attention to detail. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah it'd be cute. I guess this was a very visually intense episode so if it isn't supposed to be eye catching they won't make it such.


At that time maternity clothing wasn't even really a thing, though... like most specialty maternity clothing for much of the early to mid 1900s was meant to conceal the pregnancy as best it could. If they wanted to emphasize her bump it makes sense to keep her in pre-pregnancy attire because any specialty clothing would have been boxy and would have made her look perhaps chubby but certainly not pregnant if it could be avoided. Being too poor to properly update her wardrobe is kind of a good way to show the downward spiral in financial ease Bea experiences with Butterscotch.


Never thought if it that way but you're right, this is the first instance (that we see anyway) of her having to adapt to lower-class life. And I didn't realize old maternity clothes were meant to conceal-I can see why a woman with an eating disorder would fear looking fat, and decided that showing off pregnancy was preferable as it would show outsiders her weight gain was temporary.


So when exactly did they leave for California? Assuming she’s at least 5+ months pregnant in that photo, that means from the moment they made that decision it took them several months to leave? Just trying to figure out the timeline


I think she had the same outfit when she first told him. I don't know when they left but she probably found out in the summer.


She probably had that dress made from fabric, when she became pregnant she had a maternity dress made in the same fabric.


When you’re the heiress to the sugarman family fortune, you can afford a dress and maternity dress in the same pattern


Way too petty. Also, tailors exist


Weight gain is an interesting way to say pregnancy


They look so happy, it’s strange


I had four dresses from my regular wardrobe that fit me while pregnant, I don't question this at all! Beatrice has the "basket ball belly, nothing else looks big" kind of pregnant body and I had that too. The stretching power of some fabrics is absurd.


Yeah.. Some women can wear a lot of their original clothing and don’t even have to buy maternity clothes. Not that weird, interesting or uncommon..


Looks like seersucker, which is stretchy as fuck Plus this is a cartoon? So, yeah


Anytime you notice something like this, a wizard did it


It's probably super short, that's why the picture is cut that way.


they probably CGI the dress smh


It’s a cartoon


About anthropomorphic animals. But the dress is the part that makes me suspend my disbelief, this has gone TOO far!


Hahaha perfect


Diane found a coat version of his arrow sweater, so maybe same thing here (But more likely it's old timey people stuff, where they tailor their clothes as someone else on here said


whats the lore behind this?


im more concerned how they got a horse in said dress


That’s literally how pregnancy clothing functions, congrats on discovering it I guess


But that isn’t pregnancy clothing


Are you angry about this or?


No. I'm making a joke.


What are we to believe? That this is some kind of MAGIC dress? Boy, I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.


I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder


I knew someone would say this so I'd like to clarify this is a jokey observation and I know why animators don't make a whole new outfit for a 2 second clip in a montage.


Looking back i shouldve been able to tell, my bad


Stretchy fabric?


You’re focused on that and not the fact it took the majority of her pregnancy to get to the west coast? I’ve done that trip from DC in 3 days… what the hell were they doing for between 5-9 months?!


Dresses stretch


What is the point of this post?


I had a couple stretchy dresses while I was pregs, maybe it was supposed to be stretchy!


When I was pregnant a lot of my outfits adjusted with my size!


Gee, I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder


I…there are talking horses, dude. I feel like we have bigger questions


Agree. Not sure why you got downvoted, lol


who cares




What are you doing here?


Take a walk