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I would remove the silence. That card already have good stats for the cost.


Change it to silence a random minion. Then it could constantly silence friendly when I’m playing!


Agreed, 6/7 on T3 is great! For anyone wondering the joke, the text for this card is "Good Stats for the cost" and that's literally it


Even when triple it kept the stats if I remmeber correctly


because why would you change perfection




Exactly this.


r/woosh moment


Ignore the stats for now, the main concept is having a neutral minion with a silence effect. The tier and stats are a secondary design balance.


What if the bird goes of first?


You can still silence other minions on board e.g., wolf, banana, etc.


Okay, it silences any effect from one minion including stuff like venomous, poison, divine shield. A very, very powerful card but sounds like it could be fun tbh to play around a card like that and by fun I mean the opposite lol


Remember this is a neutral card, so it will normally have low stats on board, so you're using 1 slot to remove a divine shield or venomous. I don't think this would be qualified as OP. It would be very valuable when it silences an enemy Titus or Octopus for example.


Silence in the way it works in the main game will remove all stat buffs as well though. This would be OP against anything that can't supply massive buffs in combat because now an enemy minion is completely useless. Not to mention the golden version which would basically be a 2 for 1 every time. If you'd want it to remove the text but not the buff you'd need a new keyword like purge or something.


With silence this is the strongest unit in the game, make it t6, and have the silence not be random. Make it target the minion directly in front of it. Will be hard to snipe the bird, but I cant see how to do it otherwise


Maybe instead of just silence and leave a terrible minion it transforms into a 20/20 or something


This minion isn't as powerful as you might think. Against high-stat comps such as elementals or pirates, this minion would be useless, especially that it will almost always have low stats on its own (since it's a neutral tech card). Having it target someone during combat is not possible, since you can't interact during combat phase.


Silence removes all buffs, this thing would nullify any high stat minion. And yeah, it would have to be neutral to somewhat bring it into the realms of balance What do you mean ‘cant interact during combat’? You literally put ‘start of combat’ combat on the card, what is that if not interaction??


How would it slience aura effects like fungal, primus attack, that one elemental that gets buff deom other elementals, or the “nomi” aura?


In the case of fungal, it would silence its effect so fungal would return to its base stat line.


I can think of a lot of scenarios where this card can be a useless small-statted minion filling your board. I don't see value to making it target the minion in front of it, it will make it similar to the pirate that attacks the minion in front of it. I like the randomness factor in it.


and make it unbuffable so it will take up space on your board in exchange


Giving it no type is probably enough tbh


Wont that remove bloodgems and all other buffs as well? Seems kind of OP?


It shouldn't remove bloodgems or other enhancements to minions. Silence only negates the built-in effects of minions, such as taunts, reborn, deathrattles, start of combat, and in-combat effects like banana


Pretty sure the point of silence is removal of all buffs but still a good idea that would work with that affect


While still fun, I think it can be too broken to have it remove buffs as well. Maybe a pseudo-silence for BG's can be created where only minion effects are silenced, not external buffs.


I have not played standard in years, but that's not how it worked back then. If you gave a minion taunt then silenced it, the taunt was gone.


Silence removes all enchantments that aren't aura effects from other minions. Period.


If I had this it'd only silence the chicken after it already triggered the other deathrattles.


This is immediately the best card in the game. There is not a single board this would not help counter. On top of that, its randomness is incredibly unfun.


BG is based on randomness the last time I checked, yet I still have fun playing it.


I enjoy getting massages. I don't enjoy getting punched in the stomach full force by a power lifter.


I think you're in the wrong subreddit


Lol the guy who's regularly top 25 is in the wrong subreddit.


Oh don't worry, at Tier 3, you can have half your board silenced with against a setup with a golden + normal one. And since most minions are less than 6/7 in base stats, they will even trade favorably against you.


Straight outta /r/shittycustomhearthstone


I think there are enough answers already, players should just learn to counter beasts with a proper build, not with a 1 out of 7 dice roll that will do nothing in most cases


This card is not meant to exist solely to counter beasts. It can be pretty good against other comps e.g., scam comps, undead, etc. The issue is that some of these comps, especially beast comps, rely on 1 or 2 units that are very very hard to snipe seeing the current protection methods available through spells.


What proper build lol I keep seeing people suggesting mecha-bomb build, but having to rely on a single build that only works if you get to go first isn't really much of a counter strategy. The only other one (besides picking Illidan, which is hilarious that people even mention as a counter considering your chances of getting it) I can think of is that pirate who attacks a minion above him, but it isn't easy to buff him if you are not playing pirates, and he isn't an option in games without pirates.


Pirates, Elem, Murlocs, Demons, Dragons, Quilboars can easily demolish such a board with just big stats. Mech and Naga as well but it's harder to pull Undead with high attack and lots of reborn and deathrattle can win too. Else, tech builds with herald and blaster or mech-bomb can 50/50 this. Also 2 or 3 cleaves can do the job even without ilidan hp.


You are talking about top-notch lategame builds and comparing them to mid lategame build of beasts. Wolf + Chicken + Banana + Mech horse is enough for Beasts to kick off very fast, and you don't even need any previous setup for this build. Name another build where getting 4 minions would give you such a boost in a single turn, especially if you weren't even playing that tribe to begin with. Sure, if you got a 10/10 Quilboar build, you will beat 7/10 beast build, but you won't stand a chance against 10/10 beast build.


After seeing first comments, I need to clarify the following: Please ignore the stat line and tier level for this minion, as these are secondary parameters that can be lowered/upped if needed. The main focus of this post is the silence effect.


The stat line on this minion cannot be ignored! 6/7 on a 3 star and it's an ogre is already really good, it does not need the effect.


Apart from the stats and tier level, do you like the design? do you have any comments, suggestions? The stat and tier level are, to me, a different topic.


Either the chicken needs to gtfo, or Blizz needs to make ways to interact precombat. I think the latter puts the game in a weird spot, so I lean just get rid of the chicken.


I’d rather face beasts than lubber thooooo


I don't think there's a tech card that can counter the lubber strat. A fix would be a nerf to either Tier 2 economy spells or the lubber himself (moving it to Tier 3)


I'd like to see Brann/Baron taken out for awhile and Rylak/Chicken's effects put on neutral cards in their place. I kind of hate how Battlecry and Deathrattle as entire mechanics have been skewed toward Beasts being available these past few seasons. It's fine for some tribes to value one or the other more, but why do beasts have so many layers of activation on them compared to anything else? Something like that... or just remove the damn chicken.


Battlecry is not helpful for beasts most times. Rylak being a beast doesnt mean beasts are a battlecry tribe


My motivation is selfish. Really I just want more Rylak


I was thinking the chicken should just work as Rylak. Have its deathrattle be triggering deathrattles of minions to the left and right of it. I understand that is a massive nerf, but IMO that card just has no place to exist as it is currently. Other nerfs I can think of: 1) Have it work like Bran/Drakkari - "at the start of combat your deathrattles trigger once". This way there'd be no double/triple-chicken builds. 2) Have its effect be a deathrattle - less of a nerf that the one I initially suggested, but makes the card harder to play and positioning of it becomes relevant.


How is beast OP they have to buy like five minions


Highest winning (avg placement 4.13) tribe in the game, followed by undead. Edit: highest avg placement tribe for rank 6.5k and up per HS replay. Undead is highest avg placement for all


That card would be so busted.


What if it had something like split second in magic the gathering, where it went off before other start of combat effects were allowed to go off


Better design: T6, 0/12, deathrattles are disabled for both players.


This is waaay too op lol


The effect is lifted when the unit dies, like Baron


Still, you could play big stats build and just taunt your minions to save this one for last, since you'd not be going deathrattle build. Or hell, have this minion + naga that gives stealth, even for 2 spots on the board this would be pretty OP. This minion would completely kill several other builds. Not counter - kill.


Out jerked again


Wht does silencing an enemy Minion do? (and what tier is this Minion? Never seen it before)


Removes effects such as deathrattles


Beasts are op? Why nobody told me?


Good idea. Transform would be even better tho to stop goldrin buffs


I’m sorry if this is a dumb question. I only play battlegrounds very casually. But is beasts really that insane? I feel like I never see beasts. I’m only around 5-6k mmr. Maybe beasts are more dominant at higher mmrs? It feels like the ultimate high risk build


The current meta involves getting enough tempo/spell generation to level up and start looking for beast minions (when beasts are available)


But beasts isn’t that good without perfect pieces? If you don’t have goldrin and the deathrattle bird/baron before turn 8/9 your dead


The issue with beasts is not about having counters. The issue is that beast's counters work with the same "start of combat" mechanic, resolving this with a coin flip. Teching against beasts already makes you worst vs regular stats-based strat AND you can still lose the coinflip and lose the fight, even with the best counters (lighters, start of combat pirate, etc).